Claudia The Terminator

Claudia The Terminator

Mixed Martial Artist "The Terminator"!! Female fighter, coach, sports scientist and all-round athlete.

Advocating for eating disorder awareness and recovery through physical therapy. Also terminating the gap between corruption within the fight industry.


Happy halloween 🎃
From the unicorn poodle snatcher 😳😂


I am honoured to have received my brown singlet from my amazing coach Nathan Alison . Truly proud of the well deserving team who also received there green and black singlets. This is reflection on how far a fighter can go with a more then dedicated coach.
Thanks Nath for always being in my corner. It’s memories like this that remind us the true meaning of coach. Along with a perspective into muaythai, it’s elements, it’s magic, it’s belonging.



I can’t deny that the past two months have been challenging. Where my health had declined to a point where the smallest physical demands felt impossible. Leaving me for the most part bed ridden. Unable to escape the probable diagnosis of leukaemia. Where tests and results only lead to more indicators, and more waiting for specialists appointments.

I’m more then relieved to say my diagnosis is not cancer. But a genetic autoimmune disorder. That increases inflammation in my body and interferes with my bodies ability to absorb iron. Where I have just started treatment through dietary manipulation and medication. Already my energy levels are improving significantly and I’m progressively getting back to what I love aka Martial arts.

I can’t tell you how grateful I am for my body’s resilience and respondence. I really believed that everything I built along with the future as a professional fighter I had envisioned was no longer in my power. I guess it’s a reminder of how much physical and mental health are directly correlated.

Where martial arts has always been my mental crutch. Through anorexia, grief and challenges that would have broken me. It’s been honestly more then a therapy but air. Those two months felt like sitting on the bottom of a pool watching the world around me whilst the air bubbles escape, but I can’t get to the surface. Now I can breathe! Now I can be in the present.

I give my heart to those that are faced with these uncertainties. To those who could only wish for what others call pain, hard work and sacrifice. We are all guilty of this entitlement, this compliance. Until its no longer an option. I guess that’s the lesson that these two months have taught me. Motivation has no value or meaning when something that you just can’t live without.

The Thoroughbred is back and getting stronger everyday! Watch out Australia let’s just say its been a frustrating few weeks the ring is calling.😉🥊👊🏻🙏🏻

Thank you sponsors and

Also thank you to everyone that reached out during this difficult time ❤️



Ladies, Gents, and Germs, I am Whiskey Sour!

I answer to Whiskey, PupPup, Baby, a lightly rattling packet of treats, or the fridge door opening.

Like a true whiskey sour, I have a strong base, sweet undercurrent and come with extras that make you question your life choices (egg white).

My hobbies include:

- Running full speed on the tiles, losing traction and stumbling like a teenager in heels.
- Tumbling over various objects that were definitely not there before.
- Eating ALL of my foster fur-brother's treats and then ignoring my dinner because I'm full.
- Licking all the water off the floor of the shower and then not drinking from my bowl.
- Channeling my inner mufusa by pouncing on my foster fur-brother's floofy tail because IT'S JUST SO SWOOSHY AND MUST BE NOMNOMED ON IMMEDIATELY.

I've learnt how to do the best puppy sit to wait for dins, treats, and pats, I can lay down, stay, and am even well toilet trained! But don't let my smarts fool you, I will bring endless amounts of entertainment by crashing into things, barking at bugs and beetles, and endlessly falling down. Foster mum thinks I'm a goofy dork, but I'll show her!


Our beautiful Labrador boy, Dusty, has had his first hip surgery and is doing well. He would dearly love a foster carer to stay with while he heals.
Dusty does not require any special care, he can walk and run and play and would love to be part of an active family.
Dusty is under a year old and a bit of a boofhead so he does need a family who understands that he is a big, strong boy.
Dusty is amazing with other dogs of all shapes and sizes and would love to have a doggie friend to play with.
Dusty will need his other hip operated on in coming weeks so ideally his foster carer will be able to drive him to Kingaroy for his surgery.
Dusty needs to be collected from Wondai and we can provide anything he needs.
If you can foster Dusty, or are interested in a foster with a view to adoption, and meet the above criteria, please go to our website and fill in our online foster form
Sam :)

Timeline photos 19/09/2022

Today marks a special milestone for me, but it's not one to celebrate. Today is my 100th day waiting for a home. 😿

Don't tell anyone I said this, but some of the staff said I'm their favourite. 🤐 I'm sweet, gentle, loving, affectionate, attentive and soft. When the humans walk past my pen I put on a show, rolling on my back asking for attention. If there are no humans around to entertain me I also enjoy birdwatching and dog-watching from the safety of my enclosure. 🐦👀

I'm hoping to find a calm home with humans that treat me as an important part of their family. I'd like a safe indoor lifestyle to keep my pretty pink nose from the harsh sun, and I'd like my bowl to be full of bickies all the time. I think dogs are pretty interesting, so maybe I could share my home with one - we might be mates.

I think I'll be your new best friend if you give me a chance. See you soon! xo

For more on Kelvin please visit 👉

🐱 6-year-old Domestic Short Hair AID # 106709
​♂️/♀️ Male
📍 Gold Coast Animal Rehoming Centre


Part 2
I guess part of me is relieved because I know my minds still fighting along with my heart. It’s just my body isn’t keeping up. Unfortunately this has forced me to cancel my upcoming fight in October.

I’m optimistic that further diagnostics will determine the most effective and fastest treatment to get back to training and competing. At this point I’ve decided I will not give consent for any treatment that will further degrade my physical ability and leave me with long term consequences. I have no desire to die I’m not saying that. But living a life of demobilisation and compromise is not living. I made a promise to myself and someone I loved that I would become a champion and I intent to make that my legacy. Only then can I focus on normal womanly stuff like marriage/kids/ cute little hobbit house with pet goats and mini pigs.🤔😂


Part 1
When your heart beats for one sole purpose it becomes your subsistence. Existing only in that world in that dream. That’s my motivation to train and fight it’s not dedication or will, but breathing.

Over the past couple of months I’ve questioned myself. I wondered if my body and mind have given in. If momentum was a thing of the past and my eating disorder has become stronger then the armer I’ve built. Where every training sessions I struggled to find energy, focus or progression. Where 6 hour of training went to 4 then 2 and now barely 1. Leaving me in pain and unable to get up from bed the remainder of my day. Both isolating and suffocating me in the process. Because being lazy is the biggest disgrace I’ll ever put upon myself. Fitness, sport and fighting is all I have. The sacrifices I’ve made, the relationships and love I’ve given up. The trust in people that betrayed me or left has broken the capacity to connect or feel.

In honesty I suffer ptsd from medical physicians, nurses and hospitals. Let’s just say as a kid with anorexia your rights, privacy, privileges and even religious beliefs are taken away. Spending months in eating disorder wards felt like less a treatment but more a punishment for being mentally ill. Something I hope to expose and change in the system. So others will not suffer the same and receive more effective long term treatment rather then refeed and relapse or die.
Going for a routine check up, blood work or ward is like revisiting hell. Leaving me over the years to disregard my health.

Finally I had enough of feeling like s**t and got the bloods also convenient because I needed my fight registration blood work done. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Results show I’m dangerously anaemic along with high ferritin and indicators for bone marrow malfunction/ leukaemia.


The Thoroughbred is back!

Message me to secure your tickets 👊🏻🥊🐎🖤
The Thoroughbred is back!
Addiction Kickboxing Muaythai
Combat Academy
Message me to secure your tickets 👊🏻🥊🐎🖤

Photos from Claudia The Terminator's post 24/08/2022

Part 2 ❤️🐎🙏🏻

Riding not just horses, but Fox! A youngster that I known and had a relationship with since birth. A harmony that stems off trust and understanding between rider and horse. Where riding sits on a completely opposite end of the continuum to fighting. It provides me peace and balance. Reconnecting with a life that I thought I had to give up. That affinity and connection with animals. Along with the only capability I have to feel and be grateful in dressage. Without my dear friend Kerry this could have never been possible. Thank you so much!

I’m back Victoria 🙌🏻
The Thoroughbred is honoured to be entering the ring under !
“Getting back on the horse” in Dressage and showing what the fantastic Mr Fox can do!

Also thank you to my sponsors

Photos from Claudia The Terminator's post 24/08/2022

It’s funny when it feels as though time passes, but most factors remain constant. Where I revisit both the joy and misfortune’s of my past. Where Victoria is all I knew and returning feels as though I have never left. Although now I’m not the same little girl. Instead a women that has experienced far beyond the walls of Mornington peninsula and comforts of a simple farm life. In all honesty this has made more grateful. Where distance and time never truly isolated the family, relationships and people that truly cared. Following me through my life’s challenges, breakthroughs, wins and defeats. I’ve been treated with more kindness, welcoming and grace than I feel I deserve. Because to me everything I did. Everything I continue to fight for isn’t hard work or a chore. It’s what truly brings me to life! That fire to be better. The ability to help others who have the same struggles and desires. It’s holding onto the belief that anyone can be who they choose, no matter their circumstances.
If I look back and tell that kid with a bit of
Stubbornness, with a bit of determination, but most of all heart. She proved them all wrong.
In my experience, through the times I choose to move forward. It stems from belief. From those who chose to believe in me and sacrifice their efforts. With every small act of kindness I’ve counted, I’ve remembered.
Today I feel privileged to live in two worlds. To live the fight life and the equestrian world.

Where has become home. Coached again by Nath who is developing me into a fighter that truly reflects me. Where learning new striking skills and dynamics entice me to the never ending art. Developing tactics from the other members and the styles they’ve all adopted. “The more you learn, the less you know”. Exciting me for my next fight in 8week under .

Part 1 ❤️👊🏻🙏🏻
