

Gersh Nubirg
Spiritual Protection since 2004
Amulets Warranty


✡️Practical Kabbalah

Gersh Nubirg practices one of the subdivisions of the age-old spiritual system of aid and protection, more widely known as “Practical Kabbalah”. The original meaning of practical kabbalah (kabbalah maasit) can be explained as an ability to receive help and intensify positive influences by using the primordial spiritual forces which were founded by the Creator of our Universe, blessed be His Name

Gersh Nubirg applies practical kabbalah’s wisdom by writing amulets. Sacred symbols and specifically recombined Holy Names, when placed on a piece of parchment in a specific sequence, allow obtaining and refocusing divine energy for the desired outcome.



Properly built kabbalistic amulets can help to achieve diverse goals depending on their content – from simple blocking of a negative influence to the removal of consequences of a powerful curse, from removing a headache to the curing of dangerous diseases, from success in finding a job to global changes in life.

The use of these amulets helps finding solutions to difficult situations and making the right choice.


✡️Personal Customization

Correctly constructed amulet must be customized for every person.

✡️Gersh Nubirg carefully builds each amulet, based on customer’s name and date of birth using rules specific for each amulet type.

All this is done after discussing the customer’s requests and providing different ways to achieve his/her desired result. The writing process takes place in accordance with the age-old kabbalistic methods, using natural materials and during time periods appropriate for that


❓How it Works

▫️The Creator of our world molded the whole Universe using 22 letters and 10 digits or enumerations (Sephirot), the adding of which yields the number 32. Accordingly Sefer Yetzirah (Book of Formation) these 32 are called the 32 paths of wisdom and they are the primary, fundamental matrix of the world. Thus, our existence represents an endless quantity of combinations of the aforementioned paths or, in other words, an endless number of Holy Names.

▫️Each one of these Names is an attribute of a certain type of G-d’s influence on the Universe. Hence, any phenomenon, any essence, any action is a divine manifestation of forces based on this matrix. Thus, the involvement of a corresponding combination may lead to the correction of reality.

▫️The sacral symbols and the Holy Names that are combined in a special way and applied onto a piece of correctly prepared parchment, in a specific order and under the appropriate conditions, allows obtaining and refocusing the spiritual energy of the universe in the achievement of the desired results.

Do you want to know more? Write to Direct or go to the site


❓How it works

▫️It is very important to understand that all this works only if a permission has been granted by the King of the World. We got the right to ask for Heavenly help, however it is only His decision whether to satisfy our request or not.

▫️So, it is not magic and it is not sorcery or spells. The amulet represents a constantly repeating request (a prayer) that is intended directly for the Creator, the Lord and Master of the Universe. The amulet must be designed according to the nature of the request and it must be directed toward the corresponding divine and/or angelic names, on the strength (or to the credit) of whom the given request can be satisfied. “…and I shall deliver him, I shall strengthen him, for he knew My Name. When he calls to me, I will answer him…” (Psalms 91:14-15), that is, it is necessary to apply to that Name, on whom depends what we are asking.” (Rabbi Yosef Gikatilla. Shaarei Orah).

▫️Each amulet is unique and can be used only by the one for whom it is written



Amulets written by Gersh Nubirg, if handled properly and if all attached instructions are followed, will deliver maximum possible positive influence and support to the owner. However if client is not satisfied with the amulet or with the amulet’s influence on his life, the amulet’s cost will be refunded to the client. Warranty period and refund conditions can be vary from case to case and must be described in the purchase agreement.

The chain of positive spiritual forces might be discontinued by the act of the refund. As a consequence, all results, visible and invisible, obtained with the amulet’s help, can be cancelled

You are safe anyway🙏


🪬Kabbalistic Amulets

Protective amulets are well known among all cultural and religious traditions through the whole period of existence of the human race. There are amulets that bring evil eye protection, amulets that protect from evil tongue and from evil speech. There are amulets used for house purification and for house spiritual protection, and amulets for house spirits expelling. Amulets for protection from physical dangers and sorcery protection amulets.

Kabbalah amulets, sometimes known as Jewish protection amulets, are specifically customized tools that represent a constantly repeating request (a prayer) that is intended directly for the Creator, the Lord and Master of the Universe.

Each amulet is unique since it is formulated to resolve specific problem for specific person. This explains why amulet can be used only by person (or group of people) for whom it was written.
All amulets examples represented on this web site are real amulets prepared by Gersh Nubirg. For privacy reasons all personal data such as individual name and date of birth have been replaced with the following caption kabbalistic-amulets which means “Someone son of Someone”.
It is important to know: each amulet written by Gersh Nubirg passes through all the necessary stages described on the process page.

🧿Amulets written by Gersh Nubirg are helpful in various life areas and situations


Types of Kabbalistic Amulers:

1.Mental & Spiritual Protection

2.Mental & Physical Support

3. Daily Life Protection

4. Career & Business Success

5. Health Recovery & Healing

6. Personal & Family Life

To get more - go to the site at the bio or write to direct


Voodoo Curse Uses

The purposes of voodoo spells are many and varied, with the common between them being to harm or possess another person. They can even be used as “love” magic, although it is more akin to violent coercion than anything resembling actual love. Another common use of the voodoo curse is to enact revenge on someone.

Such was the case of Franz Bordes, a 39 year old man from Staten Island who had killed his two young children and then took his own life. This happened shortly after he was put under the influence of a voodoo curse by a relative. His su***de notes indicated the influence of voodoo, and pointed to the person responsible. Modern medics discard such things as the rambling of a madman, not realizing that the tormented spirit of a cursed man often reveals the truth of the curse.

In another example from Florida, a man from the Haitian community had come to the police to report that he was put under the influence of a voodoo spell. The police officers have reported that he’d acted completely normal, showing no signs of being unstable. According to him, he’d felt the curse to be in place for over a year, but with no particular ill effect but it still made him fear the possible outcome. His reason for filing the report, even though he understood that the police wouldn’t treat it seriously, was to have some documentation of the occurrence.

Those are only an edge of the iceberg when it comes to curses and their disruptive influence on our lives. There is more out there that we do not understand and only a curse removal practitioner can decipher and remedy.


Voodoo Curses – Exotic and Unusual Curses

Curse Removal Voodoo has been a popular source of tales all through the 20th century and even before. Colonists arriving at distant coasts and coming into contact with cultures that embraced the mystical and coexisted with spirits and ghosts in their daily lives reported many strange occurrences.

One of those beliefs has to do with voodoo curses, and the aura of abject terror that they inspire. The reason that this topic is very relevant today is because the voodoo religion and its darker practices have travelled the world and can be encountered in our modern cities even today.

How Voodoo Works

The voodoo curse is a specific example of a hex or an evil eye. It is most commonly used to address a single individual, causing them all sorts of grief. This can include simple bad luck, relationship problems, a deterioration of their health and many more unfortunate and disturbing effects. Contrary to popular belief, the voodoo curse does not require the use of a doll. It is usually sufficient to have a single hair or part of the person’s clothing to enact the curse. The spells cast will vary in power and influence, depending on the person enacting them. A versed practitioner of Dark Voodoo can cause tremendous pain on a victim, up to and including possession by an evil spirit. A less proficient practitioner will still often manage to create a stripe of bad luck that can make the victim’s life extremely difficult and even dangerous.



The main difference between biblical curses and others that are cast by witches, caused by evil eye or brought about by a cursed object, is that biblical curses are the result of our own sins. This makes them both harder and more difficult to deal with.

Removing a curse in case of a jinx or a wiccan spell is a bit tricky, since it is harder to map and trace. Locating the curse’s origin is often the hard part in this case, because it is also usually centered not directly on the victim but on their clothing or some toy or other item in their home. Once located, such a curse is relatively easy to remove, unless it was enacted by a practitioner of enormous power.

A biblical, or G-d imposed, curse is easy to diagnose. The being of the cursed person will be shining like a dark beacon, attracting negative energy and spirits from all around. Removing such a curse is no small feat, however. A practitioner can not just go and break a curse enacted by the will of the Almighty. The curse removal in this instance should involve prayer and repentance, as well as rituals and amulets that open the channels to the spiritual world and invoke the Lord’s forgiveness.

It is easier to achieve if the sinner is a great-great ancestor, and more difficult if the cursed person is themselves the cause for the curse. Either way, however, the solution does exist and should be seeked without delay


Curses in the Bible

Curse Removal Curses are among of the most ancient known forms of magic. They have roots in every religious system, every single mythology and in cultures all over the world. Naturally, the Bible being one of the oldest written documents that describe what we now call the “supernatural”, has many descriptive mentions of curses.

The main use of curses in the Bible is to be a conduit of G-d’s judgement. In Exodus, there is a long list of sins to which the punishment is not physical, such as banishment or stoning, but metaphysical. When the punishment is spiritual, it is far more profound and can strike at a person, the person’s family and even at the family’s future generations.

Generational Curse – The Oldest Curse In The Bible

The Generational Curse is among the most commonly mentioned curses in the Scripture. Here is an example of a harsh generational curse imposed in Deuteronomy 28:59 for the sin of forsaking G-d’s worship: “Then the LORD will overwhelm you and your children with indescribable plagues. These plagues will be intense and without relief, making you miserable and unbearably sick”.

Another curse that is invoked by this sin is insanity and strife: “Even the most gentle and sensitive man among you will have no compassion on his own brother or the wife he loves or his surviving children”

Then it continues: “The most gentle and sensitive woman among you–so sensitive and gentle that she would not venture to touch the ground with the sole of her foot–will begrudge the husband she loves and her own son or daughter”… More in next post..


Just Bad Luck or A Bad Luck Curse?

Of course there is no such thing as “just bad luck”. It is always something spiritual. We get our karma tarnished by making poor moral choices and some people get their bad luck handed down to them from previous generations. But what if you never had problems with Lady Fortune, and all of a sudden it looks like you are paying interest on all those happy years? What if all of an unhappy sudden you see your affair start going all awry, and for no reason at all? This is when it may be time to look around and see if someone didn’t jinx you.

Bad luck curses are so common because they are easy to enact. You don’t need a witch or a voodoo practitioner for this – all you need is to get really angry at someone and wish them to break a leg (not applicable to actors before a performance) or two. Then the person may be going about their business with a black cloud over their head, attracting all sorts of negative energy.

Some of those curses will simply dissipate over time, but others may stick to the victim for years, making their lives thoroughly miserable.


Here is a true story:

A gypsy woman went into a store to ask for water. The sales clerk woman served her water and while the Gypsy was having it, she noticed that the sales clerk was having an argument with her boyfriend. They later struck a conversation and the Gypsy offered palm reading as well as advice on how to restore the floundering relationship.

The payment they agreed on was a semi-valuable ring that the saleswoman was wearing. She went on a lunch break, sat with the Gypsy, and got her reading and advice. As she went to remove her ring and hand it to the Gypsy as agreed, it was snatched away by the other clerk who also worked in the store, who confronted the old “charlatan” and tried to chase her off. The angered gypsy shouted, “Let this store burn in flame!” and turning to the woman who consulted her she added “and you will wither alone without a man!”.

This being the 21-st century, the store’s workers shrugged it off and went on with their lives. Just until a week or so later the store went up in a blaze as an electric fire erupted. The saleswoman was left unemployed. This in turn led to more strain in the relationship and caused it to break down entirely. She was an emotional mess and men didn’t notice her at all, for months and years after the disturbing events.

Most Gypsy curses are not as bad as in this example, although some of them definitely are. The majority of cases of Gypsy curse spells involve streaks of bad luck, health or relationship problems, and other similar effects. If you are experiencing any of those for no apparent reason, you may be dealing with a Gypsy curse and need to enact a curse removal ritual or obtain an amulet for this purpose, and soon.


Romani Beliefs and Curses
Curse Removal The Romani, also known as the Gypsies, are a people who originated in India during the Middle Ages. They migrated to Europe and to other locations all over the world, spreading their rich, mystical culture wherever they went. They have a colorful and deep tradition with a complex mythology, folklore and religion.

The Romani people are also believed to have cultivated a wide array of spiritual and psycho-kinetic powers, among which are empathy, telekinesis, precognition, retrocognition, or psychometry. The list goes on to include levitation, astral projection by way of meditation, invoking curses or blessings, conjuring and channeling spirits, and illusion-casting.

Many of those practices put them in common with the Indian Yogi and some can say that there is also a great deal in common between them and practitioners of the Voodoo religion. Their magic can also be beneficial as well as harmful, and the Gypsy Curse is a notorious example of the latter.

Gypsy Curses Today

The form of the gypsy curse hasn’t changed in ages. The angry, offended Gypsy woman will shout a proclamation that portents a disaster on the head of the offending party.

true story in next post…