JamaaWealth Financial, LLC

JamaaWealth Financial, LLC

Teaching ambitious women how to manage money and invest for achieve financial freedom.

Tashieka Ma'at is a dedicated Certified Financial Educator and Financial Coach with a passion for empowering women to take control of their money. Her mission is to guide and support women on their journey to eliminating financial stress and creating a life of abundance and financial freedom. With her expertise, Tashieka helps women gain a clear understanding of personal finance, develop effective


Let’s flip the script ⤵️

Instead of saying 'I’m not good with money,' ask yourself: what does being good with money mean to you?

Share your thoughts in the comments.

I’ve heard 'I’m not good with money,’ ‘I’m not good with numbers,’ ‘I’m bad with money’ too many times to count.

If you’ve ever felt this way, firstly know that you are not alone.

I want you to think of a recent financial decision you struggled with. Think about what key moments made you question your financial skills.

What made it challenging? Think about how this moment could have been different with the right tools and habits.

Now, think about someone you look up to because they handle money well. What specific behaviors/habits do they have that make them good with money?

I challenge you to not only ask but also commit to one small financial goal this week based on your reflection.

Share your thoughts in the comments or in the question sticker in my Stories.


Do you want a system that helps you grow your net worth and creates freedom beyond your 9-5?

Well, I got you covered! I’m sharing the money management system that helped me and my clients pay off debt and build up our net worth!

Here’s the secret sauce:

Always pay yourself first! Using a spending plan and automating your savings will help you in this process.

My system involved separating my money into the following accounts:

1️⃣ Freedom Fund Savings: Build your emergency fund. This account is only for major emergencies, like losing your job.

2️⃣ 401k, Roth IRA, & Taxable Brokerage: Put your money to work. This is a key step to build your net worth.

3️⃣ Non-monthly Savings: Plan for those irregular expenses, especially the ones that happen every year (vacations, holidays, back to school).

4️⃣ Priority Checking: Cover your monthly bills and expenses that have a due date.

5️⃣ Variable: Manage your lifestyle spending, for those expenses that don’t have a set due date. You are in control.

By breaking down your paycheck into specific accounts, you’ll gain clarity and control over your finances, setting the stage for true financial freedom.

Increasing your net worth requires you to have a system for your money that will position it to grow.

You have to create these systems which will guide your daily habits and move you towards the vision you have for your life.

Comment “Wealth” for personalized guidance to take control of your finances and I'll DM you more info to see if we are a good fit.

Photos from JamaaWealth Financial, LLC's post 20/07/2024

Ready to be empowered and create your financial freedom plan?

Comment or DM “READY” and I’ll DM you the details to apply for my exclusive 1:1 coaching program.

My clients have transformed their finances and achieved their goals because they took action. Now, it’s your turn!

Don’t wait to empower yourself and take control of your income.

Let’s make financial freedom your reality!

Comment or DM “READY” now to start your journey.

Coach Tashieka 💜


I maximized my 9-5 income, got laid off, spent the year resting, but my old 401k is still making me money and projected to reach $1.4 million by retirement age.

Here's what I wish I knew sooner...

The importance of having a clear vision for your life can guide you and set you up for freedom.

One year ago, I was laid off. Had this happened just a year earlier, I would have been scrambling to find another job.

But instead, I was at peace and resting.

My life right now, came from a vision I had in 2018 when I decided to break the cycle of debt and focus on building wealth.

For me, it wasn't just about climbing the corporate ladder anymore…

…It was about using my income to solidify my foundation and make my money work for me.

Imagine being able to take time for yourself and still having your money work hard for you...

It’s possible for you too.

It's all about intentional planning and creating ways for your money to work.

So, how will you start positioning your income to create the life you truly desire?

Photos from JamaaWealth Financial, LLC's post 11/07/2024

This shift changed my financial trajectory ⤵️

Switching my focus from just increasing my salary to building wealth was the game-changer that allowed me to invest and build a six-figure portfolio while paying down $115,000 in debt.

I spent 15 years as a project manager, and worked hard to climb the corporate ladder, but I found myself in a relentless cycle of debt.

Raises and bonuses came, but my financial situation barely improved.

It wasn't until I decided to move differently...
..I shifted my focus to wealth-building and everything began to change.

Learning how to manage my money so it could work for me, even when I wasn't working, was the real breakthrough.

This shift didn't just lead to financial success...it gave me control over my future.

My net worth went from negative six figures to over $500k+.

Imagine how your financial picture can change when you position your income for freedom.

Reflect on your financial goals today.

Are you solely focused on making more money, or are you positioning your current income to work for you and build financial freedom?

There's nothing wrong with wanting more money but pay attention to why you want more and how can you leverage your current income to build the life you desire.

Drop a question or comment below and let's shift towards financial freedom! ⬇️

Coach Tashieka 💜

Photos from JamaaWealth Financial, LLC's post 01/07/2024

Your next 6 months will be your most abundant yet! 🙌🏾

Abundance of opportunities, wealth, self-care, and friendship!

Coach Tashieka 💜


When I began this journey towards financial freedom, I thought I had to cut out everything to reach my goal.

I was set on saving half my salary, but quickly realized this was not sustainable for my family.

I had to learn how to balance my family of 6 and still create joy with how we wanted to live our lives.

We love to travel, go camping, and visit Kings Dominion at least once a year.

Could I have reached my goals quicker by cutting out all fun? Maybe.

But would we have been happy? Definitely not.

Here’s what I did….

….I paid myself first💰📈

1️⃣ I set aside money for my freedom fund and investing

2️⃣ I created sinking funds for travel and kid activities.

You can create a balanced life, to save, invest, and still enjoy traveling, shopping, and being a foodie, WITHOUT drowning in debt.

Here’s to your financial freedom!

Coach Tashieka 💜


Imagine no longer having anxiety about managing your money because you have a clear plan and a money system that works for you.

Despite earning a good income, my client felt a lot of anxiety with managing her money and wanted to feel in control. We worked on getting clarity with her vision and I helped her align her income towards her goals to save money and eliminate debt.

My goal is to help you create a money system that aligns with your desires so you can feel confident.

Ready to transform your financial life?

DM me the word “WEALTH” to book a call and start your journey to financial freedom!

I have 4 - 1:1 Coaching spots open for July. Book your discovery call and learn if coaching is for you.

Coach Tashieka 💜


Check out MyBudgetCoach's IG stories to see my takeover and spend a day in the life with me!



Spend the day with me! I'm taking over stories today!

Follow and find a coach you can vibe with to help you reach your money goals

Photos from JamaaWealth Financial, LLC's post 22/06/2024

When I started this wealth journey in 2018, I had negative six figure net worth and I barely had any assets outside of my primary home.

But I had this vision that I wanted to increase my wealth. I remember telling my brother, "In 10 years, I will be a millionaire!"

I had no clue how I would make this happen, but there were a few things I knew:

👉🏾My current financial situation no longer served me.

👉🏾I no longer wanted to be stuck in this cycle of debt.

👉🏾I wanted to have something to show for my hard-earned money.

👉🏾I wanted my children’s lives to be different.

👉🏾I didn’t want to just survive; I wanted to thrive and experience the world.

This journey has had its ups and downs, but being 6 years into the journey and 50% of the way to being the first millionaire in my family, 🙌🏾 this quote rings true.

I say all this to say, you have to trust the process and be patient that you will achieve your goal.

Stay committed to the vision you set for yourself, and I promise you that your hard work and dedication will pay off.

Let me know in the comments, what vision are you working towards? ⤵️

Here’s to your financial freedom!

Coach Tashieka 💜


Your path to freedom begins when you decide to take control.

This realization was a game-changer for me. Once I understood this truth, I created my own path to freedom.

I’m not telling you to quit your job… I’m telling you to open your eyes and build a foundation to secure your own future...because your job might decide to quit you.

You can take control and position your income to create wealth, but the decision starts with you.

What will you choose?

Coach Tashieka 💜

Photos from JamaaWealth Financial, LLC's post 16/06/2024

Ready to conquer your financial goals? ⤵️

I know it's not easy, I get it, I built a six figure investment portfolio while paying off $115 of debt and it required great persistence! But here's what you need to know:

Achieving your goals is a marathon, not a sprint.

If you want a proven system to help you reach your money goals without the stress and overwhelm, comment 'COACH' to book a call and learn how.

Coach Tashieka 💜


How will you increase your net worth today? Drop in the comments and let me know ⤵️

Here are some ways to your increase net worth:
✨Start or increase contributions to your 401k or 403b by 1%.
✨Invest your HSA funds
✨Open a Roth IRA, fund it, and invest
✨Transfer money to a HYSA
✨Add extra money towards a debt
✨Pay off of your credit card

To increase your net worth you'll want to increase your ASSETS (things you own: home, cash, investments, etc,) and decrease your LIABILITIES (things you owe: credit cards, loans, etc.)

Net worth = assets minus liabilities

This is one true measurement of your overall financial health. Tracking your net worth helps you to improve your finances by focusing on areas that will increase this number.

Need a net worth calculator, comment 'NET WORTH' and I'll DM you my free tracker.


Subscribe to my channel to learn how you can make power moves with your income to pay off debt and invest for financial freedom.

Life is meant for more than just paying bills.



How to maximize your income for financial freedom ⤵️

You're making good money, but without a plan, it won't lead to your freedom.

You need intentional steps to secure your future and live life on your terms.

Here’s how:

✅ Automate Your Savings: Save money from each paycheck and aim for 3-6 months of expenses in a high-yield savings account (HYSA). This is a foundational step and will give you peace of mind.

✅ Automate Increase Your 401(k) Contribution Annually: Automate your increases to around the time when you get your annual merit increase. This small change can make a big impact over time.

✅ Automate Your Investments: Set up automatic transfers and investments to build wealth on autopilot. Stick to simple, low-cost index funds for steady growth.

Financial freedom allows you to have options.

How will you start building your wealth today?

Need a plan for your finances? DM me the word "Wealth" and I'll send you info to book a call for your customized money plan.


Have you wanted to invest but think it's too complicated?

Join us Live Thursday, 5/30 at 8pm EST for a HERstory and Money Episode as chats with Nina, , a Money Coach for WOC in Tech!

Discover how she paid off over $100k in debt in just 14 months and built her net worth to over $500k using the lazy method of investing. 📈

Learn how you too can invest the lazy way. Don't miss out!

Photos from JamaaWealth Financial, LLC's post 20/05/2024

Comment "GUIDE" and I'll DM you the link to my free money guide that will show you the exact steps I took to pay off debt and start building wealth.

Building wealth is a journey and it starts with creating intentional habits to start living the life you want on your terms.

Photos from JamaaWealth Financial, LLC's post 18/05/2024

What stories are you telling yourself about why you can’t achieve your goals?

There is nothing you cannot achieve 🙌🏾 but you have to have the right mindset to keep moving forward despite your current circumstances.

Let me be the first to say, that I get in my way too many times to count.

But over the years, I've learned and am still learning different ways to stay focused and achieve the goals I set for myself.

So I am sharing 10 habits to get out of your own way and achieve what you desire:

1️⃣Create a vision, goals and your WHY
2️⃣Be in tune with your thoughts and emotions
3️⃣Surround yourself with people who've achieved what you desire
4️⃣Stop comparing yourself to other people - you are your secret sauce
5️⃣Increase your knowledge because fear comes from the unknown.
6️⃣Affirm who you are and release the negative self talk
7️⃣Less talking, more action
8️⃣Accept that mistakes and failure are part of the journey to success
9️⃣Set boundaries for yourself and others
🔟Celebrate your wins and any progress

Which of these are you working on?

Photos from JamaaWealth Financial, LLC's post 28/04/2024

If you feel like you'll always be in the same financial situation or that something always seems to come up when you're trying to progress financially.

You're not alone.

I used to feel trapped in a cycle of debt, just like many of my clients.

The one thing that changed our way of thinking was to shift our mindset to believe we were capable of managing our money so that we could stop the constant cycle of debt.

The results: I paid off $115k+ of debt; my clients paid off an average of $10k of debt AND saved money in the process.

One way to shift this way of thinking is to trust yourself. Trust in your ability to manage your money and make progress towards the life you desire.

You are capable of saving more money, paying off debt, and building a life of freedom. Just remember to focus on the progress you've made.

Your mindset plays a critical role in how you manage your money.

Pay attention to your thoughts, journal how you feel, and reframe them.

Focus on new thoughts to shift your feelings and actions:

✨I can make good financial decisions.

✨Money is a tool to help me live a life of freedom.

✨I don't accept debt as a normal part of my life.

✨I am capable of building wealth.

✨It is OK to desire more money.

✨I can learn how to manage my money.

If you're overwhelmed with managing money and need support to jumpstart your journey:

DM me or comment the word “GUIDE”, and I'll send you a free money guide.

You deserve peace and abundance.

Coach Tashieka 💜

Meet Your Budget Coach: Tashieka Ma’at 17/04/2024

Are you overwhelmed with managing money?Need clarity with your money but not yet ready for a 1:1 coaching commitment?

I'd like to introduce my latest project: I have partnered with MyBudgetCoach to provide affordable budget coaching to you. You'll get a step-by-step walk through from my virtual avatar to learn how to gain clarity with your money so you can save, invest, and payoff debt.

Join now for your free 35 day trial. No credit card required. We want you to try it out so you can start feeling confident about your money.

Meet Your Budget Coach: Tashieka Ma’at Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed with managing money? I empower ambitious individuals and families to transform their financial overwhelm into a clear path towards financial freedom and abundance. My goal is to help you learn how to budget and create a plan that aligns with the life you desire w...

Photos from JamaaWealth Financial, LLC's post 09/04/2024

Follow for money management tips to make power moves and invest for financial freedom 💪🏾

Photos from JamaaWealth Financial, LLC's post 08/04/2024

Is budgeting a struggle for you? ⤵️


Trust, you're not alone!

Swipe for 5 key strategies you're missing to help you budget so you can move towards financial freedom.

Which one has been missing for you?

Photos from JamaaWealth Financial, LLC's post 01/04/2024

April is National Financial Literacy Month! Take this time to educate yourself on money and take charge of your financial future!

These habits will pave the path to financial freedom.

Which habit are you working on? Share it below! 💡💰

SAVE and SHARE this with a friend who needs it.

Follow to learn money management skills and to help you level up and make power moves with money! 💪🏾💰📈


Join us for Episode 6 of HERstory and Money as we talk with Aitza, owner of live on IG.

Learn about her journey from debt to building two successful businesses, she'll share invaluable insights on money mindset, entrepreneurship, and the path to financial freedom.

Don't miss out on this empowering conversation!

See you there! March 29th @ 12:30 PM EST


Join us for Episode 5 of HERstory and Money as we talk with Nicollete, creator of about how she paid off $110k of debt in 5 years and how she balances building wealth while enjoying life now.

She’s now on a mission to empower people of color looking to build generational wealth.

Don't miss out—set your reminder and join us live on IG, Thursday, March 28th at 7:30 PM EST for an unmissable episode!

See you there!


Join me for Episode 4 of HERstory and Money on March 22, at 12:30 PM EST, as I talk about how I leveraged my 9-5 to build a life of freedom and survive a layoff.

As a former Project Director turned Money Coach, I will share my story of overcoming the cycle of debt, building wealth, and empowering others to take control of their finances.

Come listen, chat, and ask questions.

See you there!


Join us Thursday, March 21st at 7:30 pm EST on IG for Episode 3 of HERstory and Money as we chat with Prisca, creator of , a first-generation Haitian American and money coach.

Discover how Prisca transformed her financial life from debt to a net worth of over $300k while maintaining her quality of life.

Learn practical tips and mindset shifts to empower yourself financially.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to redefine your relationship with money!

See you there!


Join us for Episode 2 of HERstory and Money tomorrow March 15th, at 12:30 PM EST Live on IG!

We're diving into the inspiring money story of Taylor creator of who is on a journey of paying off six figures of student loan debt and sharing knowledge with her community.

Get ready to learn practical strategies for budgeting, tackling debt, and building wealth.

Don't miss out—set your reminder and join us live.

See you there!

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