Super Food ME

Super Food ME

This page is dedicated to pursuing health and wellness through a super food lifestyle.

O Mighty Chia Pet; Organic Chia Seed Benefits! | Super Food Me 31/08/2020

Mighty Warrior Super Food Strength from Tiny Soaked Super Seeds - try Chia to strengthen your Body and your Gut! 🎢❀

O Mighty Chia Pet; Organic Chia Seed Benefits! | Super Food Me Power of the Organic chia seed benefits


KEFIR - the Champagne of Dairy - full of mega probiotic goodness! KEFIR is like drinkable yogurt with superpowers. Instead of one strain of live active culture, it has 12 or more strains of probiotic living cultures

What is happening here? Did you know you can use a small amount of store bought Kefir to ferment new batches?
1/8 of a cup Kefir per 2 cups Milk in Mason Jar
Fement on counter for 24 hours

I used fresh, raw cow's milk to increase the enzyme and probiotic potential. Use this with gluten free cereal, smoothies, overnight oats, or even with a chocolate chip cookie.

Cheers to your HEALTH! 🎢🌺


Summer TREND - Try this detoxing drink! More creatively, add tonic water to make a anti-viral yummy summer fizzy drink! Cheers!


Craving Health!

Super Food Me 15/08/2020

Want HEALTH - naturally?

Super Food Me Like many of you, my family and I have struggled and stumbled in areas of health and wellness, both physically and mentally. i've watched my family be attacked with autoimmune disease, leading to other issues. Years ago I began my search for the source of these problems. That search led me to Super....

Super Food Me 24/07/2020

How to KILL a Virus

For those of you who don’t know, I’ve coached Vocal Students for 30 years. One of the questions often asked is what if a singer gets sick.

Here’s a few AMAZING TIPS that apply to Coronavirus:

1) Avoid Sugar - it often makes things worse.

2j HYDROGEN PEROXIDE at first sign of a sickness:
Gargle for at least one minute with half/half Water/Hydrogen Peroxide - I’ve used full strength if I think I’ve been exposed to sickness.
Also, use Hydrogen Peroxide on a Qtip for each Nostril, and each Ear. Medical study to back up in comments.

3) Adults - if you’re going to drink, have GIN and TONIC. Gin is formed using Juniper Berries that have all kinds of Anti-inflammatory, Antiseptic, Immune Boosting properties and the only alcohol that boosts liver, kidney,and pancreas function, and Tonic Water contains Quinine which is a distant relative to HydoxCLQ cure. The drink of choice of the military in Africa was Gin and Tonic for the anti-malaria effects.

For more Amazing Health TIps, buy my book:

Super Food Me Like many of you, my family and I have struggled and stumbled in areas of health and wellness, both physically and mentally. i've watched my family be attacked with autoimmune disease, leading to other issues. Years ago I began my search for the source of these problems. That search led me to Super....



In my recent book, Super Food Me: Spirit. Soul, Body, Life, I bring out research on High Frequency Super Foods verses Low or No Frequency Foods, which have some nutrients and calories but little vital energy.

In the Soul Section of the Book, I discuss Emotions and how they energetically help or harm you. Two of the lowest level emotions are SHAME and FEAR.

Let's Discuss these.....

Do you love America and our President TRUMP?
Do you believe masks aren't necessary for the well?
Do you believe BLM protests are paid for anarchy?
Do believe all lives matter?
Do you know you're not a racist?
Do you want businesses to open fully - no mask?
Do you see the lies concerning COVID shut down?

If you answer yes to any of these, I can guarantee you've been shamed online by others. Other people have tried to guilt you into submission and cut off your voice. They may say you're privileged. Kneel, Bow, and Mask Up!

Years ago I had a friend who never let her kids play with HELLO KITTY! Why? Hello Kitty has no mouth, no voice. There is a massive damaging affect to masking everyone - no voice, limited relationships, no emotions!

I pray for all of you that have been Shamed Submissive to Let Your Voice Be Heard! Parents, don't agree to have your children all masked up and sent to school.
Don't lose your rights! Unmask the Deception you feel in your heart concerning all this. Let every bit of shame fall off of you! Arise!

Do you fear violence from BLM?
Do you fear saying All Lives Matter?
Do you fear Covid?
Do you fear for finances and the economy?
Do you fear mandated vaccine?
Do you fear losing your rights?
Do you fear expressing your opinion?

These fears are understandable considering all we've been through this year. If it all doesn't make sense, I agree with you! Let me give you a different perspective on Fear. There are people in governments, banks, corporations, and hollywood who have subtly, and destructively controlled the world, the monetary system, and the people in very evil ways. Drug trafficking, human trafficking, s*x slaves, pedophiles, illegal taxation, bribery, murders, money laundering, big pharma control of people and especially children's lives all for power, greed, and destruction. These people are being exposed and convicted all over the world. They are trying to maintain control through fear!
They are paying anarchists to riot. They are faking virus numbers to keep businesses shut down. They would like to inject everyone with a poisonous vaccine with microchip patent 2020060606. Governors are releasing prisoners, and increasing Covid deaths.

Here's what I say to you! Their time is limited! They will be found out! Their platforms of fear and death and destruction are crumbling TO THE GROUND! FEAR NOT! PRAY! Just know, my friends, what you are seeing is the effect of evil people who fear they will be found out! They are trying to silence the masses, but it will not work. REJECT FEAR! Reject vaccines! Reject being silenced. God's got this! Anything man can make, God can break - all the lies are breaking!
If you dont know God, just pray! He will give you FAITH in place of fear!

Much Love to Everyone! πŸŒΊπŸŒΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ¦…πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ


Excerpt from my new book.... We are under a spiritual attack against our very purpose on the earth. Here is the Spirit defined. My new book is way more than just superfoods.

Defining the Spirit

The force within a person that is believed to give the body life, energy, and power
(M.W.) SPIRIT: In Hebrew, ruah, wind or breath, life force, sustaining essential essence of existence.The Spirit brings life to the dust, flesh to the dead bones, and breath to the lungs. It's not by might, nor by power but by My Spirit says the Lord (Zach 4:6 NIV).

What if a peacock never fanned it's tail?
What if the salmon didn't swim upstream?
What if the sun went dark?
Would the moon even be seen?
What if the dancer never danced?
And the singers mouth remained closed tight?
What if bees ate grass instead of nectar?
What if the eagle never took to flight?
Every living creature
Has a purpose to fulfill
To fully be and fully express
It's true spirit to the world.

Order my new book NOW!

Super Food Me 11/07/2020

LIFE, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness!

Super Food Me Like many of you, my family and I have struggled and stumbled in areas of health and wellness, both physically and mentally. i've watched my family be attacked with autoimmune disease, leading to other issues. Years ago I began my search for the source of these problems. That search led me to Super....

Super Food Me 29/06/2020

Boost your Immune System, Clear your Mind, and Live Life to the Full!
June Special $5.00 off

Super Food Me Like many of you, my family and I have struggled and stumbled in areas of health and wellness, both physically and mentally. i've watched my family be attacked with autoimmune disease, leading to other issues. Years ago I began my search for the source of these problems. That search led me to Super....

Super Food Me 22/06/2020

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness!

Super Food Me Like many of you, my family and I have struggled and stumbled in areas of health and wellness, both physically and mentally. i've watched my family be attacked with autoimmune disease, leading to other issues. Years ago I began my search for the source of these problems. That search led me to Super....

Super Food Me 18/06/2020

There's so much more to the story of my book, Super Food Me! Its about LIFE - even what we are experiencing now! I address fear, isolation, and spiritual attacks; I show you how to overcome them! I also show you how to mega-enhance your own IMMUNE SYSTEM - no need for dangerous vaccines or medicine! Check it out now!
Coupon Code: 510WIN

Super Food Me Like many of you, my family and I have struggled and stumbled in areas of health and wellness, both physically and mentally. i've watched my family be attacked with autoimmune disease, leading to other issues. Years ago I began my search for the source of these problems. That search led me to Super....


BERRYLICIOUS Probiotic/Collagen Smoothie!
It's easy to Super Food throughout the DAY with a few ingredients on hand like KEFIR and Collagen Protein!
My Book describes the massive benefits and helps you look at food and life in a different way!


WOW! It is TIME! Time to put aside distractions and focus on LIFE! LIFE to the FULL! It's time to RELEASE the BOOK - SUPER FOOD ME! What is Super Food Me? Super Food Me is healing and life to your spirit, soul, body, and life. It's like 4 books in one with VALUABLE truth!

Look for the release this week - plus a special JUNE OFFER!
Life to the FULL coming SOON!

Custom Mini Websites 01/04/2020

If I can help you in any way to Stay Well during this season, please ask me! This is my personal Wellness Website with the best Wellness Products. Please check them out!

Custom Mini Websites Market America Custom Mini Websites


Quick Dessert: Almond Flour, Chocolate Chips, Dab of Heavy Cream and/or Butter, Vanilla Extract
Yummy no cook cookie dough! Eat and Enjoy!


Economical Overnight Super Food Me Oats
As we are going through this stay at home time, try this antiviral recipe with the key ingredient KEFIR...

1/4 Cup Oats (any kind)
1teaspoon Chia Seeds
1/4 Cup Kefir
1/4 Cup or more Almond Milk or Milk or Water
Pinch Salt

Plus Favorite Flavor Choices:
CHUNKY Monkey - Choc. Chips and Banana
Choc.Chips and Peanut Butter
Peach Delight - Peaches, Butter, and Pecans
Berrylicious - Banana and Berries
Apple Pie - Apples(even sauteed), Butter, Pecans

You can make ahead for 5 days or so....
Enjoy! Super Food Me!

Photos from Super Food ME's post 18/03/2020

Making the Most of your Meals in this Crazy Time?
Try this:
1 Roasted Chicken can make....
Chicken Nachos,
Chicken Salad
Chicken Bone Broth used for.....See comments for pic
Tomato Soup.... See Comments for pic
Coconut Chicken Thai Soup with Tumeric
Corn Chowder

Tryin' Times call for Creativity!

SHOP.COM - Online Shopping Marketplace: Clothes, Shoes, Beauty, Electronics and More 18/03/2020

For those of you who dont know, I'm part of wellness business. We have an amazing speaker ready to help you keep healthy in the midst of this virus.
Please register at my website

Then join us at 9:00 PM on this Zoom

SHOP.COM - Online Shopping Marketplace: Clothes, Shoes, Beauty, Electronics and More SHOP.COM Marketplace offers great deals on clothes, beauty, health and nutrition, shoes, electronics, and more from over 1,500 stores with one easy checkout.


VITALITY! Prosperity and Health. Fullness of Spirit. Clarity of Mind. Aware of one's Destiny and Fit and Able to Get There. Clean. Lean. Awake. Alive. Bright and Shining. Pain Free and Healed. Powerful. Emotionally Free. Mentally Stable. REVIVED!


Hydrogen Peroxide (HP) Kills Viruses
Gargle with HP, Qtip HP in Ears and Nose 2-3 x Day
Kefir and Kimchi contain Bacteria that kills viruses
Take Daily. by Super Food Me


Super Food Me: Spirit, Soul, and Body
E-Course Coming Soon!


Christmas Ham, Egg, and Avocado over Spinach Arugula - OH YES - Yummy! This meal is known as a Fuel Shifting Super Food - no carb meal!

Coming Soon: Super Food Me: Spirit, Soul, and Body E-Course! Won't you join me?


Super Food Omelete with Cranberry Chutney! πŸ‘±β€β™€οΈπŸŒΊ


Eating Out - Morning Meditation Drink from First Watch! πŸ‰πŸŽπŸ₯’πŸ“πŸ’πŸπŸπŸπŸ₯πŸ₯•


Dipping Sour Dough Gouda Grilled Cheese in Florentine Tomato Bisque!

Lose Weight with Superfood Fuel Shifts | Super Food Me 01/12/2019

May need this after the Holiday!

Lose Weight with Superfood Fuel Shifts | Super Food Me Fuel Shift for weight lose using super foods gluten free carbs fats protein

Photos from Super Food ME's post 23/11/2019

Superfoodie Breakfast Apple Cobbler 🍏🍁🌸

This is a little more complex than my normal breakfast. Before I travel I like to load up on Super Foods, and I had a craving for Baked Apples. *mostly organic

Oats, Chia, Kefir, Water then Green Apples with Cinnamon, pinch salt, bit o sugar sauted in butter, combine and enjoy!


Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Yumminess!