I Belong To Jesus - TSL The Summit Lighthouse www.summitlighthouse.org

I Belong To Jesus - TSL The Summit Lighthouse www.summitlighthouse.org

The ancient Science of Invocation will empower you to tap into great divine power.


✨The Queen of Light focuses the action of the crystal fire mist and the crystal sword. Wherever she goes, she directs her light rays through the crystal flame and radiates the full complement of the Christ consciousness through the crystal prism. Her legions of light wield the crystal sword and may be called upon to cut through the densest human creation, to clear the four lower bodies of all that is not reflective of the crystal-clear radiance of the Christ mind.✨


On The Legions of Angels of Divine Love 💕

“We come, then, defenders of love and leaders of the archangels and the many angelic bands serving with us in the very victorious flame of divine love. We come fully aware that the maintenance of love, day by day, involves a striving, an ultimate striving—a compelling of the soul to strive to manifest the greatest essence of the interior Light, even the nectar of the Lord Buddha.

“It is the summoning of forces, cosmic forces, within and inherent in thy own being. It is the summoning of will to bring forth that skill, that perfection, that perfect enterprise that becomes not only the handiwork of God but the instrumentation of highest manifestation of God in the earth.

“Let me tell you something about perfect love. It is not only selflessness but it is the assertion of the Great God Self with such an all-consuming fiery furnace of manifestation as to consume all unlike love.”

Archangel Chamuel, To Extol The Light and Love of the Heart of Gautama Buddha, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 24, no. 10, March 8, 1991.

Teachings of the Ascended Masters | The Summt Lighthouse 10/02/2022

Teachings of the Ascended Masters | The Summt Lighthouse Explore the Teachings of the Ascended Masters from Elizabeth Clare Prophet & Mark Prophet - Make a difference in your life and the planet!

Timeline photos 09/02/2022

Vida & Tiempos de Yeshu el Nazareno – 4.
Posted by Orden de Esenios Nazarenos in Vida y Tiempos.

El despertar de la humanidad durmiente, El Llamado y los Mensajeros de la Vida.

Yeshu (Jesús) y Miryai (María Magdalena), en Su rol como Yeshu-Ziwa y la Hora de la Vida, fueron con Adán y Eva al Jardín y les informaron de sus orígenes divinos y de la no tan magnífica espiritualidad de la persona que intentaba ser su Dios en los mundos inferiores. Yeshu explicó a Adán sobre como Él, Yeshu, había sido dispersado en los mundos materiales y como Su Alma Viviente sufría terriblemente allí y añoraba por su salvación. Yeshu (Jesús) y Miryai (María Magdalena) fueron los primeros Apóstoles y los Mensajeros de la Vida enviados a la humanidad, y en Su nombre muchos otros Apóstoles han seguido Su ejemplo. Muchos de estos Mensajeros del Reino Celestial han encarnado sobre la tierra, han tomado un cuerpo de carne y pronunciado el Llamado de la Vida a todo aquel que lo escuchara.

Evangelio de Felipe 8. ¡Cristo vino! A unos de verdad él rescató, a otros él liberó y a otros él expió. Él pagó rescate por los alienados, los trajo a él. Y liberó a los que vinieron a él. A estos los colocó como promesas según su voluntad. No sólo cuando apareció voluntariamente rindió su alma, sino desde el día en que el mundo se originó, colocó su alma. Luego, en el tiempo que deseó vino lo más temprano para reclamarla, ya que ella fue colocada entre las promesas. Ella había caído bajo los bandidos y la habían tomado como cautiva, pero él la rescató. Él expió tanto para los bondadosos como los malvados en el mundo.

El Nazarenismo enseña acerca de un Alma Viviente y de un sacrificio primordial del Hombre y la Mujer Primordiales. La resultante Cruz de Luz, esparcida por todas partes a través de la materia, ha sido capturada por los impíos arcontes. Es reclamada a través de ofrendas y ritos de redención que juntan de nuevo las partículas dispersadas de luz. Las almas perla, coaguladas en ziwane cristalino, también son colectadas, purificadas, hechas perfectas una vez más.

Evangelio de Felipe 57. La Eucaristía es Yeshu. Porque en Arameo le llaman farisatha – esto es, el extendido. Porque Yeshu vino para crucificar el mundo.

Yeshu fue crucificado antes de la fundación del mundo. En un fragmento Maniqueo leemos: “Entonces Adán se examinó y reconoció quién era él, y (Jesús) le mostró a los Padres en las alturas, y (le reveló a él) en lo que se refiere a él (a saber, de Jesús), todo aquello en lo que él (a saber, Jesús) había sido arrojado, en los dientes de leopardo(s) y los dientes de elefante(s), tragado por voraces y absorbido por glotones, consumido por perros, mezclado y encarcelado en todo lo que existe, atado en el hedor de la Oscuridad. Él (Mani) dice que él (Jesús) lo levantó (Adán) y lo hizo probar el Árbol de la Vida. Entonces Adán gritó y lloró, y levantó su voz fuerte como un león que ruge y rasga (una presa). Él se echó (al suelo) y golpeó (su pecho) y dijo, ‘Infortunio, infortunio al que formó mi cuerpo, y al que ató mi alma y a los rebeldes que me han esclavizado.” – Theodore bar Konai. Otro rollo contiene: ‘Extendí mis manos y santifiqué a mi Señor; porque la extensión de mis manos es su signo’ – Odas de Salomón 27:1-2.

Aqui Tienes El Link Del Blog Donde Podrás Encontrar
Y Seguir El Camino De Jesús El Esenio Vegano,
Miryai(Maria Magdalena) Y Mani(Lao-Tse).
Además Podrás Encontrar Las Minas Del Rey Salomón,
El Tesoro De La Luz Del Pistis Sophia Y Las Llaves Del
Reino De Los Cielos(El Paraiso Celestial):
El Blog De La One No Tiene Que Ver Nada Con El
Conocimiento Esotérico Que Enseñan Los Discipulos
De Los Arcontes(Demonios) Que Se Han Apropiado De
La Humanidad Ya Que El Camino De Jesús El Nazirutha
Es Un Camino De Compasión Y No De Sacrificios
Ni De Sacrificios Humanos Como El Que Enseñan
Estos Señores Oscuros En Sus Templos(Arcontes Demonios).
Contacto Y Consultas A Israel Aranda(Nauril):
Favor Dale Un Me Gusta, Comparte Y Difunde
El Camino De Jesús El Vegano, El Kristo Budista.
El Jinete Del Caballo Blanco, Avatar De La Era De
Acuario De La Gran Hermandad Blanca,
Señor Buddha Maitreya, El Cristo
Dios Del Sol.
Bendiciones A Todos.

Timeline photos 08/02/2022

"Todos Somos O.N.E. - La Luz Del Mundo".
Order Of Nazorean Essenes.

Jeshua Jesús, El Nazirutha Vegano(La Caida En Los Mundos Oscuros), El Viaje Del Heroe Solar Y Su Encuentro Con Miryai Y El Blog De La One.

Primera Parte Del Libro Resumen Del Sistema Gnóstico Nazirutha.

Amigos Gnósticos Esenios Del Mundo, Aqui Como Regalo Traigo La Primera Parte Del Libro Resumen Del Sistema De Gnósis Nazirutha De Los Maniqueos Publicado Del Blog De La Orden De Esenios Nazarenos(One), Para Descargar En Formato PDF Para El Que Quiera Estudiar Sus Documentos Comodamente En Su Tablet O PC.

Ademas Incluyo 3 Videos Promocionales Del Libro Resumen. El Viaje Del Heroe Solar Jeshua Jesús(La Caida En Los Mundos Oscuros), Su encuentro Con Miryai Y El Blog de La One Y La Cancion Todos Somos One, Para Escuchar Mientras Bajan El Libro.

4 Links De Descarga Del Libro Resumen Del Sistema Gnóstico Nazirutha:
Link 1:http://www.mediafire.com/file/myseou27smxv5w1/ONE_DIRECTION_+33G_Sistema+Gnostico+Nazirutha_Pte_1_F1_1.pdf
Link 2:http://www.mediafire.com/file/dz3a83ob06vd4cz/ONE_DIRECTION_+33G_Sistema+Gnostico+Nazirutha_Pte_1_F1_2.pdf
Link 3:http://www.mediafire.com/file/wjpo6ftyxyc7nvg/ONE_DIRECTION_+33G_Sistema+Gnostico+Nazirutha_Pte_1_F1_3.pdf
Link 4:http://www.mediafire.com/file/dsc4fbkqeal5yam/ONE_DIRECTION_+33G_Sistema+Gnostico+Nazirutha_Pte_1_F1_4.pdf

Video Parte 1(Adán "Jesús" Y Su Caida En Los Mundos Oscuros):
Video Parte 2(El Viaje Del Heroe Solar "Jesús" Y Su Encuentro Con Miryai Y El Blog De La One:
Video 3 "Todos Somos One":

24 Joyas Gnósticas De La One:
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Link Donde Encontrarás El Arca De La Alianza,
Las Minas Del Rey Salomón, El Tesoro De La Luz
Y Las Llaves Del Reino:
Contacto Y Consultas A Israel Aranda(Nauril):
Favor Dale Un Me Gusta, Comparte Y Difunde
La Cultura Esenia Nazarena De Jesús.
Bendiciones A Todos.


🌟The Keepers of the Flame Fraternity offers you a doorway into one of the active inner schools of the ascended masters today.

🌟The Fraternity is the counterpart here below to the hierarchy of light Above, also known as the Great White Brotherhood. (The term “White” refers to the white light emanating from the ascended masters and not any race.)

🌟As the Knight Commander of the Fraternity, “Saint Germain desires to personally sponsor its members in the guru-chela relationship and he uses the Fraternity and its lessons to do so.

🌟“As you serve the Master, he serves you.

🌟“Saint Germain asks no one to give up their church, their religion, their particular teacher, their books. You can be a member of any church (or no church) and still be a member of the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity.”10

🌟And so, as you give your support to Saint Germain, he, in turn, sponsors your personal path of initiation, which leads to self-mastery, illumination and personal freedom.

🌟Remember: The destiny of the Keepers of Flame Fraternity is to sustain civilization and bring in the golden age of Aquarius of which Saint Germain is the Hierarch for the next 2,000 years.

🌟In other words, Saint Germain needs every awakened soul, and he needs them today.

He needs you today.



I, then, bequeath to you access to my Immaculate Heart flame, my threefold flame. 💚 If you will call to me, you will, beloved, have the Electronic Presence of my threefold flame superimposed upon your own as a magnet to impel you to increase that threefold flame according to the divine pattern rather than according to the old ways. 💞

My threefold flame does enhance your ability to receive the pattern of your threefold flame from your Holy Christ Self. 🙏

Understand how beautiful it is for me to go before the soul to lead that soul 🌟, to protect the soul in moments of fear and doubt and torment as she does make her way through the labyrinth of the electronic belt, seeking and determining to balance the threefold flame, that that flame itself might therefore expand and grow as the mighty anchor of the heart, that the soul might unite with her captain. 🔥

See, then, the anchor, and see it become a balanced threefold flame. 💕 Only the threefold flame expanded can take you where you must go. I say “must go,” beloved, for there is truly an impelling to enter the heart of hearts of God in his holy mountain. 🙌

I have come to give you peace. So you may say, “In the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I trust.” And this, too, may be your mantra—In the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I trust. 💚 It is the Ma-Ray that I am Incarnate. Thus, In the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I trust—this does give you, therefore, oneness with me always. 💚 ...Know, beloved, that my mission twenty-four hours a day is to restore to the Lightbearer and to the child of God’s heart that oneness that is so needed. 💗 🙏 I hope, and it is my fond hope and prayer and it is my prayer to the Father in your behalf, that you will so increase in your desire to be with me, to be my own sons and daughters in the very sense that Jesus is, that you will soon have such a presence of my aura around you that you can be the open heart whereby many can enter in.

Pearls of Wisdom. March 11, 1987 (Pearl of Wisdom Vol. 56 No. 8.) The Summit Lighthouse.


I and my Father are one. I and my Mother are one.

I and my Father are one. I and my Mother are one.

I and my Father are one. I and my Mother are one. (sung 8x)

There is far more to this mantra than you can even imagine in your outer mind. For the fullness of manifestation in all degrees of consciousness within thy being comes about through the entering into the center of the spiral and there converging, inverting the light but never perverting any formula of the sacred fire. Thus, penetrating downward and around and upward again—this mighty flow of inner God-realization ultimates in the manifestation where I AM of Alpha and Omega, worlds without end.

Excerpt from a dictation by Lord Maitreya was delivered July 1, 1981, and published in the Pearls of Wisdom Vol. 24 No. 30.


The violet flame is for those who yearn to break out of their negative family patterns; to free themselves and others from the ups and downs of human emotions; to heal wounds of the body, mind, and heart; and finally shake off the karmic chains of the past.

Through the Violet Flame we are called to be co-creators with God. To usher in the reality that He intends for all mankind! 🔥

Ready to answer the call?! Head to VioletFlame.com to learn more about Violet Flame and You!


✨Dear Friends of Light,

Our Harvest Conference, Voyages of Soul Discovery, is just around the corner. We invite you to join kindred souls from all over the world as we partner with the ascended masters to anchor their great light in the earth for the protection of America and our respective nations.

During this conference you will experience inspiring timeless dictations from the ascended masters, participate in special meditations, and have an opportunity to engage in the Ritual of Soul Retrieval for the healing of your soul.

🔥 Fiery decree sessions will focus on counteracting all opposition to our personal freedoms, rolling back medical tyranny, and challenging the strategies of socialism encroaching upon America and the nations of the world.

Follow the link in our bio to learn more about the upcoming events! 🙌


Mark L. Prophet 💛

Mark Prophet knew that deep down inside, people are trying to find God—whether they call him the Christ or the Buddha, the Tao or Brahman. His lifelong goal was to help everyone he met realize more of that spiritual essence.

He also believed that there is a spark of the divine within each of us and that we can contact that God within. Even before it was fashionable, Mark was teaching spiritual seekers how to become mystics. The mystic believes that he can gain direct knowledge of God through subjective experience and intimate communion with the All in all.


💫Saints and adepts of East and West have long used the violet flame to accelerate their spiritual development, but this once-secret knowledge was not revealed to the masses until the twentieth century.

💫The violet flame revitalizes and invigorates us and changes negative energy into positive energy. By transforming negative thoughts and feelings, the violet flame provides a platform for our healing.


💛The path of the ascension is the resolution of those forces that are necessary within our consciousness—Father, Mother, Son and Holy Spirit as the four pillars of the temple within us.

💛Gautama Buddha’s great lesson was that all suffering is caused by being out of alignment with the inner light through wrong desire. Serapis Bey teaches us how to get into alignment with the inner will of Being. His teachings become the keystone in the arch of hierarchy.

💛Without the white light, we cannot enjoy the integration of selfhood.


The meaning of “Guadalupe”💚

Guadalupe is a Castilian word of Arabic origin said to mean “river of light” or “river of love.”

In 1981, Pallas Athena spoke of the significance of Mary’s appearance:
The perpetual prayer of the righteous will avail much, but the prayer must be given and given as a continuing stream—a river of light, a river of love, a flowing river, a moving river! This is the message of the Virgin of Guadalupe. This word Guadalupe refers to the flowing river of light—the descending light of the I AM Presence and the ascending light of the ascension flame.

The Virgin of Guadalupe came, then, to proclaim the proclamation of the virgin birth of every son of God, of the divine sponsorship of the Mother of all peoples of the earth, and the dispensation of the Aquarian age of the individual path of the ascension through the river of light flowing—flowing perpetually out of the Mother’s heart of love.


🌟Initiation in the Secret Mysteries Is the Gateway to Union With Your Divine Self🌟

And So, Which of the 33 Steps of Initiation Are You On?



When you invoke the violet flame, you can visualize yourself surrounded by a violet-flame pillar about six feet in diameter and about nine feet high. It can extend from beneath your feet to well over the top of your head.

Checkout 💜How to Use the Violet Flame in 9 Steps💜



Happiest of Mondays! Sending everyone Light and Love! 💕


Harmony is... 🌸

When you come to the altar of the Lord to be initiated, it means that you have striven for perfection in the application of the science of harmony, in the application of the science of energy flow, and in the application of the science of the spoken Word.

Let us analyze these requirements of the soul’s preparation for initiation.

Harmony begins with the heart. 💜

Harmony is the light of the Mother negating the spirals of disintegration throughout the planes of Mater.

Harmony is your own Christ Self dispensing the fires of love, wisdom, and power as the communication of the Logos to the night side of life.

Harmony is the light that bursts in winter in the birth of the Manchild. 💫

Harmony is the law of a cosmos–the sternness and the fire of the Father who in the Mother becomes the gentle caress of the Holy Spirit.

Harmony is the energy of God in the white-fire core bursting from the polarity of the Father-Mother God in Spirit unto the fulfillment of creation in Mater.

Harmony is the energy of life in perfect alignment on the circumference of being.

Harmony is you poised in life.

Harmony is you centered in the God flame of the heart. 🔥

Harmony is the threefold flame burning away the debris of the centuries.

Your heart is intended to rule your head, your soul, your consciousness, your life, and the flow of energy which defines your identity in God.

If you are to succeed on the path of initiation, the fires of your heart must be tended, intensified, and expanded.


✨The mystical heart of the world's religions is the identity of the true Self. The understanding of the Self is the most important insight that any individual can have in life.✨



The chohans of the rays are the closest of the Ascended Masters to humanity. The offices of the chohans are divinely appointed by the cosmic hierarchy. Each one has attained self-mastery and won the ascension by serving humanity on one or more of the seven rays.

On January 1, 1986, Gautama Buddha announced that the seven chohans of the rays had been granted approval by the Lords of Karma to open, “Universities of the Spirit in each of their etheric retreats where they might welcome not dozens or hundreds but thousands and tens of thousands of students who will diligently pursue the path of self-mastery on the seven rays systematically, mastering most especially the first and the seventh rays…”

⚡Download your PDF chart of the chohans' Universities of the Spirit calendar⚡



💚The third-eye chakra💚
The third eye is an emerald-green located between the eyebrows. It is associated with the fifth ray and the expression of , divine vision, holding the highest vision for oneself and others, , wholeness, , clarity, constancy, focus, music and .

The Sanskrit name for the third-eye chakra is Ājñā, meaning “to command.”

Visualize it!💫


Gain Powerful Insights and Learn New Tools for Wholeness🌈

Access YOUR chakra lessons:


Learn how to activate, balance, cleanse and master your chakras with spiritual exercises, visualizations and mantras.


Union of Twin Flames💕

We have an extraordinary opportunity to be in embodiment at this time, to have a physical incarnation to balance physical karma with our twin flame.

In order to be successful with this opportunity, we need to exercise and balance our threefold flame and to make use of our knowledge of a spiritual path and the teachings of the Ascended Masters to balance karma and truly become the incarnation of God.

--Elizabeth Clare Prophet


The ascension spiral is shown in many such universal stories as Jacob’s Ladder, Jack and the Beanstalk, and Rapunzel. ✨These well-known children’s stories relate the soul’s ascent through a series of spiral structures. The hero is taken from lower levels of consciousness to his Higher Self, also called the Christ Self. This is the true Divine Potential of each and every individual.


The Art of Practical Spirituality