Daniel " Male Model of the Year" Griffith FAN PAGE

Daniel " Male Model of the Year" Griffith FAN PAGE

What can i say about myself...... im hot! Ladies..... eight at a time please!!


I'm daNel and 1 m0Del on the w33kends taTteD mi R1bs like I d0n't KnoW wUt p3rManEnt i5

Mobile uploads 27/12/2014

N0 m0rr amateur sh0tz it's tYme To g3t pr0f3$h. U LadiEz WiSH u WeR mY bAe BRi. ShEs HAWT.

Mobile uploads 03/07/2014

2dai I helpd D1sc0vr a HAWT new male m0del. GuYz c'Mon, DiZ Gi iZ aLomZT AZ HoT aZ meH. LoL Jk;).

Mobile uploads 17/12/2013

HeY LADiEZ, HeREZ sUm oF my werK WeN I 1st sTarTed aZ A MoDEl! Enjoy and don't get too hot ;)


HeY LAdiEz. GUezz wHo'S bacK anD ReadY 2 BEE HOT!


✔ Out My NeW MuZik Vid3o! It's SooOoo FruiTi3!

Timeline photos 07/04/2013
Timeline photos 06/04/2013

Male model of the month! Not as kiutE az 'M3 buTT stIll kute


Yo man I LykE dEm GuRlz DaT R StrOngR dEN mE /Boobs


Shout out to da BiG BR0 David Griffith for THe NasTY 3 the other Night. ThaT waz almozt TOO WEt OMG LOL! I'M stiLL bEtter Looking though! ;')


Thx 4 all da valentines cardz ladies! You Know I WILL rEtuRN dA FAVor Doh! ;)


Alright ladies it's decided. I can only go to the Sadies Hawkins dance with 20 of you! hehehe dont H8 ;)


╔═════════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ════════════════╗
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Repost this if ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ you are a beautiful strong black woman ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ who don’t need no man ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
╚═════════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ════════════════╝


Who wants to snapchat? ;)


NoW-A-Dayz you ladies only want me 4 my abs, do you even care about my feelings!!! ;)


Happy holidays ladies!! HMU if YOU want a prezent!! ;))


You LADIES wur lookin HOTTTTT at school today!!! ;))))
I KNow I waz 2 ;)))


YO LADIES!!! If your gonna like the pics then share me to your friends 2!!!!! ;))))))))))


YO!! LADIES!!! If your gonna like the page why not like the pics and leave some comments. ;)


All these ladies want me and I JUST CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!!!


More photos up this weekend hopefully!!


Lookin for fellow models so post modeling pictures on my wall! THanks fans!
