Nancy Morel

Nancy Morel

Nancy Morel is a creator known for her relatable, raw content style.


Get ready with me for date night ❤️


Last December, a doctor on TikTok, who had 1.9 million followers, subtly suggested that my skin condition was a result of wearing makeup. This not only hurt me and made me feel invaidated, but it also stirred up a deep sense of protectiveness towards my 14-year-old self, who used to be extremely self-conscious about my condition and would have reacted by crying and isolating myself for days, afraid of what others thought of me.

As someone who uses my own platform to inspire others to embrace their natural beauty, I felt immensely disappointed when a supposed "Dr" useing theirs to belittle and criticize others. My intention is not to spread negativity, but rather to emphasize the significance of our words and the impact they can have on others. Let's strive to be compassionate and considerate in our interactions.


I'm thrilled to be working with one of my dream brands this year Renskincare. (ad)

The skin barrier is my go to skincare product, it is so good for sensitive skin like mine.

Let me know if you have tried anything from their range and what products you love, or you think I should try.
