Fearless Fitness - Megan Glover

Fearless Fitness - Megan Glover

Join me on my journey in health and fitness and come along if you're ready to commit being the best YOU!

Photos from Fearless Fitness - Megan Glover's post 04/10/2020

Has a wonderful week visiting with family and friends this past week back home in NC. Favorite foods and people and patiently waited for little Brady to arrive. Such a wonderful week but happy to be back home now ❤️

Photos from Fearless Fitness - Megan Glover's post 26/08/2020

Happy National Doggo Day to THE most spoiled dog in the world. He gets most snacks, toys and lovin compared to any other dog out there. He loves us unconditionally and whether it’s been 5 minutes or 5 days since he’s seen us, he’s just as excited. We couldn’t imagine life without our best friend. We love you Charles 💕 @ Pensacola, Florida

Timeline photos 25/08/2020

I needed to find my “Why” again. I had to find that drive inside of my to keep going. I had to have that talk with myself that it’s a journey not a instant result. I needed to tell myself that unless I’m willing to continue to push forward, I’ll always stay behind. Sometimes you need a break and that’s fine but you have to start again. You have to wake up and put the work in or else be content with not achieving. “Unless you’re willing to work for it, don’t complain about not having it” ✌🏻

Timeline photos 14/08/2020

Every had a Friday feel like a Monday with a week that seems to never end!?

Today was one of those days and it’s still not over. My normal routine for Friday’s got thrown for a loop at 0830 this morning so it’s just been a super weird day on top of a super weird week. I’m thankful that I got up to workout but ever morning thankful that it’s almost quittin’ time which means it’s almost drinkin’ time!! Happy FriYAY y’all!! 🥃

Timeline photos 11/08/2020

So days we conquer the world and other days we can barely conquer the pile of dishes in the sink or the laundry mountain that needs to be folded. Just remember, you’re doing a great job. You are loved. You are worthy and you keep doing you boo ✌🏻✨

Timeline photos 10/08/2020

May your Monday be as exciting and fulfilling as your weekly trip to Target!! ✨

Timeline photos 04/08/2020

What decisions are you making today??

Are you deciding to get up and take the next step in bettering your lifestyle or are you deciding to stay stagnant and not make a change?? Are you deciding that waiting until next month is ok or are you starting today so next month you can say “look what i accomplished”?

Every decision we make today effects tomorrows outcome. Whether we put in the work today, eat healthy today or simply commit today we’ve taken a better step towards tomorrows goals. So think about it, if next month or next year I asked you to look back and tell me what steps you’ve taken towards your goals, would you like the answer you had to give me? Probably not if you’re still not committed. What are you waiting for? What’s holding you back? Why is it so easy to yes to 1 hour of Netflix but so hard to say yes to 30 minutes of exercise? Make the decision today to join my team so next month when I ask what you’ve done, you have a transformation photo to show me and not a list of excuses! ✌🏻

Photos from Fearless Fitness - Megan Glover's post 01/08/2020

Exciting things!! As the end of summertime nears, I am doing a flash sale for the first 5 ladies who are ready to commit to their health and fitness!! This is the hardest time to stay committed to your health and fitness with the holidays but that doesn’t have to be an excuse anymore. 5 ladies get to join us for a big discount and still get all the goods: a years access to the virtual gym, access to BOTH nutrition guides and programs, access to our fit fam community for motivation and support to achieve your goals and 1:1 coaching from me the entire time along with your first month of supplements for FREE!! I’m only doing this once so don’t miss out on your chance to hit your goals before New Years!! Let’s chat 🤸🏼‍♀️

Timeline photos 31/07/2020

New hair, who dis? ✌🏻

Photos from Fearless Fitness - Megan Glover's post 30/07/2020

Just bringing you the best of the bun and one more look before all this hair gets chopped off tomorrow ✌🏻😬💇🏼‍♀️

Also say a prayer for .conrad_ as she has to deal with me and my hair cutting emotions 😂

Timeline photos 29/07/2020


Ok, maybe I didn’t completely quit. Little dramatic there I know but I did take a break. You know like Ross said, “WE WERE ON A BREAK!”

Last week was a struggle. I was unmotivated. I had just finished a program and jumped right back into another one. My body was sore. My mind was just over it. So, I took a break. I gave my body a few days to reset itself. Sometimes that’s what we need. I was in this funk because I didn’t really enjoy what I was doing. But I didn’t give up. I just took some time for to get myself back on track. This morning, I woke up, put on my new clothes and pushed play and restarted. And that’s perfectly fine. Sometimes we just need a break!! ✌🏻🤷🏼‍♀️

Timeline photos 28/07/2020

I’ve got lost of new and lovely faces as followers so I thought I would introduce myself ✌🏻

Hi 👋🏻 I’m Megan! This is my journey to bettering myself and I’m stoked you’ve decided to follow along. I moved to Pensacola, FL over a year ago and loving this area. I’m originally from a small town in NC. I live with the love of my life and best friend, Ashley, who is a deputy for our county and in the reserves now. We have a dog named Charlie and a cat named Boots. Some of our favorite things to do is travel, spend the day at the beach and have dates at our local range. I love all things food especially tacos and sushi with the occasional chocolate chip cookie!! Some of my favorite movies are Harry Potter, Top Gun and the Trolls movies (I’m a child i know). This journey has been so life changing so me as I’ve always been one of those people who “diet and exercise” real hard for a short period of time and then get bored. This has helped me find different programs that challenge me everyday yet still give me the results I’ve always wanted. I’ve loved growing my own team and helping others achieve as well! So, do we have anything in common?? 🤸🏼‍♀️⬇️

Photos from Fearless Fitness - Megan Glover's post 27/07/2020

It’s finished!! Ashley spent the rest of the day putting things in place for me while i worked today. It’s so much brighter already. Obviously, we’re going to hang some stuff on the wall and I’m waiting on my desk and mirror but it’s perfect! Thank you .conrad_ for all you’re hard work this weekend while I supervised! ❤️ @ Pensacola, Florida

Timeline photos 25/07/2020

October of last year we started a project to paint the house. We started by doing the living room, dinning room and the hallway. Today, Ashley woke up and said “let’s go get your paint so i can paint your office/gym” 😍😍 so we’ve spent the day picking final colors and painting the new office/gym. Ashley has more paint on her vs the walls and I’ve done a lot of “observing” but hey at least we’re doing this together. Final outcome to come tomorrow ❤️ 🖌

Timeline photos 21/07/2020

Sometimes as it takes is watching others hit their goals to give you the motivation to hit your own. My team is killing it. From moms recovering from baby weight to nurses working long shifts and still hitting their goals, there’s no excuse for these girls. There shouldn’t be any for you either. Time isn’t the issue, priorities are. Don’t say “i don’t have time” but instead say “that’s not important to do right now” and then reevaluate. If you want something bad enough, you’ll do whatever it takes to achieve that goal. Coaching has introduced me to some amazing women that are just as determined, and busy, as I am yet they aren’t letting that hold them back! ✨

Timeline photos 20/07/2020

I never knew it was this easy to feel this comfortable in my own skin. Accepting all my body does for me but also taking better care of it and learning how much more I can do now that I’m focused on taking care of me. I love my body more. I have a better mentality about it. I still have some changes to make but I’m more confident and more accepting of the fact that change isn’t over night. It’s one step at a time and overcoming obstacles to better myself.

If you’re ready to gain the confidence, friendship and let go of excuses, let’s chat and get you on my team. I promise you’ll love the results you get plus the friendships you gain 🤸🏼‍♀️✨

Photos from Fearless Fitness - Megan Glover's post 18/07/2020

We got the spend the day doing one of our favorite things to do. Love that we both share this interest and can make it a fun day date with some friendly competition. ✨

Timeline photos 17/07/2020

Face to face Fri-YAY ✨

I remember getting these pictures back and thinking two things. 1. Why did i dye my hair?! 2. Could i look any more out of shape?!

Fast forward to the other picture where 1. I’m glad my hair looks better and 2. I’m in better shape than I was! Granted I’m not where I want to be but the grind doesn’t stop. I keep pushing towards my goals and I’ll hit them because I’m determined to no longer have the excuse that the girl on the left did. If you’re ready to let go of yours and make some progress and change, come join me!! ✌🏻💕🤸🏼‍♀️

Timeline photos 15/07/2020

Try different things. Even if they seem too different. You never know what you’ll fall in love with until you take a blind leap of faith.

Coaching was something different. I had never really “inspired” people. I never really thought about building a team and leading them to achieve their goals. That is, until my coach said “hey! Wanna give this a shot?!”. So I did. I jumped in and decided to try. And I’m so glad I did!!

Coaching has helped me meet amazing people who come from all over the country trying to better themselves. It’s helped me realize that this is t just losing weight and eating your veggies. It’s helping be an outlet for busy moms who need that time for themselves. It’s helping people who struggle with their self confidence take that amazing photo of their progress and share it without hesitation because they are no longer shy. It’s about being a friend or lending an ear to someone whose going thru a rough time and just needs a friend. Coaching isn’t just pushing people to hit their physical goals but also helping them grow in general. It’s inspiring, not for them, but for me! I get to see so many girls come out of their shell and grow and it’s just an amazing feeling to be apart of that!

So! If this sounds like something you can do. You know inspire others while being inspired, let’s chat about it. I’d love to have you on my team!! 💕🤸🏼‍♀️

Photos from Fearless Fitness - Megan Glover's post 12/07/2020

80 days. 80 days of difference. 80 days of gaining and losing. 80 days of struggling and succeeding. 80 days I’m so proud of.

16.5 pound difference. 17.2 inches overall lost. So much confidence gained. I can’t say enough about this program. I can just show you my results. And im ready to start a brand new one tomorrow and get more results!! Do you want to join me and get these amazing results too!? Let’s chat!!! @ Pensacola, Florida

Timeline photos 11/07/2020

Today, I did something.

Today I achieved. Today I accomplished. Today I completed my program. 80 days. 80 workouts. 80 days of saying YES to myself and committing to be better. 80 days got rid of everything I felt when seeing that first picture and I traded it for the smile in the second picture. I did it. And I’m going to do it again until I get to my ultimate goal. Why don’t you join me?? You’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish is 80 days. 💕

Photos from Fearless Fitness - Megan Glover's post 10/07/2020

Some days, all it takes is good food and a cute outfit to make you feel 100!!

Nutrition is the most important part in a healthy lifestyle. You can lift, run and exercise all you want but you can’t out run or out lift a crappy diet. Finding the balance is key to results.

And i mean it also helps having a bomb outfit from your favorite and zyia but you know that’s an added bonus ✌🏻 @ Pensacola, Florida


Test group members wanted!!!

Tomorrow, I will finish my current program and I’m so stoked to jump right into the next one. This ELITE program is going to be so amazing and push me even harder and I’d love for you to join me!!

You’ll get VIP access to this program along with access to all the other programs we have, access to nutrition guides and programs and a few other goodies!!

I’m ready to take on this challenge but the question is...are you?!? Come join me! 💕

Timeline photos 08/07/2020

This mornings feeling strong selfie is brought to you by my favorite quote by in today’s leg day during peak week...

“I’m out here just trying to survive” - Autumn

Amen girl. Amen!!

Timeline photos 06/07/2020

Let’s talk about body positivity for sec.

First off, This isn’t body shaming. However I feel like there is a difference between being body positive, loving your body and caring for your body. There’s a different understanding. I love my body. I love all that it does for me. I love that i have the ability to move around, walk, swim, lift heavy, whatever it is I want to do. But that doesn’t mean i treat my body poorly. I can be positive about my body but also understand it needs some work. I have the responsibility to take care of it. After all, it’s the only one I got. Sure I have cheat meals, but i don’t eat ice cream and tacos every single day no matter how bad I may want to. I still have a ways to go before my body is where I want it. I understand that. I’m doing something about it though. I love my body and by loving it I must take care of it. So be proud of your body and what it does for you but most importantly, take care of it. 💕

Timeline photos 05/07/2020

As the week comes to an end, we can’t help but reflect on how lucky we were this week to get away and relax. Not only due to the craziness in the world but with having the stability to pack up for a week and just get away. As we get ready to get back to work tomorrow, i can honestly say I’m truly blessed and thankful to be doing life with you. I wouldn’t trade these memories and our story for anything. Thank you for all you do for me and our fur family. We sure do love you the most. 💕

Timeline photos 04/07/2020

Happy Birthday America 🇺🇸

Photos from Fearless Fitness - Megan Glover's post 03/07/2020

Spent about 2 hours on the beach then my ginger skin had had enough. We walked the pier and were able to stay cool in and out of shops. I’m sad to see this vacation come to end soon but so glad we got to get away, relax and enjoy some time together. 💕🌴🍍 @ Belleair Beach, Florida

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Test group members wanted!!! Tomorrow, I will finish my current program and I’m so stoked to jump right into the next on...