Melinda R Davis

Melinda R Davis

We are your everyday fun loving family, changing our lifestyle and chasing the sunshine!


Ive been a bit quiet on here and I will be for a few days.

We have gone home, well the place we call home, Southern Highlands NSW.

A place we grew up and are surrounded with family and friends.

Its so lovely to have another visit and more time with family, unfortunately Glenns pop has had a few complications so we wanted to come down to have a few catch ups with pop.

Its these times that remind you tomorrow is not a given. Live life to the fullest. Doesnt mean you have to go spend a motsa but go and do what makes you happy.

For us atm is seeing our beautiful family before we head back up north to the fraser coast.

We loved the fraser coast so much that we are going to stay and explore the region for a few months.

Super excited to see our next chapter unfold...

But for now.. another time out enjoying time with our extended family and hopefully it wont be the last time we see pop.

Its been hard seeing pop and chatting to him about the things you just dont want to think about. But he has told us a few things he wants us to know before that time may come for him.

Pop we hope you keep your head up and keep going so we can be back down here for another visit for your 90th Birthday in August.

So much love for all of our family ๐Ÿงก

Take care all, live, laugh and be happy ๐Ÿ’›

Mel. xx

PS. This is not my family im talking about it is Glenns.. well actually its both our family.. but my point is, im so lucky to have such a bond with my in-laws. Its such a rarity to get along with all of the in laws but im blessed to call them all my family. So grateful for both of Glenns and my family they are our world!


Hervey Bay you are one beautiful place!

This water park is unreal!

We are so lucky to be here on a school day. Quiet and nearly to ourselves!!


These two partners in crime ๐Ÿฅฐ


No words needed.

Except maybe.. Stunning! ๐Ÿงก

Photos from Melinda R Davis's post 26/02/2021

Coffee in style!

This place not only makes great coffee, the staff are friendly and the atmosphere is awesome.

Check it out! ๐Ÿ‘‡


Fraser coast is stunning!

We have arrived at the Fraser Coast and it did not disappoint at all.

We could feel our faces light up as we looked around.

Cant wait to see more tomorrow!

We dont want to miss any beauty spots so comment below or dm any spots we should put on our must see list ๐Ÿ‘Œ

Mel. x



HAHA loved this when we saw it today had to take advantage of a picture.

The seat is located on the marina near the shops and hair dressing salon.

The things you stumble across... ๐Ÿ˜†


As our adventures begin.

Kids are super happy and excited is an understatement.

To have dad here with us everyday as we explore is priceless.

We have no idea what our plans are but its pretty exciting to take day by day and see where we end up.

Our circumstances have changed slightly so we are living in the unknown until we find what feels right! ๐Ÿ™‚

So grateful for this opportunity ๐Ÿงก

Mel x

PS Best advice I can give if you feel like doing something JUST DO IT! Whatever is holding you back find a way to change it. Where there is a will there is a way ๐Ÿ‘Œ


Love who you are...

You know what, this is a struggle for alot of us. We always want what we dont have.

Massive struggle for me, ive always wanted a long list of things in my apprearance but was always forgetting to be grateful for what I already have.

We are all beautiful in our own way.

I would look at photos of myself and judge me or think how terrible I look.. (I still do this but im trying hard not too)

Instead now im reflecting from 'The Magic' which taught me to love me, to stand in front of a mirror and say I love you. Yes it felt kind of wierd, but it also made me smile.

Smile, because im lucky I can smile, because I can see my eyes, because I can feel emotions becuase I love me for me.

Yes I still want to strive to better myself in different areas but the difference now is that I do love me for me, with all my flaws I use to see.

Following from my post yesterday.. love you for you, work on you before anything else and your path with become clear and most of all you will feel powerful and full of content and happiness.

I challenge you.. look in the mirror and say I love you! Take a selfie and love it, share it with me below or inbox me!

Love to see all the love ๐Ÿ’œ

Mel. xx


Work on yourself before anything else.

How can you achieve goals if you dont know what you want?

Do you ever feel confused and not sure of your path or what you are doing?

Do you forget about you?

Id say all mums are saying yes yes yes..

Our paths are usually determined by our kids and thats just life. A great life but you can still control your future, dreams and goals.

Before starting any journey I cant recommend any more then to work on you.

Read books, learn, journal, meditation, run, walk, breathe... find what it is that you enjoy and works for you.

Find what makes you feel alive, understand the universe and most of all live life to the fullest!!

My favourite thing at the moment or should I say favourite person that has taught me so much.

Rhonda Byrne ๐Ÿ’œ

She is an amazing author. I started with reading 'The Secret' as you all know ive read it a couple of times, on the weekend I watched a movie 'The Secret Dare to Dream' and today I bought 'The Greatest Secret' and I cant wait to read it. All by Rhonda.

I cant tell you enough how much this has changed me. Without this knowledge I wouldn't of moved forward much within me and my new business.

So I urge you to work on yourself, find what makes you happy and run with it.

Knowledge is the key! ๐Ÿงก

Mel. x


We all have good and bad days.

Get kicked down, just get back up and start again.

Dont give into s**t that may cause negetive and unmotivating mindset.

Its such an easy trap to fall in to, we all do it.

The deeper you fall the harder it is to climb back up.

Entrepreneurship isnt easy and isnt for everyone. The hardest thing ive found is not so much being judged or abused from people that have been burnt by someone or something in the past.

Its that people dont realise, we are human, we are mums, dads, brothers, sisters, friends.. if you dont agree with us then simple dont follow us.

We arent out to get you.. we are here to help people that want to be helped.

My goal in life is not only to make a great income for me and my family, its to help others. Ive always had a passion to help others.

Helping people, fills my cup up. In previous jobs I often, and others often joked about me being the councillor of the workplace. Because people felt comfortable around me and were able to tell me their problems and if I could help them I would, if I couldnt, I would help steer them in the right direction.

This is exactly what I do now, well not the councilling part, but help people that want help with their mindset, that want to make more money and are keen to learn and try something new.

Yes I make commissions, yes I have products I promote, yes you need to invest as what business costs nothing?

But most of all I help you do what I do.. make money and help others make money too.

Help others change their mindset, help others work towards quiting their jobs and most of all help others have more family time.

I will continue to see past the negetive of others in the online space and help as many people as I can.

Want help in changing your mindset?

Send me a DM I would love to chat.

Mel. x


Happy Valentine's Day to all you beautiful people!

This day isnt about flowers and chocolates its about spending time with the one you love.

A day to remind us how appreciative we are of our other halves.

We go about our busy lives day in day out and sometimes forget to stop and show our love and appreciation. Which is easy to forget.

Where would you be without your other half?

Glenn and I watched an awesome dvd together in our bed whilst the kids watch a dvd in their bed. A full movie together. Something we havent done in like forever!

'The Secret Dare to Dream'.. a must watch movie perfect for reflection today, a movie about gratitude and teaching you get what you project. We both loved it and its message ๐Ÿ’œ

Enjoy, love and appreciate ๐Ÿงก

Much love.

Mel xx


Happy 4th Birthday to our beautiful princess ๐Ÿ’œ

Where does time go...

Stop growing up so quick!!

Cherish every moment with your little ones, spoil them, fuss over them coz why bloody not they are only young once.

Love you Mimi...

Mel. x


Revisit your goals and dreams ๐Ÿ’ซ

Its amazing once you step out of your comfort zone and try something new how many other doors open.

Its so important to keep an open eye on all doors.

Just because youve mapped out a path and are on the way to achieve it doesnt mean you cant hit a T intersection and take a detour.

We have goals and dreams and intend on achieving them all but its always a good reminder to sit back and determine the path you want to take.

We never knew we had this power and now we have experienced it we feel unstoppable.

Life is full of curve balls and adventures. Enjoy every minute.

Mel. x

PS Dont live in fear or regret, give yourself the power to follow the road you want to be on.


No makeup Sunday..

Not working today. Chilling out, no social media for me.. if I can resist lol.

We all need that time out for r&r, out of routine and out of the norm.. hence the no makeup, no work and no social media.

Something we commonly forget. We all need to recharge the batteries.

Enjoy your Sunday peeps!

Mel. x


Day 28 of The Magic ๐Ÿ’ฅ book finished..
Such an incredible book! ๐Ÿ’œ


Mother daughter day ๐Ÿฅฐ

Its so nice to have the opportunity to have one on one time with the kids.

Today was Mia and Mum. Its Mias birthday next week so she thought she could buy the shop out (even though I have already Bday shopped).

She had a ball and so did I. Mimi is such a tom boy which is awesome its exactly how I grew up but its also nice to see her running around the shops picking dresses and pretty things ๐Ÿ’œ

I cant believe she is 4 next week! Where does time go, a reminder that life is too short and kids grow up way too quick.

Cherish every minute with them, money isnt everything as you cant buy back time. If you work too much and dont spend much time with your kids, have a think about change because you cant turn back time.

Dont live in regret.

Mel. x

PS Check out my stories to see Mia shopping, very cute.. ๐Ÿ’œ


No one is perfect...

How often we see things on social media and it can sometimes seem like the idealistic life and often wish we were in someone elses shoes.

Things may seem so perfect.

But really behind closed doors do you think it really is?

I was reminded by Adrian Wesley something today that resinated with me. Stop trying to live that perfect lifestyle and trying to be happy every single moment of every day.

Its normal to fall, GET BACK UP
Its normal to feel exhausted, TAKE A BREAK
Its normal to feel angry, BREATHE, RELAX
Its normal to have off days, TOMORROW IS A NEW DAY!!

Why are we so damn hard on ourselves.

If we dont fall we wont appreciate the feeling of getting back up, if we dont get exhausted we dont appreciate the feeling of having a break, if we dont feel angry, we wont know the happy feeling that picks us up.

We need to have off days to APPRECIATE tomorrow.

We need to have gratitude for the opposites in life without one we wouldnt feel the other!

Mel. x

PS Listen to the universe, practice gratitude and you will feel more of the happy opposites in life.

PPS Want to hear more wise words and work on your mindset daily, I highly recommend Adrian Wesley. This man is super amazing and inspiring! Check out the link in my comments.


How do I deal with PROCRASTINATING..

Something so simple, I do a LIST..

Do you go through your day thinking you have to do this or you forgot to do that or better still just put it to the bottom of the list so you never actually get to it.



Every evening or first thing in the morning I create lists of TO DO. Not just TO DO for that day a list of all of the TO DO'S.

Last night the list felt endless but it had a few things on there that always got pushed to the bottom. So the bottom of the list came to the top.

Ok so admittedly I ran around like a headless chook but achieved so much.

The feeling of this is rewarding or as reminded to me from our mentor from our platform its a micro win.

This arvo I have to admit I didnt really work much on the business today but the feeling of accomplishment of my list was amazing.

Some days we have to just get s**t done. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ

To go through the list and cross off 3/4 of it was unreal, infact I crossed off more today then I thought I would achieve.


Mel. x

PS The personal development for me from the platform we use is amazing. I wouldnt have the positive mindset I have today without this platform ๐Ÿ‘Œ

PPS Do you need to stop procrastinating and want to build your own personal development skills? I will pop a link in the comments it costs $1US for unlimited access for 7 days. No obligation cancel anytime.

Come on are you procrastinating? ๐Ÿ˜‰


Country life to coastal life!

How often do you wonder what change would feel like to try another road?

Well remember this we only have one chance at life so make the most of it.

Why sit then pondering on different things in life, wishing I could do this or that..

Whats stopping you?

This was me! ๐Ÿ‘†

We love the country life, the kids loved thier motobike riding and we loved our cosy warm house with the ambience or our fire going most months of the year.

But this also came with regular cold weather, kids being sick and alot of indoor time.

Jayden and Mia suffer with Asthma, so everytime they got a cold it turned into asthma and that cough took forever to clear up. Which meant when Jayden wanted to play soccer or just run around the yard, he couldn't because he would have a continual cough stopping him.

After years of wondering about change with this filling our head...

โ“Fearful of change
โ“This life is all we have known
โ“What if we dont like it
โ“Moving away from family
โ“Leaving a secure job

We came up with these answers...

โœ…Embrace change
โœ…If its all we have known how do we know its right
โœ…What if we do like it
โœ…Leaving family is hard but it means lots of holidays home and thankful for zoom calls
โœ…Theres loads of ways to make incomes out there, time to start our online biz!

So 7 months ago I gave it a crack!

To show our kids so young to not fear change, to embrace it is priceless.

The kids have not had asthma since our move, except when we have visited home. We love the beach life, the fresh sea air and warm climate. We do miss family but we try to visit as much as we can and to top it all off we are now running a successful online business.

Kids love the beach and fishing and so do mum and dad! So happy we stepped out of our comfort zone and gave something new a go.

Mel x

PS Forget fear, dont think about it just do it! If you dont like it you just choose a different road! Simple ๐Ÿ‘Œ

PPS Want help with a program thats a great road map to start and online biz and give you the mindset change to make s**t happen? Send me a DM.
Look forward to chatting!



Have you been sitting on the fence.. thinking these thoughts ๐Ÿ‘‡

This was me before I started my online business.

Last year I scrolled past a post on fb and it intrigued me.. It ticked all my boxes and resinated with me.

I instantly thought its too good to be true its gotta be a scam.

So I researched, I fb stalked and googled.

One by one all of the boxes were โœ…
And I couldn't find any โŒ

So what was I waiting for, what was holding me back.

FEAR!! FEAR of something new, FEAR of failure, FEAR of judgement and FEAR of change!

After months of discussing with Glenn and getting his support and realising all boxes were โœ…โœ…โœ…

The feeling of nerves and excitement started to outweigh fear.

We decided to ๐™„๐™‰๐™‘๐™€๐™Ž๐™ ใ€‹ใ€‹ใ€‹ใ€‹ใ€‹

Dont get me wrong I was still scared ๐Ÿ’ฉless! ๐Ÿคฏ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

But those nervous feelings strangely enough made it feel right.

If I didn't change, nothing was going to change.


Chances are it because you are on the right track!

Squish that ๐Ÿฅ and Run with it, give it a crack!

FAILING is NOT giving something a go....

Are you keen on learning what I did and looking to start something that can get your quality of life back, more family time?

Send me a DM and lets have a chat.

Mel x


Thank you for every step that I take ๐Ÿ’œ


Who would think cleaning a caravan can take all day!

Well of course everything takes longer with kids helping lol..

Today was a declutter and massive spring or summer clean. Getting the van ready to hit the road.

I did encounter a couple of problems but nothing that cant be sorted.. just maybe make us a little more delayed again for our travels.

But you know what, I wasnt even bummed or pi**ed off. I instantly had positive thoughts of better now then later when we are on the road.

The old me would of been negetive and would of pulled me down in the dumps!

Its like the old saying no point crying over spilt milk!

I tell you I surprise myself sometimes with this new me! Feels amazing!

Highly recommend reading The Magic peeps! ๐Ÿ’ฅ

Mel. x

PS Working on mindset is simple and bloody rewarding, need some guidance how just ask im more then happy to share!


Have you had one of these days?

Firstly I have to say im super grateful for my life and my family and my amazing business that helps me be a stay at home mum.

But.. its bloody tough somedays!

Mums life is a hard gig. Its not 9-5 its first kid up until last kid down.. plus the chores after that and everything else in between.

Its a unpaid FULL TIME job!

So as mentioned above im super grateful for everything that surrounds me, but some days are just exhausting. Kids not listening, kids arguing, oh and the continuing mum.. mum.. mum.. ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ

Then theres my entrepreneurial journey as a mum. As if I dont have enough on my plate so I throw this in the mix too.


Why you ask.. why do more when my plate is full.??

My list is endless...

๐Ÿ’ฅFamily time on our time, not after work or on weekends or annual leave
๐Ÿ’ฅGet dad off the tools
๐Ÿ’ฅTravel oz before the kids grow up
๐Ÿ’ฅDoing something for me
๐Ÿ’ฅChanging my mindset
๐Ÿ’ฅSurrounding myself with likeminded people to help guide me on this path
๐Ÿ’ฅProving something to myself
๐Ÿ’ฅBringing in an income whilst at home with my kids

As I said my list goes on..

So when you see my posts of my beautiful day im having with my family and it appears all sunshines and lollipops....

Well... it is.. most of the time... but we are normal, s**t happens, things go wrong, we argue..

Im here to share honesty and me raw and real.

It wasnt easy, I wasnt given a free ticket. I am a SAHM that has her own online business to live our dream.

I work bloody hard! Some days are just full of chores and I get disappointed that I havent worked on the business that day or im up until midnight on catch up.

(Admittedly I do spend most evenings on the biz I try to keep most of my day time for kiddies ๐Ÿฅฐ)

Then I remind myself tomorrow is a new day and the day to smash more goals.

So its not all sunshines and lollipops its a long hard ride which is giving us amazing results that we are so grateful for.

Mel. x

PS Reminder! If you want something bad enough you will find a way to achieve it, nothing will change unless you do. Reach out if you want want a change I would love to chat. ๐Ÿ‘Œ


Happy Australia Day Everyone!! ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ

If anyone is getting value from these quotes im posting daily..

Do yourself a favour and get 'The Magic' book by Rhonda Byrne. ๐Ÿ’œ

A great way to practice and learn gratitude!

Mel. xx


Grandma and Granddaughter bond ๐Ÿ’•

We are lucky enough to have such a long time staying up here with Grandma and Grandad.

Usually we are only able to visit once a year at Christmas time.

With our new path and new ventures we have been able to temporarily relocate here. Catching up on all the missed time over the years.

Quality Grandma & Grandad time is priceless ๐Ÿ’œ

Any family time is priceless!


PS. How much family time are you able to have?


Learning to let go - So important ๐Ÿ’ฅ


Magic in the boat today, reading in the sun whilst everyone is fishing! ๐Ÿ‘Œ



Videos (show all)

The things our kids remind and teach us
Our Family Oz Ventures
What I want for my family! What do you want for yours?
