Illuminate Your Purpose

Illuminate Your Purpose

Building belief in women who are ready to rediscover their passion by revitalizing themselves.


Reminder: The "Staying the Course" Workshop is approaching quickly! Register today to secure your spot!


I am so excited to announce my "Staying the Course: Developing Self- Discipline and Resilience" workshop! I believe this workshop has tremendous benefits and is extremely worthwhile.

For more information, please do not hesitate to DM me. If you are interested, please comment "stay the course", and I will reach out to you personally with the link to sign up!


� Exciting Announcement! �

I’m thrilled to announce the launch of our highly anticipated workshop: "Stay the Course: Developing Self-Discipline and Resilience"! �

After taking a poll, this workshop ranked as the #1 most requested, and I couldn’t be more excited to bring it to you. Whether you’re looking to achieve personal goals, enhance your productivity, or build emotional resilience, this workshop is designed to equip you with the essential tools and strategies to stay on track and thrive.

Ready to take your self-discipline and resilience to the next level?

� Comment "Link" below to receive the registration link!

Join us on this journey and let's stay the course together!


Break Free from Limiting Beliefs: Transform your Mindset, Unlock Your Potential! Identify the beliefs holding you back, challenge them and embrace a growth mindset to achieve your goals and live your best life.

How have limiting beliefs impacted you, and what have you done to overcome them?


5 Reasons why YOU should set boundaries with the people around you!


I can hardly believe we're in the middle of May...and we only have five and a half days of school left this year! So much has happened since January and I found myself needing an attitude adjustment!

Am I the only one?


**Uncertainty about Life Direction: Navigating the Maze of Existence**

Do you ever find yourself thinking over life's crossroads, wondering if you're on the right path?

Do you feel stuck in your current job, as if it no longer aligns with your dreams and goals?

Have your life circumstances recently undergone a seismic shift—perhaps you've become an empty nester, entered into marriage, or face the challenging journey of separation?

Or maybe, you've been on the same professional track for what feels like an eternity, and the once vibrant landscape of your life has gradually faded into monotonous hues?

Uncertainty about life direction is a common season of the human experience. It can leave us feeling lost in a sea of endless possibilities yet paralyzed by the fear of making the wrong choice. The weight of indecision bears heavy on our shoulders, casting shadows of doubt on our every move.

In the midst of such uncertainty, it's natural to feel fear, anxiety, frustration, and even a sense of resignation. The future, once filled with hope and possibility, now feels uncertaint.

However, in the chaos of indecision, there are paths to clarity and purpose. Here are two techniques to help navigate the uncertainty:

1. Self-Reflection and Exploration: Take a step back from the noise of everyday life and begin a journey of self-discovery. Reflect on your values, passions, and long-term goals. What truly ignites your soul? What brings you joy and fulfillment? Engage in activities that allow you to explore new interests and expand your horizons. Whether it's volunteering for a cause close to your heart, enrolling in a course that piques your curiosity, or simply spending time in nature, embrace the process of self-exploration with an open heart and mind.

2. Goal Setting and Action Planning: Break free from uncertainty by setting concrete goals and crafting a roadmap for action. Identify actionable steps that align with your newfound clarity of purpose. Break down your goals into manageable tasks, and commit to taking consistent action towards their attainment. Embrace the journey with a spirit of resilience and perseverance, knowing that each step forward brings you closer to realizing your dreams.

As you journey through your uncertainty, envision the moment when clarity finally dawns—as if light is piercing through the darkness, illuminating the path ahead. Imagine the sense of relief and empowerment that washes over you as you finally know your destination. With newfound clarity and purpose, you stand tall, ready to embrace the unfolding adventure of life with renewed determination.

Take heart, uncertainty can be only a brief season in life. Embrace the journey with courage and conviction, knowing that each twist and turn brings you one step closer to your true purpose. And when the uncertainty finally lifts, you will emerge stronger, wiser, and infinitely more resilient, ready to chart a course towards the life you were created for.


Are you ready to embark on a journey of renewal and transformation?

Let's dive into the timeless wisdom of Romans 12:2 (ESV):

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."

This powerful verse reminds us to break free from the patterns of this world and embrace a mindset of renewal and growth. Instead of conforming to societal norms or pressures, let's strive to align our thoughts, beliefs, and actions with the will of God.

Through the process of renewing our minds, we gain clarity and insight into God's perfect will for our lives. It's a journey of discovery and discernment, where we learn to distinguish between what is good, acceptable, and pleasing to Him.

Are you ready to break free from conformity and embrace transformation?


When something uncomfortable happens in your life, what story do you tell yourself?

What do you make it mean?

Are you ready to dive into a journey of self-discovery and empowerment?

I am so excited to share about a great technique that is going to change everything!


What's the Word Wednesday - It's Time to Get Moving!

Do you feel stuck?

Do you keep seeking God, but nothing seems to change?

Here are four ways God may be asking you to move...but you keep standing still.


Ever felt like conversations are more about replying than truly understanding?

Have you experienced the power of genuine connection through active listening?

"Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply." - Stephen R. Covey

Covey's words serve as a powerful reminder of the art of active listening. In a world buzzing with constant noise, taking the time to truly understand one another is a rare gift.

Does active listening really matter?

Active listening isn't just about hearing words; it's about diving deeper into the emotions, intentions, and nuances that weave through the spoken language. It's a journey of connection and understanding, fostering relationships built on genuine empathy and shared experiences.

Two Techniques to Encourage Active Listening:

Reflective Listening:
Encourage a reflective approach by mirroring back the speaker's emotions and content. For instance, respond with phrases like, "It sounds like you're feeling..." or "I hear that this situation is important to you because..."

Clarifying Questions:
Foster clarity through thoughtful questions. Instead of assuming, seek deeper understanding by asking open-ended questions like, "Can you share more about how that made you feel?" or "Help me understand what you mean by..."

Commit to the Challenge:
Today, let's embark on a collective commitment to active listening.

Drop a 🙋‍♀️ if you're up for the challenge and share your thoughts on the power of truly understanding one another.


Do you ever struggle with direction in your life?

Maybe God's voice used to be common but lately it seems silent?

Let's take a look at how one person in the Bible first heard from God and four things we can lean into to tune our ears to Him.


Have you ever faced rejection and wondered, "How can I navigate through this without losing my momentum?"

How do you handle rejection and setbacks?

What strategies do you employ to stay resilient and keep moving forward?

Here are two tips on how to turn rejection into a stepping stone for growth!

**Cultivate Self-Compassion:
Rejection is not a reflection of your worth (its oftentimes more a reflection of the other person!). Practice self-compassion by acknowledging your efforts, embracing your strengths, and understanding that setbacks are part of the journey. Treat yourself with kindness, just as you would a dear friend.

**Learn and Pivot:
Instead of viewing rejection as a roadblock, see it as an opportunity to learn and pivot. Analyze feedback, identify areas for improvement, and use the experience to refine your approach. Every rejection is a chance to grow stronger and move closer to success.

**Remember, rejection is not the end but a redirection toward greater opportunities. Let's share our experiences and strategies for overcoming rejection in the comments below. Together, we rise above!


What's the Word Wednesday

Often, we only see people's "A Game" on social media.

We never see the struggles and challenges that we know everyone goes through.

Let's take a look at Psalm 69 and see what we can takeaway for those times of trial.


Story Time Sunday Night

We Three Kings...why do we care?


As we begin this new year, are you thinking about the struggles of the past and looking forward to a fresh start?

Let's take a look at an underrepresented book of the Bible, Lamentations!

Here are four things to consider as we look to the new year!


Story Time Sunday Night - Overcoming the Fear of Rejection

Do you ever feel like God is leading you down a path, but you aren't sure how others will respond?

Maybe your afraid of rejection?

Let's take a look at Moses and how he overcame his fear of rejection.


What's the Word Wednesday - Justice, Courage, and Leadership

Do you ever feel like "we've always done it that way, so we always will...even if its not right" ?

Sometimes, following God's guidance, things shift.

God is a God of justice...but it often takes Courage and Leadership.


Story Time Sunday Night - Being a Daughter Makes a Difference

Do you ever feel like you are too small to make a difference?

Or you see something that isn't quite right, but don't think it will ever change?

Let's take a lesson or two from the Daughters of Zelophehad!


If I did a Secret Podcast Daily Devotion, would you be interested??
(What if I took requests?)


Story Time Sunday Night - Sacrificial Thanksgiving

As we head into Thanksgiving week, we are reminded that God views things differently than we do and sometimes we need to take a step back an reevaluate!


🌟 Holiday Stress Relief Workshop - The Blessed, Not Stressed Edition! 🌟

Hey amazing people! 🎄✨ Feeling the holiday stress? You're not alone!

Join me for a recap of "The Blessed, Not Stressed Workshop" - your guide to a serene holiday season!

Here are two sneak peek tips to beat the holiday hustle:

1️⃣ **Gratitude Journaling**: Take a few minutes daily to jot down things you're thankful for. It's a game-changer for shifting your focus to the positive.

2️⃣ **Delegate and Don't Overcommit**: You don't have to do it all! Delegate tasks and don't overcommit. Embrace the joy of the season without overwhelming yourself.

Want more exclusive tips and techniques from the workshop? Drop a comment below or shoot me a message, and I'll send you the link! 📩

Let's make this holiday season truly blessed, not stressed! 💖 🌟


What’s the Word Wednesday - Serving a God Who is Far Off?

Do you ever feel like God is far off?

Or God doesn’t seem like He cares?

Let’s take a look at a Scripture we don’t consider very often and see what we find!


Story Time Sunday Night - Taking Time to Be Thankful

This time of year we are reminded to be a little more thankful, having an attitude of gratitude.

However, other times of the year, we have to be reminded.

Tonight’s story, only one returned to be thankful.

Let’s learn from him!


Videos (show all)

Stay the Course Launch Video
Neck Up Check Up Information
When the Stories You Believe About the Facts Aren't True
What's the Word Wednesday - It's Time to Get Moving!
Story Time Sunday Night - Here I am Lord
What's the Word Wednesday - Save Me!
Story Time Sunday Night
What's the Word Wednesday - God's Unchanging Faithfulness
Story Time Sunday Night - Overcoming the Fear of Rejection
What's the Word Wednesday - Justice, Courage, and Leadership
Story Time Sunday Night - Being a Daughter Makes a Difference
Story Time Sunday Night - Sacrificial Thanksgiving