Only Yoga

Only Yoga

Hatha Yoga Teacher San Diego.

Jason Momoa | Canvas of My Life | Carhartt Handmade Films 15/02/2021

This film is everything. A beautiful narrative by the fascinating Jason Momoa.

Jason Momoa | Canvas of My Life | Carhartt Handmade Films Long before Hollywood got ahold of Jason Momoa and turned him into a savage warlord and our latest superhero, he was just a kid who grew up the son of an art...

Video message from Jane Goodall on Covid-19 21/03/2020

Video message from Jane Goodall on Covid-19 Jane would like to send a message to the people around the world who are now suffering so terribly from the current coronavirus outbreak. “It is a truly terr...

Timeline photos 18/03/2020
These trippy images reveal the colorful inner lives of bones 05/02/2020

Look what's inside you!😍

These trippy images reveal the colorful inner lives of bones From calcium to cartilage, the composition of our bones is both dense and complex. These five visuals show exactly how.

Science Confirms That the Vagus Nerve Is Key to Well-being 19/12/2019

Practicing yoga is toning your vagus nerve! So I guess yoga is the key ☺🤸🏼‍♀️

Science Confirms That the Vagus Nerve Is Key to Well-being The mysterious nerve network that quiets pain and stress — and may defeat disease

Discipline and Punishment - 03/12/2019

The gift of discipline.👏🎁
” To the keen and intent practitioner this comes very quickly. The time necessary for success further depends on whether the practice is mild, medium or intense. Or through surrender to divine consciousnesses ” (1:21-23).

Discipline and Punishment - “Without practicing discipline, one cannot gather his scattered energy, and all his goals will remain dreams that never materialize. Discipline is not a punishment but a part of growth, without which mental and physical health cannot be maintained”-Swami Rama Getting on the yoga mat everyday can...

Here's How Sleep Removes Poisons From Your Brain, Protecting You From Alzheimer's as Nothing Else Can 23/11/2019

Here's How Sleep Removes Poisons From Your Brain 🙈🌥🌈🐑🌥🐑🌥

Here's How Sleep Removes Poisons From Your Brain, Protecting You From Alzheimer's as Nothing Else Can During deep sleep, a unique and mysterious process clears the toxins that cause Alzheimer's out of your brain.The more we learn about sleep, the more important we know it is to brain function. We even know that not enough uninterrupted sleep can increase your risk for Alzheimer's. New research has s...

ON YOGA The Architecture of Peace - Trailer 15/11/2019

The healing power of Yoga. YOU should watch it - available on YouTube and Netflix

ON YOGA The Architecture of Peace - Trailer Direção: Heitor Dhalia Produção: Alcir Lacerda Filho/ Heitor Dhalia/ Egisto Betti/ Beatriz Setti Co-Produção: Urso Filmes/ Paranoid/ Michael O'Neill Studio A...

Why An Empty Stomach is Essential for Hatha Yoga Practice 10/11/2019

Why we practice with an empty stomach 😉😬

Why An Empty Stomach is Essential for Hatha Yoga Practice Sadhguru answers a question on why Hatha Yoga should be practiced on an empty stomach, and explores the nature of the body and how Hatha Yoga influences it.


“What I am really saying is that you don’t need to do anything, because if you see yourself in the correct way, you are all as much extraordinary phenomenon of natureas trees, clouds, the patterns in running water, the flickering of fire, the arrangement of the stars, and the form of a galaxy. You are all just like that, and there is nothing wrong with you at all.” – Alan Watts

Fascia Magnified 25x (Subtitled) 05/11/2019

First things first. What are we made of?
FASCIA - Fascia is a specialized system of the body that has an appearance similar to a spider's web or a sweater. Fascia is very densely woven, covering and interpenetrating every muscle, bone, nerve, artery and vein, as well as, all of our internal organs including the heart, lungs, brain and spinal cord.
When unhealthy, fascia is sticky, clumpy, tight, and flaky and forms restrictions, adhesions, and distortions. Let's have a look at it! 🧐

Fascia Magnified 25x (Subtitled) What used to be "intuited" can now be seen. In vivo living fascial tissue is now viewable. It IS fiber optics baby! Used by permission of Jean-Cleaude Guimba...
