GOLF - card game

GOLF - card game

Official GOLF card game


⛳️Too cold or rainy to golf?
⛳️Love card games?
⛳️Don’t know how to golf but want say you do? 😜

All are great reasons to get GOLF, the card game! Fun and easy to learn, the trick to winning is in your strategy!


Welcome to GOLF! Many of you may have heard of or played your own version of “golf” before. Here at Par Fore Golf, we have been playing our own version of the game for years, and decided it was time to make it official! With a custom designed deck and rules written by the owners, Mark and Dave, who have played and taught this game all over the world, this game is easy and fun for everyone!

You can purchase your own deck at our website, and we can ship anywhere in the continental US!

Follow us here or on Facebook for updates, tips, gameplay strategy, and future expansions!