The Birth Dance

The Birth Dance

The Birth Dance System - PROTECT. CONNECT. LIFT OFF! Your blueprint to transform early trauma, and step into freedom, by creating safety and enhancing bonding.

Go from freeze to flow with the "5&5" Birth Dance Steps. Birth into your own greatness & joy!


Harness the power of your beliefs for healing with Dr. Bruce Lipton



HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Cheryl Hill!!

Where Pain Lives - Aeon - Pocket 25/03/2020

Article on pain posted for Connie B

Where Pain Lives - Aeon - Pocket Fixing chronic back pain is possible only when patients understand how much it is produced by the brain, not the spine.

Survival of the Friendliest - Nautilus - Pocket 20/03/2020

The choice between isolation and "huddling"... Are we on track here - following the Power of Nature?

Survival of the Friendliest - Nautilus - Pocket It’s time to give the violent metaphors of evolution a break.


I met these two horses (mother and c**t) in CA at Monty Roberts horse ranch. I spent almost three hours with them in delight that led to our own craniosacral session... it was magic. I couldn't find anyone who knew their names so I named mother 'Maple' for her beautiful coloring and the c**t 'Star' for the outlined grey star above his nose. The power of nature... priceless.


I often am blessed to take curvy, mountain "joy" rides in my Miata named Copper. He never fails to help me create "joy grooves".


Here is an image of a few of my favorite things... playful me in red, my friend climbing rocks where we sometimes do our Earthing and my best friend Indigo who often takes me on rides through the meadows down to the willow tree by the refreshing river...

How to Break the Dangerous Cycle of Loneliness - CityLab - Pocket 04/03/2020

Why it's so important to CONNECT.
Let us know ways that you reach out to connect that light you up?

How to Break the Dangerous Cycle of Loneliness - CityLab - Pocket Social isolation kills, and in the process it makes it harder to reach out to others. A psychologist explains how to stop the feedback loop.


What does it look like when your inner reptilian brain says "NO"???

Can the legacy of trauma be passed down the generations? 13/02/2020

How the patterns of prior generations can affect our children and grandchildren. Are you aware of how these legacies have affected you?
Thank you to Gary Stuart, Family Constellation facilitator.

Can the legacy of trauma be passed down the generations? Our children and grandchildren are shaped by the genes they inherit from us, but new research is revealing that experiences of hardship or violence can leave their mark too.

Feeling Groovy by Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel 03/02/2020

Hello Everyone,

Here is a song to get your joy grooves flowing. I've included two youtube video links below for a variety in your visual and listening pleasure. -Cheryl Hill
The 59th Bridge Street Song (Feelin' Groovy)
Simon & Garfunkel

Slow down, you move too fast
You got to make the morning last
Just kicking down the cobblestones
Looking for fun and feeling groovy
Ba da-da da-da da-da, feeling groovy
Hello lamppost, what'cha knowing
I've come to watch your flowers growin'
Ain't you got no rhymes for me?
Doo-ait-n-doo-doo, feeling groovy
Ba da-da da-da da-da, feeling groovy
I got no deeds to do, no promises to keep
I'm dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep
Let the morningtime drop all its petals on me
Life, I love you, all is groovy

Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Paul Simon
The 59th Bridge Street Song (Feelin' Groovy) lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group

Here is a link to a youtube of Feeling Groovy set to rotating pictures:

Here is a link to a youtube of Feeling Groovy being performed by Simon & Garfunkel:

Feeling Groovy by Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel Are you feeling GROOVY? 01/02/2020

The amazing power of eye contact!
Notice what happens inside you when you watch this video. Thank you to Debra Bochinski!

Why There’s No Such Thing as a Gifted Child - The Guardian - Pocket 31/01/2020

How about the notion that ALL kids are gifted. Remember the story that I tell you in the Live Coaching Call?

Why There’s No Such Thing as a Gifted Child - The Guardian - Pocket Even Einstein was unexceptional in his youth. A book questions our fixation with IQ and says adults can help almost any child become gifted.

Rare Video Captures 40-Ton Whale Gleefully Leaping Fully Out of the Water 26/01/2020

Enjoy the Power of Nature and The Whale Dance.
Is this Lift Off???

Thanks again to Kate White!

Rare Video Captures 40-Ton Whale Gleefully Leaping Fully Out of the Water

Why Are You So Smart? Thank Mom and Your Difficult Birth - Nautilus - Pocket 26/01/2020

One of the many gifts of "Birth Trauma"!:.......

Why Are You So Smart? Thank Mom and Your Difficult Birth - Nautilus - Pocket Walking on two legs might make us special, but it also makes childbirth more painful.

Raising Children Without Drugs: My Son's Health Journey » Dr. P***a & Cellular Healing TV 16/01/2020

This is a huge and important issue affecting our young people today
And here's an insight into what can be done. Exposure to environmental toxins affect the capacity of a child to feel safe, and to bond and connect - for the rest of their life - unless positive action is taken..

Raising Children Without Drugs: My Son's Health Journey » Dr. P***a & Cellular Healing TV Raising Children Without Drugs: My Son’s Health Journey The #1 source of lead toxicity occurs in utero, despite all the precautions we may take during and after pregnancy. My first-born son Daniel had some major health issues as a child, despite being born at home, nursed, unvaccinated, and fed a ...

Mark Robert Waldman on "12 Brain-Based Experiential Learning and Living Principles" 04/01/2020

Here's Mark Waldman, the "YAWN Researcher" for you.

1. Discover how your brain likes to learn (it's different than what you "think" you should learn!)

2. Find out why mind-wandering and daydreaming are essential for learning and psychological health.

3. Learn how Brain Network Theory is changing the world of neuroscience, psychology, and education.

4. See what living neurons and brain networks actually look like - pure eye candy!

Mark Robert Waldman on "12 Brain-Based Experiential Learning and Living Principles" You can watch this interview here, or listen to the podcast on iTunes

Healing Trauma Through Relationships: The Necessity of Attunement 04/01/2020

The "Power of Nurture". We touch on the importance of this in "The Birth Dance" Program in the Respond and Reach out module
Thank you to Dr. Aimie

Healing Trauma Through Relationships: The Necessity of Attunement Trauma can be healed, and attunement is one of the foundational qualities necessary within a relationship, which will make it a therapeutic relationship. Attunement is a requirement for healing anyone with a history of attachment trauma, and thus a key skill for any therapeutic parent or provider. A...

Childhood Amnesia: Here's Why Your Child Can't Remember Being a Baby 30/12/2019

And yet... "Babies Remember Their Birth"

Childhood Amnesia: Here's Why Your Child Can't Remember Being a Baby Have you ever wondered why your child won't remember taking his first steps or celebrating his second birthday? If you try to recall your own...

Why Doing Nothing is Actually One of the Best Things You Can Do 07/12/2019

Why be idle and unfocused?
Because when you tap into the Default Mode Network (DMN) of your brain you access more creativity, greater intuition and deep healing.
And yes, yawning helps too.

Have fun being idle - and guilt free!!!

Why Doing Nothing is Actually One of the Best Things You Can Do In a world filled with major stressors and to-do lists, it can be difficult finding time to just do, well, absolutely nothing. But, here's why you should start.

How to Teach Girls They Don’t Have to Be Nice - Outside - Pocket 23/11/2019

Great article on teaching girls to "Honor their NO!" and stick up for themselves. Were you taught these key principles growing up?

How to Teach Girls They Don’t Have to Be Nice - Outside - Pocket Of course I want my daughters to be kind—but that doesn’t mean they can’t stand up for themselves.

Can We Touch? - The Atlantic - Pocket 23/11/2019

The importance of "safe touch"

Can We Touch? - The Atlantic - Pocket Physical contact remains vital to health, even as we do less of it. The rules of engagement aren’t necessarily changing—they’re just starting to be heard.

Want a Happier, More Fulfilling Life? 75-Year Harvard Study Says Focus on This 1 Thing - Patrick Ewers - Pocket 22/11/2019

Fun ways to increase and deepen your JOY GROOVES

Want a Happier, More Fulfilling Life? 75-Year Harvard Study Says Focus on This 1 Thing - Patrick Ewers - Pocket We’ve already uncovered the key to long-term happiness and fulfillment.

Science Says Parents of the Most Successful Kids Do These 10 Things - Inc. - Pocket 19/11/2019

Hi Amy, Here's a recent article - with a brief paragraph on the Stanford research and kids.

Science Says Parents of the Most Successful Kids Do These 10 Things - Inc. - Pocket Want your kids to lead happy and fulfilled lives? Here are some tips for getting them started on the right foot.

Study: Toddlers using 'screens' more than 1 hour a day are hurting their brains | WRAL TechWire 07/11/2019

Early screen time affects toddlers brains. Get them out in to nature.Thank you to Mary Cordaro

Study: Toddlers using 'screens' more than 1 hour a day are hurting their brains | WRAL TechWire A new study scanned the brains of children 3 to 5 years old and found those who used screens more than the recommended one hour a day without parental involvement had lower levels of development in the brain's white matter -- an area key to the development of language, literacy and cognitive skills.

Children grow up happier with grandparents by their side 29/10/2019

Lovely. Yay to grandparents!

Children grow up happier with grandparents by their side Having grandparents living nearby has always been a source of great social wealth. Today, more than ever, both for children and for their parents, grandparents are precious because, in addition to the…

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Maple & Star