

Welcome to my food and lifestyle blog.

As an Actor and Dietitian, I'll share my adventures and approach to food based on evidence and years of experience.
'A full belly is little worth where the mind is starved.' - Mark Twain


For all those inspired by the New Year to tackle their health and fitness, please make sure to look for credible sources of nutrition information.

The title of Dietitian is protected by law in most countries and refers to someone who has completed a nutrition science degree AND a supervised internship AND passed national exams AND registered or licensed with the federal government to protect the public.

Just as you wouldn’t take medical advice from any Joe Schmoe, don’t take nutrition advice from people who are unqualified to safely calculate your nutrient requirements.


For all those inspired by the New Year to tackle their health and fitness, please make sure to look for credible sources of nutrition information.

The title of Dietitian is protected by law in most countries and refers to someone who has completed a nutrition science degree AND a supervised internship AND passed national exams AND registered or licensed with the federal government to protect the public.

Just as you wouldn’t take medical advice from any Joe Schmoe, don’t take nutrition advice from people who are unqualified to safely calculate your nutrient requirements.



I absolutely LOVE leftovers! But I don’t enjoy eating the same meal for days on end. Here are some ideas I use when creating meals with leftovers.

*Most foods freeze well (meat, bread, cooked veg) and last for up to 3 months.

*Make a soup- add any leftover meat with some veg or beans with a stock cube and you’ve got soup!

*Make a salad- there are all types of salads. Yes, you can add meat to lettuce and create a typical salad. But you can also make a pasta salad or potato salad. Great way to jazz up leftovers into something new and healthy.

*Add to a pasta sauce - most veg can be diced and added to a tomato based pasta sauce. Add a stock cube into the sauce for a bit of flavor.

*Make a frittata or quiche- add leftover meat or veg into an egg dish. Works great for breakfast.


Read our full blog post @ (link in bio) on Saying Goodbye to Food Guilt.

May 2024 be the freer version of yourself with a truly balanced approach to health.


A lot of people don’t like dark green leafy veg because they can taste bitter. I’m a strong bitter taster and it took me ages to like foods like broccoli, kale, rocket, etc.

Here are some tips for overcoming the bitter taste:
🌱 Add a fat- massage kale or roast some veg in oil. Adding a fat can reduce the bitter taste and provide a more flavorful experience.

🌱Add flavor- adding lemon, citrus, or herbs can help flavor the meal so the bitter isn’t so overwhelming.

🌱Add protein- protein often has an umami flavor (or savory taste) which can overpower the bitter flavor. Not to mention it will make the meal for filling and satisfying.

🌱Keep trying- sometimes it’s just about familiarizing ourselves with foods we aren’t used to. It can take between 10-20 exposures to accept a new food. So keep trying.


In world where clients talk a lot of about ridding their body of toxins, whether through hot yoga, juicing, or taking activated charcoal- one evidence based way of removing toxins and cleansing the body is by getting enough water per day. And I’m not talking about fluids- like from tea, coffee, juice, etc. I’m talking about drinking enough water. Water helps your body complete its daily tasks by regulating your body temperature, ensuring fluid balance for muscle and nerve function, improves skin health, prevents constipation, removes waste products filtered by your kidneys, and helps maintain blood volume and pressure.

So… aim for 72oz per day if your American or just over 2L if your European.

Those living with health conditions or engaging in high activity sport performance may need more or less. Your medical doctor should be able to guide you.


Understanding the interplay between emotions and appetite can be a big insight into our habits, coping skills, and management of health conditions.

Key messages
🧑Everyone experiences stress related changes in appetite. This is normal.

😌 Understanding stress management skills and when to seek treatment for untreated chronic stress can aide in developing coping skills other than food. This can help reduce weight cycling, improve relationship with food, and lead to improved quality of life.

😫Stress can be both helpful and harmful. Short bursts of stress can increase motivation, aide in personal growth, and be a key part of the behavior change cycle. Chronic stress or stress from childhood trauma needs additional supports from a GP or psychologist to address.

Photos from Nutri_Explained's post 14/10/2023

For mineral talk- the people have spoken and have chosen Magnesium!

A lot of attention is going to magnesium recently to aide in everything from muscle recover to sleep to bowels. So here’s the low on Magnesium, what it’s used for in the body, where to find it in food, and how to be careful with supplementation.

The RDA for healthy adults ages 19-30 and 31+ is 310mg and 320mg for women and 400mg and 420mg for men.

Aim to get plenty of whole grains, green leafy veg, legumes, nuts and seeds in your diet. Food first is always the best approach.

Organized Chaos — NutriExplained 08/10/2023

Organized Chaos — NutriExplained If I were to pick one skill, just one, that helps people live healthier lives……its organisation! If this isn’t your strong suit, then buckle up. Lets chat about how organisation helps you, and ways you can develop stronger planning skills.


With so much in the media about protein, it can create confusion. This post reviews the basics of protein, general amounts for most people, and good sources of protein.
Go to to get the latest in free nutrition articles. Evidenced based opinions from a Registered Dietitian to guide health.


Appetite- How Much Do We Really Control?

New research in neurobiology and the science of obesity reveals that appetite is a complex mechanism. Yet people constantly blame themselves for their “lack of willpower”.

Newest blog post on looks at what we know so far and how much control we have over our appetite.


The Importance of Dessert

In our health conscious world, we often shame ourselves for enjoying dessert. We call it our “guilty pleasure”.

But having desserts and healthy boundaries around desserts is important for quality of life and our relationship with food. Here are some ways to practice staying attuned while having dessert:

🍦 Intentionally put dessert into your daily meal plan 3x per week

🍰 Think about an environment that allows you to concentrate on your food. Is it at the kitchen table alone? Or is it being outside in a park, or in the back garden, or at the beach? Where do you want to eat your dessert that doesn’t have distractions (I.e phone, tv, computer)

🍬 Focus on the physical sensations of eating. How does it taste? What’s the temperature? What’s the texture?

🍫 Practice pacing. Try to have your dessert take you between 5 and 10 minutes to eat.

🍭 Ask yourself, “how does eating it compare to my desire to eat it?” Did it live up to your expectations? Or what do you wish it had more or less of?

Appetite - How much control do we really have? — NutriExplained 24/09/2023

Appetite - How much control do we really have? — NutriExplained Many people think they ‘should’ be able to just eat less. If they only had more control, more motivation, more willpower, then it would be easy to lose weight. Right? But what if it wasn’t that simple. Lets chat about how your brain chemistry governs your appetite.


Pro Tip- Vitamin C is a temperamental nutrient and is quickly oxidized when exposed to air, heat, or other metals. So use your juice within the first 3 days of opening it to maximize your Vitamin C. Or simply eat an orange- the peel will naturally protect the precious Vitamin.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant used to treat free radicals, create energy, and absorb iron. Most people need 75mg per day and if you smoke then you need 90mg per day. The upper limit is 2000mg per day, so don’t overboard on the supplements.


Eating is a big part of traveling. For those who are nervous about trying new foods, figuring out what to eat can be a limiting factor when traveling. Read Adventures With Food blog post .com for tips on overcoming fears and empowering confidence with eating while traveling.

Adventures With FoodChanging the way people see food 17/08/2023

Food is a big part of traveling. For those who are nervous about trying new foods, this fact can often put them off new experiences or create fear when traveling. Here are some benefits and tips for those who want to expand their new food horizons.

Adventures With FoodChanging the way people see food Traveling with food can elicit a lot of emotions from excitement and anticipation, to fear. For those who struggle is fears of food in new places and what/how you will eat, have a read and develop …


Eating intuitively suggests we all know how to do it. That instinctually we all can read our bodies and respond appropriately. So how come it doesn’t always feel that way? And how can we get back to recognizing and responding our own cues.

New blog post on eating intuitively at

Eating Intuitively 15/04/2023

There's a fair bit of press about Intuitive Eating, a movement with a non-diet approach. Most people who ask me about it have been on an endless list of diets, are tired of battling intrusive thoughts about food and their hunger, and are looking for a new relationship with food. So... if one was interested in learning about your own eating intuition, where would you begin?...

Eating Intuitively There's a fair bit of press about Intuitive Eating, a movement with a non-diet approach. Most people who ask me about it have been on an endless list of diets, are tired of battling intrusive thoughts about food and their hunger, and are looking for a new relationship with food. So... if one was int...

Sunlight Sun-bright for Vitamin D 25/03/2023

Answering your Vitamin D questions, on why, where, and how to get enough.

Sunlight Sun-bright for Vitamin D Answering your Vitamin D questions, on why, where, and how to get enough.

Vitamin C - What's it to you 12/03/2023

You often see it in sachets next to most check out stands during wintertime. But how much do you know about the wonders of Vitamin C? What if I told you it could imp

Vitamin C - What's it to you How much do you know about the wonders of Vitamin C? What if it could improve energy levels, fat loss, and your immune system...but it matters how much you get.

Balance Made Simple 05/03/2023

There are a lot of advertisements about 'balanced nutrition'. What does that mean? If you were planning a meal, what would balance look like? How can you make balanced meals simple? sounds too easy, but after reading this look at your own meals a

Balance Made Simple There are a lot of advertisements about 'balanced nutrition'. What does that mean? If you were planning a meal, what would balance look like? How can you make balanced meals simple? sounds too easy, but after reading this look at your own meals and see how you can make them more balanced.


Popular breakfast made balanced…

A balanced meal doesn’t have to be fancy, but it would contain a Grain + Protein + Fruit/Veg

Simple ideas made in 5 minutes are:
1. Cereal + Milk + Banana
2. Yogurt + Berries + Granola
3. Microwave Porridge (Oatmeal) + Banana + Chopped Nuts/Peanut Butter
4. Toast + Avocado or Tomato Slices + Egg


Most people have heard of Omega 3s and understand they’re part of a healthy diet. But what exactly do they do? Where are they found? And how much do you need?

New blog post will give you a steer in the right direction. Learn how to balance your essential fatty acids to promote a regulated immune system, skin and heart health.

What the Omega...? 25/02/2023

Most people have heard of Omega 3's and have a general understanding that these may be good for you. So what are they....exactly? Why are they essential for human life? And how much do you need?

What the Omega...? Most people have heard of Omega 3's and have a general understanding that these may be good for you. So what are they....exactly? Why are they essential for human life? And how much do you need?

Gut Health and Feeding Your Fish Tank 12/02/2023

I've had a lot of questions about gut microbiome. This has been a research topic for a few decades now and still largely unknown. What is your gut microbiome? Why is it important? And how to do help it?

Gut Health and Feeding Your Fish Tank I've had a lot of questions about gut microbiome. This has been a research topic for a few decades now and still largely unknown. What is your gut microbiome? Why is it important? And how to do help it?

Food Satisfaction 04/02/2023

What does it feel like to be full? How much is enough food at a meal? These are common questions people ask me. So let me ask you, how many times after a meal do you feel satisfied?

Food Satisfaction What does it feel like to be full? How much is enough food at a meal? These are common questions people ask me. So let me ask you, how many times after a meal do you feel satisfied?

What is hunger? 22/01/2023

What does hunger feel like in your body? When do you experience hunger? And how does it compare to the norm? Lets go through a few types of hunger.

What is hunger? What does hunger feel like in your body? When do you experience hunger? And how does it compare to the norm? Lets go through a few types of hunger.


Every January, people ask my advice about weight loss. There are a lot of offers for gyms, health foods, and diet plans right now. There are also a lot of posts encouraging people NOT to diet. My recommendation, based on experience, is to understand why you want to lose weight. What’s the value of being smaller to you? Is it based on a core value of beauty or health? If it’s health, then let’s talk about non-weight centered goals and how to make them stick.

Is there a health behaviour change you're trying to adopt? How to make a goal last longer than January 30th? Here are some tips from a Dietitian on where I see people fall down. 31/12/2022

Is there a health behaviour change you're trying to adopt? How to make a goal last longer than January 30th? Here are some tips from a Dietitian on where I see people fall down.

Is there a health behaviour change you're trying to adopt? How to make a goal last longer than January 30th? Here are some tips from a Dietitian on where I see people fall down. Is there a health behaviour change you’re trying to adopt? How to make a goal last longer than January 30th? Here are some tips from a Dietitian on where I see people fall down.

nutrition for cold and flu 03/12/2022

The time of year for cheer...and cold and flu season. Everyone I know seems to be coming down with a cold, including myself. This got me thinking about popular supplements, tonics, drinks, etc that people often take to help boost their immune system. So l

nutrition for cold and flu The time of year for cheer...and cold and flu season. Everyone I know seems to be coming down with a cold, including myself. This got me thinking about popular supplements, tonics, drinks, etc that people often take to help boost their immune system. So lets talk about a few key nutrients that actua...