Cetti Lipari
Ciao! I'm Cetti Lipari slash worker, and dreamer. This is my artistic page. Come in! Few words about me. Born in 1977 in Palermo (Italia), true-blue Sicilian.
From 2019, Estonian digital resident. I create photographs of events, portraits, and personal. My photography is impacted by every experience, person, artist, place, that I have known during my journey. When I am not photographing, I am taking care of digital art creation.
📷 by me
Grazie di cuore Fermo per la serata sold-out di mercoledì ✨
Questa domenica 3.12 ci rivediamo al Teatro Verdi di San Severo (FG).
Inizio alle ore 21:00 e biglietti già esauriti!
Ph Cetti Lipari
Baobab Music&Ethics Radio Monte Carlo
Dreamlike vision.
Chapter 3
Artwork inspired by the lyrics of the song 'Bravi a cadere - I polmoni' by Marracash ().
- created from my original idea, using generative AI tools -
Giuseppe & Carmen.
Giuseppe & Carmen.
Pink sea.
📷 By me.
📷 By me.
📷 by me
Thank you Meg !
My picture of Valeria Aretusi aka Madame Tutù in the Corriere della Sera
Thanks to Maria Egizia Fiaschetti.
Madame Tutù tra electropop e synth: «Il suono degli anni Ottanta? Un rimando viscerale» Valeria Aretusi, dj e architetta, ha iniziato per gioco collaborando alle selezioni musicali delle amiche, per lanciarsi poi in consolle: dai primi «clubetti» al Pigneto all'esperienza di «Glamda»
Few words about me
Manager by day, photographer by night.
Artistically, I am a photographer of events, portraits, and personal. Every experience, person, artist place that I photograph affect my photography.
When I am not photographing, I am taking care of digital art creation. For the rest of the time, I manage my business.
From 2020, UpNõu OÜ represent me.