Positively Powerful by ConstantsinChaos

Positively Powerful by ConstantsinChaos

Sharing positivity with the world one post at a time.


As the anniversary of the official start of the Pandemic comes to pass, feelings are going to arise especially with the way the world is now, remember to take time to take care of yourself đź’—


It's been awhile since I have posted. In the last few months I have done some major soul searching and decided it is time to pursue my passion ... I am returning to school to continue my bachelor's degree in forensic psychology. While my posts maybe short or have lag times, I do plan to maintain this blog and group.

What is something you did or are deciding to do that you thought you were "too old" to do?!

7 Benefits of Gratitude. 11/05/2021

Yesterday was Mother's Day in the United States. In many households this day is one of the largest day of the year of expressing gratitude. For most people, expressing thanks for the person that bore us, raised us and can still guide and direct us. But gratitude shouldn't be expressed just during a designated day or time or event, gratitude and pressing gratitude is something that is not only good for us, its something that puts out a positive and feel good energy into the world, and I believe that the more we put out the more that will return....


7 Benefits of Gratitude. Yesterday was Mother’s Day in the United States. In many households this day is one of the largest day of the year of expressing gratitude. For most people, expressing thanks for the person t…


What is Gratitude? 08/05/2021

A common theme that runs through ways to be positive to be optimistic or to achieve happiness, and that is gratitude... but what is that? Gratitude is defined as the quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful. Grateful is defined as warmly or deeply appreciative of kindness or benefits received. Thankful is defined as being full of thanks. How do you express gratitude, gratefulness or thanks?...


What is Gratitude? A common theme that runs through ways to be positive to be optimistic or to achieve happiness, and that is gratitude… but what is that? Gratitude is defined as the quality or feeling of being…

You + Goals = Increased Happiness. 07/05/2021

Forbes.com released an article last December by Danielle Seurkamp titled "How to Set Goals That Will Increase Your Happiness." I found this articles to be completely fascinating! We are often told that by setting and achieving our goals we will have found happiness, and while Seurkamp doesn't disagree, she connects goal achieved happiness, to the sugar rush we get from FINALLY giving in to that sweet treat, but just as quickly as that sweetness kicks in, so does that happiness from reaching your goal....


You + Goals = Increased Happiness. Forbes.com released an article last December by Danielle Seurkamp titled “How to Set Goals That Will Increase Your Happiness.” I found this articles to be completely fascinating! We are…

How to Set a Goal. 05/05/2021

If the ultimate goal is to live a fulfilled and happy life, what do we need to do to obtain that? Setting goals is not an easy task. More often than not people will simply write down a big picture goal, i.e. I want to loose weight, I want to make more money, I want a healthy relationship. These are all amazing goals, but how often do you hear them from someone or from yourself and think 6 months later......


How to Set a Goal. If the ultimate goal is to live a fulfilled and happy life, what do we need to do to obtain that? Setting goals is not an easy task. More often than not people will simply write down a big picture …

Positivity Slacking! 04/05/2021

Over the last couple of days I have no been posting daily, partly because I was hoping to obtain some information from family and friends to complete another Q&A, partly due to the fact that my daughter was taking part in a 2 day dance competition and partly due to not feeling well.... (the allergy fairies have attacked the state of Minnesota)....


Positivity Slacking! Over the last couple of days I have no been posting daily, partly because I was hoping to obtain some information from family and friends to complete another Q&A, partly due to the fact that my…

A Dose of Happiness. 30/04/2021

Often people think that when they are more positive or optimistic, that they will have a higher degree of happiness. Unfortunately this tends to lead us to push aside sad and unhappy emotions, it makes us strive to be around only those that can help us to feel an good outcome is possible and to be "happier" but just like Toxic Positivity causes us to bottle up our negative emotions, the fight for happiness does not always lead to true happiness, more often than not we trick our brains into believe that we are happy simply because we have chosen to be happy....


A Dose of Happiness. Often people think that when they are more positive or optimistic, that they will have a higher degree of happiness. Unfortunately this tends to lead us to push aside sad and unhappy emotions, it m…

Positivity Draining. 30/04/2021

Some times no matter what we do, how we go about it or what we encounter in our day, we simply don't have enough positivity to keep it flowing. When this happens... how do start to build up your positive bank?


Positivity Draining. Some times no matter what we do, how we go about it or what we encounter in our day, we simply don’t have enough positivity to keep it flowing. When this happens… how do start to build …

“I’m Fine. 28/04/2021

"I'm fine.", this might be one of the most obnoxious phrase in the English language. Whether its used between friends, lovers, coworkers, siblings or parents everyone knows this phrase is packed with a thousand and one meanings. Like many platitudes sometimes "I'm fine" is a way that we engage in Toxic Positivity without even realizing it. How many times when you have issued those 2 little words have you truly meant that your fine, that nothing is wrong, there is nothing going on under the hood, you aren't angry, annoyed, frustrated or disinterested?...


“I’m Fine. “I’m fine.”, this might be one of the most obnoxious phrase in the English language. Whether its used between friends, lovers, coworkers, siblings or parents everyone knows this p…


A meme for the day.


The Path to Emotional Acceptance. 27/04/2021

"There's no crying in baseball." "Suck it up." "Just ignore it." "Suck it up buttercup." "Time to put on your big girl pants." and my favorite "Get over it" How many times in day, week, month do you hear something along these lines? I know I hear something along those lines regularly, and ten/twenty years ago it would have been socially acceptable to say this to someone and for that person to think "that's ok, I need to ......


The Path to Emotional Acceptance. “There’s no crying in baseball.” “Suck it up.” “Just ignore it.” “Suck it up buttercup.” “Time to put on your big girl pants.” and …

10 Ways to Overcome Toxic Positivity. 24/04/2021

Science of People, included in their article things we can incorporate into our daily lives that will help us to overcome the Toxic Positivity that may find its way into our lives. #1. Be aware of your N-E-Os. If you're anything like me you have no idea what N-E-Os are. Well according to a study conducted in 2012 they found that Neuroticism was negatively linked to happiness, but that Extroversion and Openness to Experience are positively linked to happiness....


10 Ways to Overcome Toxic Positivity. Science of People, included in their article things we can incorporate into our daily lives that will help us to overcome the Toxic Positivity that may find its way into our lives. #1. Be aware of …

5 Dangerous of Being too Positive. 23/04/2021

Typically when we think of positivity we think of it in well a positive way. It correlates with happiness, good help and pulling through bad times. Often times the idea that we can be TOO positive seems counterproductive, after all don't we want to be positive? While the answer is yes, being positive, optimistic and hopeful have proven benefits, we need to watch out for those pesky pit falls that are chameleons....


5 Dangerous of Being too Positive. Typically when we think of positivity we think of it in well a positive way. It correlates with happiness, good help and pulling through bad times. Often times the idea that we can be TOO positive …


What is Toxic Positivity? 23/04/2021

There is such a thing as to much positivity. When this happens it is often referred to as Toxic Positivity, but what exactly does that mean? Toxic Positivity is the idea that even when things are completely hopeless we need to have a positive mindset. verywellmind.com defines this is the "good vibes only" approach to life. And while anyone who has read my blog posts before knows that I am a strong advocate of living aw positive lifestyle, there is a time and a place that we need to be aware that it might not be what we really need....


What is Toxic Positivity? There is such a thing as to much positivity. When this happens it is often referred to as Toxic Positivity, but what exactly does that mean? Toxic Positivity is the idea that even when things are c…

Positive Affirmations Pt. 3 – Hope 21/04/2021

Some days we just need to a reminder that even when times seem bleak hope can always be found.


Positive Affirmations Pt. 3 – Hope Some days we just need to a reminder that even when times seem bleak hope can always be found.

A Hopeful Future… 21/04/2021

When I woke up this morning, I had a very troubled mind. Like many Minnesotans I woke up wondering what the day was going to bring. We were hoping for the best but mentally and emotionally preparing for the worst. At 12:45pm today, our office decided that for safety purposes, they decided to remove us from our office. A side note, when this happens your stomach kind of knots and then just rolls around, the unknown is what I imagine it would be the worst gut rot every....


A Hopeful Future… When I woke up this morning, I had a very troubled mind. Like many Minnesotans I woke up wondering what the day was going to bring. We were hoping for the best but mentally and emotionally preparin…

Weeding out the Negative. 20/04/2021

Do you ever feel like you are suffocating from the negativity around? You look around and it feels like even though you've always found the light, you just cant do it anymore? Sometimes its not the situations or the events that we find ourselves in that bring us into a negative environment, sometimes its the people that we surround ourselves with that brings the negativity to the situation or event....


Weeding out the Negative. Do you ever feel like you are suffocating from the negativity around? You look around and it feels like even though you’ve always found the light, you just cant do it anymore? Sometimes its n…

Inspiration Counts. 17/04/2021

What is inspiration? Inspiration is defined as the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative. What is the inspirational breakdown? According to an article posted by the Harvard Business Review, inspiration has three main qualities: 1. It's not intentional. Some of the most inspirational speeches given through out history were given on the fly....


Inspiration Counts. What is inspiration? Inspiration is defined as the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative. What is the inspirational breakdown? According …

Seven Rules to Live By. 16/04/2021

Society has rules for everything. How we should dress, act, what type of school we should attend, or where we should work. For centuries society has quietly dictated how our lives were going to be lived. Which is a little ironic when you think about the fact that when another is dictating how we live, we aren't really living. Just as society has rules, there are rules or guidelines that we can implement into our every day lives, that not only will inspire us but encourage us to keep on our positivity pathway....


Seven Rules to Live By. Society has rules for everything. How we should dress, act, what type of school we should attend, or where we should work. For centuries society has quietly dictated how our lives were going to be …

Outlasting the Storm. 15/04/2021

"We have always held to the hope, the belief, the conviction that there is a better life, a better world, beyond the horizon." ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt Hope is an interesting concept. It is defined as to cherish a desire with anticipation; to desire with the expectation of obtainment or fulfillment, but how many times do we hope for something only to fall short or to be let down?...


Outlasting the Storm. “We have always held to the hope, the belief, the conviction that there is a better life, a better world, beyond the horizon.” ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt Hope is an interesting concept. It…


When someone tells you that you inspired them, what is your first reaction? Are you proud? Happy? Do you play it off as nothing?

Inspiring others is a huge achievement. What are some ways that you work towards inspiring others?

Inspiring Positivity. 13/04/2021

What inspires you to find the silver lining? To take the step back and say things are not that bad, or even though they are that bad, I am taking (insert anything here) away from this, instead of breaking me I am choosing to let it make me stronger! Social media influencers, political figures, celebrities, authors, they all have the ability to encourage the search for positivity, but is there someone closer to home that you know personally that you look at and just makes you want to me more positive?...


Inspiring Positivity. What inspires you to find the silver lining? To take the step back and say things are not that bad, or even though they are that bad, I am taking (insert anything here) away from this, instead of b…

When Chaos Takes Hold. 13/04/2021

I have mentioned before that I am from Minnesota, and unless you have taken the year off of social media, news outlets and conversing with other humans (or live outside of the US), you have probably heard what happened here last May. (If you aren't familiar, there was a horrible event in which lead to an man loosing his life due to the inexcusable actions of a Minneapolis Police Department officer)....


When Chaos Takes Hold. I have mentioned before that I am from Minnesota, and unless you have taken the year off of social media, news outlets and conversing with other humans (or live outside of the US), you have probabl…

When Positivity is Hard to Find. 11/04/2021

When I started this blog, I told myself I would post every day but Sunday, not for any reason other than to give myself a chance to catch up to find a positive. If you've been following me, you may have noticed that the posts have not been for lack of better word... slacking. The last couple of weeks finding my own positive attitude has been harder than normal....


When Positivity is Hard to Find. When I started this blog, I told myself I would post every day but Sunday, not for any reason other than to give myself a chance to catch up to find a positive. If you’ve been following me, y…

The Weather Impact. 10/04/2021

How many times have you heard someone say " ugh the weather is so gloomy, I just want to go to bed" ? Or when they are sad say that a rainy day is reflecting someone's mood perfectly? So that shines light on the question, is it the weather that impacts the mood? or a mood that causes us to review the weather differently?...


The Weather Impact. How many times have you heard someone say ” ugh the weather is so gloomy, I just want to go to bed” ? Or when they are sad say that a rainy day is reflecting someone’s mood perfec…

Positivity for Any Situation. 09/04/2021

Sometimes we need to have our affirmations prepared and ready to use for a rainy day! This link brings you to 32 Quotes About Positivity for Any Situation. (link) "We complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorns have roses." ~ Alphonse Karr "Believing in negative thoughts is the single greatest obstruction to success." ~ Charles F....


Positivity for Any Situation. Sometimes we need to have our affirmations prepared and ready to use for a rainy day! This link brings you to 32 Quotes About Positivity for Any Situation. (link) “We complain because rose bu…

Healthily Positive. 07/04/2021

Often times when we find ourselves in situations that seem devoid of hope, it can be hard to rally that optimism to us. Sickness is probably one of the toughest things we as humans go through, not only when we are the sick one, but as a support unit for the person that is fighting. Optimism, positivity and hope are some of the best tools that we can have in our arsenal when it comes to dealing with illness whether we are trying to heal or trying to help someone heal....


Healthily Positive. Often times when we find ourselves in situations that seem devoid of hope, it can be hard to rally that optimism to us. Sickness is probably one of the toughest things we as humans go through, not …


Good Morning All!!!

I am looking for some volunteers!

I am doing another Q & A this time regarding positivity, optimism and hope in connection with health and recovery... if you are willing to answer 3 to 5 or so questions, please let me know! It would be much appreciated!


Positive Recovery 05/04/2021

Previously I have gone into detail about how studies have shown that having a more optimistic attitude can not only help you overcome trails in life, but can actually make a tangible difference when it comes to overcoming health issues! To me that is simply amazing! The fact that the human brain has the ability to play such a huge factor in how our bodies heal, pardon the pun, but its mind blowing!...


Positive Recovery Previously I have gone into detail about how studies have shown that having a more optimistic attitude can not only help you overcome trails in life, but can actually make a tangible difference whe…

What is Realistic Optimism? 05/04/2021

Realistic Optimism ~ Defined in 2001 as when you maintain a positive outlook but not throwing out all of the facts regardless of if they are negative or not. When it comes to optimism we have a spectrum that we can find all of the previously mentioned types of optimism fall: Realistic Optimism- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Unrealistic Optimism…...


What is Realistic Optimism? Realistic Optimism ~ Defined in 2001 as when you maintain a positive outlook but not throwing out all of the facts regardless of if they are negative or not. When it comes to optimism we have a spe…