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Learn to bet on yourself! ❤️
I am still learning how to be my own best cheerleader. It’s always going to be a work in progress I’m sure. But at least I’m starting each day with self-awareness and the intention to talk positively to myself.
Things I promise that I will no longer do (that I used to do):
1. I will no longer deride myself and call myself an idiot. If I make a mistake, it’s just something to learn from. Anyone can learn, including me 🫶
2. If I wake up and feel depressed or upset, or anxious, instead of hurtling myself through my day, I now know to ask for help, read a good book like “Think Like A Warrior” or listen to an uplifting podcast. 
3. If I find myself losing motivation or not prioritizing my needs, I now reach out to my coach, re-commit to myself, and make sure that I “put my own oxygen mask on first”. I can’t help anybody if my own health is slipping. ❤️
My biggest tip for anyone on a transformation journey is to really get clear with what kind of internal dialogue is going on in your head and get it right. 🫶 You can’t beat a horse over the finish line.  Well you can, I guess, but it won’t last. And if you’re like me, you want results that last forever 💯💯
Secondly, learn how to love the things that you need to do to get closer to your goals. If you keep loving and desiring the things that trip you up, you are always at risk of backsliding. You’ve got to set your mind straight, remind yourself of who you are and what you’re all about. Be clear. Be loving. And check in with your intentions daily. 
I hope you have a fabulous start to your week!
Get after your goals, and make sure you’re giving yourself the best advice, and best encouragement possible.
With love,
Joan ❤️ 28/06/2023

Esta señora empezo a hacer ejercicio a los 70 años de edad. Cambio su vida y de enferma paso a ser saludable, fuerte y un ejemplo para muchas personas que no quieren depender de medicinas y vivir con enfermedades y dolencias. Ahora hasta negocio tiene entrenando a otras mujeres. Nunca dejes que la edad sea una restriccion para ti.

Learn to bet on yourself! ❤️ I am still learning how to be my own best cheerleader. It’s always going to be a work in progress I’m sure. But at least I’m starting each day with self-awareness and the intention to talk positively to myself. . Things I promise that I will no longer do (that I used to do): 1. I will no longer deride myself and call myself an idiot. If I make a mistake, it’s just something to learn from. Anyone can learn, including me 🫶 2. If I wake up and feel depressed or upset, or anxious, instead of hurtling myself through my day, I now know to ask for help, read a good book like “Think Like A Warrior” or listen to an uplifting podcast. 3. If I find myself losing motivation or not prioritizing my needs, I now reach out to my coach, re-commit to myself, and make sure that I “put my own oxygen mask on first”. I can’t help anybody if my own health is slipping. ❤️ . My biggest tip for anyone on a transformation journey is to really get clear with what kind of internal dialogue is going on in your head and get it right. 🫶 You can’t beat a horse over the finish line. Well you can, I guess, but it won’t last. And if you’re like me, you want results that last forever 💯💯 . Secondly, learn how to love the things that you need to do to get closer to your goals. If you keep loving and desiring the things that trip you up, you are always at risk of backsliding. You’ve got to set your mind straight, remind yourself of who you are and what you’re all about. Be clear. Be loving. And check in with your intentions daily. . I hope you have a fabulous start to your week! Get after your goals, and make sure you’re giving yourself the best advice, and best encouragement possible. With love, Joan ❤️


91 Años!!!

Adaptogenos y sus beneficos para la salud y belleza 28/10/2021

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Adaptogenos y sus beneficos para la salud y belleza Adaptogenos beneficos para la salud y belleza y para bajar el estres y como usarlos en casa, en tus comidas. Los adaptogenos son plantas que nos ayudan a bal...