A Glimpse of God

A Glimpse of God

A Glimpse of God aims to give you a small taste of how good the love of Christ is. ♥️


We worry. We worry about the IRS and the SAT and the FBI… We worry that we won’t have enough money, and when we have enough money we worry we won’t manage it well. Honestly, now. Would He teach you to walk just to watch you fall? Would He be nailed to the cross for your sins and then disregard your prayers? Come on. Is scripture teasing us when it reads, “He has put his angels in charge of you to watch over you wherever you go.” (Psalm 91:11)

I don’t think so either! ❤️


May each of our friends have a Blessed and Happy 2024! 🎆🥳❤️


As I sit here and think about all the good people in my life, friends and family, who seem to consistently deal with the hardest obstacles in life (me included), I get a sense of peace, that no matter what comes their way, our God will trump all!

I say a lot, “I don’t know why the greatest people deal with the most turmoil” but the silver lining is, they have the all star player (Jesus) on their team and he is gonna bring them a win (peace and resolution). Satan will always try fill your life with things that he wants to be your “breaking point” but God’s promises in his word reassure us that life may bend us but our trust in him and his promises for us, will never allow us to fully break!

So today, let’s not let fear or heartache keep us down! Cry those tears to remove the fear and sadness, but breathe, knowing that if you put your faith in our Lord, he will see you through anything! All the Glory to God. ❤️


To all Veterans who have served our great nation in the United States Armed Forces: We thank you, honor you and respect you for all you have sacrificed for our freedom. May God bless you always. 🇺🇸♥️


As I sit in a hospital surrounded by situations that seem impossible to overcome, I’m reminded of this powerful fact. No matter the trial or tribulation, big or small, God already has the solution to the problem. It’s up to us to pray and show our faith by TRUSTING in his plan and his promises for us. Luke 1:37 reminds us “For nothing will be impossible with God!”

Father, I pray for whomever that needs this reminder, that you will give them the strength to find the faith in your promises for us today and the rest of our days. You are the God of possible who makes those impossible things, well, possible! Father we give you the praise and the glory, Amen! ♥️


As Christians, I truly think we carry around a bunch of “unneeded” stress. I know I do. I’m so thankful for his reminders of relief. As a follower of Christ, I have all the tools necessary to do my part, while putting my full trust in him, that he will take care of the rest. Keep that faith, friends! ♥️


“You're making a masterpiece
You shaping the soul in me
You're moving where I can't see
And all I am is in your hands
You're taking me all apart
Like it was your plan from the start
To finish your work of art for all to see you're making a masterpiece.” - Danny Gokey


“You CAN do all things through Christ who gives us strength!” - Philippians 4:13♥️


Thankful to the Lord today and everyday for the big and small freedoms I have. Especially thankful to those who have made and are making that continually possible. It is a debt that will never be able to be repaid. May today you all be blessed and humbled to remember the real reason we celebrate! 🇺🇸


Wow, a true act of kindness! What a blessing that was, Hayden! 💙

I want to brag on this young man named Hayden working at McDonald’s at exit 8 on 25E near i81. I stopped in there for a quick bite to eat on my way home. I ordered and used my card. My card would not work for nothing. My total was 8 bucks. Before I realized it the cashier Hayden took his debit card out and swiped it and said I got you, don’t worry about it. I said no no just void it please. He said no sir I got got it. The only cash I had was 4 one dollar bills, I made him take the 4 bucks and told him I would be back. I thanked him, he handed me my bag and I left. I get to my truck and in the bag is the 4 bucks and my receipt that says “Have a Blessed Day”. Well young man, you did bless my day and Thank you and never loose that giving heart. The world is a better place with you in it. I had to go back in and get a picture with him so I could brag on him because he deserves it.


Sometimes we have so many troubling things in life that we take to the Lord in prayer. Today, I just decided I wanted to go go the Lord in prayer to just thank him. For nothing in particular, but everything in general! He has truly blessed me with so many things, both big and small. The Lord knows our needs before we know them and he will always provide for us! ♥️


Today we prayer for our Mother’s both near and far, that they know what a blessing they are in our lives. May God bestow peace and love on them today and everyday, for they are the rock for so many of us.

Happy Mother’s Day! 💕


Easily, one of my favorite days of the year. Forever thankful for the sacrifice the Lord made for me and for you! Today we remember not even the grave was powerful enough to hold him back. Man oh man, how about that for a reason to celebrate! ♥️


John 3:16. His gift to us for eternal life. I don’t know about you, but that’s something to be grateful for today! ♥️

Listen | Revival Radio 17/03/2023

Take God’s love with you through song, anywhere, anytime! I was introduced to those station, and it plays all the songs we know love. ❤️ Give it a listen today!

Listen | Revival Radio JQUERY RADIO PLAYER and WORDPRESS RADIO PLUGIN powered by WordPress Webdesign Dexheim and FULL SERVICE ONLINE AGENTUR MAINZ

Students raise more than $230K so 80-year-old janitor can retire 24/02/2023

Now that’s a true blessing! Such a beautiful act of kindness! ♥️

Students raise more than $230K so 80-year-old janitor can retire High school students said they wanted to help the school janitor, known as Mr. James.


Thank you God for NOTHING in particular but EVERYTHING in general! ♥️


I truly believe the Lord moves in people. I found this sweet rock outside of my church this morning, courtesy of Rockin'Pebbles! Not only did it bring a smile to my face, it brought joy to my heart because I always have a continual reminder that no matter what I’m going through or what I’m going to face, Jesus is my ROCK and he always will be♥️


Sometimes we get so bogged down in the things that HURT our heart, we forget about the one thing that can HEAL our heart. Our lord and savior. Take a deep breath, lay it at his feet, it’s done. He will ALWAYS see you through to a better day. ♥️


You are enough, no matter how low you feel. ♥️


Don’t Coast through 2023 without giving those things that are continuing to bog you down to Jesus. He’s your lifeline, use it. ♥️


From all of us here at A Glimpse of God, we wish you a healthy, happy, and prosperous new year! May you seek God in all you do! ♥️


From all of us here at A Glimpse of God we wish you a very happy, healthy, and blessed Christmas! 🎄


Jesus GAVE up everything to GIVE you everything! ♥️✝️
