Amber Haider Coaching

Amber Haider Coaching

Confidence coaching, mental and emotional wellness, mental strength coaching for dancers


What an honor!


I just love Duffy Betterton and am excited for our interview tomorrow! She has some favorite Ballroom State of Mind podcast episodes…

5 10 46 65 67 81 82 79

It’s always interesting to me to see which episodes resonate for different people. Sometimes the ones I give more effort to don’t seem to land for people and the off-the-cuff ones resonate. Other times I think an episode won’t be that great and then someone tells me it’s their favorite! 🤷🏼‍♀️
So…I just say what I say and let you take what you like and leave the rest!!

Photos from Amber Haider Coaching's post 16/01/2024

If it’s not fun, then why do it?

That’s not to say, that we’re going to love everything about what we pursue.

That’s not to say there won’t be times it’s really hard.

But as humans, we seem to be really good at suffering. We like to glorify the hustle, the grind, grueling schedules and badges of sleep deprivation and self-flagellation.

But I wonder what would happen if we incorporated more fun more enjoyment.

I wonder if we could accomplish the same, or even more, if we didn’t believe the suffering was required.

Maybe hating where you are isn’t required to get to the next place.

Maybe thinking you’re not good enough isn’t required to improve.

Maybe whatever negativity we think is so useful in pushing us forward…love, compassion, joy, encouragement, self belief and fun could do it better.

You know, like the movie Monsters, Inc. Terrified screams worked but laughing worked even better.

Get it?


Had the best time chatting with Irene Wong this morning for her YouTube Channel: Everything Ballroom! Replay link in the comments!

Photos from Amber Haider Coaching's post 14/12/2023

Not gonna lie…I’ve busted my butt this year.

Multiple lessons per week, EVERY WEEK, bootcamps each month, preparing for and competing in more comps than ever, entering events I probably had no business entering, building a nervous system that could handle bigger and better things, letting myself be wildly delusional about what was possible only 4 years into this…and it’s paying off. This is a second ranking, different than the one I made just a month ago.

I don’t know what it looks like from the outside, but the effort and personal sacrifices I have put in this year have been, well,…a lot.

But what can I say? I love it. And I couldn’t do half of what I do without the love and support of my husband and kiddos. is my rock of stability, and my soft place to land when I ask too much of myself and crumple into a tearful, exhausted mess. Whenever I think about giving up on my dreams he says, “…that’s okay if you really want to…But I think you can do it. Plus that would only last half a day and you’d be at it again.” He gets me.

But maybe for 2024 I’ll pace myself a bit…🤔😂


It’s been a good year for my podcast!!!

I get so much feedback from people how much it’s helping them and improving their dance experience!

I’m so happy it’s helpful. I love serving dancers in this way! ❤️❤️

Thanks for listening, sharing, and most importantly…applying it!



Just moved up the rankings!!


I’m headed to California for an in-person workshop! This is one of my favorite things to do as a coach!!

I can do them via zoom, and I do…but if I get a chance to be in the room with people…SIGN ME UP!!

I ask what the particular dancers need in terms of mindset help, and shape my workshop to what will help them most.

I teach and coach and answer questions and we have the best time! Everyone walks away feeling empowered with a new sense of direction and renewed motivation!

My time is precious but I love to do it…so I make time each year for a few of these in person workshops.

Want one?!

DM for info


When you just can’t win…you’ve prepared and practiced and your results at the last comp were…dismal.

You might find yourself asking, “Why am I doing this again?”

If results are the biggest piece of your ‘why’ then expect to be je**ed around depending on whether you do well or not.

My recommendation is that you have lots and lots of ‘whys’ and that your results are just one small piece of the pie.

Listen in for some ideas on why you might want to keep dancing and keep competing even if you don’t feel successful in terms of your results.


Did you know besides my private practice with dancers, I do contract work?

Other people hire me to be a coach for their businesses.

They trust me to coach their customers/clients and it’s the best thing ever!

At I get to do group coaching calls and written coaching all around regular life in a faith-centered environment! Parenting, marriage, friendship, religion, habits, work, weight loss, side-gigs, business building…anything!

For and REPP launch I get to coach real estate photographers building businesses on live calls every week. We coach around getting unstuck, procrastination, self-sabotage, limiting beliefs, difficult conversations, people-pleasing, etc. They are motivated and dedicated clients in a driven community!

is a community centered on crafting, Cricut machines and building a business centered on your creative endeavors. runs that show and his people are simply delightful! His community is fun, friendly, and encouraging. And they get crap done!! Like REPP, we focus the group calls on getting out of our own way so we can succeed!

What do dancers, Believers, real estate photographers and crafters have in common? They all have human brains and nervous systems that cause problems when we don’t manage them intentionally.

I don’t coach on subjects, I coach brains and bodies. I study humans and how they operate and can clearly see what they need to do to get what they want.

I pinch myself every day that I get to do work that lights me up!! I literally never tire of it!

If you want help with your community, shoot me a DM with your questions and I can show you how a coach could make all the difference! ❤️❤️


Who are my ballroom peeps in Illinois? Chicago or more specifically Aurora/Naperville/Bolingbrook/Schaumburg??


My friends at work are so sweet!

Photos from Amber Haider Coaching's post 24/09/2023

Top female student Gold and above at the . Didn’t see that one coming!

As dancers we do a lot of work and we always get the payoff of progress and personal development, the external rewards don’t always come.

So when you get them, soak it in. Let it land. Don’t diminish it or deflect it. Don’t minimize it or qualify it. Definitely don’t call it a fluke.

Don’t worry, patting yourself on the back for these moments won’t lead to complacency.

Take the wins when they come. They aren’t everything but they also shouldn’t be glossed over.

Good job, self. Proud of you. Keep up the good work.

Photos from Amber Haider Coaching's post 20/08/2023

I’m so proud of myself.

This week I went to the in Las Vegas and did the usual competition thing that I do.

But this time they had a unique competition category that had a larger cash prize for Pro/am, which is unusual. (10k for@first prize!)

First I had to do a preliminary round that I was fairly confident I would be able to win. But then we would be participating in the final round a few days later…with a showdance. This is NOT something I usually do.

So that meant we would have to come up with something and perform it in front of the big evening crowd under lights, camera, and also the scrutinizing eyes of 11 judges.

I cannot tell you how hard this was for me to prepare for. My partner was dancing with other students in the days leading up to it so we ended up organizing and practicing it Fri night and then Sat afternoon.

My brain wanted to give up and scratch out at least 7 times. But I just kept willing myself forward despite my anxieties.

There’s more to the story which I will probably detail on my podcast, Ballroom State of Mind, but while I didn’t win the big prize, I am so, so, so proud of myself for doing the hard thing and being in the arena with such high quality dancers!!

As much as we avoid challenges that make us feel so uncomfortable, there’s big growth on the other side of the discomfort. And I’m here for it.

I am so gutsy. I am so brave. I love myself for putting myself through it. It’s upleveled my self-concept, and so much more.

And that’s priceless.

Photos from Amber Haider Coaching's post 23/06/2023

This was fun! So thrilled to chat with Forrest Vance this week! My first guest ever on the podcast. If your dance ballroom, you probably know of him. Give it a listen; I know you’ll like him as much as I do! Link in comments
Forrest Vance

Amber Haider Coaching on Instagram: "We love to see results and want to rush to the end so we can enjoy them. Busy as they say, the one who loves walking will walk further than the one who loves the destination. Learn to love the process and the... 28/01/2023

Learn to love the process…

Amber Haider Coaching on Instagram: "We love to see results and want to rush to the end so we can enjoy them. Busy as they say, the one who loves walking will walk further than the one who loves the destination. Learn to love the process and the... 0 Likes, 0 Comments - Amber Haider Coaching () on Instagram: "We love to see results and want to rush to the end so we can enjoy them. Busy as they say, the one who loves walking will walk further than the one who loves the destination. Learn to love the process and the results take care o...


Sooooo happy for this dancer who listens to my podcast!!!


Today I had the chance to speak to the biggest group I ever have…about 400 people per group and like 1500 for the day.

It was amazing and a dream come true.

It’s all thanks to this fantastic woman—.

But it’s also thanks to my past self.

A few people asked me how I got here…working for Jody, speaking at an event like this…

It was my past self. She made one choice at a time, not always knowing where it would lead.

I didn’t set out to be here. But I did make choices that landed me here.

The first choice that landed me here was attending . I didn’t even know what coaching really was. I listened to some podcasts for a few months and just knew I needed to do whatever that was and dove right in.

Thanks, past self.

Then I joined Jody Moore’s Advanced Certification for Faith-based Coaching.

Thanks, past self.

Then, because I happened to have done those two things, I was eligible to apply to work as a contract coach for Jody. So I immediately applied—within 30 minutes of getting the email inviting me to apply.

Thanks, past self.

Then I got hired and kept moving forward with every uncomfortable, but amazing, self-stretching opportunity.

Thanks, past self.

One little choice at a time. What seems like the next right step? Just do that.

And then leave room for the magic to happen. It’s so fun to see how things unfold that you could never foresee.

You don’t make it happen and yet you do. What a trip.

And now I AM my past self for what’s next. What choices are going to hook-up my future self?

I’m not sure yet, but it’s going to be


Winning medals is great, but being mentally tough is the real win.

Today I did some hard things and I didn’t implode.

I didn’t freak out.

I didn’t expect too much of myself.

I didn’t stress myself out.

I didn’t punish myself or self-criticize.

I just let myself do something hard, trust myself and my partner to do what we do, and then let the chips fall where they may.

Then when all was said and done, I took good care of me, patted myself on the back, and felt proud.

is the s**z.

It just is.

is priceless.

is the key to a good life.


When you learn how to manage your mind, you change your whole experience.

Things will still be hard and go bad sometimes. And I still show up as a mess sometimes and make mistakes. That will always be the case.

What matters is how you bounce back and what you do next. And how quickly.

Could that kind of skill benefit you?
Could you use more mental resilience?

Coaching is the key. It’s amazing. It’s how I teach you get it too.

Life is so good.
And I am so proud of me.

Can you say the same?


Winning medals is great but being mentally tough is the real win.

Today I did a hard thing and I didn’t implode.

I didn’t freak out.

I didn’t expect too much of myself.

I didn’t stress myself out.

I didn’t punish myself.

I just let myself do something hard, trusted myself and my partner to do what we have always done, and let the chips fall where they may.

Then when all was said and done, I took good care of me. I patted myself on the back and felt proud.

is the s**z. It just is. is priceless. is the key to a happy life.


You learn how to manage your mind, you change your whole experience.

You need to get good at that.

You need my help to get you there in record time.

Coaching is amazing.

Life is so good.
And I’m so proud of me.

Can you say the same?


Family trips are fun



Don’t believe everything that you think.

We have a lot of thoughts that are just plain nonsense. Additionally, our brain tells us lies all the time.

Just because you think something, doesn’t mean it’s true, or real, or that you Actually believe it.

Learn to separate the facts of the situation, from your thoughts about the situation. Facts are indisputable, and agreed-upon by all. The rest are your thoughts.

And thoughts are optional. This means you can choose to think something different about the same situation, and change your entire experience of it.

What you choose to think about a situation, is what determines your experience of it. The situation itself does not determine your experience.

So choose your thoughts wisely. Choose your interpretation wisely. Don’t let the situation tell you how you should feel about it. You get to decide.

You are the creator of your experience.

’tBelieveEverythingYouThink ’sYourStory ’sJustAThought


I shared this video in my weekly email, and it was a hit. Multiple people said it was helpful to them. So I want to share it with you.

You should really get on my email list so you don’t miss things like this in the future.

There’s a link in my bio.


I had so much fun having this conversation with Heather over at the LDS life coaches group. If you are a woman who struggles to make space in her life for her own desires, I encourage you to go and listen!

Videos (show all)

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