Ordo Duodecim Triangula - Temple of the Winged Serpent

Ordo Duodecim Triangula - Temple of the Winged Serpent

a church for those who need a church, temple for those who need a temple, a school of the mysteries for those who need a school. interested?

an order for those who seek initiation into the darkness of the mysteries. email me and tell me why - [email protected]


Wake up.


"Everything is Order, Everything is Chaos. Know Thyself, know the Universe." ---8
Only when you are able to find Order within the Chaos will you start to manifest peace. Consequently, and of equal importance, when you find Chaos within the Order, you will become uncomfortable enough to manifest change. But when you realise that both are intrinsically dependent upon each other, you will start the journey to enlightenment. Solve et Coagula. As Above, So Below. I.A.O. Do what thou Wilt shall be the whole of the Law. --- 8


Do what thou Wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the Law, Love under Will. -------156 93 93 418 12 1134 888 666 777 ------Remember, the Khabs is in the khu, not the khu in the khabs.πŸ€β˜¦βœ‘πŸ”―β™ΎπŸŽ±
