Dew in the Morning

Dew in the Morning

I desire to honor God with what I write, to draw people into His Word, and bring practical understanding of scripture to life.

I pray my words will be like Dew in the Morning, refreshing and life-giving.

When Life Breaks Us Down 4-Part Series 15/05/2024

If things in life have crashed around you and you are in the process of rebuilding, worship is one of the building blocks.

When Life Breaks Us Down 4-Part Series Part 3 - Rebuild: Worship

When Life Breaks Us Down 4-Part Series 08/05/2024

Scripture is always helpful. It is how God tells us about Himself. It is through His Word that we can find encouragement and hope. His Word reassures us of His presence and love. Scripture helps us rebuild.

When Life Breaks Us Down 4-Part Series Part 2 - Rebuild: Scripture

When Life Breaks Us Down - Rebuild 4-Part Series 01/05/2024

What do we do when life knocks us down and we aren’t sure how to get up and go again? We rebuild, one block at a time. Nehemiah shows us how to do just that as he rebuilds the wall around Jerusalem.

When Life Breaks Us Down - Rebuild 4-Part Series Part 1 - Rebuild: Confess Our Sins

Awaken Grace 7-Part Series 24/04/2024

God said, "Jonah, you weep over plants. But my compassion is for people. Jonah, if you can be concerned over the death of a plant, how much more will I be grieved for people."

Awaken Grace 7-Part Series Part 7 - Grace in Conviction

Awaken Grace 7-Part Series 17/04/2024

If the book of Jonah ended with chapter three, Jonah would be known as the greatest of prophets because thousands and thousands of people repent after hearing his message. But it doesn’t end there. Click to continue reading how grace brings comfort.

Awaken Grace 7-Part Series Part 6 - Grace Brings Comfort

Awaken Grace 7-Part Series 10/04/2024

When we cry out to God in repentance like the Ninevites, He hears us and forgives. Because of His grace, we simply confess without any strings attached.

Awaken Grace 7-Part Series Part 5 - Grace in Repentance

Awaken Grace 7-Part Series 03/04/2024

Jonah didn’t want to go to Nineveh and give them a second chance. It seems it took this crazy experience of divine intervention in order for him to really awaken to God’s unchangeable plan.

Awaken Grace 7-Part Series Part 4 - Grace in Second Chances

Awaken Grace 7-Part Series 27/03/2024

God miraculously used something that should have killed Jonah, to save his life. God gives Jonah life in his moment of death, just as He does for Christians.

John 3:16 says, “He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life” (NLT). Our belief in Jesus means we pass from this life to being with Him for eternity. Death doesn’t need to be feared because it’s not the end.

Awaken Grace 7-Part Series Part 3 - Grace in Miracles

Awaken Grace 7-Part Series 20/03/2024

Part 2 - Grace in Salvation
Jonah knew the reputation of Nineveh. He was fearful of the people, but greater than his fear of the people was his fear that they would respond to God’s grace and avoid the judgment he felt they deserved.
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Awaken Grace 7-Part Series Part 2 - Grace in Salvation

Awaken Grace 7-Part Series 13/03/2024

Part1 - Grace in God's Calling
Grace is the never-ending love and forgiveness that God pours out simply because that is His nature. It is not conditional on our behavior; we can’t work for it or earn it. He just gives grace.
In this series we learn about grace through the life of Jonah.

Awaken Grace 7-Part Series Part 1 - Grace in God’s Calling

God Is My Portion 5-Part Series 06/03/2024

Part 5 - When Enough Is Enough
Life is difficult. Yet, God is good. Yet, He is loving. Yet, He is full of mercy. Yet, He is faithful.

God Is My Portion 5-Part Series Part 5 - When Enough Is Enough

God Is My Portion 5-Part Series 28/02/2024

Part 4 - When I Am Not Enough
David realizes doesn’t have the strength or ability to fight Saul. He doesn’t even know what to do. But he does know that his hope and confidence is in the Lord.

God Is My Portion 5-Part Series Part 4 - When I Am Not Enough

God Is My Portion 5-Part Series 21/02/2024

Only God can fill the missing places and be our portion in our time of heartache. When we go to Him we find comfort and hope. We find peace and rest in knowing He is our portion.

God Is My Portion 5-Part Series Part 3 - When Something Is Missing

God Is My Portion 5-Part Series 14/02/2024

When I first started looking into what it means to say God is our portion, I had a negative feeling about portion. I thought it was related to a restriction, like the portion size of cereal. When we have that view of God, we are like Adam and Eve. We start to think that there is something else better out there, rather than trusting that when He says He is our portion, that is exactly what we need.

God Is My Portion 5-Part Series Part 2 - When I Desire More

God Is My Portion 5-Part Series 07/02/2024

In Psalm 73, Asaph is looking around at all the success other people are experiencing. He says, “For I envied the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked” (Psalm 73:3 NIV). From what he sees, it seems like other people are not struggling. The “wicked” (those not living a life for the Lord) were accumulating more and more wealth. It seemed they were carefree, living it up. This is unfair, and Asaph is jealous.
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God Is My Portion 5-Part Series Part 1 - When I Don’t Have Enough

Jesus, the I Am 7-Part Series 31/01/2024

Jesus is the vine that strengthens and nourishes us so we, the branches, will bear fruit.

Just as a branch cannot bear grapes if it isn’t attached to the vine, we cannot bear fruit if we are not attached to Jesus.

Jesus, the I Am 7-Part Series Part 7 - I am the Vine

Jesus, the I Am 7-Part Series 24/01/2024

Jesus will take those who believe in Him to be with Him for eternity.

Jesus, the I Am 7-Part Series Part 6 - I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life

Jesus, the I Am 7-Part Series 18/01/2024

Martha understood that there would be a spiritual resurrection at the last day, but Jesus wanted her to know that that resurrection began in her life now through Him.

“Jesus told her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying. Everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never ever die.’” (John 11:25-26 NLT)

Jesus, the I Am 7-Part Series Part 5 - I am the Resurrection and the Life

Jesus, the I Am 7-Part Series 10/01/2024

Doors give access to our house. As owners of the house, we are the ones who open the doors to give access to our house. We get to decide who can come in. Those we know are welcome to come and go. Jesus is the door who gives access to heaven. It is through Him we are saved. It is through Him we can have life and have it abundantly (John 10:11).

Jesus, the I Am 7-Part Series Part 4 - I am the Door

Jesus, the I Am 7-Part Series 03/01/2024

Jesus says “‘I am the good shepherd; I know my own sheep, and they know me’” (John 10:14 NLT). He knows us, by name! Just as a shepherd would know each of His sheep as he gathered them together, Jesus knows each of us.

Jesus, the I Am 7-Part Series Part 3 - I am the Good Shepherd

Jesus, the I Am 7-Part Series 27/12/2023

Jesus is the light that helps us see.

Jesus, the I Am 7-Part Series Part 2 - I am the Light of the World

Jesus, the I Am 7-Part Series 20/12/2023

I am a mother, wife, daughter, and friend. I am a person who likes organization and stability. I am an introvert; I like being with people but get refueled by having down time. I am a fixer, this week I fixed a snag in my pants as well as replacing the doorknob to the garage and the lever on the toilet. I am a pastor and a teacher. I have many roles that make up who I am. Seven times Jesus tells us who He is by saying, “I am…” It is the Christmas season, and we are celebrating Jesus’s coming to earth as a baby. It is the perfect time to learn more about who He is through what He said about HImself.

Jesus, the I Am 7-Part Series Part 1 - I am the Bread of Life

Hospitality of Jesus 4-Part Series 13/12/2023

God is a god of abundance. He lavishes us with His love. He pours out His grace and forgiveness. His mercies are new every morning and never end. His hospitality ensures we will never run out of what we need.

Hospitality of Jesus 4-Part Series Part 4 - Abundance

Hospitality of Jesus 4-Part Series 06/12/2023

The day Jesus served a meal to 5,000 families on a hillside, he kept it simple - bread and fish. There are certainly times when a gourmet meal with amazing sauces and beautiful plating is fun and special, but hospitality is found in any meal so long as there is love and care in gathering together.

Hospitality of Jesus 4-Part Series Part 3 - Simplicity

Hospitality of Jesus 4-Part Series 29/11/2023

When we share what we have with Jesus we will experience the blessing of sharing. We will find the hospitality of sharing isn’t reliant on amount, but a heart of giving and compassion.

Hospitality of Jesus 4-Part Series Part 2 - Sharing

Hospitality of Jesus 4-Part Series 22/11/2023

In this upcoming holiday season, many of us will either host friends and family or go somewhere as a guest. It is a time of gathering together to share food and build relationships. Jesus was usually with people, in fact it was difficult for Him to find time alone. He was often in people’s homes and hosted some gatherings as well. He can teach us about hospitality not only for this season but anytime we bring people together.

Hospitality of Jesus 4-Part Series Part 1 - Gathering

Helper 3-Part Series 15/11/2023

God didn’t say, women multiply and men reign. The mandate was given to them to do together. They were given the mutual task to rule and fill the earth. The woman wasn’t created to be a servant, but an indispensable companion. He created people to need each other. He gave them responsibilities, and they needed each other to do it. They were helpers to each other, sharing their gifts and strengths to support each other in their God-given instructions.

Helper 3-Part Series Part 3 - Woman as Helper