Soria Moria UK
Property solutions in London
I just couldn't sleep, so I figured I should just get up and get an earlier start... before everyone else in the street gets up😉
*pop in buds and get some good music going*
Would you be willing to move to a more affordable area to free up more money to invest?
Has a coffee with a friend a few weeks ago and he was the one that brought this to my attention. After some pondering, I have found that I am, however, it is somehow more daunting than moving from one country to another. I suppose this has become my new comfort zone after 2 years😁
to let
Well, this winter just flew by, did it not? I suppose it is still winter, I am thinking about the colder weather and snow that my mom still has in .
When it comes to Property, other than attending my favourite networking events, I have been taking some time off and it is now time to get back to the windows in my residential flat.
The secondary glazing is in and most of the paint on paint (on paint on paint on paint) layering has been sanded down... a little plaster here and some paint there and all six windows and both doors will be done in a jiffy🤪
Got a couple of viewings in between the networking and socializing, what a fun week!
I actually found something I have not come across before... not the sign, however, one of the flats I visited actually had fabric on the walls.
I must admit that my first thought was that the walls could be uneven under the fabric, however, I asked around at and someone has actually done it themselves and that it can last for a very long time if done correctly. Color me fascinated!
Have you "dressed" any walls in fabric? How did it go?
It is constitution day in Norway so a big Gratulerer med dagen to all of my fellow Norwegians!
Just need to iron my sløyfe ( picture) and I'll be on my way. Maybe I'll host a champagne breakfast next year😉
Have a great day!
I am on the train back from Peterborough, reflecting about how it was totally worth postponing my flight to Norway.
It has been quite the day in a room with extraordinary people following their dreams, not to mention the wisdom shared by the amazing and @[1784140319827@markprogressive].
What would you ask if you had the chance to meet these two?
Until next time, my fellow property investors, the next post will be from 🇳🇴 😉
A girl can dream, can she not?
Just so beautifully done.
Maybe a house is the way to go after all?
I just get in the best mood around here.
Thought about your dream home lately?
Rise and shine! Early mornings here at Soria Moria, I love This time of day, I get so much done before the rest of the grove wakes up.
Although... I do have to wait to call back the potential tenant buyers, they might not get up at this hour on a Sunday😉
And by the looks of it... it is going to be a great day!