Brother Ados

Brother Ados

Confronting untruths, injustice and oppressive illogic in service of #ADOS. Supporting #ToneTalks a

"Corrupt": DOJ Report Slams Louisville Police for Abuse, Discrimination After Breonna Taylor Killing 09/03/2023

Time vindicates us, always......

"Corrupt": DOJ Report Slams Louisville Police for Abuse, Discrimination After Breonna Taylor Killing The Department of Justice has released a scathing report accusing the Louisville, Kentucky, police department of unlawfully discriminating against the city's...

BrotherAdos on Twitter 08/10/2021

BrotherAdos on Twitter “Black folks don't have time for fun and games. Every aspect of our lives must be infused with the desire to recognize, understand and dismantle the system that subjugates us. Education must be our entertainment. We ain't got time for anything else. I aint trippin'”

BrotherAdos on Twitter 23/09/2021

BrotherAdos on Twitter “Investing Black If you are black, there is always someone in your circle that needs help, right now. F*ck Crypto, Bitcoin, and the stock market invest yo ass in 'yo people. It's the BEST investment black people can make.”

BrotherAdos on Twitter 19/09/2021

BrotherAdos on Twitter “They cannot get enough of their greatest creation. The most damaging Trojan horse in the history of the black American experience. Since 'yall love him so much, You take him, I'm sick of him.”

BrotherAdos on Twitter 10/08/2021

BrotherAdos on Twitter “400 years in, blacks still economically dispossessed, advances of civil rights mostly neutralized, black still hated on, mistreated unjustly executed, and the vestiges of slavery and jim crow present in today's world. Your belief is based on a fantasy that ignores all reality.

BrotherAdos on Twitter 26/07/2021

BrotherAdos on Twitter “When we adopt the values of our oppressors, we engage in the most powerful form of self-destruction”

The Rise and Fall of the Black Blue-Collar Middle Class 22/07/2021

The Rise and Fall of the Black Blue-Collar Middle Class Umass Lowell Economics professor William Lazonick, outlines the history of how government and economic conditions favored the rise of a Black blue-collar mid...

BrotherAdos on Twitter 25/06/2021

BrotherAdos on Twitter “Black Code Building Choose one black person in your life who is struggling and commit to helping them in any way you can.”

BrotherAdos on Twitter 22/06/2021

BrotherAdos on Twitter “White society tends to define our heroes for us. But we've always intrinsically recognized the connection between our two most influential, dynamic leaders. remarkable book put the relations between these two titans in a much-needed proper perspective. A must-read.

Dr. Umar Johnson:White Culture Based on Domanation/ Baby Momma Trauma 21/06/2021

Hurl whatever critique you like against
, ( many are warranted) But that brother knows and expresses the true nature of white supremacy unlike anyone else.

Dr. Umar Johnson:White Culture Based on Domanation/ Baby Momma Trauma Dr. Umar Johnson:White Culture Based on Competition, Domanation, Control Power & Greed/ Baby Momma TraumaSubscribe: ...

BrotherAdos on Twitter 21/06/2021

BrotherAdos on Twitter “We talk a lot of unity and community, Working together, and being on code. But doing it takes a lot more than talk Let's re-build one, right here, right now My offering..... Personally engage and make eye contact with every black person you encounter. What's yours...”

Big Wealth Pushed Back in the 1970s to Regain Power and Influence - David Harvey 31/05/2021

Organizing is the most powerful political tool in existence.

To organize you don't need a lot of money, you just need an agenda, intent, and some like-minded kinfolk committed to putting strategic ideas into action.

Talking about doing something is one thing,
actively doing it is entirely another.

Our united power channeling our collective will has humbled nations and is a force to be reckoned with and they are afraid of it. That's why our enemy has a vested interest in us operating as individuals, who prone to being easily compromised and overcome.

Organizing is such a powerful tool that those with the most power, money, and influence will resort to it when all else fails.

We can't do it alone and what's being revealed is neither can they.

United Black Power- Organize.

Big Wealth Pushed Back in the 1970s to Regain Power and Influence - David Harvey This is a clip from Anti-Capitalist Chronicles "The Legitimation Crisis of the late 1960s" in which Prof Harvey describes how US corporate power organized to...

Photos from Brother Ados's post 21/05/2021

In remembrance and celebration of,
Malcolm X
May 19, 1925 – February 21, 1965

From what is considered the dregs of society, emerged one of the most dynamic, powerful, and inspirational leaders America has ever produced, Malcolm Little, now and forever known as Malcolm X.

Malcolm was a titan, a legend, a force of nature.
Those who accused him of hate were much too blind, confused, and filled with hate themselves to recognize the noblest form of tough love.. the undiluted truth. It was his weapon and his shield.

He transformed the pain and suffering of his people into a vigilant message and scathing critique of America that serves as a template that even today inspires the oppressed engaged in ushering truth to power the world over.

Malcolm was warm and gentle, defiant and dignified,
fierce and fearless. He could tear holes in your logic with an uncompromising stare followed by a disarming smile preceding clear and concise words that spoke the irrefutable.

His legacy has stood the test of time and ironically, he emerges on the right side as history has proven to his critics and detractors that he was absolutely right, and they could not be more wrong.

He is the best example of the potential of the African American, who unencumbered by the oppressive forces of racism, could not be bought, nor sold and was an uncompromised man of moral, principle, and character who lived and died for the undeniable truth and his people.

He is a true American hero.

My Hero.

Malcolm X

BrotherAdos on Twitter 14/05/2021

BrotherAdos on Twitter “(2/2) Red Pill Lifeline So, I'm calling out to my , , brother and sisters to throw a lifeline and recommend 2 books that provide a broad foundation for the newly inspired but uninitiated. Let us show 'em some love and guidance.”

Photos from Brother Ados's post 05/05/2021

Don't you dare give me 'no, black "Superman".

His story is NOT our story... it's the opposite.
From Kansas, on a farm, all smiles, saving white people and their property? Bullsh*t!!

My Superman would not be the world's messianic savior, but it's worst f*cking nightmare, as finally, a great black equalizer would have Derek Chauvin and his blue ilk trembling in their boots as he effortlessly dismantles the world's oppressive military forces, rendering white supremacy impotent in about 5 f*cking mins, in style.

My black superman would be on code, he's my reparations, no more protests, no more " Kumbaya", no more asking the white man for nuthin'.

Besides, we already got our black superman, had him for years his name is LUKE CAGE, but Marvel won't do him justice, so we got "Black Captain America" instead.

And Sen. Tim Scott as Lex Luthor.

BrotherAdos on Twitter 05/05/2021

BrotherAdos on Twitter “With the largest imported slave population that even exceded the US, I have never heard, in my entire lifetime of a Pro-American Black/Brazilian movement or any cultural/political connection between the two nations. Why is that? Can Someone enlighten me? 2/2 ”

BrotherAdos on Twitter 05/05/2021

BrotherAdos on Twitter “Brazilians, almost more than any other group of Africans in the diaspora, share more in common with Black Americans in terms of their cultural origin and caste position in a racist society, and yet..... 1 0f 2”

BrotherAdos on Twitter 29/04/2021

BrotherAdos on Twitter “ , the latest in Republican's focused attempt to appropriate black expression, culture, and experience in efforts to conceal their transparent racist agenda. Democrats offer little to nothing, Republicans far less. Say Hello to "Flipside Obama 2024"”

BrotherAdos on Twitter 09/03/2021

BrotherAdos on Twitter “That's a damn shame had to go all the way overseas, marry into a royal family to find out she was BLACK!! N*@ wake-up call has been answered, Ringy Ding Ding.”

Reflections On Recent Controversy And The Case For #PureReparations | Actify Press 14/02/2021

's " trial balloon" is astute, well reasoned, & worthy of serious consideration, discussion, and re-examination by , & as it reasonably addresses the Achilles heel of the movement- perceived anti-black immigrant bias.

Reflections On Recent Controversy And The Case For #PureReparations | Actify Press This is longer than a 140-character Tweet, but I respectfully ask that all who participated in exchanges over a statement I made on Twitter on February 4, 2021 concerning , that aroused a firestorm of responses, please read this from start to finish.

BTP exposes the cult leading GRIFTERS Yvette and Tone 16/01/2021


It is very easy to move into a house with a foundation that was conceived, designed, and built by the movement and arrogantly attempt to claim ownership.

In the last year, you have co-opted their talking points, their data, approach, and methodology, proving that a little bit of information in the wrong hands can be dangerous. Talking about doing is never as hard as doing. Despite your feelings, what is indisputable is that Yvette Carnell and Antonio Moore built this movement from the bottom up and are the PRIMARY forces behind the worldwide reparation discussion today.

Being so unsatisfied, I suggest you create your own movement with your own ideology and talking points or just go back to talking about " "the lost tribes of Moorish Shabazz of Malachi"... until then you guys are little no more than house squatters seeking to occupy someone else's property.

BTP exposes the cult leading GRIFTERS Yvette and Tone To support the BE THE POWER platform, you can contribute to our cashapp $BETHEPOWERYou can also show your support by being a member via Patreon


"You got Biracial commercials-that's your damn REPARATIONS!"

--Black Supported President Elect-Joe Biden

Dr. Umar Johnson: U.S LAWS / OBAMA / MultiCULTURAL /AFRIKANS IMAGRANTS 09/12/2020

Nobody but Nobody, put it down like Umar Johnson.


How Dave Chappelle Schooled White Woman On 'Police Brutality' - CH News 27/11/2020

An excellent story on how celebrities can use their social capital to fight for justice.

How Dave Chappelle Schooled White Woman On 'Police Brutality' - CH News - In a viral tweet shared by a local New York comedian, users on Twitter would learn about the time Dave Chappelle corrected a white ...

Boris Kodjoe on the African Diaspora 15/11/2020

"Karen" the hunter

Ms. Karen, I am sorely disappointed that you are disparaging and misrepresenting the movement as a recurring theme in your show, and it causes me to question your motivation and possibly lose respect for you.

The movement attempts to create a much needed, distinct, national and cultural identity, unique to ourselves so that we can partake in privileges afforded most immigrant people the world over, even Africans; the privilege of self-interest and identification.

There is a growing awareness among that insidious selective immigration policies have been crafted to use African immigrants as a cultural, economic, and political wedge against American-born descendants of slavery, reinforcing the ultimate straw man argument, that equal access to opportunity is available to all, and that African American culture is deficient for its inability to obtain it, giving systematic racism and its generational effects, a golden pass.

isn't anti-African just like Africans aren't anti- ,, we are just relearning the significance age-old adage " charity begins at home.

Your fight against that is incomprehensible.

Kudos to Mr. Kudo for even recognizing that.

Boris Kodjoe on the African Diaspora Boris Kodjoe, star of Station 19 and defacto ambassador to the Motherland, talks Africa with Karen. (Please SUBSCRIB...

What America Got Wrong About Ebonics 28/10/2020

What America Got Wrong About Ebonics In 1996, teachers in California decided to try something different with their students. The country still hasn't forgiven them. http://highline.huffingtonpos...

Why do White Christians Vote Republican, and Black Christians Vote Democrat? 27/10/2020

Why do White Christians Vote Republican, and Black Christians Vote Democrat? An overwhelming majority of WHITE Christians vote Republican. And an overwhelming majority of BLACK Christians vote Democrat. Why is that? Don't they read th...

[FULL EPISODE] Dr. Umar Johnson on Cannon's Class 08/10/2020

While there are massive, character, ethical, and credibility issues with him,

Few people in America today can navigate the network of obstacles facing the black community in a cohesive narrative as powerfully as Umar Johnson.

[FULL EPISODE] Dr. Umar Johnson on Cannon's Class In this session of , Dr. Umar Johnson discuss his drive to feed our community to be unapologetically African and strong.

Latinos preferred Trump over Biden in debate; 66 percent to 34 01/10/2020

Think hard on this next time you tempted to say " Black and Brown " people.

Latinos preferred Trump over Biden in debate; 66 percent to 34 While many political analysts thought Tuesday night's debate was losing situation for both sides, a Telemundo poll showed Latino voters thought President Trump won.

Trump unveils 'Platinum Plan' for Black Americans 26/09/2020

Trump, the consummate wheeler and dealer, attempting to BUY Reparations for pennies on the dollar.

Trump unveils 'Platinum Plan' for Black Americans President Donald Trump unveiled a plan aimed at winning over Black Americans on Friday, less than two months before Election Day, largely expanding upon the existing economic-related initiatives the President established in his first term.

White Skin Black Mask: How Barack Obama Played Black Voters Just Like Joe Biden Will 25/09/2020

Passionate young brother with a laser focused assessment of Obama.

White Skin Black Mask: How Barack Obama Played Black Voters Just Like Joe Biden Will Barack Obama ran his campaign on hope and change. But it was a hope and change that Black America never got to be apart of. Which was deliberate on Obama's p...

Photos from Brother Ados's post 24/09/2020


Once again another innocent unarmed black citizen was killed by negligent, zealous, overly aggressive police and as usual, the punishment is trivial and american outrage is non existent.

This tragic, unjust, reoccuring travesty is a result of three things. A dysfunctional police system, built under the blessings of legalized, embedded, state sanctioned, racial oppression and the lack of empathy to black american voices that are dismissed as matter of routine in the face of traumatizing circumstances along with a collective apathy held by non black americans.

Again, Black Americans face the ugly and horrible realization that the majority Americans are callous about ending this ongoing injustice. Instead of forging a national collective determination to eradicate these atrocities, what we get are mass obfuscations, rationalizations and contorted debates on why this killing and many like it are perfectly justified.

What is needed the national focus and collective will to bring about the equivalent of a Megan's Law or Amber Alert, a law addressing the specific needs for people unjustly killed by officers of the law. Those laws were created based on single instance of horrific injustices directed towards a specific , vulnerable and unprotected group; in this case, african americans, who ex*****on by the hands of overzealous, racially institutionalized police represent a form of legalized racial terrorism, sanctioned by American law. Until a specific law is created to address this, America will continue to communicate, loudly and clear, that black lives do not matter.

1 officer indicted in Breonna Taylor case, not for her death 23/09/2020


The white power structure has a little problem
offering up a self-selected sacrificial lamb to placate our non-existent the wrath as a symbolic token to the altar of the illusion of justice within the system.

Someone's always down to take one for the team.

1 officer indicted in Breonna Taylor case, not for her death Brett Hankison is charged with 3 counts of wanton endangerment in connection with the police raid on Breonna Taylor's home in which she was killed. SUBSCRIBE...

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