

Cluster B advocate and educator, I am not a professional.


I don’t even care if I lose followers for this.
This isn’t about anyone in specific either, I’m just tired of having kink accounts recommended to me when it’s triggering af.


V hates please rise up done we can make him suffer

Photos from NeurodivergentBimbo's post 11/11/2023

got me the Eleven skin pack on Fortnite and they got Hopper for themselves. The chaos was hilarious and I ended up taking these pictures too.


I had originally made this one back when I was having major imposter syndrome about being autistic.
When you have more than one disorder, or several, they often cancel each other’s symptoms out.
For example, because I have ADHD, it makes it difficult for me to have special interests because I lose interest quickly. The same thing happens with my FPs, I either lose interest quickly or frequently switch between my FPs (more often than not the same circle of people).
Your autism is valid, regardless of what your imposter syndrome tells you.


Yes, I’m recycling all my old posts. I want them to fit my theme, okay? 😭


If your friend asks for space or suddenly stops replying, it’s easy to assume that it’s about you. However, we need to understand that sometimes people’s mental loads just become too much for them and sometimes they just need a break.
One thing that will make your friend less likely to come back faster is bombarding them with messages. I know from personal experience; I’ve taken mental health breaks throughout the years and was pressured numerously by an old friend. Because of that, we had a fight and we’re no longer friends.
One thing you can do is occasionally send check-in messages to ask how they’re doing to let them know you’re thinking about them, but don’t send several the span of a day. People take breaks for a reason and making them come back to an app that they clearly need distance from is not okay.


Sure, people can have several VERSIONS of themselves depending on who they’re with or their surroundings, but you don’t have multiple personalities.
Alternatively, people can’t be your spirit animal either. That’s cultural appropriation, you are quite literally mocking a culture when you call someone your spirit animal.
Spirit animals are an ANIMAL that hold significant meaning to Indigenous people and everyone has different ones that reveal themselves to said person at some point in life- those are their spiritual leaders. EDUCATE YOURSELVES.

Photos from NeurodivergentBimbo's post 18/09/2023

Hi! On today's episode of "learn what the f**k an intrusive thought actually is-" I go into detail about what the difference between and intrusive thought and an impulsive thought is. 😀
Edit: the last slide is supposed to say “if you acted on an intrusive thought, you’d be in jail.”


What the actual f**k, ? Fix this. Otherwise I hope you get sued.

Photos from NeurodivergentBimbo's post 14/09/2023

My posts usually have the more important bits in the caption, but because this one doesn’t, I’m going to be adding image descriptions.

Slide one:
Written on an image of a moon setting behind clouds with a purple filter over it reads “Accessible profiles vs. inaccessible profiles.”
Slide two:
On the same background is a screenshot of an Instagram profile cropped to show their name that reads “Example Name” and bio that reads “Insert bio here,” but they’re written with a “fancy font” app.
The words surrounding the screenshot read ‘This is what an inaccessible profile looks like. Screen readers can’t pick up these “fancy fonts,” thus making your profile inaccessible.”’
Slide three:
On the same background with the same screenshot, this one reads ‘Not to mention the fact that some people have dyslexia, and these “fancy fonts,” especially in cursive, can be really difficult for those of us with it to read your name and bio.’
Slide four:
This one has the same background but a similar screenshot of the profile, however the name and bio are written in the font Instagram provides. The words surrounding the screenshot read, ‘This is what an accessible profile looks like. The name and bio are clear to read for dyslexic people, and screen readers can clearly pick these up.’
Slide five:
The final slide has the same background but no screenshot. The words written read ‘Remember, accessibility is cooler than using “fancy fonts!” Everyone gets to be included with accessibility.’


What the actual f**k, Raven?
The only two comments she's left on my posts were ARGUING with my f**king posts. READ THE NAME OF MY PAGE- WE DO NOT DEMONIZE NARCISSISTS HERE.


I’m so goddamn tired of “delulu come trululu” like having delusions is cute or quirky. It’s one thing if mentally ill people use it, but I’m seeing WAY too many people using it for it to just be people that experience delusions.
Y’all want to be us until the symptoms show, then you’re scared of us. 🙄

Photos from The Real NPD's post 13/09/2023

Narcissist, psychopath, sociopath, etc.
Narcissist: conceited, self-centered, egotistical.
Sociopath: heartless, cold, careless.
Psychopath: I mean, do we really need synonyms for these? They’re all ableist. Crazy, insane, etc. It’s time to update your vocabulary.


Don’t know what an FP is? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered!
FP is short for favourite person, a term tied to borderline personality disorder. A favourite person is so much more than just “you’re my favourite person to talk to!”
More often than not, it’s an unhealthy attachment and our moods throughout the day often revolve around our FPs. How often we hear from them, how they’re feeling, etc. it’s a very co-dependent relationship.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions though! You can ask things like “hey, what are some ways we can avoid you becoming upset while I’m unresponsive?” One suggestion I have for this would be to make a playlist for them with songs that remind you of them!
Also, being someone’s FP may mean you need to reassure them more than other people would have to. Hope this helps!


I think it’s safe to say that most if not all of my followers have their own mental struggles going on and I’m very open about mine.
Unless you’re friends with the person and they’ve clearly told you that you don’t need permission to vent ever, please don’t just assume that it’s okay to do so, especially just because they post about mental health issues. Most of the stuff we post about is from experience, and we often already have a lot on our plate.
Consent is key, no matter the context.


No, this one isn't about a cluster b disorder and yes, it's my comment. Even though this is a cluster b account, I do still occasionally want to talk about my other disorders, autism being one of them.
A common issue in the autistic community is autism moms. Now, "autism moms" doesn't mean every single mother to an autistic child, it's referring to the mothers that include "autism mom" in their social media bio and make their whole personality their child's disability.
Two problem with that is that the child rarely consents to being posted to social media constantly, and two- autistic voices are rarely listened to when they offer advice.
This comment was left on a video of a mother asking for advice after her two and a half year old son was diagnosed autistic.
Seriously, we are not trying to take over your role as parent to your child. We just know what it's like to not have our accommodations met and don't want that same life for your child. Let us help you!


Story of my life 🤷🏻‍♀️

Photos from NeurodivergentBimbo's post 07/09/2023

Once again, purple is me.
A lot of people that dedicate their time to educating others about cluster b disorders for FREE on social media are often met with responses like this. No matter how calm and nice we are, we get called a narc like it’s supposed to be a bad thing. We get accused of gaslighting and manipulating when it’s often them trying to gaslight.
It's a sad cycle. They accuse people with cluster b disorders of being abusive for having unresolved issues (yes, this can sometimes lead to abuse) while they... also have unresolved issues? And are being abusive?
Anyway, please be kind to the educators you're following. We do this s**t for free and it's DRAINING.


Purple is me. Who wants to guess how this interaction ended?


This one's a vent post, I guess. Trauma related though, so obviously still has something to do with cluster b disorders lmao.
Should I start making more posts like this? I'll still make user boxes and educational posts but I feel like I can't educate daily, it's draining.


Seriously, no one knows you better than you. If you have a bad feeling about something, trust it. Your safety is more important than someone else's feelings.


WHY IS IT SO COMMON FOR PWBPD TO SAY S**T LIKE THIS? Not once have I ever seen anyone with ASPD or HPD say s**t like this, always someone with BPD. Educate your annoying asses.
Anyway, love fairymoonie for this.


Tbfh if I overshare with you, I'm basically your bitch 🤷🏻‍♀️
Platonically like, by the way!


No it's not "mostly a women's disorder," it's just underdiagnosed in men because men are deemed "weak" for going to therapy.


While I’ve gotten the urge to message people from my past less and less, I do still find myself thinking of certain people, wishing we could have a do-over, or that we could have met now rather than then. It’s hard grieving people that haven’t even died.


Anyone else get like this?
I used to be like this about being on disability too, that I "wasn't disabled enough" to be on it and that I was taking it from other people.
It took me a tough love talk to get me to realize that my brain gaslights itself and I'd love for that to stop.


Part 2 of my new ASPD series.


I had a chat with an admin in a Facebook group on Saturday about how people sometimes say one thing when they mean another, and one of the examples she gave was “that’s crazy.” She said what they typically mean is “that’s silly” or “that’s wild,” and that people say these things without giving it a second thought.
Y’all know me and what I’m about, and I occasionally talk about how throwing around words like “narcissist,” “gaslighting,” etc. can be harmful and reduce the meaning of these words.
Looking up the history of the word, I found this: The word's earliest meaning comes from the 1570s when it meant "diseased; sickly." A decade later, it was used to describe something "full of cracks or flaws" (a crazy house); then, by the 1610s, it had evolved to apply to a person "of unsound mind, or behaving as so."
So why do people continue to throw around a word that has such a negative meaning to it? Isn’t everyone flawed? And yet “crazy” was used to describe only a certain group of those of us with flaws, that being the neurodivergent community. If any of the insults you want to use lead back to the neurodivergent community, please look up synonyms. I promise you, every single one has one, you don’t need to be ableist to insult someone.
That being said, going after one’s intelligence can also be ableist which is why I like to avoid those kinds of insults altogether. Calling someone stupid whether they have a learning disability or another disability that otherwise affects their ability to learn or not is still harmful to those that do.
All words hold weight to them, so choose yours carefully.


Part 1 of my new ASPD series.


Oops, little bit of a petty post 🤭


Btw one that I was late to post but another of the 'what's something you wish people knew about your cluster b disorder?" series


My favourite is when pwBPD make posts about BPD stigma and then turn around and demonize NPD 🤪

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Posted by lucianoxxxarellano on TikTok. I was diagnosed with BPD in October 2020 and the fact that this is the first tim...
I know I said I was taking a hiatus but I saw this on my timeline and had to make yet another comment.Why is it so hard ...
