alex_drumcat_ Videos

Videos by alex_drumcat_.

‼️🕺🏼👨🏽‍🦳 OQUES GRASSES COVER (BYE BYE) 👨🏽‍🦳🕺🏼 ‼️

Últimament estic escoltant en bucle el nou disc de @oquesgrasses i cada volta que ho faig m'agrada més, barretjes entre latin, hip-hop, reagge... En especial aquesta cançò que es bona vibra en vena!! Discas en general!!

Si vols aprendre a tocar esta cançò i moltes més recorda que pots manar-me un DM o contactar amb mi per classes online i privades 🤩🤩💃🏽💃🏽

No oblides compartir-ho si t'ha agradat!! Gràcies🤘🏼
‼️🕺🏼👨🏽‍🦳 OQUES GRASSES COVER (BYE BYE) 👨🏽‍🦳🕺🏼 ‼️

Latetly I've been listening to the new @oquesgrasses album 24/7 and I have to say that I f**king LOVE IT!! Mixing latin music, hip-hop, reagge.... Especially this song that it's just good vibes all the way!! Dope Album!!

If you want to learn how to play this song and many more send me a DM or contact with me for Online and Private Lessons 🤩🤩💃🏽💃🏽

Don't forget to share it if you like it!! Thanks!! 🤘🏼

#drumsolo #we_love_drums #gospelchops #spiritofthedrummer #drumsdaily #drumset #wincentdrumsticks #drumfill #drumfam #valencia #clasesbateria #drumpractice #drumsharing #groove #beat #instadrums #drumporn #drumlessons #drumeo #drumuniversity #alexdrumcat #chops #drummer #instadrum #drum #drumchops #pocket #groove #drums @drumuniversity @wincentdrumsticks @gewadrums @iberdrumdistribucion @osdoidosdabatera @meinlpercussion

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Other alex_drumcat_ videos

‼️🕺🏼👨🏽‍🦳 OQUES GRASSES COVER (BYE BYE) 👨🏽‍🦳🕺🏼 ‼️ Últimament estic escoltant en bucle el nou disc de @oquesgrasses i cada volta que ho faig m'agrada més, barretjes entre latin, hip-hop, reagge... En especial aquesta cançò que es bona vibra en vena!! Discas en general!! Si vols aprendre a tocar esta cançò i moltes més recorda que pots manar-me un DM o contactar amb mi per classes online i privades 🤩🤩💃🏽💃🏽 No oblides compartir-ho si t'ha agradat!! Gràcies🤘🏼 ----------------------------------------------- ‼️🕺🏼👨🏽‍🦳 OQUES GRASSES COVER (BYE BYE) 👨🏽‍🦳🕺🏼 ‼️ Latetly I've been listening to the new @oquesgrasses album 24/7 and I have to say that I f**king LOVE IT!! Mixing latin music, hip-hop, reagge.... Especially this song that it's just good vibes all the way!! Dope Album!! If you want to learn how to play this song and many more send me a DM or contact with me for Online and Private Lessons 🤩🤩💃🏽💃🏽 Don't forget to share it if you like it!! Thanks!! 🤘🏼 #drumsolo #we_love_drums #gospelchops #spiritofthedrummer #drumsdaily #drumset #wincentdrumsticks #drumfill #drumfam #valencia #clasesbateria #drumpractice #drumsharing #groove #beat #instadrums #drumporn #drumlessons #drumeo #drumuniversity #alexdrumcat #chops #drummer #instadrum #drum #drumchops #pocket #groove #drums @drumuniversity @wincentdrumsticks @gewadrums @iberdrumdistribucion @osdoidosdabatera @meinlpercussion