Deepings Community Wellbeing Hub

Deepings Community Wellbeing Hub

Local community mental health and wellbeing information, activities and signposting across The Deepings and surrounding villages. so we can share this.

We are a group of volunteers - and we need help if you have time to spare, to help us connect information and people within the Deepings and surrounding community. Our vision is to provide mental health and wellbeing information and community contact and to connect people across The Deepings and surrounding villages. We do this by collating and giving out information on activities, groups and even

Wild Woman — Peace. Heal. Love. 14/08/2024
I am so pleased to be doing this - facilitating mindful movement (aka swimming) yoga and breathwork in a beautiful lake close to me ...for me, it's alifetime of swimming, breathing and achieving calm in choppy waters brough to life and in a way it can be shared with non swimmers and swimmers alike - would love to see you there. This time of year, the lake will be a reasonable temperature and non-swimmers welcome, it's all about swimming from the inside out, not stroke or performance
Stephanie MacKellar Ally SilverwoodRegina Padma RinchenSally BoothClaire Thomas please share and please come along!

Wild Woman — Peace. Heal. Love. Dru Yoga, Reiki, The Bowen Technique & Therapeutic Laser for people. Animal Reiki, Canine Bowen Technique and Therapeutic Laser for Animals. Animal and Human Reiki Training Courses. Drum Circles, Women's circles and Ecstatic Awakening Dance

Guests in the barn — Peace. Heal. Love. 12/04/2024

Grief and Grieving warm and welcoming workshop with highly experienced practitioner - Saturday 4th May 2-4pm in Langtoft PE6
All details in the link below and to book a place

Guests in the barn — Peace. Heal. Love. Dru Yoga, Reiki, The Bowen Technique & Therapeutic Laser for people. Animal Reiki, Canine Bowen Technique and Therapeutic Laser for Animals. Animal and Human Reiki Training Courses. Drum Circles, Women's circles and Ecstatic Awakening Dance

Events in The Healing Hub — Peace. Heal. Love. 18/01/2024

Events in The Healing Hub — Peace. Heal. Love. Dru Yoga, Reiki, The Bowen Technique & Therapeutic Laser for people. Animal Reiki, Canine Bowen Technique and Therapeutic Laser for Animals. Animal and Human Reiki Training Courses. Drum Circles, Women's circles and Ecstatic Awakening Dance


Tuesdays at the Community Centre - an opportunity for a chat and a cuppa - they are very friendly and welcoming :)


One of our members has shared this information about a local cuppa, cake and chat. We have heard it is very welcoming, for anyone to drop in


We received some very interesting information about Qigong that might be of interest to people locally? Who knew we actually have a practitioner in the Deepings...
What is it?!
Qigong (pronounced "Chi-gung"), often referred to as a form of moving meditation, is a series of slow flowing movements that can be done standing or sat down in a chair. Simply translated "Qi" means energy or life force and "gong" means work. So when one practices Qigong, they are working the energy around their body.

Where did it come from?
Qigong dates back over 3000 years and originate from China. There are 10,000 different styles and it is practiced by over 200 million people worldwide!

How does it work?
In traditional Chinese medicine, practitioners often examine and treat channels within the body called meridians. Every single organ has its own personal meridian (often two!), and this is where a practitioner places the needles for acupuncture. In Qigong, we stimulate these channels by gently stretching, tapping or massaging them. By doing this we promote the free flow of energy around the body, which in turn leads to the proper nourishment of our organs and harmony within our nervous system.

What are the benefits?
There are countless benefits to these restorative movements and they are not just for those who are unwell, but those who simply need a little "me-time" or to unplug from the chaos that is life these days.
Some of the key benefits are:
-Decreases stress and anxiety
-Reduces fatigue
-Improves balance and flexibility
-Soothes and assists with digestion
-Assists in weight loss
-Builds muscles
-Calms the nervous system
-Improves circulation
-Increases quality and length of sleep
-Enhances the memory
-Helps stabilise blood pressure
-Boosts the immune system
-Slows the rate of aging bones

So why not try something a little different and give Qigong a go?


If you are a local group, class or wellbeing activity - would you like to share what you do with our Hub? We will be posting a regular activity on our page, to let our community know what's happening and availalable. Please read our About info to make sure your contribution is relevant. Please dont send just an advert! we would like some information to share with Hub users please so we are all learning about what's on offer and how it might be helpful. The aim of the Hub is to share information and experiences, rather than self-promotion or business ads.
Thank you ☺️


Hello to everyone who supported the setting up of a Community Wellbeing Hub. It's a while since we met with those of you from the community who took an interest and gave your ideas and offer of help. Please have a look at our "About" information which has now been updated. Please do share our page and invite others in our community to take a look and follow our page.


Tomorrow we’re looking forward to seeing you again and new faces to help us build our new well-being charity in the Deepings.

Can you help? Come and join us from 10am -12 noon at the Open Door Church on Spalding Road.

There will be tea and biscuits.

Please SHARE


Please add our next meeting to your calendars!

Join us for tea/ coffee and biscuits and help us create a well-being hub in the Deepings!

During this second forum we’ll be updating on feedback from our first meeting and asking for your ideas and support for developing our own mental health and well-being hub.

These forums are open to all residents across the Deepings and surrounding villages from Baston, Langtoft to Northborough, Glinton and West Deeping.

These meetings are not therapeutic spaces and are a great way to help us form more support.

You’ll be part of building something!

See you there!


Get the Date Booked!

Wednesday 10 November at 10am - 12 noon we are holding our second Deepings Community Wellbeing Forum and we'd love you to be there.

PLEASE SHARE this post on your FB pages to your friends and in local groups on Facebook to help us get the message out!

Thank you!


Massive thank you for connecting with us!

Following our first community Forum on 8 October we had a meeting last night to bring all the feedback and ideas together!

Over the coming days and weeks we’ll share more updates so please keep checking back.

Thank you.


It’s World Mental Health Day…

A day we can help reduce the stigma and raise awareness that we ALL have mental health.

A day to check in on our own mental health and well-being and of our family and friends.

Awareness and talking about mental health means more people will ask for help.

It also means illnesses like depression and anxiety can be prevented or supported with more community support.

Massive thanks to everyone who supported our first forum last Friday. Look out for our next date coming soon.


Big Thank You
to everyone who was able to join our forum today. Amazing conversations and ideas!


Join us at 12:30-14:30 today at the Deepings Sports & Social Club on Outgang Road.

Tea & coffee available and bring your lunch.

We’ve had some great feedback and emails of support and can’t wait to meet you and get started.

See you soon.


Our first event is this Friday 8 October 12.30-2.30pm at the Deepings Sports & Social Club.

All welcome for tea and coffee and bring your lunch too!

We are looking forward to creating the beginnings of this much needed wellbeing hub to serve our local community.

Please SHARE this post and invite your friends.

We'd love to hear:

1) your experiences and what you need
2) your activities and groups promoting and supporting wellbeing
3) any volunteer support you can offer

We'd also love you to help us create a name for our community hub.

We understand you might not want to talk openly in the forum, although we assure you, you are in a safe place. There will be a number of people at the forum who you can talk to in confidence about this new service if you'd prefer, or you can email [email protected].

If you have an urgent crisis where life is at risk please call 999. Call the Samaritans on 116 123 (24/7 365 days a year)
Call CALM 0800 585858 (5pm - midnight)
Text SHOUT 85258 24/7 confidential text service

At the meeting we will be sharing more information about local services and how the Deepings Community Wellbeing Hub aims to be preventative and offer a framework for local activities which promote wellbeing.

See you Friday at 12.30pm.


Just over a week to go until the first Deeping Community Wellbeing Forum.

Please keep sharing this event locally as the more people we can reach the better.

The aim of these meetings is to create a support network within the Deepings by people from in and around the Deepings - so your voice and support matters.

Thank you to those of you who have emailed and sent messages of the support you are able to offer.

Many thanks.


Deepings Community Wellbeing Forum
Date: Friday 8 October
Time: 12.30 - 2.30pm
Venue: Deepings Sports & Social Club

All residents within the Deepings and Surrounding villages up to and including Glinton are invited to join this first community forum to discuss a new mental health and wellbeing hub within the Deepings.

Whether you have experience of living with or supporting a relative, friend or colleague with depression or anxiety for example, or maybe you have attended a mental health first aid training, or run a club or group which has activities to promote wellbeing across all ages within the community - please come along and share your support and experiences.

Bring your lunch and stay for as long as you can.

Having your say will help us together build a hub we all want and need our area.

For more information or questions please email [email protected]


Welcome. This is the beginning of a new local wellbeing hub for The Deepings and Surrounding Villages.

We'd love you to share this page with your local friends and family so as many local residents can stay connected to the wellbeing support and activities we are connecting locally.

We are inviting all local residents to come to our first Deepings Community Wellbeing Forum on Friday 8 October 2021 at 12.30pm (venue tbc).

This meeting and future meetings are to bring the community together to talk about what activities or skills you have to support wellbeing in the area, to what your experiences of mental health support have been in the area, and whether you'd like to get involved train and be part of the team.

Think Mindspace Stamford and Don't Lose Hope in Bourne and together we are creating our own within the Deepings. Your input, ideas are all very welcome and you can share in our FB Group or send a message to this page.

(Please note this page is not monitored by a mental health professional. If you have any concerns please see the page description info with contact numbers.)
