

Ivemanifest embraces self development, personal growth and improvement through active mindfulness, m


Everything is energy

Your essence

Your body

Your happiness

Your personality

Everything is energy

Moving in and out of expansion, consciousness and vibration. Causing motion in all the right places because NOTHING is an accident

What will you do with your energy? How will you shift it? How will you transmute it? How will you continue to grow it and see massive changes?

So much blessings and expansion are held within

Ask yourself these questions and awaken 👁️🪬✨


I’ve been on a little hiatus due to this program I’ve been doing but oh my gooooodness it’s so good and things feel so good! I’m super excited to be bringing this new journey to Ivemanifest, which will be undergoing some beautiful changes! So excited to share, so excited to expand 💚 happy Monday my angels!


Pretty gems in life is what makes the soul full 💚 blessings is that I barley have service here so letting the mind and heart rest 🕊️✨

Gateway Process Part 2 : Manifesting, Healing and Conscious Expansion 11/08/2023

Second part of the Gateway Process is finally here!

Gateway Process Part 2 : Manifesting, Healing and Conscious Expansion Gateway Process Part 2 : Manifesting, Healing and Conscious Expansion

Ivemanifest Blog For Spiritual Self Help 03/08/2023

Change Your ENTIRE Life

Ivemanifest Blog For Spiritual Self Help Shift Your Reality Using This High Vibrational Method. Today’s topic is about your choices and how your choices through the vibration of LOVE, WILL shift your reality. This is such a beautiful ener…

CIA Manifestation & Consciousness Experiment 24/07/2023

New Mind Blowing Blog About A CIA Manifestation & Consciousness Experiment

CIA Manifestation & Consciousness Experiment CIA Manifestation & Consciousness Experiment to shift your reality, expand your consciousness and change everything!


When the Divine has a message for you, it will be revealed as long as you are open to receiving it 🤍

This is one of the first things I ask my clients to do prior to giving them a reading, is to say a prayer and set intentions to allow them to receive messages that need to be heard.

It’s so amazing how open we can be when we allow ourselves to be but we also can be so shut off that we don’t realize how much God and the Divine and trying to speak to us 💚

Live life today in lessons of receiving, say a prayer now and set intentions to allow yourself to be open and watch what magic unfolds ☀️

If you’re interested in booking a reading send me a message! So much love to you ❤️

Inner Strength Is Your Foundation To Personal Development 13/07/2023

Spiritual Inner Strength Is Calling You Inner strength is our foundation into bringing all our desires, hope and achievements into reality, as we grow and expand from our strength within. Just as inner strength is our foundation, it's also essential to find strength in the challenges we face. Because you know I’ve been through challenges, you’ve been through challenges, we’ve all been through something and that’s okay!...

Inner Strength Is Your Foundation To Personal Development Spiritual Inner Strength Is Calling You Inner strength is our foundation into bringing all our desires, hope and achievements into reality, as we grow and expand from our strength within. Just as i…


So blissfully fu***ng thankful my first poetry book is officially finish 🤍✨ also, I’m back! Lol I took a while off because of my own disconnections in life and it honestly did not feel right to post here without true intentions or inspirations. I’m grateful to say I have a new podcast episode for you this Wednesday ☀️ hope you’re day is lovely !



One of the most beautiful blessings of the Universe, is that there is mysticism all around.

We can find it in the trees, in the sky, in the stillness and peace

That mysticism brings us blessings because they remind us how magical life is and how magical we are

We are part of the Divine and the sweet Essence of growth and expansion

Tapping into that vibration gives me hope that many things continue to unfold in Divine ways we do not know 💚💚🤍💚💚

Painting by Marco Busoni : Earth and Sky


Everyday goes by and I realize that alignment is so infinite and expansive.

Our alignment comes from within, from our divine power that is always breathing into infinite possibilities and opportunities.

One of the most beautiful things about us is our ability to fall into alignment with the Universe, which can be expressed in so many ways 💚💚💚 so much love to you!


When I actively realize that sometimes my actions can be too selfless and I am not helping myself in any way, I realize that my own missions and intentions must be put first. I don’t need to please anyone, nor do I need to help anyone who doesn’t want to be helped.

And it definitely hurts when you are naturally someone who wants to help people and you care SO much you could probably drown in it all (might explain why I had a dream about a massive flood last night)

But it’s not your place. It’s not your space. You create your own space within with your own love and acceptance.

What the outside world does not accept is not yours to accept. You can care so much but don’t forget about yourself.


I hope you’re having a good week 🍀🤍 luck is on your side angels!


Here’s some good luck for you today :

🍀 there’s so many blessing coming your way you wouldn’t be able to count them on two hands

🍀 the best moments of your life and the rest of your life are unfolding now

🍀 luck is on your side & luck is in your favor


Our souls teach us things that we may have not thought was possible for us to learn in the beginning.

It’s through this soul learning process that we can achieve the most blissful happiness,

Through the darkness to the light 🤍🕊️

I hope you all have an amazing week!!

Also new podcast episode coming out tomorrow ✨ it’s so channeled for you all, I’m so excited to share


I feel like I just got better and I’m sick once again. I do believe everything has a meaning, even physical illness.

This time my throat is sore once again and my voice is scratchy. So I interpret this as needing to speak more of my truth.

Which is exactly what’s been going on. Being honest with myself about my feelings, being honest with other people and being honest with how I feel about other people.

The Universe always has a way. So I’m just gonna surrender & allow the truth to come through.

I’ll also be repeating these affirmations again lol


When I found out about manifestation, I instantly believed it to be true.

I thought back to all the things I experienced and realized that o had attracted all those experiences, both good & bad

It never felt like manifestation was a short cut to happiness or bliss, because before learning about manifestation, my only goal was to be happy and finally feel peace within.

That’s why I love manifestation so much because it is a spiritual personal development journey too

It doesn’t offer you any shortcuts, only growth, expansion and awareness that you are worthy of love & the deepest most genuine happiness


If the Universe had one thing to say to you today, it would be,

Let yourself be free, good things are coming 💚🌿

So excited to share my heart chakra activation meditation with you guys this Thursday!

I’m so happy to share that abundance and blissful energy with you all 🤍



Good morning honey loves! I hope this day is finding you well with so much love and bliss and blessings.

Divine things are coming your way and the Universe has so much sweetness for you 🤍

Just wanted to share this poem I wrote that will be a part of my new and first poetry book!

I hope it resonates with you and finds you with love 🤍🕊️


Good morning sweet angels! It’s Sunday and the sun says hello to you & your lovely soul.

Nature always has so much healing to offer, so my advice for today is to spend some time outdoors 🤍🌿

For me, pine trees speak to my soul. The first time I could remember it deeply impacting me was about 4 years ago. Something about the smell and their evergreen nature. Makes me happy to see them green all year long 🤍

Maybe it’s because it reminds me that even though healing requires change, there’s always your heart chakra there ready to support you with love 🤍🕊️

Does anyone else feel this way towards a certain plant or tree? I’d love to know haha 🌿


You know what? I’m okay with the fact that sometimes I’m so fu***ng happy I could cry and sometimes I’m so fu***ng sad I do cry.

That’s part of being human and I’m okay with feeling all emotions because I am human.

Never once in my 8 YEARS of starting this spiritual journey did I ever think that being sad was a bad thing.

But lately I’ve been contemplating it to just remind myself that it’s so fu***ng great to have good days and experience “bad” ones

Because I’m growing

Because I’m learning

Because I’m expanding

And that’s fu***ng it. I could live off of growing for the rest of my life because like the great said it’s


Expand or literally fu***ng die.

We are so like Mother Nature in that sense, we are MEANT to grow, change, for our leaves to die and become reborn

So much love to you all 🌿🤍


Turns out the Universe keeps making my life better & better every single day

The same energy flows to you

Turns out the Universe is making your life better and better every single day

Now let the energy flow all around you

Turns out the Universe is making life better and better every single day in every single possible way for every single person today

Let the flow spread 🤍


It’s a constant ebb & flow of trusting and knowing

Trusting And Knowing

That everything is unfolding exactly how it is meant to 🤍💫


I go through this thought often of “should I post more pictures of myself?” Or “should I post more pictures about my life?” And I never know and I never decide fully because I never know. I know it’s important to share my expansion, and I do it often on my podcast yet when it comes to doing it online I seem to lack it completely lol. Is there social media trauma from a young age that I might have? Yes there is but may it’s time this time FOR REAL to step out of that. I’ll try again and hopefully you see this face more often 🪄🤍


I've gained a lot of insight through my past life karma and how it affects my life now. But something important to know is the law of karma & how it affects us now.

New YT video on the law of karma & how to work with it!

💫 💞


Stop looking at the clock for when it'll happen and start looking at life for Gratitude that it IS happening.

New video on how to be patient when manifesting is up!

watch here


Your Third Eye provides insights & downloads that can completely shift the path for you & your expansion.

I uploaded a new video on YT that is a powerful guided meditation to help you open up this amazing insightful chakra.

You can check out the video with this link here


Understanding The Nature Of Manifestation 21/06/2022

Photo by Michael Block Manifestation is a divine tool that can be used consciously to transform our lives into our wildest dreams. These experiences of bringing our dreams into reality can be mystical, magical and life altering. Everyone experiences manifestation differently but there is a common theme we need to know about manifestation and it's nature. Understanding the nature of manifestation benefits you because it allows you to become more aware of the journey you are now settling on....


Understanding The Nature Of Manifestation Photo by Michael Block Manifestation is a divine tool that can be used consciously to transform our lives into our wildest dreams. These experiences of bringing our dreams into reality can be mysti…


The Universe has been giving me sign after sign after sign.

InSight after insight after insight.

Blessings after blessings after blessing.

I’m so fu***ng happy & grateful for all the bliss to come. I’m even more happy & grateful to share this journey with you all.

I want everyone to feel this bliss & abundance all throughout their lives.

Let me help you get to this stage ✨🧡

Learn more about what Ivemanifest has to offer you using the link in the bio!


It’s sometimes so easy to get lost in what is happening to you instead of realizing what is ACTUALLY happening for you.

Don’t get lost in this illusion, everything is unfolding exactly how it should 🤍✨

So much lovely s**t coming to Ivemanifest, I might need to hire someone part time soon! Let me know if you’re interested xx

Connecting With Your Guides For Clarity & Guidance 25/04/2022

Photo by Quang Nguyen Vinh: Connecting with your spiritual team for clarity and guidance is a very heavily spoken topic, but in all honesty is not used quite enough. Thinking back to most of your decisions in life, big or small, how often do you refer to your spiritual guides for advisement and guidance? If the answer is not many, in this blog we will cover some of the basic understandings of communicating with your divine guides, why this is so important for your spiritual manifestation journey, and some ways on how to build this trust and communication between your spiritual team....


Connecting With Your Guides For Clarity & Guidance Photo by Quang Nguyen Vinh: Connecting with your spiritual team for clarity and guidance is a very heavily spoken topic, but in all honesty is not used quite enough. Thinking back to most of your d…


So I’ve been getting this feeling that maybe I should do this thing that isn’t normally conventional for me. And it stemmed from something in the past that I thought I liked and considered doing as a career maybe. Now being back in that field, I’ve been getting those feelings again and I asked my guides for guidance and clarity: should I do this thing? The answer was literally immediately as I was driving, a car pulled right in front of me with the plate having 333 on it. I felt so much joy in this moment because I knew this was the sign they were giving me. So I looked it up and this was the clarity. I like doing this unconventional career because it truly helps people. I genuinely get to truly help people on a basic and necessary level for the well being. I noticed that that’s what makes me like it so much. I realized then that my soul desires this. This is part of my purpose : helping people on a level that makes a genuine difference in their lives.. something that is necessary for their well being. That’s how I feel with Ivemanifest. Something that is necessary for your well being : spiritual growth, manifestation awareness, enlightenment, peace, abundance and bliss. I’m so grateful my guides gave me this message 🤍 and I’m so excited to share it with you


I’ve been slacking on this platform to say the least, but I still enjoy to share my message ✨💫🤍 been quite busy lately after buying my first home and starting new opportunities! But I’m happy to say that the podcast is still here to help you transcend 🌊 todays podcast is all about knowing the TRUTH behind your manifestation. Something that I’ve learned after countless of times of doubt, insecurity and lack of faith has brought to my attention: is my truth. Why do you want to manifest this thing? Why is it important to you? Does it speak of your highest worth? These are questions we need to think about when we start this journey and are ON this journey, because time and time again, you’ll encounter situations that question this faith you have. Link in bio to the pod! Love you so much xoxo

Videos (show all)

Simples steps into greater consciousness 🤍 #manifestyourdreams #spiritualgrowth #spiritualconsciousness #selfawareness #...
Really excited to be doing another free flow episode for the #podcast⁠Tomorrow's episode, which was unintentionally sync...
Connect with the Power Within on Episode 7 of The Ivemanifest Podcast ✨⁠⁠You have this power, tune into it baby!⁠⁠⁠The I...
Two of my most powerful tips in how to stay present in the moment ✨⁠⁠Listen to the full podcasts on Apple Podcast finall...