Aware World Evolution
You just accesed the platform that will guide you to the next step into your life experience.
Pentru că luna martie este singura lună a acestui an în care nu este nicio planetă în retrograd, ne-am sincronizat energia cu Magia Lunii Noi și în data de 13.03, la ora 20:20 ne vom întâlni live pe Facebook, în cadrul unui webinar gratuit pentru a vorbi despre ce portițe ne putem deschide odată cu setarea intențiilor și cm se reflectă direcționarea conștientă a energiei la nivel fizic.
Pe parcursul discuției, încurajăm întrebările din partea voastră și pe final vă vom invita să ne aliniem energiile pentru a ne seta intențiile acestei primăveri.
Podcastul va fi susținut de Iulia Hij, Monica Vrabiuta, Marius Zorila si Alexandru Manea.
Deoarece vrem ca fiecare participant sa se poată mișca lejer în cadrul activităților, punem la dispoziție 11 locuri la acest eveniment.
Plata se poate face:
🌱Numerar - 0732979591 (Iulia)
🌱Revolut - 0726320908
🔸Early Bird este valabil până pe data de 19.03
Because we want every participant to move freely with the flow during the activities, we only have 11 spots at this event.
The payment can be done:
🌱Cash - 0732979591 (Iulia)
🌱Revolut - 0726320908
🔸Early Bird is available until 19.03
Intențiile acestui eveniment au fost concepute pentru a conduce întreaga energie a ființei noastre către găsirea echilibrului interior, eliberarea canalelor receptoare de energie prin depășirea vechilor traume și alinierea corpului ca Întreg cu flow-ul natural al Vieții.
12.00 - Introducere în AWE
12.45 - A journey through the bodies
Marius & Iulia
13.45 - Tombolă
14.00 -
▫️Experiența practică a terapiei (Marius & Iulia) |
▫️Introducere în Human Design/ Cheile Genelor (Alexandra & Monica)
15.00 - Pauză de prânz (meniu vegetarian)
15.45 - Traume și conflicte ancestrale
Alexandru Manea
17.00 - Umanitatea de a fi Bun și turbulența de a fi Rău - a dance experience
18.00 - Pauză de gustare
18.15- Călătorie de explorare a posibilităților de conectare și aliniere
Facilitator surpriză
19.30 - Alinierea energiilor și discuții de încheiere
Pe durata evenimentului vom avea pauze de 15min între momentele facilitatorilor și o pauză de 45min pentru a lua prânzul împreună.
🌱Supă cremă de legume
🌱Hummus & sticksuri din morcov
🌱Power-balls (conțin nuci & unt de arahide)
The intentions of this event were made to guide the energy of our core towards finding the inner balance by releasing the energy receiving channels, overcoming old trauma, and aligning the body as a Whole with the natural flow of Life.
12.00 - Introduction in AWE
12.45 - A journey through the bodies
Marius & Iulia
13.45 - Raffle
14.00 - The practical experience of therapy (Marius & Iulia) |
Introduction in Human Design/ Gene Keys (Alexandra & Monica)
15.00 - Lunch break (vegetarian menu)
15.45 - Ancestral trauma and conflict
Alexandru Manea
17.00 - The Humanity of being Good and the turbulence of being Bad - a dance experience
18.00 - Snack break
18.15 - Explorational journey of connection and alignment possibilities
Surprise Guest
19.30 - Energy alignment and final talk
During the event, we will take 15mins break between activities and a 45mins lunch break.
🌱 Cream soup
🌱Hummus & carrot sticks
🌱Power-balls (contains nuts and peanut butter)
Salutare, suflete frumoase!
🌱 Primăvara aproape a început, așadar ne pregătim să o întâmpinăm setându-ne intențiile în ziua Echinocțiului Vernal al acestui an.
🌱 Cu această ocazie, pe data de 20 martie, comunitatea AWE își reunește magia pentru a susține Unitatea, Puterea lui 1 și integrarea celor 3 corpuri (fizic, mental și emoțional) într-unul singur: Sinele.
Hello, beautiful souls!
🌱Spring is almost here so let's prepare to enter it by setting our intentions on the Vernal Equinox of this year.
🌱On this occasion, on the 20th of March, the AWE community gathers its powers in order to sustain the Unity, the Power of 1, and the wholeness between our three bodies: mind, physical body, and soul.
Va asteptam LIVE pe grupul - Luna Vindecarii, astazi la ora 20:00.
Ca sa puteti participa, trebuie sa accesati Gratuit link-ul de mai jos pentru inscriere.
Link inscrieri:
O zi minunată!
Namaste 🙏
Key Magical Words to be AWARE of today:
Portal: The Taming Power of the Great
Bodygraph: The WILL / HEART / EGO Centre
- selected memory;
- the power of the Ego (accept your ego, you could not be embodied without one, just look inside and through the open eyes of your innocent ego);
- be aware of what you buy during this time (check your truth teller Magician inside);
- grounding, some of us with gathering together with others for material or educational purpose;
Harmony in Surrendering in the spirit of Togetherness, speak/express from AWAREness when the time is good for you (follow your HD strategy and authority here to receive knowledge about your Instinctual Awareness)
- follow your strategy and authority (Human Design) and be AWARE/ offer more atrention and respect to your 5th, 4th and 3rd Chakras;
- confide in friendship and also in out of the blue connections on the frequency of friendship; trust and hope;
- kindness frequency may reveal meanness frequency, choose wisely;
- Benefactor or Dependant duality;
- medium of creativity in own aloneness (do focus on your own tribe, and be aware of your inner creative processes);
- try to adapt to changing situations;
Thank YOU Monica Vrăbiuță for sharing this with The WORLD!
Who am I?
As a human... I am a flow of emotions in a constant transitory state. I am an opportunistic by DNA and an investigator by choice so I took the chance to make mistakes my whole life. I embody the trinity of the human states: physical, mental and spiritual and I am here to serve and manifest my purpose.
Iulia Hij is bringing her gifts to Conscious Holiday Eve Retreat! Stay tuned, our Early Penguin Passes are ending this week! Reserve your via our event!🎄🏵🙏🏻❤️🤗
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Sound is an excellent holistic therapy because it works on all levels of your being - mind, body and spirit. Sound waves provide a "sonic massage" for the physical self and subtle energy fields, giving you relaxation and a recharge of physical and spiritual batteries.
On Conscious Holiday Eve We will Experience The Sound Bath - Gongs, Tibetan bowls and other musical instruments that will give you a rebalancing and a total, deep relaxation, meant to slow down the time around you, to help you reduce stress, but also to reconnect with your Essence to access the deepest resources YOU have.
Alexandru Marinca is bringing some higher frequencies to surf on during our Christmas Period. Make sure you book your spot in advance, early penguin tickets are ending soon 🎄🙏🏻🏵🍀❤️
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These are often the source of physical and emotional imbalances. I am able to help heal and release all ties.
In my healing practices, I also use art, practicing art therapy. I am passionate about creating objects with magical attributes, which have a positive impact on the viewer.
I am passionate about light language, which at the right hands can be a very powerful tool for unlocking, healing, and connecting the gates between the physical body and the spirit. In addition to using the language of light and sacred geometry in art, such as drawings, I also use it to align crystals in formations. I charge the crystals with a certain intention, energy, which these magical conductors and amplifiers help me to pass on.
The main theme for this event involves all of the above with the name...” Finding the gifs buried deep into oneself”
Are you curious to know more? Book your spot and let yourself be guided by your intuition and hearth into the journey!
See you in December! 🏵
Doina Morari is showing her conscious craft in December, join her and the others into a new way of celebrating Christmas🎄🙏🏻🏵🍀❤️
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My name is Doina,
I am a visual artist and intuitive bio-energy worker, and crystal healer. I am able to see the energy and to shift it, to bring extra visualization and rearrange any field of vision.
I am thrilled to participate in the event and to be able to bring you what I developed in time. I wish to share this gift with as many are ready to receive.
AWE tribe is growing more and more and I am more than pleased to witness so many lives transformed in this process of ascension.
I developed this practice called Crystal Clear Craft to help restore the perfect balance of any field of energy, like a human body, from inside the cells. I believe energy cell rejuvenation is the key to a better body and mind. Energy is always shifting, so why not shift it to our advantage?
Crystal Clear Craft is a guided meditation inside the body, using imagination, storytelling, guided by the spirit. It is always different and spontaneous based on what I am seeing in an energy field and what is needed to be accomplished.
Doina Morari is showing her conscious craft in December, join her and the others into a new way of celebrating Christmas🎄🙏🏻🏵🍀❤️
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By learning new moves and mastering new tools, we upgrade our neural network, our bodies’ circuitry that control physical expression. After a while of perfecting the basic movements, we can create our own flow in which we harmoniously connect the different movements. There can be dozens of combined movements, resulting in hundreds of possible flows. It's like writing a poem: you have words that you place creatively resulting in a harmony of words.
Its great to live connected to your body!
Prevention of injuries specific to muscle-connective tissue in the arms and shoulder complex. Its one of the best tools to use for injury prevention in your upper body.
See you on the 23rd of December!
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Through the rotational and pendulum-like movements of the mace we obtain a strengthening effect, superior to other training techniques. Through these various movements, we subject the mentioned musculoskeletal system to kinetic tensions in a wide, almost complete spectrum of movement of the respective joints. Thus we are building a strong foundation of the upper body in order to develop safe maximum strength and capability. This way we can have strong,resilient, trouble free arms.
Through such training, we develop the mind-body connection. Through the Barosflow methodology, we improve the feedback between the brain and the nervous system by orchestrating the muscles in a relaxation-tension symphony that translates into the harmonious movement of the mace.
The Mace movement tones the body because it holistically activates the main muscle groups in symphony with stabilizer muscles, which are just as important. Complete training of the musculoskeletal system can be performed by incorporating a variety of movements such as squats, lounges, bends, twist, pull, push, etc.
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Hi guys!
I'm George. Barosflow has been created to share the love I have for the mace and it’s manufacturing. Im looking to bring this holistic way of training to the Romanian public’s consciousness. I think the gyms are crowded, full of machines that serve limited, superficial goals.
Although I have frequented the temples of iron since I was 14, I am convinced that outdoor exercise is superior, highly beneficial to us as complete, optimized human beings, not just good for muscle hypertrophy. I like to explore movement through several perspectives, specific and general. Because the body is interconnected, the specific influences the whole. I choose to explore a certain movement, specific exercise, and then integrate them in a complex of movements with greater precision, strength, sharpness.
Just as the jeweler works with magnifiers, he then looks with the naked eye at the creation summed up by the details perfected with the help of that magnifying glass, thus resulting in a greater closeness to his ideal. Below I sketched out the main benefits of mace training, discovered through experimentation and theoretical research.
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Gosse Beerda is specialized as a fascia, frequency and freedom facilitator and has been active on the path of facilitating healing for others since 2011. At first, he started to explore all kinds of energetic healing such as Frequencies of Light Therapy, Pranic Healing, Soul Body Fusion, Siddha Kundalini Healing Science, learning how to activate and work with Kundalini energy and other energetic healing modalities At first he mainly did so as a way to deal with and heal his personally experienced trauma and later started to apply what he learned upon others. In 2015 he made a switch to mainly facilitating profoundly deep trauma release bodywork in the form of what is also known as 'Body Dearmouring'. Gosse developed his own unique style of Tantric-Shamanic Body Dearmouring which he named ‘The Tender Touch Technique’.
Ever since, he is deeply fascinated by the incredibly deep and transformative power of this amazing form of bodywork. It has brought him and many students and clients so much healing and transformation and this has led to Body Dearmouring becoming the very core of his healing practice. Next to this he combines his bodywork together with energetic healing wherever this feels appropriate and necessary, as well as using other forms of healing and support such as consciousness, nutritional and somatic coaching, sound healing, light language coding and other tools he has learned during the past decade. Gosse has been sharing his work with hundreds of clients and students from all over Europe and is doing so in personal sessions as well as his own workshops.
Join our holistic retreat and meet Gosse and the other facilitators in a unique, mind bending experience!
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He has also worked with orchestra artists from Germany, France, Luxembourg and Romania. He currently leads his private group of members through online trainings in which he offers digitally recorded remedies, an exclusive way to cure the energy cause of suffering, trauma and personal attachments such as fear, anxiety and pain of "unresolved" events.
DNA Activation is the key here and now through which we open the Gates of Possibilities and our Intention is the bridge to the new reality.
If you like to reserve your spot, follow this link! Have a great day Guys!
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On Christmas, The Fire Ceremony and the TranscenDance Meditation is conceived and facilitated by SUMEIA ANANDA (Colombia) and her partner CĂTĂLIN MILEA (Romania).
🌠Sumeia is a human transformational coach, transpersonal psychologist, holistic therapist, family constellation facilitator, yoga and meditation teacher, with 20 years of experience in shaping inner wisdom and the expansion of human consciousness, integrating body, mind, emotion and spirit.•
Along with her, the wind instrumentalist and sound healer Cătălin Milea will complete the magic of the ceremony with the sounds and music of his wind instruments (saxophones, Turkish kaval, duduk - Armenia, bass clarinet, flutes) and many other percussion instruments.
More about Cătălin Milea:
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On Christmas, The Fire Ceremony and the TranscenDance Meditation is conceived and facilitated by SUMEIA ANANDA (Colombia) and her partner CĂTĂLIN MILEA (Romania).
🌠Sumeia is a human transformational coach, transpersonal psychologist, holistic therapist, family constellation facilitator, yoga and meditation teacher, with 20 years of experience in shaping inner wisdom and the expansion of human consciousness, integrating body, mind, emotion and spirit.
Along with her, the wind instrumentalist and sound healer Cătălin Milea will complete the magic of the ceremony with the sounds and music of his wind instruments (saxophones, Turkish kaval, duduk - Armenia, bass clarinet, flutes) and many other percussion instruments.
More about Cătălin Milea:
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Thank you all for being in this magical place co-creating it together with compassion, harmony, and respect for one another! Until the next one!
🌠Sumeia is a human transformational coach, transpersonal psychologist, holistic therapist, family constellation facilitator, yoga and meditation teacher, with 20 years of experience in shaping inner wisdom and the expansion of human consciousness, integrating body, mind, emotion and spirit. Her unique therapeutic activity is inspired on direct contact with healing practices, tribal medicines and spiritual experiences with native peoples of America: Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, North America and Mexico. Sumeia Ananda is now in Romania to share all her passion as a therapist in group or individual meetings.
•Instagram: sumeiaanandaheart
•YouTube: Sumeia Ananda
Along with her, the wind instrumentalist Cătălin Milea will complete the magic of the ceremony with the sounds and music of his wind instruments (saxophones, Turkish kaval, duduk - Armenia, bass clarinet, flutes) and many other percussion instruments.
More about Cătălin Milea:
See you on Heaven’s Hill🏕💃💫✨❤️ We are Proud to announce that we are Full house
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We especially invite you to accompany us on this Cacao Ceremony & Ecstatic Dance to open a new cycle of consciousness, listening your heart in emotional receptivity and nourishing it with the Extatic Dance (deep meditation, a sensorial journey, breathwork, sound healing & intuitive movement, harmonic vibrations, collective connection) that will allow us to bring more brightness, joy, pleasure and love into our lives.
🤷♀️Who leads the Cacao Ceremony?
The Cacao Ceremony and the Extatic Dance Meditation is conceived and facilitated by SUMEIA ANANDA (Colombia) and her partner CĂTĂLIN MILEA (Romania).
Transform your emotions with the power of your heart! The natural Cacao as a base for the preparation of chocolate was for thousands of years in America, the medicine shared in tribal communities to strengthen the body, purify the emotions and create peaceful and meaningful relationships with all related.
The preparation of the Cacao is an alchemical experience that is shared in family or community, creating a harmonic experience in which it is possible to listen to the voice of the body and the intelligence of the heart that is the Great master of our Emotions.
See you on Heaven’s Hill🏕💃💫✨❤️ We are Proud to announce that we are Full house
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The results of our inner self work will be in these areas:
1. Self-care Rules
2. Southing Times
3. Law of the Gentleness (Blândeții)
4. Soft Self-expression
5. Contact
Please write to the facilitator (after you register) about your Top interest from the list above.
Thank you, it is a way for us to get to know you on a deeper level.
Love all that matters.
See you on Heaven’s Hill🏕💃💫✨❤️ We are Proud to announce that we are Full house
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Hello everyBody,
The sacred dancing space is welcoming you to join the frequency of Flow through the Portal of AWE, evolution of the world through awareness.
I Follow my own Flow is the essence of the gathering.
The method: Cosmic Dancer
As Human you have a Body that chats through Heart Beat and Breath. The Cosmic Dancer is that part of you who is in constant Flow, wherever you are, whatever you do and feel, whatever thoughts wander in your happy mind.
The Cosmic Dancer is a concept that can be understood only by using your heart.
The keywords of the cosmic dancer: RHYTHM, inFLOW and BREATH.
Tips and fun stuff For Alchemists: Those three words can't be separated from sound, but Silence can be the surprize Keycode to unlock their levels.
See you on Heaven’s Hill🏕💃💫✨❤️ We are Proud to announce that we are Full house
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is a team of enthusiastic, free-spirited professionals, determined to offer the best experience in terms of sound and atmosphere in a music event. •
Our main goal is to create a remarkable musical experience, because music is the instrument that opens people's hearts and minds.
Our equipment consists of the famous Funktion One speakers, which offer the best sonic precision. F1 systems offer the ability to place the sound accent where needed, are more energy efficient compared to other sound systems and have a unique design.
Between 18 and 20th of September, we to offer you the best experience during Heaven’s Hill Retreat
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‼️2 spots left‼️
Heaven's Hill Retreat is here:
‼️3 spots left ‼️
Friday, 18h of September 2020
🎇-Entering The Portal-🎆
°12:00 🏡Check-in To The Location
°13:00 🍽Lunch
°14:30🚀Accommodation & Introduction Into The Journey
°15:30 🎭PRESENTATION - Florina Cristache - Creativity Meditation and Abundance
°17:30 🍵Tea Ritual
°18:00 🏋🏻♂️PRESENTATION - George Cretu - Baros Movements
°19:00 🍽Dinner
°20:00 💃Cacao Ceremony, Camp Fire & Ecstatic Dance - Catalin Milea & Sumeia Ananda
Saturday, 19th of September 2020
⚛️-Knowing Thyself-☯️
°9.00 🧘🏻♂️Conscious Morning Workout - TheGuys - Mircea Vlad & Bogdan Plesa
°10:00 🍽Breakfast
° 11:00 🍵Tea Ritual
°11:30 🌈Creativity Workshop - Doina Morari
°13:00 💫PRESENTATION - Ramona Filip - Wires of Light
°14:00 🍽Lunch
°15:00 🏝Relaxation (therapies/massages) & Group Games - L.E Reich, Alexandru Manea
°16:30 ✨Frequency Alignment Meditation & Stretching - TheGuys - Mircea Vlad & Bogdan Plesa
°17:30 🌬Rebirthing Breathwork - Rosalie Somogyi
°19:00 🍽Dinner
°20:00 🌀Go with the Flow - Surprise Moment - Secret Guest
Sunday, 20th of September 2020
🐿-Planting The Seeds-🌳
°9.00 🌞Stretching & Golden Hour Meditation Integration
°11.00 🍵Tea Ritual
°12.00 🎎Q&A - Relaxing Feedback
Our idea directs the attention of social actors to personal well-being, healing, self-knowledge, and development, providing a space where individuality and authenticity are embraced by the collective.
Our platform unites professionals from various fields, promotes collaboration between members, and supports joint creative projects or those who want to have a personal brand with social impact.
Based on extensive experience in interpersonal relationships, our team of young enthusiasts provides the entire online community with the resources necessary for the harmonious development of the physical, mental, and emotional body.