Prescription Medicine Refill

Prescription Medicine Refill

CRNP providing health and wellness support services to New York and Maryland residents. Telehealth prescription medicine refills included.


45% of COVID-19 Deaths in Nursing Homes & Assisted Living Facilities 10/07/2020

45% of COVID-19 Deaths in Nursing Homes & Assisted Living Facilities A startling statistic has profound implications for the way we’ve managed the coronavirus pandemic.

The COVID-19 Virus May Have Been in Humans For Years, Study Suggests 13/04/2020

ABOUT FDA's "How You Can Make a Difference During the Coronavirus Pandemic"

The reason they want blood plasma is for the antibodies. But staying at home and avoiding exposure by social distancing precludes people from developing those very antibodies.

Given the limited experience CDC has with this virus, how do they know what constitutes fraudulent treatment? This is especially true since they are themselves refusing to endorse natural medicine treatments shown to be effective against COVID-19!!

People. This approach is troubling in that it--in essence --endorses conventional medicine ideas over natural medicine ideas at the cost of the public and economic health of Americans.

The COVID-19 Virus May Have Been in Humans For Years, Study Suggests As COVID-19 has hitchhiked around the globe, causing lockdowns, pneumonia and fear, scientists have been racing to determine where the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has come from.

The COVID-19 Virus May Have Been in Humans For Years, Study Suggests 13/04/2020

The COVID-19 Virus May Have Been in Humans For Years, Study Suggests As COVID-19 has hitchhiked around the globe, causing lockdowns, pneumonia and fear, scientists have been racing to determine where the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has come from.







When Doctors Struggle With Su***de, Their Profession Often Fails Them 09/04/2020

This is more misinformation than high quality and actionable health information in that it doesn't explain why some younger age groups are susceptible, namely the state of health of their immune system.

When Doctors Struggle With Su***de, Their Profession Often Fails Them Doctors are far more likely to die by su***de than the rest of us. Some medical professionals are working to change that.

Should Media, Big Tech, and Social Media Censor Speech About Public Health Issues? - Scsson Academy For Self Care Education 07/04/2020

To my surprise and dismay, I have found my efforts to educate fellow Americans about the Coronavirus crisis with data, censored at times by some social media and big tech companies. I suppose we all have our buttons that can be pushed. For instance, I don't support cursing or mean-spirited personal comments or acts about or against other people. So, I tend to block those type of posts from my FB pages.

But, I deplore censorship of the legitimate information or opinions of American citizens, about issues of public health interest (like the COVID-19 proclamation of March 13, 2020). I especially deplore it when it is done by big tech organizations like FB, Google, Pinterest and others. They use more than their share of public resources to operate practically for free and have benefited greatly from the use of those public resources.

While I don't begrudge such overuse of public resources, I do think that they should be adverse to doing anything that appears to be communistic, totalitarian, or otherwise not in support of U.S. citizens exercising their constitutional right to speak out publicly about public health issues.

Since debate is at the heart of the U.S. constitution, the strength of the U.S. Democracy as a government by the people and for the people is at stake. Therefore, in my opinion, censoring dissenting information related to the proclamation of March 13, 2020 constitutes a profound affront to the Constitution. This is true whether it by print, radio, television media or by Big Tech and Social Media.

Such censorship deprives their U.S. citizen viewers, readers, listeners, or participant members' constitutional right of freedom of speech. This is especially offensive to me because these same entities force their members to view or listen to all kinds of commercial ads others have paid them to distribute. Yet, some think they have the right to act as "Big Brother" about public issues when it pleases them. They have even helped to sway a U.S. presidential election!

Therefore, given that they utilize the public infrastructure to recruit their members and conduct their business, and given their tremendous control over public speech, I believe it is in the public's interest for all Big Tech and Social Media companies to become public entities owned by the American people and forbidden to deprive their members of any rights otherwise enjoyed under the U.S. Constitution.

Please share this post with others and voice your opinion about what I have said--whether you agree with me or not--in my online Censorship question at

NP Dr. Olivia Young, PhD, MSN, MS, MAT-C

Should Media, Big Tech, and Social Media Censor Speech About Public Health Issues? - Scsson Academy For Self Care Education Should Media, Social Media, and Big Tech Censor Speech about Public Health issues?

Should Media, Big Tech, and Social Media Be Allowed to Censor Speech About Public Issues? - Scsson Academy For Self Care Education 06/04/2020

Do you think Media, Social Media, and Big Tech Should Censor Speech about Public Health issues? Vote and opine at

Should Media, Big Tech, and Social Media Be Allowed to Censor Speech About Public Issues? - Scsson Academy For Self Care Education Should Media, Big Tech, and Social Media Be Allowed to Censor Speech About Public Issues?


Question: Should Media, Big Tech, and Social Media Be Allowed to Censor Speech About Public Issues?
Vote and opine at

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Exerpt Image fromGov Coumo's Press Conference for Today, April 6 2020. NY seems to hav been hit the hardest out of all U.S. states.


How is the Coronavirus crisis affecting you? Share your thoughts online in the Coronavirus Crisis Survey. Be sure to include your email in your survey if you want to see the aggregated results. To share your opinion, go to:


Pandemics are with us every day of the year.


Hi All, Take a deep breath. Then, assuming you are not allergic to any of the supplements, start this regimen. Best regards, NP Dr. Young


Everyone. Take a deep breath. Then, assuming you are not allergic to any of the supplements on the list, start the regimen. Take care. NP Dr. Young


Al Sears, MD
11905 Southern Blvd.
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411
March 2, 2020

The FDA is coming for your DNA... They want to package it and put it in a pill.

And then prescribe it back to you.

Let me explain...

On January 28 of this year, the FDA declared that natural gene therapies will be covered under the “orphan drug designation.”

If you’ve never heard of an orphan drug, you’re not alone. Basically, it means a pharmaceutical medication that was developed to treat a disease so rare that Big Pharma can't turn a profit without relying on this government label.

They’re given huge tax credits – and allowed to hold the patent for 20 years. That’s three times longer than the patent for the average drug. With a monopoly like that, you can easily understand why drug makers are desperate for this status.

The pharmaceutical giants that develop orphan drugs don’t help a lot of patients. In fact, the disease has to be so rare that fewer than 200,000 people have even been diagnosed.

But these drug company behemoths are raking in the cash. These orphan prescriptions are priced above $400,000 a year per patient. And some are priced at $1 million per treatment.

The FDA is controlled by bureaucrats who were hired from Big Pharma and the medical establishment. And now, the FDA is rewarding their Big Pharma friends by labeling natural gene therapies as orphan drugs.

Do you get why I am so outraged?

The basic definition of gene therapy is “using genes to treat or prevent disease...”

It’s pretty simple and straightforward.

Genes come from our own bodies. And we as individuals own them... Not the government. And not Big Pharma! But today, these gene therapies – or biologics as they’re often called – make up 60% of orphan drugs. And 75% of the biggest drug revenues come from biologics.

Big Pharma is profiting from your living cells – including your DNA.

We’ve talked before about how the FDA has declared war on your stem cells by reclassifying them as drugs.

Now they want to do the same thing for gene therapy.

In fact, traditional pharmaceutical companies are buying up biotech labs in record numbers. Big Pharma has been on a massive buying spree – spending $195 billion on these BioPharma labs in the last year.

With the hopes of selling you back your own gene therapy.

Maybe President Trump will be able to stop them in their tracks before this comes to pass. He proved he’s up for the fight when he signed the “Right to Try” bill into law.

But in the meantime, there is something you can do...

For almost 30 years, I’ve been helping my patients activate their own gene therapy. Tune in tomorrow and I’ll tell you how...
To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD, CNS


Just Think'N About Your health, healing, and longevity!


A Few Prescription Drug Factoids Found on CDC, today:
• About 165 million Americans use a prescription drug
• Nearly 25% of these prescription drug users take 3 or more prescription drugs.
• In 2017, more than 1 million U.S. Emergency Room visits were related to drug side effects.


Thanks to everyone who liked my Prescription Medicine Refills Page!. I appreciate your support and plan to make regular medication (pharmaceutical and dietary supplement) related posts. Also, feel free to check out the Prescription Medicine Refills Page at to learn more about how I approach prescribing. Here's to your health, healing, and longevity!!


Mind Body Works Telehealth is pleased to announce the creation of expanded prescription medicine services called Prescription Medicine Refill (PMR). PMR allows us to now offer prescription refills for controlled as well as non-controlled medications. Click here to learn more.


Good News! Now You Can Get Medication Prescriptions Online!