Chiar Așa.

Chiar Așa.

un experiment cu poezie


linia // the line

between us there’s a line
that wants itself not crossed.
i look at it, transforming
in moments, short and lost.
i look at it dissolving
between our belly buttons
rubbing thin between our threads
of cottons.

they say that love,
it keeps the planet spinning.
but i don’t understand
how to allow it
beyond this mental screening.

if i were to invite it
to seep through the whole body
and trust this little dance of ours,
the line would leave this party.

so i hang on.
sometimes i fear
that if i am without it,
i will become untethered
floating away on helium
like a balloon exploding
back onto the mycelium.

i hold on tightly
and keep it in my pocket,
so when the
flood of feeling comes
it is my life line rock(et).

but often it just tangles
and suffocates my breathing
this line between the two of us
that needs a lot of healing.


mândra mării, spuma nării.



if i go alone into the night,
i will not return.
so i tie myself with threads,
so i don’t toss and turn.

i keep myself quiet,
i keep myself small.
i keep myself belonging still
by a piece of bleeding thorn.

until i resurface,
then i’ll cut me loose.

and i’ll climb free solo
with nothing to lose.
only with my self,
my two legs,
two arms
and my aching back.

why do i surrender
always to be chewed?

just to see how far
this “broken” mind
will have me cruise.

just to see how long i can
go without coming up for air.

just to be a smoothed out stone,
in the turbulent waters
of this revolving world.

of rocks and men // despre pietre și oameni



i wish i was a blanket
to take the shape of bodies.
to have them touch me
and caress me,
without ulterior motives.

only for warmth
and for reminding
that all they search
inside me.
is already alive and breathing,
in their own animal body.

i give no warmth,
it’s only mirroring
that i’m providing.

you give me love
and i will have it blossom.
you give pain and hurt
and you will live to suffer.

if i was a blanket
i’d hear all of the secrets
the sobs, the kisses.
be an essential part
of all that is
by night time hidden.
know all the mouths,
already by their breathing.

so much intimacy
without the guilt
and complications

would help me understand
what ties us and
unites us.
and heals us
of all tension.

pătura // blanket.


muted, hidden loves.
halved and unlived ones.
i would spend my life time
untangling you.

trying to understand,
to get out words.
mine them like gems.
praying to your
mirrored hands.

that they will show me,
that they will see me.

but after seconds of clarity,
i feel it all fall back to agony.

and i get tired
of all these closed doors.
bleeding out my solar plexus,
laying down on broken floors.

so i am placing this compromised
ad: i’m now looking for a love
who doesn’t have a fleeing heart.




the sea is my mother
i visit her on weekends.
she kisses me with waves
dissolves me in her ripples.
she fills my wounds with salt
so that i better see,
which ones still truly hurt
and which i can let be.

the cliff is my father
he teaches me of strength.
he rips apart my flesh
when i'm searching for safe.
he tears my feet in blisters,
to show me patience's treasure.
he hides away surprising caves
where i can rest in leisure.

my body is my home
wherever i might live.
can never be a stranger
it's always there to give.



plex complex


all your garden plants
they sting
and trigger in me
latent thoughts
entrenched in guilt.

not in wine
which comes with
other thoughts
in mind.

not in little mushrooms
who sing odes to
memento amori.

i call back to myself
all that has touched my skin,
to make it mine again
in a ritualic healing stream.

cause some have
left their marks
in over bruising shadows
and i could only see the sun
by looking down from
under elbows.

i’m sorry
i allowed it.

and thank you
to the river
of faces and of hands
who held and cleaned me
like a mirror.

who helped me see i’m also
some body on this earth.

a body worth
in dancing, touch,
in love,
in verse.

revendicarea trupelor din trup // reclaiming the body's troupes.



every night
i lose myself
in narrative

i wire myself
like the electric cables,
flowing through these
technological elements.

what movie is on today
in the collective consciousness?

i didn’t buy a ticket,
so i’m watching quietly
from the corners of my being.

in hopes no one will catch me
pirating my way towards
new ways of seeing.

like a true pirate
i’m withering in comfort,
looking for other ways
beyond this sterile compound.

the moon is pulling me again
to pack my little bag
and follow north my shiny star
into the big wide black.

see you after the 10th stab wound,
my missing longing brothers
wandering, not lost,
in the surrounding waters.

numărând oi electirce // counting electric sheep


touched i am by gravity,
when i am floored
and gently feel the hold.

touched i am by oxygen,
when sun falls into leaves
creating photosynthetic streams.

touched i am by the eternal air.
it fills my lungs
in a fluidic dancing phenomen(on).

touched i am by sun
when it caresses
my softened face,
my open arm.

touched i am by you,
when i’ll rarely allow it.

your blinking eyes,
they kiss the air
new ways to be

no fruits could ever nourish
my body with such might.
though through my many needs,
the fruits, they all have tried
and tried.

touch și scrie // shut up and write.


in the wooden house
the walls start breathing,
when its inhabitants
are sweating,
with great feeling.

above a cloud of fog transpires,
protecting them from past projections
and future desires.

they melt slowly
one into another.
becoming an animal
softly asleep,
collectively breathing
to the same heart beat.

the need for words dissolves
as fast as it arrived.

no need for explanations
when you are being touched
and held by hands
with no intentions.
when you are being seen
by open eyes,
with no pretensions.

scrisoare de iubire // love letter.


lasă scandalul.




mecanism de adaptare.




instrucțiuni de grădinărit.


zâna praf.


iară iarnă.


rezoluție, pe timp de revoluție.


cerere și ofertă.


calea gastritei, în calea lactee.


sfârâiala nesfârșită.


instrucțiuni de supraviețuire.


invocare de curățare.


asediu la sediu.


în legătură cu legătura.


creezi ce crezi.


du-te acasă.


găuri în ego-uri.


aluat dospit.

Chiar așa.

eu și cu mine stăteam într-o zi

și ne distram de câte prostii


ne-am hotărât să vă spunem și vouă

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