Consume With Knowledge - Protect Gaia Maia and Kuxtal

Consume With Knowledge - Protect Gaia Maia and Kuxtal

The aim of ConsumeWithKnowledge is to give you easy, accessible information about actions that we ca

These corporations are fuelling the fires 03/08/2020

Large corporations like Nestle, Unilever and Procter & Gamble and other powerful corporations all promised that by 2020, they'd stop sourcing palm oil from producers that destroyed rainforests. But this has not happened! One year has passed since the world was shocked by the images of the fires blazing across the Amazon in Brazil. But since then, the forest hasn’t stopped burning —and 2020 could be even more devastating for the rainforest and the Indigenous Peoples who call it home.

Please sign the petition, we all buy products from Nestle, Unilever and P&G and other large corporations and therefore we are all indirectly responsible about the destruction occurring in the Amazon forest. But we can all take action and oblige large corporates to respect our planet and people living there.

These corporations are fuelling the fires Stop them from letting precious rainforests burn!

Mobile Scanning Application - Food, Household Goods and Cosmetics - Yuka, Giki, CodeCheck 27/06/2020

Mobile Scanning Application - Food, Household Goods and Cosmetics - Yuka, Giki, CodeCheck The article will give you more details about the interfaces and features available for each of the following Mobile Scanning Barcode Applications:

Microplastics are contaminating the fruit and vegetables we eat 27/06/2020

Scientists have discovered that our fruits and vegetables are now contaminated by microplastics absorbed through the roots. Some of the applications we have reviewed this week will be able to give you data about packaging.

Microplastics are contaminating the fruit and vegetables we eat Scientists had argued for decades that microplastics couldn't get into plants because they were 'too big' to be absorbed by the roots. Apples were the fruits most contaminated by plastics.


Good afternoon Friends of the Earth

ConsumeWithKnowledge’s team welcome you all and thank you for reading our first article.

Today, we will be reviewing the best 2020 food, household goods and cosmetics Mobile Scanning Barcode Applications available in the market. These scanning apps analyse products ingredients that you purchase and evaluate the impact on your health. Some applications are now able to go further and also give information about sustainability and packaging like Giki.

Downloading an application is an easy step to take, it only takes a few seconds, but can make a huge positive impact to your health but also to the planet.

You will find below additional information about 5 best rated applications in the market and while we have not personally tried all of them, we will give short and useful advice in this first post.

MOBILE SCANNNING APPLICATIONS for FOOD, HOUSEHOLD GOODS and COSMETICS – Analyse Ingredients and help with Sustainable Shopping

European Scanning Mobile Applications:

1. Yuka – Free application

Countries available: Belgium, France, Italy, Switzerland, Spain, UK. Please check your country as it may also be available for download.

Analyse the ingredients to inform you of the product's impact on your health by using a simple color code: excellent, good, mediocre, or poor and detailing the toxicity of the ingredients. You can access a detailed info page for each product, to help you understand its grade. Yuka is a 100% independent application There is a Premium version for £15/year which allow you to detect presence of palm oil, gluten or lactose. Yuka's mission is above all to help our users to decipher labels so that they can consume more intelligently.

a. Downloadable size: 90.7MB
b. Downloads: 18M users
c. Reviews: 52,000 reviews with a rate of 4.5
d. Food Products: 700,000
e. Cosmetic Products: 300,000

2. Giki (Get Informed, Know your Impact) – Free application

Countries: UK but planning to expand oversea. Please check your country as it may also be available for download.

Scan thousands of supermarket products to see whether they are sustainable, healthy and ethical. Giki includes a collection of 13 “badges” – organic, better packaging, UK-made, responsibly-sourced, low carbon footprint, sustainable palm oil, kinder cleaning, greener cosmetics, no chemicals of concern, free from additives, healthier options, animal welfare and no animal testing.

a. Downloadable size: 62.7MB
b. Downloads: 3.5M+ users
c.Reviews: 47,000 with a rate of 4.4
d.Food and Personal Care Products: 280,000

3. CodeCheck – Free application

Countries: Europe. Started in Switzerland and Germany and expanded to Europe

This enables to shop for personal health and diet requirements, whether you are vegan, vegetarian, gluten or lactose-free and more! CodeCheck isn’t just a way to check products, it is also delivering information you need to lead a sustainable lifestyle, keep on top of health and dietary requirements in food, drinks and beauty products. The application is linked to world-leading organisations such as Greenpeace, BUND, the WWF, the Food Standards Agency, and consumer protection bodies.

a. Downloadable size: 78.5Mb
b. Downloads: 3.5M users
c. Reviews: 47k with a rate of 4.4
d. Food and Personal Care Products: 39M

Worldwide Mobile Scanning Applications

1. Buycott– Free application

Countries: USA but it seems to be available in Europe. Please check your country

The #1 platform for boycotting products and companies that don't align with your values and beliefs. Scan barcodes on products and see if the product is ethically produced and good for your health. Users can also communicate with companies and demand better ethical responsibility.visit to see some of their campaigns.

a. Downloadable size: 26.47MB
b. Downloads: Over 1M
c. Reviews: 47k with a rate of 4.6
d. Food and Personal Care Products: Not specified

2. HowGood – Free application

Countries: USA

With a mission to bring transparency to the food industry and support sustainable food production. Ratings include over 60 categories, encompassing criteria such as labor conditions, pesticide use, and emission history. “Good” rating ranks the top 25 percent of food products sold in the United States, “Great” rating goes to those in the top 15 percent, and “Best” rating is for products in top 5 percent. Their algorithm rates products on 60 indicators of sustainability. They source information from over 350 organizations that include Humane Certified, Rainforest Alliance, and Fair Trade USA. HowGood has partnered with grocery stores and brands to provide shoppers with ratings to help them make informed purchasing decisions.

a. Downloadable size: 28.5MB
b. Downloads: Not Mentioned
c. Reviews: 4.3

Food and Personal Care Products: 250,000 but we can read on their website that they have more than 1,000,000+ products rated

3. ShopWell – Free application

Countries: USA

iTunes store- Better Food Choices. Shopwell provides personalized nutrition scores when you create a Food Profile with your dietary goals, health concerns, allergies and dislikes.

Stay tuned in and we will be back throughout the week with our personal reviews about user scanning experience including photos and data of scanned products by 3 applications: Yuka, Giki and CodeChecker.

If you find the content informative, please feel free to forward the article to your friends and family and ask then to Follow ConsumeWithKnowledge.

The aim of ConsumerWithKnowledge is to expand the consumer knowledge and assist you to make better informed decisions and take actions to support a sustainable world and a respectful way of living.

Protect Gaia Maia and Kuxtal
Protect Mother Earth and Life


Welcome and a Big Thank You for following ConsumeWithKnowlege. We are absolutely delighted to have you on board and we welcome your inputs and comments.

The aim of ConsumeWithKnowledge is to give you easy, accessible information about actions that we can ALL take to Protect the Planet Earth’s Resources and Life without asking you for a penny!

We will publish different articles on different topics about awareness and actions we can take to protect our planet earth and its ecosystems by knowing what is inside our ingredients. We will also share link and petitions that we can all sign against large corporations producing products damaging Planet Earth or Life, including Human Life. Our Life!

The only thing you have to do is follow ConsumeWithKnowledge and read the published articles that interest you. We would also love for you to get more involved with this project and you can do so by signing petitions, which we will share with you, created by charities and organisations involved in protecting Planet Earth and fighting against destruction of our environment and life on this planet.

I will give you more information with our first article that will be published on Monday 22nd June 2020. We will also share information about very useful Scanning Barcode Mobile Applications available on iTunes or GooglePlay detailing ingredients and sustainability of items we purchase.

Until then, you take care and keep safe.

Happy heart from Gaia Maia and Kuxtal


ConsumeWithKnowlege - Protect Gaia Maia and Kuxtal - Vision and Core Values

During our new lockdown life, we all started different activities and many of us also engaged in soul-searching.

My self-examination has led me to revisit a matter that I had at heart for a very long time. HOW CAN WE STOP THE EXPLOITATION OF OUR PLANET EARTH’S RESOURCES AND OF OTHER LIVING BEINGS ACROSS THE GLOBE?

For many years I have felt uncomfortable with the way, we, consumers, have been indirectly helping large greedy corporates in destroying our planet with our over consumption and constant waste of discarded items. But where do we start? How can each of us make a difference to such a global and endemic problem?

During all these years, I did nothing except trying to change my way of consuming and looking more carefully at the ingredients in products I purchased. I guess this is better than nothing but this is not how we are going to save our planet and our future generation. I did not know how to take this idea and dream forward and how to get humankind engaged in creating a better and more conscious way of consuming. However, during this search I have noticed a multitude of organisations, charities and mobile applications involved on these matters but most of us do not know they exist.

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