Positive Steps Health

Positive Steps Health

Online therapy, Pilates, PT and fitness coaching - Helping you feel your best inside & out! ✔️ACCHP


A quick core pilates workout to feel good, and positive vibes for a Monday! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b94ACax8gu0

🧡 Remember we should move our body to feel good not punishment
💚 Tummy rolls are normal
🧡 You deserve to eat today no matter what you ate yesterday
💚 You are not alone

I hope you enjoy, email me for more information: [email protected]


We have finally uploaded to our YouTube channel, link in bio! Please check out our free online Pilates videos, like, and subscribe for more!



Francesca has now received her certification, her qualifications now include Advanced Counsellor & Psychotherapist Level 4, Eating Disorder Awareness Diploma, Level 2 Understanding Nutrition And Health, and Pilates Diploma.

She couldn't stop there and has also started a life coaching course too!

She is now officially a member of ACCPH.

So will be offering sessions soon, keep your eyes peeled as she will be offering a FREE 'Feel good inside and out session' which includes talk therapy and pilates!


Tips for eating out on plan
Eating out while in a calorie deficit or on a macro plan can be overwhelming, and unfortunately can lead many people to miss out on making memories, and opt for staying at home and having control of their meals.

It’s important to remember that even when sticking to a plan, you should never miss out on life experiences and socialising – this can lead to disordered eating because you are not allowing yourself to make memories with friends and family, and you’re restricting yourself from craving and satisfaction.

Avoid labeling items as ‘good’ or ‘bad.’ Adopting such a mindset can create a negative relationship with food, fostering a cycle that might culminate in binge-eating behaviours and an ‘all or nothing’ approach. Steer clear of the “cheat day” mentality; it often leads to extremes rather than balance.

Instead, learn how to be mindful, and look to make good choices that have a good macro split that works with your goals, and ensure you get adequate protein to help keep you fuller for longer.

Here are our top 5 restaurants to go to while being mindful of calories and macros, but not to miss out on that date night and feeling satisfied both physically and emotionally! We’ve given examples of the lower calories and higher protein options, plus included our favourites.

READ MORE: https://positive-steps-health.com/2023/11/17/5-macro-friendly-restaurants-for-eating-out-on-plan/


Fancy a FREE 1-2-1 online Pilates class with Francesca?

She'll design a class perfectly suited to your goals and ability, done online at a time that suits you.

DM us to book ✨


Francesca's written a blog about her experience running a 50km ultra marathon, check it out on our website!



Much like the ripples expanding across a tranquil pond, our actions reverberate outward, touching the lives of others, for all things are intricately interconnected.

In life's journey, it's the choices and actions we take that mold our destiny. Each day is a blank canvas, waiting for the vibrant strokes of positivity. It's the steps we take toward our goals, the kindness we extend, and the perseverance we show that lead us toward our dreams.

Remember, the smallest actions can spark significant change. Every smile, every effort, and every act of self-improvement paves the way to a brighter tomorrow. Take positive actions, not just for today, but for the better version of yourself that's waiting. Y
our potential is boundless, and your actions are the brushstrokes on the canvas of your life – paint it with purpose, passion, and positivity.


A good night's sleep is so important for our physical and mental health, did you know it can even play a part in our weight?

Checkout our latest blog to read why and Francesca's top tops including:

An evening walk - Of course!

A good bath using Snow Fairy Collection ✨

And giving yourself a lymphatic drainage facial, she recommends you watch YouTube as works wonders 💛


Photos from Positive Steps Health's post 04/11/2023

Understanding your ego state can help improve your mental health. Ego states can provide valuable insights into how you respond to various situations and relationships. By recognising your different ego states (Parent, Adult, Child) and how they influence your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, you can gain better self-awareness.

This awareness can be a key step in managing and improving your mental health because it allows you to:

Identify patterns: Recognising which ego state tends to dominate your responses in certain situations can help you understand why you react the way you do.

Make informed choices: Once you're aware of your ego states, you can consciously choose the most appropriate response, leading to healthier interactions and outcomes.

Manage emotions: Understanding your Child's ego state, for example, can help you better cope with emotional triggers and stressors.

Improve relationships: Recognising the ego states in others can enhance your ability to empathise and communicate effectively.

Reduce conflicts: By understanding how different ego states can clash, you can work to minimise conflicts and improve your relationships.

Overall, understanding and working with your ego states can be a valuable tool in enhancing your emotional well-being and mental health.


What's Neuro-Linguistic Programming and how is it used by the Positive Steps team? We've explained using a simple pyramid of the levels explored using this therapy technique!


Can dogs improve our mental health?

Check out Francesca's latest blog for her views on this, she also tells you the story of have Positive Steps got started.

Click here: https://positive-steps-health.com/2023/10/16/can-dogs-help-with-mental-health/


Learn about the Positive Steps Team!

Getting to know and feeling comfortable with who you’ll be working with is incredibly important to us. So, let’s introduce ourselves – we’re Francesca and Luke. We’re ‘childhood sweethearts’, growing up together in the same small village we were both born in. Now, you’re meeting us in our mid-30s, after our own mind and body transformations.

Throughout our journey, we’ve experienced highs and lows, but we’ve always managed to overcome challenges by being an incredible team and working through everything together, something we now want to share.

We’ve both embarked on a journey to improve our fitness and overall wellness over almost two decades and in the summer of 2023, we decided to start a business (Launching Early 2024) and use our experiences and qualifications to help others do the same.

Read more HERE: https://positive-steps-health.com/about-us/ ❤️


Just as physical health is vital for a fulfilling life, so is mental health. Mental health hugely impacts on our overall well-being, as it influences our thoughts, emotions, and behaviours.

Through our varied and engaging talking therapy in a safe non-judgemental environment, we are able to provide online counselling for a variety of issues, such as depression, anxiety, addiction, relationship struggles, couples therapy / marriage counselling & more. We also offer specific disordered eating counselling and guidance for those who want to positively repair their relationship with food.


Good things come to those who wait, Positive Steps is launching soon, DM us to go on our waiting list!

Our mission is to guide you toward improved mental and physical well-being. We believe in the power of open and engaging conversations during our online counselling and psychotherapy sessions, our nutrition advice is designed to help you discover how to nourish your body optimally, with a special focus on mending your relationship with food.

In addition, we will offer personalised online personal training and Pilates programs tailored to help you look your best and feel your absolute best.

Our ultimate goal is to support you in feeling your most vibrant self, equipping you with all the tools necessary to live life to the fullest!


Your health both physical and mental is your most valuable asset, you must prioritise it. We believe the two come hand in hand, we believe the simplest place to start is walking.

We promote walk-talk therapy whenever possible (If you’re UK based, that’s weather permitting!)

Walking is free, can be done anywhere and anytime. Not only does it:
🚶Maintain a healthy weight and lose body fat.
🔥Improve cardiovascular fitness.
💪Strengthen your bones and muscles.
💃Increase energy levels.

But walking has a huge potential to improve our well-being. Even a quick 10 minutes increases our mental alertness, energy and positive mood.

It can also be a great distraction and a way to remove yourself from a situation, and come back with an improved mindset.

So if your not sure where to start, take your first positive step - literally! Go for a walk today, get outside and start a new daily habit on your journey to better health!



We’re almost ready with our new website, socials, and YouTube channel!

We’ll not only be offering talking therapy and eating disorder recovery guidance but we’ve realised how important the link between mental and physical health is! So we’re excited to announce that we'll be offering both in tandem, with online personal training and Pilates classes too!

Our aim is to get you feeling your best both mentally and physically 🫶

We’ll be taking on clients in January 2024, so stay tuned but in the meantime, we’ll be sharing helpful tips and guidance via social and our weekly blog!

Videos (show all)

BIG NEWS✨Francesca has passed all assignments and is awaiting her certification of: Advanced Counsellor & Psychotherapis...