Community Angels Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Community Angels Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Community Angels is an experiment in kindness, a tool to connect neighbors with their neighborhoods.

A "Community Angel" is someone who is willing to help others driven by the goodness in their hearts, having no expectations of anything in return.


I am very happy to announce we have our first ever submitted Community Angel!
This past week, April McLennon of GFW purchased the groceries for the man behind her in line at the grocery store. Thanks to April for being a Community Angel in our town, and for making this man’s day. 🙂

Community Angels GFW 01/06/2022

Check out our website if you haven't already!
Have you come across any Community Angels recently? Let us know🙂

Community Angels GFW A "Community Angel" is someone who is willing to help others driven by the goodness in their hearts, having no expectations of anything in return.


Happy Friday!😇
What’s something you’ve done this week to help others?
If you know someone who has helped you out recently, comment below the good deed!

Community Angels GFW 15/04/2022

Hi everyone, our new website is officially launched! Make sure you check it out🙂

Community Angels GFW A "Community Angel" is someone who is willing to help others driven by the goodness in their hearts, having no expectations of anything in return.


Hello Everyone! Welcome to the official Community Angels GFW page.
Community Angles is an experiment in kindness, a tool to connect neighbors with their neighborhoods.
A "Community Angel" is someone who is willing to help others driven by the goodness in their hearts, having no expectations of anything in return.
This can include helping someone with snow clearing, cutting grass, bringing in groceries, and so much more. These acts of kindness are especially helpful to seniors as well as people in our community who have disabilities. I encourage everyone to be a “Community Angel” even if it’s a simple as giving someone a smile. Be a Community Angel help a neighbour.