Len Stuart For President

Len Stuart For President

The campaign page for Len Stuart, empower yourself to #LeadWithLen


Head to https://www.staffsunion.com/representingyou/vote/ to vote in the NUS Elections

Photos from Len Stuart For President's post 17/10/2022

Good morning ,
I hope you're all done good! voting has just opened for NUS Delegate, which I am running for. If you could head to https://www.staffsunion.com/representingyou/vote/ and put me as your #1 vote I will be much appreciative. You can see my goals for the role below!

Photos from Len Stuart For President's post 05/05/2022

Last but certainly not least, my final endorsements for the day,
I encourage everyone to go out and vote at www.staffsunion.com/vote and to

Photos from Len Stuart For President's post 05/05/2022

Thank you for your endorsements!

Photos from Len Stuart For President's post 05/05/2022

thank you all for your support, it means the world to me!

Photos from Len Stuart For President's post 05/05/2022

Thank you all for your support

Photos from Len Stuart For President's post 05/05/2022

Thank you all for your support and endorsements!
If you havent voted yet you can do at www.staffsunion.com/vote

Photos from Len Stuart For President's post 04/05/2022

The second day of voting is coming to a close! I will be at gobble this evening if anyone would to talk about elections and what I am standing for, feel free to come say hi!
If you still haven't voted you can at www.staffsunion.com/vote


I'm on OMG this morning talking about my manifesto points! Tuning of you've got the time!

Photos from Len Stuart For President's post 03/05/2022

Why take it from me, when there are people who have done the job that believe in me! thank you all for your support, it means the world! Todays endorsements come from people that have already done the role I would love to do!


Don't take it from me, take it from your two time president 2019- 2020 and 2020-2021! Connor Bayliss


Hello there, just a quick one before voting starts tomrrow! Please make sure you read all the manifestos and make an informed decision with voting for who you think can make the changes we need to see (hopefully me as your number 1 😉)
Here is a reminder of my main running points!

As always my manifesto can be found here - https://leadwithlen.wixsite.com/home and I am happy to discuss my ideas, in person, email or direct message.


My fourth endorsement post comes from the lovely Charmaine, not seen as much on campus now and dearly miss in Squeeze I'm sure. Thank you for your support and kind words!

TL;DR - The Talking Points | Leadwithlen 02/05/2022

Hello! Union Student staff I want to be able to give something back to you by organising 'social days' on and off campus, this could range from more staff parties to arranging events that are away from campus. In addition to this I want the union to bring in recognition awards as well as staff voted for awards. require feedback from you!
As always my manifesto can be found here - https://leadwithlen.wixsite.com/home and I am happy to discuss my ideas, in person, email or direct message.
As voting opens tomorrow, please take the time to read everyone's manifestos and vote in preferential order!

TL;DR - The Talking Points | Leadwithlen Opening up the dialogue on housing and what can be done for more students and to prevent landlords from taking advantage at the end of tenancies 


My third endorsment today comes from Scott! We have known each other since our first years, and it is safe to say we have both come along way since then! Thank you for your support and kind words bro


My Second endorsement today is from Laura! Since coming to Staffs she has always been a loud bright spark that can brighten any room! Thank you for your support and kind words


My first endorsement comes from Josh who I have known since my first year and truly got me introduced the community here at Staffs!


Hi! Climate change is something we have been seeing in the news for years now and the University needs to acknowledge that it needs to act on the causes and impact of climate change, this can only be done effectively one way, by declaring a Climate Emergency.
• The University needs to assign a senior manager who can take action across departments and structures to assess the key contributing causes and local impacts of climate change to inform focus areas, in turn, this will identify what needs to be done, by when, to meet the target. Increased collaboration and engagement with a wide variety of organisations, individuals, businesses and local authorities will be necessary for the local area as well as the prioritisation of tasks and actions which will be essential, to identify what will have the biggest impact and how to adapt to unavoidable risks. There will be existing actions and functions at the university that can be modified to help achieve our aims! A business case with a detailed implementation must be presented and then stuck to so results can be monitored and used to drive progress.
As always my manifesto can be found here - https://leadwithlen.wixsite.com/home and I am happy to discuss my ideas, in person, email or direct message.


Hello there! There are a few this I want to see from the union in regard to our safety on nights out, more events and maybe a cheeky event at ember as an alternative to the club nights.
• More Alcohol-free events in the daytime and evening
• CCTV refit of LRV to increase safety
• Introduce the ‘Angel Shot’ an extension of Ask Angela
• Spike Testing Kits for your drinks on a night out
• Review the Union’s menu’s at all outlets
• I want to trial an event called ‘Friday Pres’, have the kitchen open doing dirty loaded fries and burgers, have the pitchers we know and love at Ember, have tables and music, running from 4:30 until 9, meet your mates and chill out after a week at university then go get ready for your night out, wherever it may be!

As always my manifesto can be found here - https://leadwithlen.wixsite.com/home and I am happy to discuss my ideas, in person, email or direct message.


As our campus evolves with new buildings so should the accommodation that is offered and the types of accommodation! Some suggestions here can be implemented for next year if they're successful, whilst others show the importance of our student’s voice whilst our campus is being developed by the university.
• Produce a guide for all students to access to help when renting for the first time
• LGBT+ accommodation.
• Couples! Many universities offer accommodation for you! Why shouldn't Staffs as well?
• Families! During my time here I have met so many students with children, and I think it's great! Much in the same way as the couples' flats, I want to be able to talk to the university about installing families accommodations, in 'family zones'.
• Mature Students and Post Grads, accommodation that is designated for you.
• People with Additional Requirements! I want to ensure that any needs you have can be met by the university!
• I also want the university to commit to having emergency accommodation available for any legitimate welfare or safety concern for any student that is accessible and well advertised
• Facilities for New Halls. Practical vending machines should be on-site and available 24/7 as well as very accommodation having its own washing facilities, eliminating the need for pay as you go washers
As always my manifesto can be found here - https://leadwithlen.wixsite.com/home and I am happy to discuss my ideas, in person, email or direct message.


• Since blood donation rules have changed, this year I started to look at how students at Staffs can help and organise a blood drive on campus.
• I want to assemble a panel of engaged students that are trans and non-binary people to go over, review and rewrite the Transgender inclusion policy, bringing it Update and appropriate for new students joining the university in 2023.
• I also want to work to bring back the LGBT+ conference, bringing together many universities from the UK to share and grow through best practices for students on campuses.
• Since blood donation rules have changed, this year I started to look at how students at Staffs can help and organise a blood drive on campus
As always my manifesto can be found here - https://leadwithlen.wixsite.com/home and I am happy to discuss my ideas, in person, email or direct message.


Good Afternoon! I believe that all candidates should be aiming to make our campus welcoming and inclusive to all students, staff and visitors.
• I want more all-gender toilets on campus,
o More shower stalls/rooms provided for commuting students, accessible toilets, and baby changing facilities in any new buildings
• A breastfeeding space for those parents that want a space or room for breastfeeding.

As always my manifesto can be found here - https://leadwithlen.wixsite.com/home and I am happy to discuss my ideas, in person, email or direct message.


Greetings! Since I have come to Staffs I have been a member of a couple of societies and I understand the importance that clubs and societies add to the student experience. Spots and Societies are a huge part of university life, it's where you meet like-minded people and can spend hours of your university life, but sometimes attracting new people can be a bit of a challenge.
• I want to create an inclusion framework.
• I want teams and societies to sign up for 'Officer Spot-Light', highlighting your team or society with blogs and vlogs
• Over the first months back I want to shine a light on your teams to increase recruitment
• I also want to encourage an inclusion campaign when we get closer to pride month

As always my manifesto can be found here - https://leadwithlen.wixsite.com/home and I am happy to discuss my ideas, in person, email or direct message.


Good afternoon! As a student with ADHD and Dyslexia neurodiversity inclusion is something quite important to me, and it’s been great to see on other candidates’ manifestos already! The past two years of the pandemic have highlighted challenges for both the university and students. A need for change for students with thinking and learning differences was emphasised, something I saw first-hand during the first lockdown.
People with atypical abilities have been often left out of discussions despite estimates being as high as 1 in 5 people being born with these conditions in the UK. But we have the capability for every lecture to be recorded and captured, so why aren't they?
• I want to carry this work forward and work on streamlining interactive infrastructure, making for a more inclusive interface for neurodiverse students at Staffs.
• I want to collaborate with the University and Verve and create more quiet spaces for study whilst combining that with events for students to use those spaces so people can study in their own way.
• Working outside of conventional study times feeds into the 24-hour campus that previous union officers have worked on.
• Another aspect of this campaign would be to start promoting and encouraging a culture of understanding among academics regarding neurodiverse students that have faced a long history of misunderstanding and bias.
As always my manifesto can be found here - https://leadwithlen.wixsite.com/home and I am happy to discuss my ideas, in person, email or direct message.


Hello there! I hope you’re all having a good day, today I am going to talk about what I plan to do to try and help deal with gender-based violence. Whilst representing the University at the Nation Conference of Students this year it has become apparent to me, through workshops, that gender-based violence and the issues around it are of huge importance and need to be tackled somehow.
• I want the Students’ Union, the University, ResLife and any other relevant department to work together to produce a mandatory consent module that all students must complete, embedding this module within our induction process will help all students learn more about consent and bystander intervention
• In addition to this, I want all sports clubs and societies’ committees to have extra training, as well as bar and club staff at the Students Union so they can spot signs of sexual harassment.
• Voluntary workshops on healthy relationships
As always my manifesto can be found here - https://leadwithlen.wixsite.com/home and I am happy to discuss my ideas, in person, email or direct message.

I have already had a long conversation with Alice Russell about this subject and their concerns around a mandatory module with triggering survivors and the challenges that come with how to be accessible for all without the need for disclosure, and I have taken their views on board :)


Hello! Firstly, I would like to introduce myself to those of you who do not know me, I’m Len, I’m a second-year business student and I am running to be one of your full-time officers this year, I have firm and solid ethics and beliefs in integrity, equality, simplicity and community, it is my hope that these translate and come through in my manifesto.

Secondly my manifesto! It is a comprehensive document of how I personally view Staffs with positive changes and ideas for now and future implementation as our campus continues to change around us and future students. I have looked at subjects that affect us all such as employability, mandatory consent modules, and inclusion as well as some wider issues like your safety on nights out, transparency of exceptional circumstances and university processes, and awareness of sports and societies.

Thirdly I want to take the time to thank you for taking the time to look at this, I have a few ways to access my manifesto through my website, www.leadwithlen.wixsite.com/home a word doc, an accessible plain text page, my main manifesto page and a TL-DR page.

As always I am happy to discuss my ideas, in person, email or direct message.