This too shall pass.

This too shall pass.

We offer practical effective techniques to manages stress and anxiety. We create a safe space to share in confidence without judgement.


Great little app to get you into meditation


Remember we are here !

How Your Breath Controls Your Mood and Attention - Mindful 18/04/2020

Just found this on Rainbow Vibrations page . Tells you more about the importance of your breathing !

How Your Breath Controls Your Mood and Attention - Mindful New research explores the relationship between the pace of your breathing, and the brain networks involved in mood, attention, and body awareness.


Hello! How’s everyone doing?

I just wanted to stop by and talk a little bit about ‘toxic positivity’. It’s an interesting name right? And I have to say I’ve been guilty of it myself at times. You know where you say things like ‘oooh just try and stay positive’ or ‘just make the best out of it’ or its could be worse’ ‘don’t be so negative’ ‘think happy thoughts’ (very basic examples of course). And yes there’s a place for these ‘helpful’ ‘supportive’ comments, but what’s even more helpful is to be heard.

It’s ok to struggle sometimes especially in such uncertain times like these, but it’s so important to have a sounding board. A non judgemental support with no personal agenda, someone who will hear you. Its hard to come by sometimes, especially when someone is emotionally invested in you, but it is out there. (We’re here for a start, but also have many recommendations between us).

Anyway- I saw this, and I just wanted you to know that if any of this applies to you- you aren’t alone and it’s ok. Just be sure to reach out because there are people who will listen, validate, guide, point you in the right direction, offer you a virtual coffee, hug & a slice of cake ❤️

Much love x


It’s all connected, we are more prone to addictions... this could be to food , alcohol, social media etc when we are unhappy or anxious. Meditation can lower your levels of anxiety and promote feelings of well being making you less likely to develop addictive behaviour.

That Discomfort You’re Feeling Is Grief 07/04/2020

Hello! Hope you’re all feeling ok. Staying safe and sane?! I read this the other day and sent it to a friend who is really struggling at the moment with everything that’s going on.

I like to be able to name feelings/emotions, and part of the personal development work I do helps with this. It’s not always easy to peel back the emotion to what exactly it is as it’s not always the first word that pops in your mind- but it does make things easier to process if you can name them.

Anyway enough waffle- have a read if you have a minute.

That Discomfort You’re Feeling Is Grief The coronavirus pandemic has led to a collective loss of normalcy.


Yes, these are stressful times. Yes, we are stuck indoors. But no, this is not the time to drink. Instead, here are some activities you can do during lockdown:

How are you keeping yourself busy?

Stressed and Anxious? Here’s How to Stay Emotionally Healthy - Tiny Buddha 03/04/2020

If you have a spare moment, this is a good read ❤️

Stressed and Anxious? Here’s How to Stay Emotionally Healthy - Tiny Buddha Uncertainty is one of the main reasons we stress, along with a lack of control, and right now we’ve got it in truckloads. This guide can help.



I thought I’d hop on and chat a little bit about grounding. There is much more to it, and many different ways to do it but here’s grounding in a nutshell-

It’s a practice that can enable you to pull yourself out of negative or challenging emotions, unwanted thoughts or memories and flashbacks.

These techniques can help in distracting you from what you’re experiencing and refocus on what’s happening in the present moment.

It sounds really simple- and it is but you have to do the work which can be a challenge when you’re ‘in it’. But it’s like anything, the more you practice and see the positive effects and make it just part of what you do, the more natural it becomes and you will find yourself grounding before you’re even aware.

Here’s my favourite grounding techniques:

Breathe deeply- like properly belly breathe. Imagine there’s a balloon in your belly that you inflate each time you breathe in. I particularly like in for 6, hold for 6, out for 6... but you may feel better doing more or less count.

Listen to Music- (not the triggering nostalgic kind as that’s just counter productive) something you love, and sing at the top of your lungs - even if you don’t know the words. Make them up- could be a hit 😁 - this also focuses your breathing.

Move- personally I love yoga for all the reasons! But it could be anything you enjoy, dancing, walking, squatting (if anyone actually enjoys that haha) whatever it is do it and be present in it- notice how your body feels- the good and the bad!

As I said there are many ways to ground yourself. Some can be so discreet you can do them anywhere and others less so, but that’s ok too because a lot of us are home a bit more at the moment- so nows a good time to mix it up right?



We are starting a beginners meditation in the next few weeks. Looking at simple meditation and mindfulness practices to lower stress and anxiety. These will be really short meditations to begin with, giving you the tools to develop your own practice. We will look at different types of meditation and breath work to enable you to find a style you love. This great explanation of emotional benefits comes from the Chopra centre of meditation.


I love this. I don’t know about anyone else but I try not to read or watch too much news at the moment. It was really playing on my own anxieties. I like to keep up with what’s going on but there’s so many opinions flying around and unreliable reporting. Keep yourself protected. Limit time spent reading/watching and source your information well. Panic is contagious in times like this. Stay grounded and aware and challenge your thought processes if you find yourself in loops of catastrophic thinking 💫

"Panic is a virus that is both diligent and dangerous when left unchecked. So rather than letting it spread, stay skeptical of everything, be intelligent about where you are getting your information, and continuously put it into perspective. Take a deep breath, keep calm, and listen to the science." —William Wright Defebaugh

artwork by


Hello! Hope you’re all keeping well?

For the time being I’ll be posting some articles you may find useful or interesting at this time for anyone struggling with the isolation or lack of it in some cases. It’s a pretty testing time for everyone at the moment and there are so many worries to worry about! Hopefully between Kim and myself we can give you some support or just hold space for you if you need to offload. We will update with information with regards to online support over the next few days.

Stay safe ❤️
Nat x


We offer practical effective techniques to manages stress and anxiety. We create a safe space to share in confidence without judgement.

Nat has over 10 years experience working in dual diagnosis (substance abuse and mental health) now works in personal development using a holistic approach.

Kim has worked in holistic therapy and fitness for 20 years. In recent years has qualified as a woman’s health practitioner and teaches meditation and lifestyle management.
