Modestly M

Modestly M

An appreciation of art, elegance, sweets, and a good cup of coffee. Living and learning beautifully.


Contentment is a state of mind that blooms when we appreciate the here and now. Let's gently release the weight of comparison and expectations, and open our hearts to the beauty within and around us. Each moment is a treasure; let's collect them with gratitude.


In a world that glorifies hustle, let's be brave enough to embrace our own rhythm. Late bloomers, you are not behind; you are on your own exquisite journey. Life unfolds in its own time, and your uniqueness is your strength. Embrace your path with gratitude and watch the flowers of your dreams bloom. 🌷


Each day is a blank page, waiting for the ink of our experiences. Let's write our stories with intention and authenticity. As we tread the road less traveled, let's shatter stereotypes and paint our narrative with the colors of our dreams. Be the author of your life, for your words are your legacy. πŸ–‹οΈ


Elegance isn't just in grand gestures; it's in the grace we bring to our everyday lives. From arranging flowers with care to the gentle art of conversation, let's infuse elegance into every corner of our existence. Remember, elegance is not about being noticed, but being remembered.


Creativity is a gentle whisper from the universe, urging us to paint our thoughts and dreams into reality. Whether it's through poetry, painting, or any form of expression, let's embark on a journey of self-discovery and creativity. Embrace your inner artist, and let your soul dance with colors only you can see. 🎨


In a world that rushes, let's choose to savor life like a fine vintage. Slow living is not just a pace; it's an art that allows us to fully relish every sip of existence. From a leisurely morning tea to the enchantment of an evening walk, let's weave the threads of slowness into the fabric of our lives.


πŸ‚ Embracing the Autumn Mood πŸ‚
As September whispers its arrival, let's wrap ourselves in the warm embrace of the changing seasons. The rustling leaves and the golden hues remind us of the beauty in transitions. Let's savor each moment, letting go of what no longer serves us, and inviting the softness of fall into our lives.


In the pursuit of a beautiful life, let kindness be your guiding star. Treat yourself and others with compassion, for it is through kindness that we create a more elegant and harmonious world. πŸ’«


Today, let's challenge the status quo and redefine what it means to be truly successful. Success is measured by the moments of joy, the connections we foster, and the love we share with others. 🌟


Life's purpose and passions often unfold in unexpected ways. Embrace your journey, whether you're a late bloomer or an early blossom. Your unique timing adds depth and richness to your story. 🌻


Soft living is an art form that celebrates the gentle rhythms of life. Embrace the power of living contentedly. Remember, your journey is your canvas, and you are the artist painting a masterpiece. 🎨


Being elegant isn't just about how we present ourselves; it's also about how we navigate life with grace and compassion. Let's cultivate an elegant mindset, cherishing the journey and embracing our unique paths.


In the midst of our fast-paced world, embracing the softness of slow living can be a beautiful act of self-care. Take a moment today to savor the simple pleasures that bring peace to your soul. 🌿


In a world that urges us to rush, let's dare to take the road less traveled. Choose to savor life's exquisite moments, relishing the beauty of the ordinary. You are creating a life that reflects your authenticity. 🌸


Dear Beautiful Souls,

As we step into the embrace of August, let us be reminded that this month holds the promise of a fresh start, a canvas upon which we can paint our dreams and desires. For each one of you, lovely souls seeking ease, peace, and a life of beauty, this is your time to shine like never before.

In a world that often rushes and demands more of us, we choose to take the road less traveled. We challenge modern stereotypes and the status quo because we know our worth, our strength, and our inherent power to create change. We are the seekers of peace and simplicity, finding joy in the little things, and basking in the beauty of life's gentle moments.

Some of us may be in late bloom and, just like August, that is a gift. Life unfolds at its own pace, and we embrace the journey with patience and grace. Remember, it's never too late to follow your passions and live your purpose fully. Allow the whispers of your heart to guide you, for therein lies your true calling.

As you pursue your elegant soft life and savor the art of slow living, may you find inspiration in the courage it takes to be true to yourself. Celebrate your uniqueness, for it is the source of your strength. Cultivate moments of stillness and reflection, for it is in the quietude of our souls that we discover our deepest desires.

Let August be a month of self-discovery, a time to nurture your dreams and aspirations. Surround yourself with positivity and like-minded souls who uplift and support your journey. Embrace the lessons that come your way, for they are stepping stones towards growth and self-awareness.

Above all, remember that you are deserving of a life that brings you joy, ease, and fulfillment. Break free from the chains of societal expectations and take ownership of your narrative. Forge ahead, knowing that you have the power to shape your destiny.

So, lovelies, step into August with open hearts and open minds. Embrace the grace that resides within you, for it is the foundation of your elegant soft life and slow living journey. Your presence and purpose matter in this world, and the path you carve will inspire generations to come.

Here's to an August filled with boundless possibilities and the unfolding of your dreams.

With love and admiration,

Modestly M.


"Self-care isn't always chocolate cake and trips to the spa. Sometimes, it's meal planning, going to bed early, or letting go of a bad friend. It's forgiving yourself for not meeting your own impossible standards, and understanding that you are worthy. Always. Self-care isn't just luxuries, but a means for survival."

Read More:


It is Loveuary and we have been creating love-filled dishes all month long. Follow along on all our socials and the blog with our series 28 Days of Heartfelt Dishes.

Some of our favorite sweets are available to order πŸ’
"Live and learn beautifully..."


So long to December... the month of lights, snow and feasts; the time to make amends and tie loose ends; to finish off what was started and hope wishes come true.


Winter gives space to wonder.


What makes Christmas magical for you?


The temperature continues to go down as the artic weather comes south. 🌨

But I'm excited for a cold Christmas morning in a long time.

Who else is looking forward to a white Christmas?


Christmas in the heart; Christmas in the air.


What does it mean to curate a beautiful a life?

If I condense the complexities and exposition of this thought of living, it would mean to simply design a life you are happy living in. This is what it boils down to and this, I feel, is an excellent idea to contemplate as the year comes to an end and we look to the new year.

What do we need to do as the year comes to a close to design 2023. How will a happy life, a beautiful life blossom in the new year?

Classic Carrot Cake 06/06/2022

Here's a cake that's sugar, spice, and everything nice!


Classic Carrot Cake If you are looking for a classic cake that packs a punch, the classic carrot cake is the way to go. And, no, it doesn’t taste like you’re eating a bundle of carrots, but a delightfully …


Spring is the time for birth, growth, and renewal! The latest on the blog highlights 4 actions you should take this spring!

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10 Elements You Need for Your Glow-Up 14/04/2022

Spring is the perfect time for a glow up! The latest on the blog shares elements of glow.

On the Blog:

10 Elements You Need for Your Glow-Up The infamous β€œglow up.” When one seems to positively transform in all aspects of their life, physical, emotional, and mental. Sometimes it seems like a person disappears off the face of the earth a…


"You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep spring from coming."

~ Pablo Neruda

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"The best is yet to come." Frank Sinatra
Saturday is a good day to curl up with a good read! Catch up on the latest on the blog, including a holiday gift guide f...