The Training Room Chiro

The Training Room Chiro

Learn how to manage your aches and pains, and increase function and physical capacity. The Training


With 27 goals in a total of 52 appearances in the team's uniform, Luis Suarez said goodbye to his Brazilian club Gremio at the beginning of the month. According to all the latest reports, the Uruguayan striker who will celebrate 37 next month may be reunited next season with his good friends from Barcelona Leo Messi, Sergio Busquets and Jordi Alba at Inter Miami, but Suarez doubted his future when he was quoted in an interview this week: "I feel the pain, my body is talking to me. I want to have fun and decide for myself after a long career... I need to rest, enjoy the family... and then we'll see about the future." What Suarez is talking about and what can prevent this exciting and much needed union?

Suarez suffers from osteoarthritis (cartilage erosion and degeneration) in his right knee and Gremio's president already said this summer that the striker is in constant pain and may even have to undergo joint replacement surgery in the future. So how did one of the greatest strikers of his generation end up in such a difficult situation where he had to live on drugs, medications, and injections in order to play football?

The problems with the right knee started already in August 2017 when Suarez, then a Barca player, was injured in the Spanish Super Cup game against Real Madrid. The striker suffered a partial tear in the posterior knee capsule and this injury led to the formation of a synovial cyst (baker cyst). The formation of the cyst indicates degenerative changes in the joint and is filled with fluid, which leads to pain and swelling. There is an option to operate, but at the time Suarez managed the injury with temporary rest and conservative treatment that included physical therapy.

The knee condition worsened when in May 2019, after Barca's Anfield loss to Liverpool in the Champions League semi-finals, he had to undergo arthroscopic surgery for a medial meniscus tear. The meniscus is a cartilaginous shock absorber that separates the tibia (shin bone) from the femur (thigh bone) and is made up of an inner (medial) and outer (lateral) part. The meniscus prevents bone-on-bone contact and enables weight absorption and support for the stability of the knee joint. Injury to the medial part of the meniscus is much more common than the lateral part. In meniscus surgeries, you have to choose between sewing or cleaning the parts of the tear. When the tear is relatively small, the option to clean and "cut" around the tear is usually chosen because the recovery time is much shorter (only 4-6 weeks for cleaning compared to 4-10 months for sewing). Indeed, Suarez returned to action after about a month. The problem is that in a cleaning-type operation, the patient is left with less meniscus and less ability to absorb shocks and protect the bones from erosion and friction one against the other. When a piece of the meniscus is removed, it should be taken into account that there is a greater risk of problems later on. As it happened in the end.

The problems were not long in coming when only a few months later, in January 2020, right before the outbreak of the Corona virus, the Uruguayan underwent another operation, this time due to a tear in the lateral (external/ outer) meniscus. This time the tear was large and in order to save the rest of the meniscus a sewing operation was performed, which as mentioned requires a longer recovery time and disabled Suarez for five months. The corona virus also damaged Suarez's rehabilitation process and he had to perform the exercises and stretches alone during the lockdowns. This week he also said: "I can't straighten my knee completely and I have pain in my knee left from surgery in 2020 while I was playing in Barcelona... Before every game I take 3 pills and another one after... and a few hours before the game I get an injection. If not, I can’t play".

The many surgeries and the enormous wear and tear in the joint led to the destruction of the cartilage that surrounds the ends of the bones (AKA arthritis). As the condition of the cartilage deteriorates, the bones rub against each other more and more, which increases the pain, stiffness and limitation of movement. Chronic knee pain and a limp over the years also led to problems up the kinetic chain and Suarez now complains of hamstring problems and lower back pain. "I have to think that maybe in 5 years I won't be able to play 5 vs 5 with friends. The truth is that the first steps in the morning are very painful. Everyone who sees me thinks it's impossible for me to play. My son wants me to play with him and I can't."

Suarez in his prime was a breathtaking player and one of the few who were neck and neck with Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi, and it will be cruel if he is forced to retire due to injuries. Let's hope that his special character will allow him to continue and to retire whenever he wants, as he deserves.


עם 27 שערים ב-52 הופעות בסה"כ במדי הקבוצה, לואיס סוארס נפרד בתחילת החודש מגרמיו הברזילאית. לפי כל הדיווחים האחרונים, החלוץ האורוגוואי שיחגוג 37 בחודש הבא עשוי להתאחד בעונה הבאה עם חבריו הטובים מברצלונה ליאו מסי, סרחיו בוסקטס וג'ורדי אלבה באינטר מיאמי, אבל סוארס העמיד בספק בעצמו את עתידו כשצוטט השבוע בראיון: ״אני מרגיש את הכאבים, הגוף שלי מדבר אליי. אני רוצה ליהנות ולהחליט בעצמי אחרי קריירה ארוכה… אני צריך לנוח, ליהנות מהמשפחה… ואז נראה לגבי העתיד״. על מה סוארס מדבר ומה יכול למנוע את האיחוד המרגש והכל כך מתבקש הזה?

סוארס סובל מאוסטאוארטריטיס (=שחיקת סחוס) בברך ימין ונשיא גרמיו כבר אמר בקיץ שהחלוץ נמצא בכאבים תמידיים וייתכן שיצטרך אפילו לעבור ניתוח החלפת מפרק בעתיד. אז איך אחד החלוצים הגדולים בדורו הגיע למצב כל כך קשה שבו הוא נאלץ לחיות על כדורים וזריקות על מנת לשחק כדורגל?

הבעיות בברך ימין התחילו כבר באוגוסט 2017 כאשר סוארס, אז עוד שחקן בארסה, נפצע במשחק הסופר קופה הספרדי מול ריאל מדריד. החלוץ סבל מקרע חלקי בקפסולת הברך האחורית והפציעה הזו הובילה להיווצרות סיסטה סינוביאלית (baker cyst). היווצרות הסיסטה מצביעה על שחיקה של המפרק ומלאה בנוזלים דבר שמוביל לכאבים ונפיחות. יש אופציה לנתח, אבל בזמנו סוארס ניהל את הפציעה עם מנוחה זמנית וטיפול שמרני שכלל פיזיותרפיה.

מצב הברך החמיר כאשר במאי 2019, אחרי ההפסד ההוא של בארסה באנפילד לליברפול בחצי גמר ליגת האלופות, הוא נאלץ לעבור ניתוח ארטוסקופי בגלל קרע במניסקוס המדיאלי. המניסקוס הוא בולם זעזועים סחוסי המפריד בין עצם השוק לירך ובנוי מחלק פנימי (מדיאלי) וחיצוני (לטראלי). המניסקוס מונע מגע של עצם על עצם ומאפשר ספיגת משקל ותמיכה ביציבות מפרק הברך. פציעה בחלק המדיאלי של המניסקוס נפוצה בהרבה מהחלק הלטראלי. בניתוחי מיניסקוס יש לבחור בין תפירת או ניקוי חלקי הקרע. כאשר הקרע הוא קטן יחסית, לרוב בוחרים באופציה לנקות ו״לגזור״ סביב הקרע זאת כיוון שזמן ההחלמה קצר בהרבה (רק 4-6 שבועות בניקוי לעומת 4-10 חודשים בתפירה). ואכן, סוארז חזר למגרשים לאחר כחודש. הבעיה היא שבניתוח מסוג ניקוי המטופל נשאר עם פחות מיניסקוס ופחות יכולת לבלום זעזועים ולהגן משחיקת וחיכוך העצמות אחת בשנייה. כאשר מוציאים חתיכה מהמיניסקוס צריך לקחת בחשבון שיש סיכון גדול יותר לבעיות בהמשך. כמו שקרה בסופו של דבר.

הבעיות לא אחרו להגיע כשרק מספר חודשים מאוחר יותר, בינואר 2020, ממש לפני התפרצות הקורונה האורוגוואי עבר ניתוח נוסף, הפעם בעקבות קרע במניסקוס הלטרלי (החיצוני). הפעם הקרע היה גדול ועל מנת להציל את שארית המניסקוס נעשה ניתוח תפירה, שכאמור מצריך זמן התאוששות ארוך יותר והשבית את סוארס לחמישה חודשים. הקורונה גם פגמה בהליך השיקום של סוארס והוא נאלץ לבצע את התרגילים והמתיחות לבדו בזמן הסגרים. השבוע הוא גם אמר: "אני לא יכול ליישר את הברך לגמרי ואני סובל מכאבים בברך שנותרו מניתוח ב-2020 בזמן ששיחקתי בברצלונה… לפני כל משחק אני לוקח 3 כדורים ועוד אחת אחרי… ומספר שעות לפני המשחק אני מקבל זריקה. אם לא, אני לא יכול לשחק".

הניתוחים הרבים והשחיקה העצומה במפרק הובילו להרס הסחוס העוטף את קצות העצמות (ארטריטיס). ככל שמצב הסחוס מתדרדר העצמות משתפשפות זו בזו עוד ועוד מה שמגדיל את הכאבים, הנוקשות ומגבלת התנועה. צליעה וכאבי ברך כרוניים לאורך שנים הובילו גם לבעיות במעלה השרשרת הקינטית וסוארס כיום מתלונן על בעיות המסטרינג וכאבי גב תחתון. "אני צריך לחשוב שאולי בעוד 5 שנים לא אוכל לשחק 5 על 5 עם חברים. האמת היא שהצעדים הראשונים בבוקר כואבים מאוד. כל מי שרואה אותי חושב שזה בלתי אפשרי שאשחק. הבן שלי רוצה שאשחק איתו ואני לא יכול".

סוארס בשיאו היה שחקן עוצר נשימה ומהבודדים שהסתכלו לכריסטיאנו רונאלדו ומסי בעיניים, ויהיה זה אכזרי אם הוא יאלץ לפרוש בגלל פציעות. נקווה שהאופי המיוחד שלו יאפשר לו להמשיך ולפרוש מתי שירצה כפי שמגיע לו "אני עקשן מאוד ואני רוצה להמשיך בכדורגל… אבל אני עדיין לא יודע מה יוליד יום", אמר השבוע.

אנחנו נקווה שהיום יוליד תשובה חיובית

Photos from The Training Room Chiro's post 01/05/2023

Photos from The Training Room Chiro's post 18/04/2023

Grip strength 🤙🏾

Photos from The Training Room Chiro's post 04/04/2023

Push up variations

Photos from The Training Room Chiro's post 25/03/2023

Sitting is the new smoking

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Yellow 🍌energy⚡️bomb 💣


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Photos from The Training Room Chiro's post 06/02/2023

These illustrations from perfectly demonstrate the principles of Kobe’s ‘Mamba Mentality’. “'Mamba Mentality' is all about focusing on the process and trusting in the hard work when it matters most”.

This mantra gave others the hope and drive to believing they could be anything they wanted to with hard work and perseverance.

It means to try to be our best versions constantly. It refers to individuals being better each day than they were yesterday. Simply put, the mamba mentality is about being your best self and pushing your own limitations and boundaries.

“Rest at the end, not the middle”, in rehab, sports, and in life!

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A New Paradigm in MT: Abandoning Segmental Motion Palpation 04/02/2023

A New Paradigm in MT: Abandoning Segmental Motion Palpation A new paradigm in manual therapy: abandoning segmental motion palpation looks at the current evidence around PIVMs and their shortcomings


I hear all the time from patients that “my neck is out” or “my back is out.” They really feel “out” and they probably could benefit from spinal manipulation.

BUT, it is usually a proprioception/perception issue of something being stuck, not moving properly, or pain with movement of the spine.

However, the notion that bones move “out of place” is an outdated concept. Unfortunately, it is one that continues to be propagated by chiropractors and other medical professionals alike.

Many have been told that in order to “correct” this, they need specific hands-on techniques like manipulation to put your back or neck “back in place.” This mindset and verbiage can have serious consequences and creates a narrative where the patient feels entirely dependent on a chiropractor or physical therapist to put their bones or joints “back in place,” it fosters both fear avoidance and a dependency relationship between patient and doctor.

No sir, I don’t like it.

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את שנת 2022 החלטנו לסכם בחולה על כדורגל בבחירה של הרגע/המשחק/השחקן שעשו לנו את השנה. הכותבים באתר ובטלגרם והמדברים בפודקאסט עם הבחירות שלהם.

משתתפים: דניאל גלוזמן, תומר עתיר, הדר ליבני, יוני מונפו, ד"ר יובל ברק, עילאי בוחבוט, יובל נוי ויוסי עדני.

קישורים להאזנה בתגובות 👇🏻

חולה על כדורגל | הכותבים כותבים - מה עשה לנו את שנת 2022? 03/01/2023

2022 biggest soccer moments

חולה על כדורגל | הכותבים כותבים - מה עשה לנו את שנת 2022? כמו בכל שנה, הגענו לשלב הזה בשנה שצריך להביט אחורה, לדרג, לבחור, להוקיר ובעיקר לסכם. אמנם מרגיש קצת שהשנה התחילה עם שריקת הפתיחה של המונדיאל ונגמרה עם הנפת הגביע של מס....


אוליבר קאהן על הדיכאון שחווה בעקבות מונדיאל 2002: "בגמר מונדיאל 2002 יותר מ-2 מיליארד איש ראו אותי נכשל. אחרי, הרגשתי שחוק, הרגשתי מותש. אלו היו תסמינים של דיכאון. לפעמיים התקשתי לעלות במדרגות בבית שלי. אני רוצה להיפטר מהסטיגמה. אני קיבלתי סיוע פסיכולוגי כדי להתמודד עם עצמי והמקצוע שלי"

חולה על כדורגל | הבלוז של אחרי הטורניר 08/12/2022

חולה על כדורגל | הבלוז של אחרי הטורניר כל מי שהיה אי פעם מעורב בספורט תחרותי מכיר את ההרגשה. אתה מתכונן למשחק, תחרות, או טורניר, משקיע אנרגיה פיסית ומנטלית עצומה בהכנה ובאירוע עצמו, ימים של הכנות, אימונים, א...


Anyone who has ever been involved in competitive sports knows the feeling. You prepare for a game, competition, or tournament, invest enormous physical and mental energy in getting ready for the event, days of training, team meetings, press conferences, fans, your team and family all support you to achieve the goal. Then, when the event ends, and the adrenaline is gone, you wake up with an empty feeling of "what now?". Whether you won or lost, this void that is deep in the soul of the athlete is real and can sometimes create serious issues. In FIFA, they call it the "Post Tournament Blues" and this season it seems that it will hit footballers more than ever.

Shannon Lynn, goalkeeper of the Scottish national team, who was a member of Scotland’s first ever qualification for the Euro and the World Cup, experienced a mental break-down after the tournaments. She suffered from anxiety, eating disorders, drug and alcohol addiction. "You've been on a journey for years and years. And then you finally get there. Then, in our case, we were eliminated in the group stage in both tournaments. And then that's it, it's over. Even if you have a successful tournament, the process is still the same - the build-up to the tournament, weeks of focus and preparation, then a sharp and sudden end," said Shannon, "We came to the tournament with so much excitement and were eliminated after three games. I felt lost and confused, and I asked myself for a long time: what was that?”. Former goalkeeper of the Canadian national team, Stephanie Labbe, also talked about her mental struggles after the Rio Olympics: "My friends and family kept asking me to bring my medal. Everything was around the medal, not around me, and I started to feel empty.' Stephanie won gold at the Tokyo Olympics, and a bronze in Rio "You get on the podium smiling with a medal around your neck and then it's all over. You just go back to normal life. I lost the will to do everything I loved. I stopped spending time with my friends and I didn't want to play football anymore, everything became very heavy."

So what exactly is the post-tournament blues? An emotional drop after a big sporting event, when not enough time is given to digest the personal experiences the athlete went through. Often the athlete does not get enough time to wind down and internalize the emotions after the tournament - which can lead to negative feelings. This is a very natural and personal phenomenon, so the time frame in which we will feel negative emotions varies greatly from person to person. This phenomenon is not necessarily limited to the end of tournaments, it’s also common at the end of a season, career, etc.

At the end of the group stage of the World Cup, Joshua Kimmich shared his feelings after Germany's elimination in a painful monologue: "I joined the team in 2016. Before that, Germany always qualified for the semi-finals of major tournaments. With me, we were eliminated twice in the group stage of the World Cup... It's something that is hard for me to deal with on a personal level, because the failure sticks with me. This is the most difficult day in my career and I fear falling into a pit.' It's hard to remain indifferent when you read these things coming from a player of the highest level who earns millions and played a significant role in prestigious title runs such as winning the Champions League and countless Bundesliga titles.

After a tournament players commonly report feelings of emptiness and meaninglessness. Players spend years preparing and anticipating, every parameter of their lives revolves around one goal. After the tournament, you suddenly have to find a new goal, climb to a new peak and find a new challenge, whether it's professional or personal. The players share significant times with the staff and its not uncommon to feel loneliness after this social system abruptly ends one day. There is a difficulty in returning to "normal" life. The spotlight, the attention from the media and fans, and even from the immediate family are at the maximum before and during the tournament and when it’s all taken away sharply- it is necessary to adapt to the new situation.

This year, all these issues gets magnified because the World Cup is in the middle of the season, without sufficient preparation or recovery time, when players will have only about a week before and after the tournament until they return to league play for another six months of absurdly intense schedule. In addition, thanks to social media, there is nowhere to hide from the critics, comments, and reviews. It’s easier than ever for a young athlete to lose focus or self-confidence because of some internet troll.

Athletes are expected to be strong and tough. In addition, there is a perception that a player who gets paid handsomely and has the privilege of representing his/her country, must always be available, happy and grateful for even getting this opportunity. Unfortunately, things are not that simple. Athletes are human beings and in most cases they do not have the proper support system around them. Feelings of confusion and emptiness, social isolation, and physical and mental exhaustion are more common today than ever. The national teams and the clubs have to take responsibility and provide mental support to the players.

The NBA, is light years ahead of other sports leagues. In 2018, the league established a mental health program for the players. Today, the narrative surrounding mental health is completely different and big stars like Kevin Love, DeMar DeRozan, Ben Simmons, and Giannis Antetokounmpo are speaking openly about the issue. Antetokounmpo once brilliantly said "Being able to take a break, not just physically, but mentally. Get away from the game, spend time with family... sit on the couch and eat Doritos, be an couch potato. You need it in order to be one of the greats.' In football, the women are the ones who promote the discussion, as for the men, others must speak out after Kimmich in order for things to change.

Photos from The Training Room Chiro's post 29/11/2022

We’re seeing a record breaking number of injured players in this . This year, for the first time ever, the tournament is held in the middle to the European season. This required the schedule to change dramatically, and the season was condensed into a very short period of time.

This report by shows the short preparation & recovery periods (7days!!) that players were given ahead of the tournament in Qatar. Typically, the schedule will allow at least a month.
The second slide demonstrates the ridiculous amount of distance travelled internationally by the players, in only the first few months of the season it’s already equivalent to traveling around the world 🤯

The body and mind of the athletes is being stretched to full capacity. The current workload is humanly unsustainable and is putting footballers at risk.

REST IS 🔑 for optimal recovery. Don’t be like Fifa. Make sure to allow your body and mind time to recuperate from training!

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חולה על כדורגל | הקטאר הצולע 20/11/2022

חולה על כדורגל - יוסי עדני
הם נופלים כמו זבובים .. 🤕

חולה על כדורגל | הקטאר הצולע המונדיאל בקטאר יערך השנה בצעד חסר תקדים (ומטופש להחריד) באמצע עונת המשחקים האירופאית ויפתח בעוד פחות מחודשיים. המהלך ההזוי הזה משבש לחלוטין את תכניות ההכנה של קבוצו....

𝐃𝐫. 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐯𝐚𝐥 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐤 on Instagram: "This awesome post from @squatuniversity hits close to home. My dad was an Olympic weight lifter and an IWF board member. He spent many years advocating for lowering the minimum en 14/11/2022

𝐃𝐫. 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐯𝐚𝐥 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐤 on Instagram: "This awesome post from @squatuniversity hits close to home. My dad was an Olympic weight lifter and an IWF board member. He spent many years advocating for lowering the minimum en 𝐃𝐫. 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐯𝐚𝐥 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐤 shared a post on Instagram: "This awesome post from hits close to home. My dad was an Olympic weight lifter and an IWF board member. He spent many years advocating for lowering the minimum entrance age into Israeli gyms. The no...

חולה על כדורגל | מסי מדבר מהבטן 07/11/2022

"כולנו יודעים מה זה ארנטינה מול ברזיל. אני לא צריך לומר שום דבר היום. צאו למגרש עם ביטחון ורוגע. אנחנו נביא את הגביע הזה הביתה."

זה מה שליאו מסי אמר לחבריו לנבחרת ארגנטינה רגע לפני העלייה לגמר הקופה אמריקה מול ברזיל. לא היו שם צעקות ולא היה שם אטרף. בדרך שלו, מסי פנה לשחקנים, גם אם לא במודע, למערכת העצבים הפראסימפטטית, זו שאחראית על תחושת הרוגע. זה מה שהם היו צריכים באותו הרגע. זה גם מה שעזר להם לנצח ולזכות בתואר.

ד''ר יובל ברק עם כל ההסברים והדוגמאות:

חולה על כדורגל | מסי מדבר מהבטן ליאו מסי. לא ממש ברור איך, אבל השחקן החד פעמי הזה נחשב למעורר מחלוקת. לאורך הקריירה שלו הוא מתמודד עם ביקורות בלתי פוסקות על היותו שחקן חלש אופי, לא מנהיג, ולא אחד שמופ....

Yoann Bourgeois Captivates Audience with Powerful Performance About Life ( Original Video ) 06/11/2022

Life in 90 seconds. This video can be applied to so many aspects. We all have our battles, struggles, goals, and ambitions. Very few of us actually make it to the very top of the pyramid, but it shouldn’t stop us from trying our very hardest. Every.single.time. It’s not always about the end goal, it’s about the process. There’s a beauty in the craft and the journey. You have to appreciate the road to prosperity and the growth that comes with it.

Whatever your struggle is, keep going, keep fighting, and keep pushing! There is no other way!

Yoann Bourgeois Captivates Audience with Powerful Performance About Life ( Original Video ) A lot of people asked me to post the original version of the video I shot of the artist , this video received 25 millions views on Tiktok and ...


Cristiano Ronaldo is having a nightmare season so far. For the first time after a 20-year career, it looks like the super star player is vulnerable. He missed the pre-season and the preparation period with United because of his desire to play in a Champions League team. Demanding to leave and missing a significant training period is not an ideal way to impress a new coach and Erik ten Haag had little choice but to start the season with Ronaldo on the bench. All this mess is taking place in the background of a family trauma when Ronaldo and his wife Georgina lost one of their twins at birth last April. When taking in account that Ronaldo will turn 38 in February, it only make sense that we will see a decrease in the ability and physical superiority that characterized him so much. But is there another reason for the sharp decrease in his form? It is quite possible, after all, only last season he was the top scorer of the Red Devils when he scored 24 goals in all competitions.

Ronaldo started his career as an elusive line player, but over the years he changed his style of play and became more of a striker, finishing attacks and an expert in explosive bursts of power into the dangerous areas. How and why did this process occur? Already at the beginning of 2014 it was announced that Ronaldo was suffering from an injury in his left knee. Ronaldo was diagnosed with tendinosis in the patellar tendon of his left knee. It is a difficult injury that worsens over time and in fact has no cure. This injury is caused by overload and caused Rafael Nadal, another athlete who is known for his super-human physical abilities, to be sidelined for about 8 months, and also greatly troubled his airness , Michael Jordan, during his years at the Wizards. Ronaldo also damaged ligaments in that same knee in the Euro 2016 final, which adds to the cumulative strain on the tendons in the joint.

So what is this injury and why is it so bothersome?
Tendons connect our muscles to our bones. Our tendons are made up of collagen fibers and are usually extremely strong. In addition, our tendons have a low blood supply, so recovery times from tendon injuries are significantly longer than muscle or bone injuries. The patellar tendon connects the patella bone to the tibia bone and actually works in collaboration with the quadriceps muscle tendon and enables knee extension movement. The tendon plays a significant role in absorbing and generating the enormous forces that are needed in jumps, sprints, and kicks. A healthy tendon will respond to the cell destruction done during exercise by creating new cells with increased capabilities during recovery. If there is not enough recovery time (usually 48-72 hours) and the load on the tendon continues, the tendon injury process begins.

In the acute phase, tendinitis, there is inflammation of the tendon that causes swelling and pain in the affected tendon. At this stage the situation is still reversible and changing the nature of the activity, reducing loads and strengthening exercises can restore the integrity of the tendon. Ignoring the pain and continuing training will lead us to the next phase- the chronic phase. At this point, degenerative changes in the tendon appear, which are much more complicated to treat. Some of the collagen fibers that make up the tendon wear out and die, which creates "holes" in the tendon. As a result, the tendon thickens and loses its strength and elastic capabilities. Swelling and pain are constant. Daily maintenance is required in order to keep playing. Ronaldo, who takes care of his body with the commitment of a religious person, now has pre-match, during-match, half-time, and post-match routines. All this in order to preserve the unbelievable levels of performance that we have become accustomed to seeing from him. He performs exercises and treatments on training days and days off. Given his rigorous work ethic, perhaps it's no surprise that he managed to postpone the inevitable-deterioration for a full 8 years.

"I played over 60 games every season. It was a cumulative load. Either you stop for two or three months or you learn to live with the pain and train the mental strength to deal with the pain," said Ronaldo after the World Cup in 2014. Cristiano, as we know, is not one who enjoys being on the sidelines. At the age of 29, he chose not to rest and played in the World Cup in Brazil and effectively sentenced himself to live with the pain for the rest of his career. "I have no doubt that the World Cup made my injury worse... If I could go back, I wouldn't have played in the World Cup." But father time is invincible and even the giants of the generation have an expiration date. The upcoming World Cup will be the last in Ronaldo's career and there is no doubt that he will arrive hungry to silence the critics after the season he is going through. "Maybe if I didn't have the pain, I wouldn't be as good as I am", we will wait and see if he will continue to amaze physiologists and doctors and perform at the highest level like he has done countless times in the past.


ארלינג הולאנד: ״אנשים רגילים לא אוכלים את זה, אבל אני דואג לגוף שלי. אני חושב שאכילת אוכל באיכות גבוהה ומקומי ככל האפשר זה הכי חשוב. אנשים אומרים שבשר זה רע, אבל איזה בשר? הבשר שאתה קונה במקדונלד׳ס? או הפרה אוכלת הדשא פה בחוץ? אני אוכל את הכבד והלב."


איך הולאנד הפך למפלצת החייתית הזו שאנחנו מכירים היום? ד''ר יובל ברק עם התשובות:

Photos from The Training Room Chiro's post 23/10/2022

are not born, champions are made. They are forged by the fires of trial and error. They’re slowly molded by intentional effort, by focus, by many early mornings and many late nights. In a team environment, when going through the trenches with others, this creates a bond that is strong and unique. A common journey closely shared with others and memories that last forever.

Comment below if you ever been through the fire and came up on top!

חולה על כדורגל | ארלינד האלנד, אדם לבבי 16/10/2022

About two weeks ago, a documentary was released describing the development of the goal machine that is Erling Haaland, Haaland: The Big Decision. The film accompanies him in the process of deciding to move to Manchester City in the summer. In the film, available for viewing here, Haaland briefly talks about his diet and morning routine. Some sites used explosive words to describe the Norwegian's routines. "ABSURD", "INSANE", "UNUSUAL", "BIZARRE" shouted the headlines, but is Haaland really so different and strange?

Haaland says that "the first thing I do in the morning is expose my eyes to sunlight - it's good for the circadian clock." So what the hell is the Norwegian talking about and why is it so important to his day-to-day functioning? For thousands of years, training methods and systems originating in the Far East such as yoga, tai chi and qigong have emphasized the importance of early exposure to sunlight. If in the not so distant past such morning rituals were reserved mainly for yogis and spiritualists, today there are many studies detailing the physiological processes that occur during early exposure to sunlight.

Today we know that exposure to sunlight for 2-30 minutes first thing when getting up is essential for physical and mental health. In fact, it may be the most important and easiest thing we can do for our metabolic and hormonal systems. Exposing the eyes to the sun actually starts two clocks in the body. In the first, we begin to release cortisol, at a healthy level, into the system. Cortisol acts as a catalyst for awakening and will help us maintain alertness and concentration during the day. The second clock is an hourglass, and counts down until the evening for the release of the hormone melatonin - the sleep hormone that helps us fall asleep. Alertness, concentration, quality sleep - definitely something critical for an athlete (or any person...). By the way, it is very desirable that the sunlight be direct and not through a window. A normal window filters out many of the rays of light that are essential for stimulating the eyes, thus reducing the effect. When looking at sunlight through the window the above process will be 50 times (!) less effective.

In one of the moments in the film, Haaland is seen holding pieces of heart and liver prepared for him by the butcher. "Normal people don't eat it, but I take care of my body. I think that eating high quality and local food as much as possible is the most important," said Haaland. "People say that meat is bad, but what kind of meat? The meat you buy at McDonald's? Or the cow eating the grass out here? I eat the liver and the heart.' Although eating organs is not acceptable in Western cuisine, there are many cultures where it has been customary to consume organs for many years (including Jewish cuisine). These are meats rich in many vitamins, iron and magnesium. Iron helps the body in transferring oxygen in the blood and a lack of iron will lead to fatigue and in extreme cases to anemia. Magnesium is important in muscle and nerve function and energy production. It has also been said in the past that Haaland consumes about 6000 calories a day and before home games he makes sure to eat lasagna that his father prepares for him. Haaland goes on to show the interviewer his home water purification and filtration system.

So let's dive a little deeper. The liver is considered to be the most nutrient dense organ and in nature many carnivores will eat it first thanks to this feature. The liver is rich in vitamins A, B and folic acid. Vitamin A is essential for the eyes, joints, and is known to be anti-inflammatory. Vitamins B2, B6, B12 are recognized as B complex and help against heart disease, blood pressure and high cholesterol, as well as the health of the nervous system and brain (against Alzheimer's, anxiety, dementia...). The liver also applies folic acid (B9) which helps the function of the red blood cells that carry oxygen to the cells. The heart is rich in folate, iron, B vitamins, and CoQ10 (helps prevent heart disease and the aging process and increases energy levels). It is important to remember that organ meat also has a high amount of cholesterol and saturated fat. Despite the bad reputation they have received, it is now known that cholesterol and saturated fat are important in a balanced diet, but it is advisable to consume them in moderation.

I will finish with another quote from the Norwegian published last year "Look at my body, my legs, you will see that I have changed a lot. I became a real man. I became faster. This is one of the most important things. I went from 86 kilos to 94 kilos, but it's not beer belly, it's pure muscle mass. I am very careful about what I eat.' As we have already mentioned here, footballers have nothing to fear from an increase in muscle mass.

So after all it sounds like the super striker is not as delusional and strange as the headlines screamed, but an athlete who does all the little things that will help him stay at the top for many years.

חולה על כדורגל | ארלינד האלנד, אדם לבבי לפניי כשבועיים יצא סרט דוקומנטרי המתאר את התפתחות מכונת השערים שהיא ארלינג האלנד, Haaland: The Big Decision. הסרט מלווה אותו בתהליך ההחלטה לעבור למנצ׳סטר סיטי בקיץ. בסרט, הזמין ...

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