All About Jesus

All About Jesus

Be Ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ

1 Corinthians 11:1


Absolutely nothing!!! The temporal will perish and fade away but in Jesus there is ever lasting life and so much more!!! Don’t let the world fool you.. FOCUS ON JESUS!


There was never a doubt in my mind that we are…. But it’s more prevalent than before as I look around! Don’t be fooled Jesus is coming back! Be ready!


I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus

Philippians 3:14

Don’t let this world fool you to think that this temporary dwelling on earth is all there is..

Nor when we die that we all go to heaven, that’s not the case either. There are requirements in order to enter in!!! Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people. Jesus went to prepare for his people but remember he holds the keys to both hell and death. ( Revelation 1:18)

Now is not the time to get comfortable, now is not the time to stop praying. Now is not the time to listen to those that say “you don’t need to go to church to hear the word” the devil is a lie. Word of the Lord says how are they to hear without a preacher (Romans 10:14)

And to not forsake the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner or some is but exhorting one another, and some much the more as you see the day approaching. ( Hebrews 10:25) What day you may ask?!

The day that Jesus will return!!!! There’s no ands ifs of buts about it. The King of kings and Lord of lords is coming back!!! Hallelujah!!

Normal ain’t never been here on this earth, it’s been corrupt since the fall in the garden of Eden!!!!

But GOD!!!!! Hallelujah!!!! Obey the only plan to salvation Acts 2:38 don’t listen nor believe what Jesus has not said in His word!!

So many, today just like I did when I was 10 cause I didn’t know truth, are being baptized in the name of the father, son and Holy Ghost. 🥴 that is not salvation!!!

In ordered to be sealed and ready for delivery to make it to the other side, to be with Jesus!!! You must take on his name!!!

Neither is the salvation in any other; for there is none other name under heaven given amoung men by which we must be saved. ( Acts 4:12) What is that name?! JESUS

The only way to being saved….

Acts 2:38

Then Peter said unto them, Repent, be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.


Who is them? Those that didn’t believe that Jesus was God manifested in the flesh and crucified him.

Repent? Does not mean I’m sorry and shedding some tears. It means to turn away from your wrong doing ( sinful life) and turn to Jesus.

Be baptized everyone of you? Meaning alllll of us being emerged in water in the name of Jesus Christ.

For the remission of sins? Which means for the forgiveness of your sins.

Gift? Something we did not earn nor do we give ourselves, but is given by God.

Holy Ghost? The Spirit of God dwelling within you!!!

Which is still relevant and needed today don’t let know body tell you that the Holy Ghost was only for “back then” it’s a lie, they don’t know truth and that’s not what it says in the word of God!

The Lord says except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God. John 3:3

Vs 5 Verily, verily I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

So without obeying Acts 2:38 not only can you not see the kingdom you can’t even enter in👀

Man listen, being baptized in the name of Jesus, having a relationship, falling in love with Jesus and knowing truth… best decision I ever made in my entire life.

Don’t let anyone stop you from truly denying yourself picking up your cross and following Jesus! Those that try and stop you self, friends and family included are not on the side of God but of the enemy.

Cry out unto the Lord forever more, you do not have to stay bound to the life you live. There is liberty in living for Jesus, there’s beauty, there peace, there’s joy, there’s strength, there’s hope, there’s everything you will ever need and desire found in truly living for God❤️

No other place I’d rather be, than in his arms!!


It also says where two or three are gathered in his name, there is He.

We want to pray with and for you in Jesus name!!

You can list your prayer request of you can inbox directly if you wish not to list.

Know that the Lord hears you!!

We thank you in advance and we praise you while we wait on you!!


Don’t let the enemy silence you!!! Cry out unto the Lord for He hears you.

When the disciples told blind Bartimeus to be quiet as he cried out to Jesus for his healing!! He shouted all the more and louder and received what he needed from the Lord!!!

Ohh Hallelujah!!!


It’s all in Him!!! Hallelujah


The world can’t give you what you’re searching for, what you’re needing, what you’re begging for… only Jesus can and He will!!!! And you don’t have to beg, all you have to do is ask.

Hallelujah everything that we need is found in Jesus for he is the bread of life Hallelujah!!!!! So stop searching in the world (an empty place) look to the Lord!!!


Speaking from experience! Counseling didn’t do nothing for me.

Hallelujah!! BUT GOD I can write a whole book simply about how thankful I am that He delivered me from the life of sin I once lived, that He delivered ne from myself! Hallelujah

Thank you Jesus!!


Hallelujah!!! For it is not about us but about JESUS!!!


Many talk about Heaven but deny the way the way to get there.

Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people it is not a place with automatic entrance once you die, no matter how good of a person or heart you have. It does not work like that. We must as God said in His word to nicodemus and many others that you must be born again, of both the water and the Spirit. The Spirit being the Holy Ghost the Spirit of God within you. Many say that such requirements were only for “back then”. Well let me say this! God has not nor will not change, He’s the same God during back then, yesterday, today and forever more! I’ve said more so now than ever before, I DONT WANT TO BE LEFT HERE WHEN NOT MAYBE BUT WHEN JESUS RETURNS, and I want to take as many with me as possible. Now while there’s no automatic entrance in, there is an open invitation, hallelujah to whosoever will.

To whosoever wants to chose this day who they will serve, whoever wants to be God’s child. Yes God’s child, because there’s requirements for that too, it’s not an automatic thing either when we’re born. For the word of the Lord says that we are born into sin shaped in iniquity. There’s only one way to be made clean, one way to be made whole, one way to be adopted as His child and that is found in Acts 2:38.

Then Peter said unto them, Repent and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.


Doesn’t your job have requirements and standards you must follow in order to be employed? We follow those without hesitation and just to think, you can be replaced at any given moment!!

But God won’t replace you!! He doesn’t look at your resume and prequalify you before you even get to the alter. He knows all about us, how so because He created us, He knew already who would love for Him and who wouldn’t. But that doesn’t mean He’s counted any of us out, if anything He’s given us thee only way out of Sin which leads to the lake of fire.

Many of us can think about the right now.

What about eternity?! Jobs, cars, houses, titles, money and the earthly materials mean absolutely nothing when we take your last breathe. Only the life we choose to live while here on earth and what we do matters.

I want me you and you and your children and they’re children to be on the winning team. TEAM JESUS!!


Ask me how I know, I’ve done it a few times🥴🤦‍♀️

Obey God! Ask God!


When I say God’s timing is perfect in every situation and in the struggle there is trust, and faith in God that no matter what He is our provider. Everything we have is because of Jesus!!!!


How are we to witness to the loss if we do not reflect Jesus!! Never pass judgement for that is the job of the Lord!! We are commanded to love and to be a witness!

Take a moment to think about where God brought you from!! Hallelujah how someone took the time to love like Jesus and share the Gospel with you!!

Hallelujah let us do the same, don’t forget there’s a who use to be still out there!

We have not made until we hear well done, thy good and faithful servant 🙌🏽🙌🏽


Absolutely no one!!


Jesus doesn’t remind us of our mistakes like everyone else will!

Hallelujah thank you Jesus for your mercy and for your love!!


Let the Lord fight your battles! All we have to is be still! Hallelujah take your battle to the throne your worry your heartache your frustration to the throne! Give it to Jesus!! Not to your “friend” or family members that will spread it faster than a forest fire and can’t hold it like water! Hallelujah Jesus will fight for you! The word of the Lord says if God be for us, who shall be against us. Romans 8:31


We worship Jesus because of who He is🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 Worship is a lifestyle!!!


Thankful Jesus is such a great father!!! 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽


At the feet of Jesus!!


Remember what the Lord has already done for you!!! Have a cheerful heart no matter the situation you’re facing for the Lord is faithful and there is a testimony and victory on the other side Hallelujah for God is in control!!!


Hallelujah!!! Even when you don’t see it or feel it know that God is right there with you working all things out according to His will and plan!


I wouldn’t be able to make it without Jesus!


Whatever it is that you need/ desire from God is on the other side of Prayer!!

1 Thessalonians 5:17

Pray without ceasing!

You need a healing PRAY
You need deliverance PRAY
You desire to see your family saved in Jesus name and filled with His Spirit PRAY
You desire to be used by God PRAY
You need to know if that job is where the Lord wants you at PRAY
You want to see miracles PRAY
You want growth in your home church PRAY


Staring at and or constantly worrying and doubting what you’re facing is not going to solve anything!!

But JESUS will!!! I’m living proof! I tried to “fix” situations myself, i tried evvvveeryything of this world when i was in it. But let me telllll you!!

Alllllll things changed when I said Yes to Jesus!! Hallelujah when I surrender my life into His hands!! And I’ve learned and know personally for myself… CANT NOBODY DO ME LIKE JESUS!

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