Dominion City Sars Road PH

Dominion City Sars Road PH

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Happy birthday to a virtuous Woman

Every of your heart desire shall be greatly fulfilled in this new season of your life ma.
Your efforts over the church has been noticeable, I pray that your labor of love will not go unrewarded on earth and in heaven in Jesus name
Everything you need to make you happy in this new season, the Lord will surely provide for you.

Happy birthday to the keeper of the flame Nweke Stella Ogechi
We love you


The water has been stirred. All things are possible to who that believes. Join us tomorrow by 8am for Communion Service. Invite your family and friends


" as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children"
Isaiah 66:8

Are there things that need to be brought forth in your life and destiny, join us this night @ Dominion City SARS Rd by 10pm.

Welcome to the month of Revival and all round Supernatural Interventions.

Happy New Month.


Those that wait upon the Lord shall be strong and do exploits.

Get ready as we wait upon the Lord in Fasting and Prayer to take charge of the ember months.

You will surely end this year in praise in the name of Jesus Christ.



*MONDAY, AUGUST 28, 2023*



*"Through Wisdom is an house builded; and by Understanding it is established" Proverbs 24:3(KJV).*

Life is generally designed to be run by principles that serve as a guiding compass for Purpose. The late Dr Myles Munroe once said that *"When Purpose unknown, then abuse becomes inevitable."* The term "Principles" can be referred to as "the laws governing things or people that are fundamental to them." In other words, the Lord God Almighty created all things and set up Principles to regulate them hence ignorance is not an excuse to the violators of Principles. That is one of the reasons the issue of your choice of who to marry is paramount *(Gen. 2:18-25).* Many prepare for their weddings but fail to prepare for the marriage proper, and that is why many marriages are in a state of collapse while many are no more. Your preparedness towards marriage shows your readiness for it, and you have to prepare in the areas of acquiring knowledge because marriage is an institution that you must study *(Ecc.10:10).*

It is commonly said that a broken relationship is better than a broken marriage, hence the need to put some keys into your hands. These are a few Basic Principles that should be your guide in choosing a life partner:

*(1.) The Principle of Knowledge:* The quest to know your would-be spouse leads to research *(Prov. 24:3-5).* Courtship isn't a period for in*******se but rather an interview.

*(2.) The Principle of Spiritual Homogeneity:* Both of you must have the same Spiritual Heritage, i.e., the Divine Nature *(2Cor. 6:14-18).* If you as a Christian believer marry an unbeliever, you then make satan your father-in-law.

*(3.) The Principle of Divine Guidance:* Seeking the Face of God in this extremely important choice is paramount *(Ps. 27:4b)* hence we must never allow our sentiments becloud our better sense of judgment.

*(4.) The Principle of the Family Tree:* It is very important to know the patterns in the lineage of your intended spouse in order to know exactly what you're getting into *(Lk. 14:28).* For instance, there could be a foundation problem that needs to be tackled.

*(5.) The Principle of Vision/Unity of Purpose:* There has to be a shared vision that leads both parties in the same direction *(Amos 3:3).*


Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your Boundless Love towards us. Please grant that these Words become effective in us and carry us through life that at the end, we shall say thank You Lord in Jesus' Mighty Name. Amen



*TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 2023*


*BIBLE READING: 2SAMUEL 16:5-13; MATTHEW 18:1-35; LUKE 17:1-10*

*"Then Peter came to Him and said, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times?” Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven." Matthew 18: 21-22(NKJV)*

Have you ever hurt somebody and wished to be forgiven? Do you spend time thinking about how someone has wronged you? How do you forgive? People throughout the ages have wrestled with similar questions. The Lord Jesus and Christianity have changed the world with Teachings on the Subject of Forgiveness. According to our Main Scriptural Text, Jesus wasn't telling Peter to forgive someone 490 times and stop at the 491st offence. Rather, the numbers He used were symbolic of infinity. We must forgive unconditionally and infinitely. According to Webster's English Dictionary, to forgive means "to cease to feel resentment against; to pardon." It also means "to harbor no grudge, bear no malice and to make peace." Whenever we forgive, we are being Merciful, Compassionate and humane. We are letting go of any grudges, removing focus from past mistakes or problems, dissolving any anger that we've been harboring and being peacemakers *(Matt. 5:9).*

The Basic Blessings of Forgiveness include the following:
*(a.) We gain a better view of ourselves and others that does not include resentment.*
*(b.) We start the Healing Process.*
*(c.) We feel happier because we are no longer angry.*
*(d.) We are able to move forward with a Greater Sense of Freedom.*
*(e.) We provide others with the opportunity to change and grow.*

The following are a Few Fundamental Truths to remember about Forgiveness:
*(1.) God forgave our sins, including the really bad ones:* When we realize the Magnitude of a Perfect God knowing every one of our ugly, selfish, even horrible acts and thoughts yet still choosing to love and forgive us, it’s so much easier to show Mercy and Forgiveness towards others. When you know God, your perspective and the very way you view life changes. It’s hard carrying a grudge when you’re communicating daily with the God who gave His Son for you.
*(2.) We might as well forgive because offences will never cease:* The fact that every person around us who doesn’t know the Lord is lost, hurting and depraved pretty much guarantees there will be pain and offences in this life *(2Tim. 3:2).* It’s practically inevitable we will be hurt, attacked and offended by others before this life is over. Whether it’s letting go of a co-worker insulting you or something deeper, like a relationship wound, we’re told to forgive, and let God deal with the offenders. Forgiving doesn’t mean making light of a wrongdoing, de-valuing the hurt and pain we feel, or enabling the person who did wrong. But we are called to give our offenses over to the Lord completely, harbouring no ill-will towards our offenders.
*(3.) Vengeance is the Lord's:* Admittedly, some circumstances are more difficult to forgive than others. Instances of child abuse or infidelity can be some of the most difficult hurts to truly forgive. No matter the pain or heartache we are struggling with, it is important to remember no one cares more, or is more upset about our pain than the Lord. If He loves us more than we even love our own children, then He is even more offended and upset by wrong doing against us. We should pray our offenders accept Forgiveness, but if not, the Lord will deal with them in all His Sovereignty someday *(Rom. 12:9).* There’s no pain or suffering we can’t forgive but we have to rely on God’s Power, not our own, and sincerely ask for His Help. And when we genuinely forgive those who have hurt us, it draws us closer to God in a profoundly deep way. It’s only when we align our thoughts and heart with God’s Will for Forgiveness that His Miraculous Healing will begin.
*(4.) We have to forgive ourselves:* If God, Who is Sinless and without flaw, says we’re forgiven, we need to believe it. I think many of us are held back in our Faith Journey and even fail to fulfill our true destinies because we don’t really forgive ourselves for who we’ve been or the things we’ve done in the past. The Bible says God holds no record of wrongs, yet how many times do those accusing thoughts pop into our minds reminding us of our failures and mistakes in order to rob us of our Joy and Freedom? There is nothing we could do to hinder God’s Forgiveness if we repent *(1Jn. 1:9).* God used Paul, a Christian-killing Pharisee, to write most of the New Testament. King David had murder and adultery on his list of sins, but was eventually called a “man after God’s Own Heart.” What’s important is Paul and David didn’t look back once forgiven. Now is the time to forgive yourself for everything and be joyful because God sees you as new *(Isa. 43:25).*
*(5.) Forgiveness leads to Freedom:* Forgiving in Sheer Obedience to the Lord causes us to experience Amazing Power and Freedom when we do. Bitterness is mental incarceration. There is so much weight, stress and exhaustion involved when you hold on to unforgiveness. Grudges weigh us down, deplete our energy and exercise unhealthy control over our lives. Forgiveness says to the offender, "I’m beyond your reach.” What a profound truth! Forgiving someone is simply the act of setting a prisoner free only to discover that prisoner was you.

Here are some Basic Forgiveness-related Truths we need to know:
*(i.) We have been forgiven:* (Col. 2:13-15)
*(ii.) Forgive because you've been forgiven:* (Col. 3:13)
*(iii.) Forgiveness restores broken relationships:* (Gen. 50:17)
*(iv.) Forgiveness is a Pathway to Love:* (Lk. 7:47)
*(v.) Forgiveness precedes Healing:* (Lk. 5:17-26)
*(vi.) God tells us to forgive instead of seeking revenge or bearing a grudge* (Lev. 19:18)
What is the proper procedure involved in Forgiveness? Here are some Basic Tips to Acceptable Forgiveness:
*(1.) Realize and admit your part in the conflict.*
*(2.) Ask Jesus, the Ultimate Forgiver, to empower you, remembering that He has forgiven you.*
*(3.) Decide that you don't want to keep on letting that person hurt you by holding the grudge.*


Heavenly Father, please help me to understand the Power of Forgiveness in relationships so that I can apply it effectively as a genuine Christian believer in Jesus' Mighty Name. Amen.



*MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 2023*



*“Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for Love is strong as death, jealousy is cruel as the grave. The coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame: Many waters cannot quench Love, neither can the floods drown it. If a man would give all the substance of his house for Love, it would utterly be contemned” Songs of Solomon 8:6-7(KJV).*

Falling in Love leading to marriage can be a truly beautiful thing. Infact the closest thing to Heaven is a good marriage and likewise the closest thing to hell is a bad marriage. However, even a marriage made in Heaven must be maintained on Earth and requires serious work from both parties involved. This work involves submitting to marriage mentors, commitment to spiritual maturity i.e., Agape Love, personal development, a strong resolve to abide by Kingdom Principles, being a peace maker in times of conflicts, swallowing our ego while acknowledging our fault in humility of heart as well apologizing to our spouses, maintaining a Spirit-filled Life daily in order to be able to walk in the Spirit, manifesting the Fruits of the Spirit, dying to self i.e., selfish ambition, plans, motives etc.

There are basically two sides to every Christian marriage:
*1. The Sweet Side:*
This aspect involves the romantic dimensions including hugging, kissing, whispering sweet nothings, romantic/sensual texts or calls with your spouse, spending quality time together, exchange of gifts, going out on a date and all other pleasures that serve as an expression of Love.

*2. The Bitter Side:* This aspect involves the downsides including hurts, misunderstandings, unmet expectations, the short-comings, weaknesses, the interferences from the third parties (especially in-laws), the "ex" factor, financial challenges, breach in Communication, lack of sexual satisfaction etc. The inability to handle this other side of marriage is often the reason many marriages, including Christian marriages, are suffering. Many have even failed, becoming the greatest nightmare of some unprepared couples in Holy Matrimony. However, while many prepare for the wedding ceremony (an event that last for just a few hours), very few think, plan and prepare for the marriage proper which is a life-time experience. It's quite ironic that most weddings are succeeding because they were prepared for because anything you prepare for ends up succeeding. On the other hand, many marriages are falling apart for lack of preparation, training and mentorship *(Tit. 2:1-6).*

The Lord God Almighty took His Time to prepare Joseph to be able to handle the seven years of abundance (symbolic of the sweet side of marriage) in Potiphar’s house as well as the seven years of scarcity/famine (symbolic of the bitter side of marriage) in prison. These are the two sides of the same coin that make genuinely successful marriages a legal tender worth cashing out *(Ps. 105:16-22).*


Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your Love, Mercy and Grace towards us. Please ignite within our hearts Fresh Love for our spouses and prepare the unmarried amongst us to be a blessing to our future spouses in Jesus' Mighty Name. Amen.



*MONDAY, AUGUST 7, 2023*



*“But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the Faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” 1Timothy 5:8(NKJV)*

The Lord God Almighty is Family inclined, and in Him, the whole Family of the Earth originates as stated emphatically in the Holy Bible by Apostle Paul: *“I bow my knees [in Reverence] before the Father [of our Lord Jesus Christ], from Whom every family in Heaven and on Earth derives its name [God—the First and Ultimate Father]”* Eph. 3:14b-15 (AMP). In the Greek language, the word for family is "patria" which is derived from "pater", the word for “father.” The concept of the family originates with God. A home is where a family resides. The most important part of a house is not its size or beauty, but rather the relationship that exists between the people who live in it. The Christian home is more than a structure: It is actually an atmosphere, a place you yearn to frequent just as Adam and Eve's home was the Garden of Eden. This home was beautiful, peaceful, welcoming, able to host God’s Presence and a place to tend. God gave Adam a beautiful home with a responsibility to work in the Garden to ensure its beauty and continuity: *“So the Lord God took the man [He had made] and settled him in the Garden of Eden to cultivate and keep it”* Gen. 2:15(AMP).

Every couple desires a happy and harmonious home. However, many people never experience the joy and bliss they want when they marry. A happy home is not the result of wishful thinking but of purposeful activity by the pair because nothing happens by chance: *“No cattle, no crops; a good harvest requires a strong ox for the plow.”* Prov. 14:4(MSG). Every man must function as a priest (minister of God), a husband (the head of the woman), and a father (the head and provider of the family). In a similar vein, every woman must function as a priest (minister of God), a wife (the helpmate fit for the man) and a mother (the caretaker of the home and children). These three dimensions require equal attention, and it is with Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom that you can balance these conflicting demands *(Prov. 24:3-4).*

The marketplace and the global economy are under the power of the god of this world *(2Cor. 4:3-4)* who has purposefully designed methods to make meeting man's needs increasingly difficult. The workplace now demands every available moment, sets unrealistic standard, and assigns homework to keep you busy at home with work rather than spending time focused on the needs of your family. Balancing the responsibilities of job and family life may be a hard and demanding task if one is not purposeful about balancing both with the Grace of God *(1Cor. 15:10).* When God made you a husband, He called you to love your wife sacrificially, just as Christ loved the Church and offered Himself for Her *(Eph. 5:25-29; Phil. 2:5-8).* This entails putting her and your family's needs ahead of your own.

Our Key Scriptural Text affirms the mandatory obligation to provide for your family. You must endeavour to strike a balance by viewing your work as a form of stewardship to God with the goal of benefiting society, demonstrating the nature of God's Kingdom, and bringing Glory to the Creator. This obligation should not, however, come at the expense of your relationships with your direct and extended families. You require Wisdom to dwell with your spouse in a peaceful home that can host God’s Presence while delivering excellent work in the marketplace.


Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your Wisdom from above to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Thank You for Your Grace to exercise Dominion in every sphere and dimension of our lives for Your Glory in Jesus' Name. Amen.



Get your dancing shoes Ready
Get your Thanksgiving Substance Ready!
Get your family and friends mobilized!

It's our Time, it's our Season of ACCELERATION


A Song of Praise
Come, let us praise the Lord!
Let us sing for joy to God, who protects us!
Let us come before him with thanksgiving
and sing joyful songs of praise.ps95:1-2....

Join us tomorrow as we thank God for his goodness and faithfulness.



*FRIDAY, JULY 28, 2023*


*BIBLE READING: 1SAMUEL 25; GENESIS 41:33-40; 2SAMUEL 17:1-14*

*"For Wisdom is a Defense as money is a defense, but the Excellence of Knowledge is that Wisdom gives Life to those who have it." Ecclesiastes 7:12(NKJV)*

Meeting the bare necessities of life is one of the greatest pursuits of the average man. These necessities include food, shelter, clothing and security. Speaking of which, it is a known fact that one of the most vital needs of every man and every society is adequate security. If this were not so, there would be no reason for basically any nation under the Sun to have armed forces and paramilitary units assigned to safeguard their citizens and territory. However, one of the greatest forms of security is Wisdom which is by far superior even to the most sophisticated military outfits on Earth. This is a major reason the Holy Bible tells us that Wisdom *"is better than weapons of war"* Ecc. 9:18a(NKJV).

After much extensive research, it is apparent that there are Five Major Levels of Security which are listed here in order of importance and priority:

*(1.) The Lord God Almighty Himself:* There is no security that is as high as the Most High Himself *(Ps. 127:1).* This is one of the reasons genuine Christian believers don't turn to God as a last resort but rather as the First Resort *(Prov. 3:5-6).*

*(2.) Wisdom:* This is also known as common sense and is second only to God *(2Sam. 20:15-22).* In the words of a great man of minister of the Gospel, *"God gave us brains so that we would give Him rest."*

*(3.) Good Neighbours:* The surest way to have good neighbours is to cultivate enough good will with people *(Ecc. 9:15-18).* Getting along with your neighbours could just be the difference between life and death *(Judges 18:7-10, 27-28).*

*(4.) Security Gadgets:* This is where basic security paraphernalia such as burglary proof bars, mace etc as well as various weapons like fi****ms come into the picture *(Neh. 4:15-17).*

*(5.) Security Personnel:* This speaks of various armed security personnel such as the military, police, paramilitary forces, vigilante groups etc. The presence of these personnel have a way of making potential perpetrators of insecurity think twice *(2Kgs. 11:8-11).*

There is a serious need, as seen above, to fully utilize Wisdom as a practical form of security or defense, especially the Divine Wisdom which proceeds from the Lord God Almighty Himself *(Jer. 9:23-24).* We as Christian believers are ever mindful of the Truth that the Lord Jesus Christ Himself is both *"the Power of God and the Wisdom of God"* 1Cor. 1:24b(NKJV). The Lord continually grant us His Wisdom in all things in the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus *(Jam. 1:5).*


Heavenly Father, we magnify You for Who You are and for what You do. O Lord, please enable us understand how to effectively fortify ourselves with Your Divine Wisdom this season of insecurity in Jesus' Mighty Name. Amen.



*THURSDAY, JULY 27, 2023*


*BIBLE READING: 2CORINTHIANS 5:18-20; EPHESIANS 2:16; COLOSSIANS 1:20; HEBREWS 2:17; MATTHEW 5:24,18:15; LEVITICUS 25:27, 49; 27:19; NEHEMIAH 5:8*

Ever since our Relationship with the Lord God Almighty became restored, we were called into His Service: *"And all things are of God, Who hath reconciled us to Himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the Ministry of Reconciliation... Now then we are Ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's Stead, be ye reconciled to God"* 2Cor. 5:18, 20(KJV). The Lord Jesus came to the Earth in His Human Form in order to restore Peace by reconciling all of creation to God. The aforementioned Scripture tells us that God was reconciling to Himself all things through Jesus Christ. By restoring for us a Right Relationship to God, He also opened the Door for us to live in right relationships with one another, creation and ourselves. Reconciliation is that Element of Salvation which refers to the Results of Atonement. It marks the end of the estrangement caused by the original sin between humanity and God.

The Ministry of Reconciliation has to do with the Proclamation of the Gospel and its Guarantee that Forgiveness of sin is available in Christ. Sin hinders us from having a Relationship with God Almighty but Jesus' Perfect Sacrifice on the Cross made the Ultimate Atonement for sin *(Heb. 2:17)* and also harmonized mankind's Relationship with God. Now we can freely proclaim that people can repent of their sins and have a Right Standing with God again through Faith in the Lord Jesus *(Rom. 5:10; Col. 1:20-21).* We are in dire need of Reconciliation with God because our Relationship with Him was broken *(Rom. 3:23).* God is Holy and Righteous and as a result our sins separate us from Him *(Isa. 59:2).* Sin made us His enemies but on the Cross, Jesus took our sins upon Himself, satisfying the Full Claims of God's Justice *(Rom. 5:10).* Jesus' Death made it fully possible for us to have Peace with God, as the Holy Bible says in 2Corinthians 5:19(KJV) says: *"To wit, that God was in Christ, RECONCILING THE WORLD UNTO HIMSELF, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and HATH COMMITTED UNTO US THE WORD OF RECONCILIATION."* Now we can see why the Early Disciples were called God's "friends" *(Jn. 15:15)* and Jesus' "brothers and sisters" *(Heb. 2:11).* Those saints who have been justified through Faith in and by Jesus' Blood no longer have their sins counted against them. They are reconciled with God.

God has given unto all Christian believers the Ministry of Reconciliation. Simply put, He uses us to tell the rest of the world that they too can be reconciled to Him through Christ Jesus *(1Tim. 2:5).* In this way, we become His Ambassadors, as though God were making His Appeal through us. The Message we are mandated as disciples of Christ to share with the world is this: *"Be reconciled to God"* (vs 20). We have an obligation to tell people of the wonderful opportunity they have to be made right with God through Jesus Christ His Son. We urge them to believe in Christ. No single sin counts against those who are reconciled to God through Christ, because *"God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the Righteousness of God"* 2Cor. 5:21(KJV). Again, this Ministry of Reconciliation is a Big Responsibility. The ministry we have been given to turn hearts toward God is urgent and it is vital: It's truly a matter of life and death. Jesus paid the Full Price for our Reconciliation because God loves us *(Jn. 3:16)* so we must share this Message of Reconciliation in Love and our lives need to reflect our Message *(Eph. 4:1).* Jesus is the One who saves and the Holy Spirit is the One who convicts the world of guilt in regard to sin and Righteousness and Judgment, *(Jn. 16:8)* yet we have been given the privilege of being ambassadors for Christ. Every believer plays a part in this Ministry of Reconciliation *(1Cor. 3:7).* As we proclaim the Gospel, we act as peace makers, and God blesses such *(Matt. 5:9).* We tell and live out His Message of Reconciliation as lives are changed and God gets the Glory.


Heavenly Father, we exalt You for granting us the privilege of being called Your children and Ambassadors for Christ. O Lord, please enable us to carry out this Ministry of Reconciliation well and finish strong at the End in Jesus' Name. Amen.


“And in that day shall ye say, Praise the LORD, call upon his name, declare his doings among the people, make mention that his name is exalted.Sing unto the LORD; for he hath done excellent things: that is known in all the earth.”
Isaiah 12: 4-5


Join us for our mid year thanksgiving this Sunday 30th July @ dominion city church opposite international market field Sars Road.



*WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 2023*



*"Or he that exhorteth, on exhortation: He that giveth, let him do it with simplicity, he that ruleth, with diligence; he that sheweth Mercy, with cheerfulness." Romans 12:8(KJV)*

One of the Greatest Hallmarks of the Christian Faith is the inate capacity to show Mercy to others who are in need. The Lord God Almighty told Moses the Lawgiver that He would show Mercy to whomsoever He would show Mercy *(Rom. 9:15).* In other words, it remains the Exclusive Right of the Sovereign God to show Mercy to whomsoever He chooses to. However, the Lord Jesus revealed to us the Secret behind always enjoying the Mercies of God in our lives, a Secret found in the Beatitudes: *"Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain Mercy"* (Matt. 5:7). Simply put, the Key to always enjoying the Mercy of God is to always extend Mercy to others especially to the poor, less privileged, widows, oppressed, orphans etc. Having established this truth, it's important to note that some Christian believers are specially equipped to function in the Mercy Ministry.

The Mercy Ministry, also known as the Welfare Ministry or Ministry of Compassion, involves in addition to the aforementioned points showing hospitality to strangers. The Holy Scriptures declare thus: *“Let brotherly Love continue. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained Angels unawares"* Heb. 13:1-2(KJV). Mercy is an expression of brotherly kindness and Love for one another. Consequently, every Christian believer is called to show Mercy and Compassion but not all are called into the Mercy Ministry. In other words, irrespective of our different divergent Ministries in the Kingdom, there are certain people specifically and uniquely by design called into the Mercy Ministry, equipped with a Special Grace and Endowment from Heaven.

The Mercy Ministry can be expressed through a myriad of platforms including the following:
*(1.) Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)*
*(2.) Various Humanitarian Foundations.*
*(3.) Advocacy Groups for those whose rights have been infringed upon.*
*(4.) Free Medical Outreaches.*
*(5.) Orphanages.*
*(6.) Old People's Homes.*
*(7.) Outreach to Prostitutes.*
*(8.) Outreach to Street Urchins.*
*(9.) Free or Affordable Housing Projects.*
*(10.) Free Education/Scholarships.*
Also included are Free Feeding Projects, clothing the naked, ministering to widows etc. The Mercy Ministry basically entails becoming a voice to the voiceless, a helper to the helpless, fighting injustice and oppression against the less privileged to mention but a few *(Ps. 4:1-3; Matt. 25:34-46).*


Heavenly Father, we thank You for the privilege and opportunity to be a blessing to others. Please help us to be found Faithful in showing Mercy and Compassion to others in Jesus' Mighty Name. Amen.

Photos from Dominion City Sars Road PH's post 23/07/2023


Ministering . Pastor Sam Agbi

One of the things that follows the prophetic move is restoration

1- Understand that God is your source
2 - The convenant with God concerning your finances.
3 Understand the place of the devil( binding the devil
4- Ministry of angel
5- People( understand the place of people as regards to financial prosperity)
6- Giving. have a commitment of Giving . Know how to sow seed of faith.
7- Have a system that brings in finances into your life
Create businesses , seek financial wisdom.

Photos from Dominion City Sars Road PH's post 23/07/2023


DAY 3.
Ministering - Pastor Patrick Chukwuka
The supernatural enablement to succeed is the is the grace that powers a man into his next level. Gen 1:27
Learn how to condition your mind to see the positive even if the devil says otherwise

Videos (show all)

Our children still making us proud.
We are still celebrating our children.
Dominion City Sars Road PH  King's kid.
Our father’s blessings.
