Smile More, Morgan

Smile More, Morgan

Taking it one day at a time
Learning through each mistake
Growing in love
Joshua 3:5 đź’›


Lord, I pray that my words and actions reflect YOUR character. Help me always be receptive to Your corrections and guidance, so that I’m able to walk out the plan You have for me in the fullest.

I thank you, Heavenly Father, for Your kindness and mercy when I waiver in my obedience. You amaze me with the grace You lavish upon me.


The Lord is There | Michael Miller | Jesus Image Pastors Conference 14/04/2023

This sermon seriously blessed me! He begs the question “what would the church look like if we weren’t focused on attracting people but God?”

I believe we should be striving to become a resting place for the presence of God, and that’s when He will show His power and love to a new generation of believers 💛

The Lord is There | Michael Miller | Jesus Image Pastors Conference Live from Jesus Image Pastors Conference in Orlando, FL | September 22nd, 2022We'd love to have you join us on Sunday! You'll find more information about our...


A friend of mine sent me a picture of Psalm 27 and 28 in her Bible last night. She had underlined the phrase “wait on the Lord” every time it appeared, and put emphasis on the verses where David proclaimed with confidence where his help came from.

My heart says to you, “Your face, Lord, do I seek.” -Psalm 27:8

David was faced with war and hostility his whole life, and through it all he knew that God was with him. Even when he stumbled and made mistakes (and there were many, many, MANY times), he was steadfast in his faith.

One of the names of God is Jehovah-Jireh, which means God is my provider. He’s been challenging me to see Him as the loving, compassionate, capable Father that He is. We need only seek Him to find the peace that only He can give.


Recently, the Lord has been showing me areas of my life that need improvement and refining. Asking me where my time and effort is being put.

Honestly, there are quite a few areas where I’m proud to say I’m succeeding, but there are just as many areas that I’ve been shying away from because the thought of addressing them is painful.

If someone were to ask me how many times I pray a week, I’d be happy to answer. How many times am I reading my Bible a week? No problem.

Now how many hours did I stare at a screen rather than use that time to check things off my to-do list? How many times have I gotten frustrated with my boys because I poorly managed my time and now we’re late for something.

Malachi chapter 3 talks about the messenger being like a refiner’s fire, purifying us like silver and gold. That sounds a little scary until you realize He’s in the fire with us. He wants us to be at our best, in every area of our lives.

I’m so grateful for that still small voice guiding me to become the best version of myself. And I’ll never be perfect, obviously, but awareness is the first step. Willingness to make changes is the second.