This site aims at helping people who are diagnosed with GERD to live happy, healthy lives.

We are creating a supportive community for those suffering from GERD, where you can find useful information and know that you are not alone.

Treating GERD: Surgery Options and Recovery 22/11/2020

Sometimes even with lifestyle changes and weight loss people are unable to resolve their GERD symptoms. When GERD goes unchecked it can lead to more serious conditions such as Barrett's esophagus or even cancer. There are however many surgical treatments for GERD today. Most are very similar in that they restrict the lower esophageal sphincter in some way that prevents acid from your stomach from going back up your throat. An article from HealthLine does a great job of explaining the differences between all the various surgical options that are available today. Have any of you undergone one of these procedures and if so how well did it work for you?

Treating GERD: Surgery Options and Recovery Surgery Options for GERDAcid Reflux and GERDAcid reflux occurs when stomach acid flows backward into the esophagus. This causes heartburn and other symptoms. Chronic or severe acid reflux is known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).Mild or moderate reflux symptoms can often be relieved with d...

Acid Reflux and Exercise: What Works? 22/11/2020

Did you know that exercise can have either a negative or positive correlation with your GERD symptoms? An interesting article from HealthLine explains that not all exercises are created equal when it comes to controlling GERD. Exercises that are high impact and exercises that have you bending or hanging upside down for long periods can lead to aggravating your symptoms. This would include running, weight-lifting, cycling, stair-climbing, rope jumping, and gymnastics. In contrast, exercises that are low impact and that keep you as upright as possible can help alleviate GERD without aggravating symptoms. This would include light jogging, swimming, yoga, and walking. However, please note that not all high impact exercises affect everyone the same and may not aggravate your symptoms. Let me know what exercises work best for you without aggravating your GERD down below. -you-can-do

Acid Reflux and Exercise: What Works? Exercise is important for your overall health, but it can also trigger the symptoms of acid reflux. Here's what you need to know.

Small Weight Gain Linked To Acid Reflux (GERD) 22/11/2020

Did you know that there is a strong correlation between your weight and your GERD symptoms? A study out of the Boston School of Medicine has shown that there is a link between your BMI and GERD. People with higher BMI's are more likely to have increased incidences of GERD symptoms. The study also showed that even small fluctuations in weight can have an effect on GERD symptoms both positive and negative depending on whether it's weight gain or weight loss. People who have higher BMI's who lose weight can minimize the severity of their symptoms. However, if your weight is ideal you are not encouraged to lose weight to relieve your symptoms. Have you noticed any effect of weight gain or loss on your GERD symptoms? Feel free to comment down below. #2

Small Weight Gain Linked To Acid Reflux (GERD) GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) has been directly linked to even small gains in body weight, without the person having to be overweight, say researchers in a report published in the New...

Best Sleeping Position For Acid Reflux: The Gerd Sleeping Position 22/11/2020

OK, so you have GERD. You know the one thing I already know about you is that sometimes you have trouble sleeping because of your symptoms. You know how I know? Because that is something all of us suffers of GERD have in common, we have many, many sleepless nights. That's why I thought it was important to post the article from SleepScore that talks about the best sleeping position for minimizing GERD symptoms and why. In summary, sleeping on your back is the worst and sleeping on your right side is not much better. Sleeping on your left side or at an incline are the best sleeping positions. Sleeping on your left side and at an incline is even better. Please feel to discuss what sleeping positions have you found that help or don't help with your GERD down below.

Best Sleeping Position For Acid Reflux: The Gerd Sleeping Position This post originally appeared on the blog of Burning in your throat, regurgitation, choking, coughing, heartburn…trouble sleeping all night long. The cause of this intense pain? Stomach acid. Now before you go bad mouthingREAD MORE

Does Smoking To***co Make Heartburn Worse? 22/11/2020

Most of us already know the connection between food and our GERD flare-ups, but did you know there were other things you could put in your mouth that affect your GERD. Ni****ne products whether smoked, chewed, or vaped have been shown to increase your incidences of heartburn. The article from WEBMD explains how ni****ne relaxes the muscles responsible for keeping the acid in your stomach from going up your throat as well as other factors that lead to more often GERD flare-ups when smoking. Lastly, although not GERD-related, let's all remember smoking causes cancer, so there's another reason to stop smoking. Let me know if quitting smoking has helped with your GERD by commenting below. #1

Does Smoking To***co Make Heartburn Worse? Find out the hidden connection between smoking, ni****ne, and heartburn and GERD.

Can this diet solve your acid reflux once and for all? 21/11/2020

We all know at least some foods that we eat that trigger our GERD. For me, it's anything Italian... pizza, spaghetti, chicken parmesan, anything with a tomato sauce. The Acid Reflux Diet is built on the understanding of what foods trigger our GERD and that's the thing understanding your triggers. Not everyone has the same food triggers. The article I have linked below from VeryWellFit talks about what to expect when on the ACID REFLUX DIET. It gives a list of compliant and non-compliant foods. Initially, you start out by eliminating all non-compliant foods and then slowly reintroduce them back into your diet. You will need to keep a food journal so you can track what you are eating to identify your triggers. Have any of you tried the ACID REFLUX DIET? Please feel free to comment down below.

Can this diet solve your acid reflux once and for all? The acid reflux diet aims to reduce symptoms like heartburn and a tight chest. Learn what to eat, what to avoid, and when and how to eat on the acid reflux diet.

How to Control Your Heartburn with Portion Control 21/11/2020

Did you know that overeating is one of the main triggers for GERD flareups? The Houston Heartburn & Reflux Center has a great article on how and why eating too much at once can trigger GERD. Overeating can be controlled by portion control, which is understanding what is the portion size of what you are eating and how many calories that portion contains. Some of the many take-home points are eating slower, always eat first thing in the morning, eat at home more, and to try to make eating social and not the focus. As always feel free to comment below on whether any of these techniques have worked or not worked for you in the past.

How to Control Your Heartburn with Portion Control Portion control will help you to feel better, not only about how much you eat, but also your health. You may see less heartburn and even lose weight too!

Prescription Drugs for Heartburn and Reflux 21/11/2020

So we all know that when our GERD flares up we need relief. Often the fastest way to relieve symptoms is through the use of medications. There are many options available whether over-the-counter or prescription you should always consult with your doctor to discuss if your chosen method of relief is right for you. I have attached an informative article from WEBMD that goes over the various options for relief for GERD via medication. I hope that you find it as informative as I did and please comment below on what has or has not worked for you in the past.

Prescription Drugs for Heartburn and Reflux WebMD explains the prescription drugs used to treat heartburn and acid reflux or GERD.
