Re-Elect Ray Burt to Huffman ISD School Board Position 3

Re-Elect Ray Burt to Huffman ISD School Board Position 3

My name is Ray Burt and I am running for re-election to Position 3 on the Huffman ISD School Board.


I am very proud and grateful to have received the endorsement of Dan Huberty. Vote Ray Burt on November 8, 2022 for Huffman ISD School Board Position 3!


My name is Ray Burt and I am running for Position Three on the Huffman ISD School Board. I’ve been a member of the School Board through four administrations and have had the opportunity to make decisions for the betterment of our students and the district as a whole. I am asking, at this time, for you to make a vote for stability and experience in order to ensure the continued success of Huffman ISD.

I have been a member of this community for 40 years and am a retired Houston Firefighter, having served Harris County in various roles for almost 40 years. My wife, Camille, is a retired educator, having given almost 40 years to the education of students. We had the pleasure of raising two children, Christopher and Jarrod, and seeing them succeed in the Huffman School System. Christopher, after graduating as Valedictorian of his high school class, had the privilege of attending Rice University and is now a partner at BoyarMiller, a law firm in Houston. Jarrod, graduating in the top ten of his class, found success at the University of Houston-Downtown and is now an engineer at LyondellBassell. We are extremely proud of the success of our children and firmly believe that their triumphs are rooted, in great part, in the education they received in Huffman ISD.

It is my sincere hope and desire that my work on the Huffman ISD School Board will allow the same opportunities afforded to my children to be bestowed on the other students in our district. I value the commitment of our teachers and administrators within our district, and will do all that I can to give them the tools necessary to educate our children.

I firmly believe that our students need to be prepared to enter a world which is very different than the one we grew up in. Our job as a board is to ensure that every student that progresses through the educational system here is prepared to enter a progressive and technologically advanced environment where success is earned, not given. Hard work and dedication by the board should be an example for the community at large. More importantly, the board should be prepared to make difficult, and sometimes unpopular decisions, when it is in the best interests of our children. I have had the privilege of doing just that for the last several terms on the board. If re-elected, I will continue to do so.

The position on the board and the heavy burden placed upon the person who occupies the seat is not something that I take lightly. The decisions we make should be made without regard to personal agendas. The only thing that does and should matter is the well being, safety, and advancement of every individual student within our charge - no matter their race, creed, orientation, or religion. Making decisions for the betterment of our students should be firmly founded upon decisions which will permit every child to reach their potential.

I am asking now for you to let me continue to work in that regard. I am asking for you to vote for me and allow me to continue what I have been doing for the past several terms - guiding the district in ways that are student-centered and student-focused. Vote Ray Burt this November for Position 3 on the Huffman ISD School Board and re-invest in the prosperous future residing within each of the students in our district.
