Chingford Jumble Trail 2020

Chingford Jumble Trail 2020

We have had to postpone our plans for the jumble trail because of Covid-19. Let’s try again later in the year!


We are keeping an eye out on the official advice but may need to postpone our jumble trail. As it stands, encouraging people to get together and exchange money etc may be far too risky in the current climate. We will make a decision in the next couple of weeks. It may be that we have no choice!

08/03/2020 lots of useful suggestions here for a successful trail. The first step to success is to get lots of people signed up, so get sharing!

North Chingford Jumble Trail 02/03/2020

We had the first meeting of our 'Steering Group' today (sounds much grander than it was!) We are all excited that this is happening but needs lots of help to make this sucessful. We are hopefully going to have the use of a central hub where local businesses and people from outside the core area can sell. Please help us spread the word, if you are signed up or planning to take part your challenge is to 'recruit' three more people. This can be done via social media, chatting to friends or even going knocking on doors. Would love more people to help us plan too so please let us know if you want to join our fancy steering group.... (which is actually a few mums having coffee and a chat!)

North Chingford Jumble Trail Welcome to the first North Chingford Jumble Trail! A Jumble Trail is like a car boot sale on your street. Communities set up stalls in their front gardens and sell bric-a-brac, toys, homemade items cakes or whatever you want. The whole thing is coordinated online and provides visitors with a map to....


Have you registered yet? If you have then start to spread the word! Talk to your neighbours/ school parents/ online. The more stalls you get set up in your street the more successful.

If you do one thing this week … go on a Jumble Trail 14/02/2020

If you do one thing this week … go on a Jumble Trail These community street sales are brilliant places to bag a bargain, meet the neighbours or even show off your cooking/singing/guitar-playing skills


We now have an eventbrite page and are open for registration!


So for those of you have been to a jumble trail before, hit me with your top tips!


Brilliant to see so much enthusiasm on here! I have put in a date, I know it won’t suit everyone but have moved it to May.
For those who don’t know a Jumble Trail is when lots of houses in one area set up stalls outside their homes, to sell things you want to get rid of. The secret to this is to ensure that there are lots of ‘pockets’ of activity, so people know to visit the hotspot roads. I will set up an Eventbrite page where people can register and will probably ask each home to pay a fiver, this means we can make posters/ leaflets and general marketing. If you are registered you will go on the map!
I have never done this before, have just attended some really good ones (and have a garage full of things I want to get rid of!) So, save the date ❤️


Hello and welcome to the page. Please comment here if you are interested in helping set this up or if you just want to sell!
We will need to get people to register and then I will create some kind of map. Would be great if any local organisations/ businesses involved. And let me know if you are planning any community events in the area which would fit well with this.
