

From the very beginning of people's interest in the origins of human existence and the tradition of


The Visions of the Pylons: A Magical Record of Exploration in the Starry Abode by J. Daniel Gunther


Św. Makary, egipski "Doktor Łaski"
Mirosław Białous
Egyptian Monks Convinced Bones Are John the Baptist's

Saint Macarius Monastery

Pragnoza Egipska tom 1 12/08/2022

Pragnoza Egipska

Pragnoza Egipska tom 1 Please wait while flipbook is loading. For more related info, FAQs and issues please refer to DearFlip WordPress Flipbook Plugin Help documentation.

Stele of Revealing (WP) - Free Download PDF 08/08/2022

Stele of Ankh-ef-en-Khonsu

Stele of Revealing (WP) - Free Download PDF Download Stele of Revealing (WP)...

About Ankh-ef-en-Khonsu i: (0800 - 0700) | Biography, Facts, Career, Life 08/08/2022


About Ankh-ef-en-Khonsu i: (0800 - 0700) | Biography, Facts, Career, Life Ankh-ef-en-Khonsu i: (0800 - 0700)

Émile Brugsch - Wikipedia 08/08/2022

Émile Brugsch

Émile Brugsch - Wikipedia Émile Brugsch (February 24, 1842 – January 14, 1930) was a German Egyptologist whose career spanned the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He is known as the official who "evacuated" the mummies from the Deir el-Bahri Cache in 1881 without recording the plan of the tomb which has fuelled specula...

Richard Hoagland 1/6 Parsons Crowley NASA & the Occult 15/07/2022

Richard Hoagland. Parsons Crowley NASA & the Occult
Omówione w książce The Stargate Conspiracy- The Truth about Extraterrestrial life and the Mysteries of Ancient Egypt ujawnienie Richarda Hoaglanda że Kompleks Cydonia na Marsie zaiera zaawansowaną wiedzę geometryczną i matematyczną fizyki hiperwymiarowej dające opanować prawa rządzące fizyką jak antygrawitacja itd. ...

Richard Hoagland 1/6 Parsons Crowley NASA & the Occult ENTIRE VIDEO: look into the occult influence of Aleister Crowley on Jac...


The Secret In The Bible by Tony Bushby
This is Tony Bushbys explosive book The Secret in the Bible - The Great Pyramid, Its Missing Capstone and the Supernatural Origin of Scripture (3rd Edition)(2011) which exposes the lost history of the Giza plateau and how temple priests of the Great pyramid preserved the evidence of life beyond death. Thousands of years ago, ancient Egyptian priests recorded that gods of the first time revealed to them exquisite information on the nature of the afterlife and the keys of mastering death. That cherished insight was guarded with utmost secrecy through the millennia and revealed only to selected members of certain Mystery Schools. In later times, high initiates hid the essence of the sacred secret into the Bible and developed a series of ciphers that enabled the hidden wisdom to be unlocked by the privileged few, many of who are among the most prominent people in history. Now, for the first time in contemporary history, comes a book, which fully reveals that exalted knowledge, providing a new and fascinating insight into the extraordinary Secret of the Dead. In explaining why the Holy Bible was always considered a divine book, The Secret in the Bible, reveals new knowledge about the ancient secrets of Egypt and the Bible and the significance of these secrets cannot be taken lightly. The author backs up this knowledge with an extensive bibliography. Also find out how biblical Psalms precisely contain all Egyptian Tarot cards in encrypted form and how the card pictures cleverly hide all 22 letters of an ancient alphabet embedded in them. 345 pages, many pictures. A must read for everyone.


Peter Tompkins quoting
M. P. Hall in Secrets of the Great Pyramid:
I have been convinced that we, as an Order, have come under the power of some very evil
occult Order, profoundly versed in science, both occult and otherwise, though not infallible,
their methods being black magic, that is to say, electro-magnetic power, hypnotism, and
powerful suggestion. We are convinced that the Order is being controlled by some Sun
Order, after the nature of the Illuminati, if not by that Order itself. (Duke of Brunswick,
Grand Master of World Freemasonry).
While the real “Brothers” died ignominious deaths, the spurious Order which tried to step
into their shoes became exclusively a branch of the Jesuits (Illuminati) under the immediate
tutelage of the latter. True-hearted Masons ought to reject with horror any connection, let
alone descent from these. (Madame Helena Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine)
… there exists... another class of adepts belonging to a brotherhood also and mightier than
any other they have to be ranked with the adepts of the Black Arts. These are our Roman
Catholic “Fathers” and clergy... A hundred times more learned in secret symbology and the
old religion than our Orientalists will ever be…There are more profoundly learned Kabalists
in Rome and throughout Europe and America than is generally suspected...Thus are the
“Brotherhoods” of “black” adepts more powerful and dangerous…than any host of Eastern
Occultists. (Madame Helena Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine)
Speak I of ancient Atlantis, speak of the days of the kingdom of Shadows, speak of the com-
ing of the Children of Shadows. Out of the great deep were they called by the wisdom of the
In the form of man they moved amongst us, but only to sight were they as men. Serpent-
headed when the glamour was lifted…Crept they into councils, taking form that were like
unto men. Slaying by their arts the chiefs of the kingdoms, taking their form and ruling o’er
man…to destroy man and rule in his place. (Emerald Tablets of Thoth – the Atlantean)
Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are
afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know there is a power somewhere so
organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had bet-
ter not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it. (President Woodrow Wilson)
foto. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Great Pyramid of Giza


The Pyramids & the Pentagon: The Government's Top Secret Pursuit of Mystical Relics, Ancient Astronauts & Lost Civilizations
by Nick Redfern

The Pyramids and the Pentagonis a detailed study of how and why government agencies have, for decades, taken a clandestine and profound interest in numerous archeological, historical, and religious puzzles.

Focusing primarily upon the classified work of the U.S. Government, The Pyramids and the Pentagon invites you to take a wild ride into the fog-shrouded past. It's a ride that incorporates highlights such as:

The CIA's top-secret files on Noah's Ark
U.S. Army documents positing that the Egyptian Pyramids were constructed via levitation
Disturbing military encounters with Middle Eastern djinns
Claims of nuclear warfare in ancient India
Links between the Face on Mars and the pharaohs
And many more

Nick Redfern's The Pyramids and the Pentagon clearly and provocatively demonstrates that deep and dark conspiracies exist within the shadowy world of officialdom--conspiracies that have the ability to rock the foundations of civilization, religion, and history to their very core. The strange and amazing secrets of the past are just a heavily guarded government vault away.


The Apocalypse of Adam. Nag Hammadi Codex


The Initiation Procedure
Within the Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt Part 2


The Initiation Procedure
Within the Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt

Nag Hammadi Library 04/12/2021

The Nag Hammadi Library

Nag Hammadi Library The Nag Hammadi Library (Nag Hammadi Scriptures and the Gnostic Gospels). The site includes the Gnostic Society Library with the complete Nag Hammadi Library and Scriptures - the Gnostic Gospels - and a large collection of other primary Gnostic scriptures and documents. A vast collection of material...

Ancient Egypt’s Vaishnava Culture 04/12/2021

Ancient Egypt’s Vaishnava Culture

Ancient Egypt’s Vaishnava Culture Ancient Egypt’s Vaishnava Culture Ancient Egypt’s Vaishnava Culture BY VRINDAVAN DAS EDITORIAL, Aug 8 (VNN) — Los Angeles, CA – April 10, 2000 Recently, the Los Angeles County Mus…

Review of J. Naydler. Shamanic Wisdom in the Pyramid Texts: The Mystical Tradition of Ancient Egypt. 03/12/2021

Review of J. Naydler. Shamanic Wisdom in the Pyramid Texts: The Mystical Tradition of Ancient Egypt.

Review of J. Naydler. Shamanic Wisdom in the Pyramid Texts: The Mystical Tradition of Ancient Egypt.


The veil of Egypt: the constitution of the individual and the afterlife in Ancient Egypt as portrayed in The Secret Doctrine of H.P. Blavatsky, co-founder of the Theosophical Society
by Dewald Bester

"Karnak" by H. Spencer Lewis, Founder of the Museum - Picture of Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum, San Jose - Tripadvisor 03/12/2021

Photo: "Karnak" by H. Spencer Lewis, Founder of the Museum

"Karnak" by H. Spencer Lewis, Founder of the Museum - Picture of Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum, San Jose - Tripadvisor Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum, San Jose Picture: "Karnak" by H. Spencer Lewis, Founder of the Museum - Check out Tripadvisor members' 621 candid photos and videos of Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum

Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum 03/12/2021

Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum

Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum William Joel's Sojourn - The Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum (REM), founded by the Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, is a museum about Ancient Egypt located a...

Osiris – Collected Works of Sri Bhakti Ananda Goswami 03/12/2021


Osiris – Collected Works of Sri Bhakti Ananda Goswami Posts about Osiris written by Collected Works of Sri Bhakti Ananda Goswami

The HALO of OLU / HERU / SOLE / HELI / ELI / ALI / HARI / HARA 03/12/2021

The Incarnation of HERU and His Mother HET-HOR / HATHOR, MARy as BETH-EL / KUTI-HARI the House 'Hut' of God.

The HALO of OLU / HERU / SOLE / HELI / ELI / ALI / HARI / HARA 03/12/2021

Of course the Traditional Form of Jesus as the Great Physician is the Greek Son of God/Helios and Form of Ausar / Osiris, Asclepius or the Egyptian Serapis.

The HALO of OLU / HERU / SOLE / HELI / ELI / ALI / HARI / HARA 03/12/2021

Mother NEIT / NUT (NIGHT / NAKSHA NACHT) arches-over Her SON. She gives birth to Him anew every day. Such associations identify HERU as a 'SUN GOD' to atheistic scholars who cannot understand all of the other Trinitarian Theology of HARI-VASU-ATMAN / Krishna-Balarama-Paramatman.

Mother NEIT / NUT (NIGHT / NAKSHA NACHT) arches-over Her SON. She gives birth to Him anew every day. Such associations identify HERU as a 'SUN GOD' to atheistic scholars who cannot understand all of the other Trinitarian Theology of HARI-VASU-ATMAN / Krishna-Balarama-Paramatman.

Helios Harpocrates and Child Krishna 03/12/2021

Helios Harpocrates and Child Krishna
From Bhakti Ananda Goswami: The text below describing the Child Form of the POLIEUS / PER-AUSU / Vastu PURUSHA Temple Nome Gods of Ancient Egypt shows that the current academic understanding of the predominant Krishna-Vishnu-Paramatman worshiping Religion of the Region is very deficient. The scholars do not yet have the benefit of the living Tradition of Krishna-centric Vaishnavism to compare the Heliopolitan Monotheism of the ancient Mediterranean Region to. Old prejudices in both the East and West are still impeding academic progress in this important area of research. Thus it has been very difficult for me to get the global Vaishnava Community interested in this research. Moreover, I have been repeatedly threatened and attacked by 'Vaishnavas' for even suggesting that Sri Sri Radha-Krishna and Balarama were worshiped by the ancient Jews and Africans. When I write about the ancient 'Pagan A***n' European and 'Hindu' connections, this is tolerated or promoted, but if I write about Vaishnava-Judeo- cCatholic connections, I get threats. This sadly demonstrates the kind of Anti-Semitic Racist A***nism that is still prevalent in much of Hinduism and Vaishnavism.

The Ancients of the Mediterranean Region understood that the child or youth Form of their most ancient and Supreme God HERU was the ORIGINAL 'FATHER' of the Egyptian Nome 'Father-Gods'. Jesus Christ is the Mature (bearded) Form of the Universal 'Father God' typified by SERAPIS, ASCLEPIOS, NILUS 'Father Tiber' or Jupiter-Zeus-Amun. As the un-bearded Helios Kouros, the ever-young KRISHNA, was the ORIGIN 'Father' of the mature bearded ASCLEPIOS, Who was the actual 'material' Father of the material Worlds, JUVENALIS, Krishna Nava-YAUVANA was the Origin of the mature bearded Form of Jupiter, the Supreme (material, incarnate) Father God of the Romans. Zeus and Jupiter were identified with each other and with the Indic Indra because they were the 'King(s) Of (the Material) Heaven' and because of Their association with the Thunderbolt as Zeus Fulgar.

However Zeus and Jupiter (Egyptian AMUN) had HUNDREDS of Names and Forms and were the specific ROYAL / REX / REGENT / RAZAN / RAJA KING worship Forms of the actual Supreme Deity HERU-AUSU-ATUM / HELI-OS-ATOMOS the Jews ELI-YAHU-ADON, the Indic Vaishnava HARI-VASU-ATMAN. Krishna- Vishnu as Vasudeva was worshiped in RAYA / ROYAL awe and reverence in His Temples as the Vastu Purusha. As such HE was the FATHER of the people and beings of that PURA or PER / POL / YIR / UUR / BURY etc. His Shakti Queen was His Tyche-Fortuna or Jewish Shekinah.

Just as the non-devotees of the ancient Mediterranean Region chided the devotees there by mocking them about the always beardless YOUthful Helios Kouros (Krishna) being YOUnger than His Son Asclepios (Serapis in Egypt), outsiders to Vaishnavism in India have not understood that Sri Krishna, Who is eternally youthful as Nava YAUvana (YAUVANA= Roman JUVENAlis=Kouros), is the Supreme Transcendental Spiritual 'Father God' of all existences. Thus He is the ORIGIN / SOURCE of all subsequent mature 'Father God' Forms, which are ALL Emanations or Incarnations through, with, in, and /or by Lord Balarama the Second Person of the Godhead of Krishna-Vishnu-Paramatma. This is the Judeo-cCatholic Trinity and the Tri-kaya of Pure Land or Mahayana Buddhism.

Theologically the Ever-beautiful Nava (New) Yauvana (Youth) Form of the First Person of the Godhead, Kouros (Keshava long-haired beardless) Krishna, is the Plenum / Purnam Full Source of the Godhead, and is thus called the 'Father' or 'First Person' of the Holy Trinity. But the Second Person ('Son') actually manifests all of the subsequent 'Father God' Forms of the Trinity, associated with the Lila of the Highest Heaven, down to the material worlds. Thus Lord Baladeva emanates or 'expands' as Father Nanda Maharaja in the Highest Heaven, and in all other subsequent Father or Purusha Forms in all of the Spiritual and Material (Maha Tattva) Worlds. Properly understood then, Asclepios IASAS (Vishnu YASHAS, Yahu-Shua or Jesus) is the SON of Helios (Jewish ELI-YAHU) Kouros (HORUS), NOT His Father!

Thus ALL of these Egyptologists are wrong when they see images of SERAPIS, ISIS and HARPOCRATES, and think that THIS 'Child Horus', WHO is depicted with His Finger in His Mouth, is the SON of Serapis-Asclepios! Asclepios (Serapis, Jesus Christ) is the Incarnation (Lila) SON of Helios Kouros, KRISHNA, NOT the other way around! 'Child God' Forms found at the temples of the mature Patron Nome 'Gods' of Heliopolitan-related Egypt no-doubt are part of this same Tradition. For example in India today we also see devotion to the Child Forms of Krishna and Balarama and Their Lila Avataras. In cCatholicism devotion to the Baby Jesus is very popular. A sacred consecrated Murti of Baby Jesus may be found in a cCatholic Church or Shrine where He is also depicted as an enthroned King, as a Carpenter, a Great Teacher / Rabbi / RAVI, a lone wandering Ascetic and a crucified CO**SE / CORPUS CHRISTI. He may also be depicted as KALKI AVATARA, a LION (NARA-HARI) , a DOLPHIN (MATSYA), or some other Form of Sri-Krishna-Vishnu. Most importantly HE IS THE COSMIC PURUSHA AS THE GREAT PHYSICIAN, LORD BALADEVA as ANANTA-CHARAKA, Who takes away the sins of the World!

On Goloka Vrindavan, it is Radharani Who 'expands' as Queen Mother Yasoda and it is Lord Baladeva (Balarama) Who 'expands' as King Father Nanda. They are the LILA 'PARENTS' of Krishna, but actually theologically Krishna is Their Source. Afro Egyptian, Greco-Roman and Semitic (Levantine Jewish) Icons and Murtis of King Serapis and Queen Isis with Harpocrates represent this MYSTERY. In this Sacred Art Form, HORUS or HELIOS (ELI-YAHU) KOUROS / Youth or Babe, is both the Lila 'Son' and the metaphysical Source / Father of the mature King and Queen Serapis (Asclepios Iasas) and Isis. Generally in the Era surrounding the Advent of Jesus Christ, the Supreme Lord HERU-AUSU-ATUM as the CHILD HORUS / HARPOCRATES, Who was actually HERU The ELDER / HELIOS, was often confused with the mythological 'Horus the younger' the hawk-son of Isis and Osiris, who was begotten by Isis from the co**se of Osiris (Siva Shava).

Thus modern scholars have also confused these two main 'Horus' figures of Egypt, the Supreme Deity Horus the Elder, the HELIOS of the Great Greek Monotheists, and the mythological 'Horus the Younger' the hawk-son of Isis and Osiris. Properly understood, the worship of Harpocrates in association with Isis and SERAPIS is the Alexandrian Era correction of this heresy.

Harpocrates Terracottas
Harporcates is the Greek form of Egyptian Hr-pA-Xrd - Horus the child. He ...was often represented as a naked boy with his finger to his mouth, but other forms of depictions are also found. His cult, often combined with that of Isis and Serapis, was popular in the whole Roman Em...See More.

From Bhakti Ananda Goswami: The text below describing the Child Form of the POLIEUS / PER-AUSU / Vastu PURUSHA Temple Nome Gods of Ancient Egypt shows that the current academic understanding of the predominant Krishna-Vishnu-Paramatman worshiping Religion of the Region is very deficient. The scholars do not yet have the benefit of the living Tradition of Krishna-centric Vaishnavism to compare the Heliopolitan Monotheism of the ancient Mediterranean Region to. Old prejudices in both the East and West are still impeding academic progress in this important area of research. Thus it has been very difficult for me to get the global Vaishnava Community interested in this research. Moreover, I have been repeatedly threatened and attacked by 'Vaishnavas' for even suggesting that Sri Sri Radha-Krishna and Balarama were worshiped by the ancient Jews and Africans. When I write about the ancient 'Pagan A***n' European and 'Hindu' connections, this is tolerated or promoted, but if I write about Vaishnava-Judeo- cCatholic connections, I get threats. This sadly demonstrates the kind of Anti-Semitic Racist A***nism that is still prevalent in much of Hinduism and Vaishnavism.

The Ancients of the Mediterranean Region understood that the child or youth Form of their most ancient and Supreme God HERU was the ORIGINAL 'FATHER' of the Egyptian Nome 'Father-Gods'. Jesus Christ is the Mature (bearded) Form of the Universal 'Father God' typified by SERAPIS, ASCLEPIOS, NILUS 'Father Tiber' or Jupiter-Zeus-Amun. As the un-bearded Helios Kouros, the ever-young KRISHNA, was the ORIGIN 'Father' of the mature bearded ASCLEPIOS, Who was the actual 'material' Father of the material Worlds, JUVENALIS, Krishna Nava-YAUVANA was the Origin of the mature bearded Form of Jupiter, the Supreme (material, incarnate) Father God of the Romans. Zeus and Jupiter were identified with each other and with the Indic Indra because they were the 'King(s) Of (the Material) Heaven' and because of Their association with the Thunderbolt as Zeus Fulgar.

However Zeus and Jupiter (Egyptian AMUN) had HUNDREDS of Names and Forms and were the specific ROYAL / REX / REGENT / RAZAN / RAJA KING worship Forms of the actual Supreme Deity HERU-AUSU-ATUM / HELI-OS-ATOMOS the Jews ELI-YAHU-ADON, the Indic Vaishnava HARI-VASU-ATMAN. Krishna- Vishnu as Vasudeva was worshiped in RAYA / ROYAL awe and reverence in His Temples as the Vastu Purusha. As such HE was the FATHER of the people and beings of that PURA or PER / POL / YIR / UUR / BURY etc. His Shakti Queen was His Tyche-Fortuna or Jewish Shekinah.

Just as the non-devotees of the ancient Mediterranean Region chided the devotees there by mocking them about the always beardless YOUthful Helios Kouros (Krishna) being YOUnger than His Son Asclepios (Serapis in Egypt), outsiders to Vaishnavism in India have not understood that Sri Krishna, Who is eternally youthful as Nava YAUvana (YAUVANA= Roman JUVENAlis=Kouros), is the Supreme Transcendental Spiritual 'Father God' of all existences. Thus He is the ORIGIN / SOURCE of all subsequent mature 'Father God' Forms, which are ALL Emanations or Incarnations through, with, in, and /or by Lord Balarama the Second Person of the Godhead of Krishna-Vishnu-Paramatma. This is the Judeo-cCatholic Trinity and the Tri-kaya of Pure Land or Mahayana Buddhism.

Theologically the Ever-beautiful Nava (New) Yauvana (Youth) Form of the First Person of the Godhead, Kouros (Keshava long-haired beardless) Krishna, is the Plenum / Purnam Full Source of the Godhead, and is thus called the 'Father' or 'First Person' of the Holy Trinity. But the Second Person ('Son') actually manifests all of the subsequent 'Father God' Forms of the Trinity, associated with the Lila of the Highest Heaven, down to the material worlds. Thus Lord Baladeva emanates or 'expands' as Father Nanda Maharaja in the Highest Heaven, and in all other subsequent Father or Purusha Forms in all of the Spiritual and Material (Maha Tattva) Worlds. Properly understood then, Asclepios IASAS (Vishnu YASHAS, Yahu-Shua or Jesus) is the SON of Helios (Jewish ELI-YAHU) Kouros (HORUS), NOT His Father!

Thus ALL of these Egyptologists are wrong when they see images of SERAPIS, ISIS and HARPOCRATES, and think that THIS 'Child Horus', WHO is depicted with His Finger in His Mouth, is the SON of Serapis-Asclepios! Asclepios (Serapis, Jesus Christ) is the Incarnation (Lila) SON of Helios Kouros, KRISHNA, NOT the other way around! 'Child God' Forms found at the temples of the mature Patron Nome 'Gods' of Heliopolitan-related Egypt no-doubt are part of this same Tradition. For example in India today we also see devotion to the Child Forms of Krishna and Balarama and Their Lila Avataras. In cCatholicism devotion to the Baby Jesus is very popular. A sacred consecrated Murti of Baby Jesus may be found in a cCatholic Church or Shrine where He is also depicted as an enthroned King, as a Carpenter, a Great Teacher / Rabbi / RAVI, a lone wandering Ascetic and a crucified CO**SE / CORPUS CHRISTI. He may also be depicted as KALKI AVATARA, a LION (NARA-HARI) , a DOLPHIN (MATSYA), or some other Form of Sri-Krishna-Vishnu. Most importantly HE IS THE COSMIC PURUSHA AS THE GREAT PHYSICIAN, LORD BALADEVA as ANANTA-CHARAKA, Who takes away the sins of the World!

On Goloka Vrindavan, it is Radharani Who 'expands' as Queen Mother Yasoda and it is Lord Baladeva (Balarama) Who 'expands' as King Father Nanda. They are the LILA 'PARENTS' of Krishna, but actually theologically Krishna is Their Source. Afro Egyptian, Greco-Roman and Semitic (Levantine Jewish) Icons and Murtis of King Serapis and Queen Isis with Harpocrates represent this MYSTERY. In this Sacred Art Form, HORUS or HELIOS (ELI-YAHU) KOUROS / Youth or Babe, is both the Lila 'Son' and the metaphysical Source / Father of the mature King and Queen Serapis (Asclepios Iasas) and Isis. Generally in the Era surrounding the Advent of Jesus Christ, the Supreme Lord HERU-AUSU-ATUM as the CHILD HORUS / HARPOCRATES, Who was actually HERU The ELDER / HELIOS, was often confused with the mythological 'Horus the younger' the hawk-son of Isis and Osiris, who was begotten by Isis from the co**se of Osiris (Siva Shava).

Thus modern scholars have also confused these two main 'Horus' figures of Egypt, the Supreme Deity Horus the Elder, the HELIOS of the Great Greek Monotheists, and the mythological 'Horus the Younger' the hawk-son of Isis and Osiris. Properly understood, the worship of Harpocrates in association with Isis and SERAPIS is the Alexandrian Era correction of this heresy.

Harpocrates Terracottas
Harporcates is the Greek form of Egyptian Hr-pA-Xrd - Horus the child. He ...was often represented as a naked boy with his finger to his mouth, but other forms of depictions are also found. His cult, often combined with that of Isis and Serapis, was popular in the whole Roman Em...See More.

The Afro-Heleno-Semitic Heliopolitan Vaishnava Complex Explained 03/12/2021

The Afro-Heleno-Semitic Heliopolitan Vaishnava Complex Explained

Heliopolitan Egyptian Crowns Explained: Baal's Helmut 03/12/2021

Heliopolitan Egyptian Crowns Explained: Baal's Helmut


Originally 'spiritually' conscious Humanity worshiped One Supreme Purusha Godhead, and the evidence from all of the most ancient sources is that He was the Triune Hari-Vasu-Atman. Worshiped inseparably with Him was His Feminine Shakti, Sekhet, Hekate/ Hexad or Shekinah (Satkona).

Originally 'spiritually' conscious Humanity worshiped One Supreme Purusha Godhead, and the evidence from all of the most ancient sources is that He was the Triune Hari-Vasu-Atman. Worshiped inseparably with Him was His Feminine Shakti, Sekhet, Hekate/ Hexad or Shekinah (Satkona).

From Atlantis To The Sphinx. Colin Wilson : Colin Wilson : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive 03/12/2021

From Atlantis To The Sphinx. Colin Wilson by Colin Wilson

From Atlantis To The Sphinx. Colin Wilson : Colin Wilson : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive From Atlantis to the Sphinx     Author: Colin Wilson     Publication Date: 1996  



The Solar Brotherhood of the Seven Rays 03/12/2021

The Solar Brotherhood of the Seven Rays

The Solar Brotherhood of the Seven Rays

God's e-book, The Sirius Mystery and the CIA 03/12/2021

Robert Temple's book, The Sirius Mystery

God's e-book, The Sirius Mystery and the CIA God's e-book site providing step-by-step instructions to His Prayer System.

The Mysterious Origins of Man 03/12/2021

The Mysterious Origins of Man

The Mysterious Origins of Man Rewriting man's History. A NBC Televison Special. Hosted by Charlton Heston. Features scientists from ISKCON's Bhaktivedanta Institute. Open your mind to co...

Tajemnicze pochodzenie człowieka [Lektor PL] (1996) 03/12/2021

Tajemnicze pochodzenie człowieka [Lektor PL] (1996)

Tajemnicze pochodzenie człowieka [Lektor PL] (1996) Film „Tajemnicze Pochodzenie Człowieka” odkrywa wiele ciekawych dowodów na temat istnienia ludzkości na naszej planecie, odpowiada na pytanie – skąd pochodzimy? Autorzy tego kontrowersyjnego dokumentu, próbują przy pomocy zakazanej archeologii, podważyć powszech...

Keeper of Genesis [PDF] 03/12/2021

Keeper Of Genesis A Quest for the Hidden Legacy of Mankind by Robert Bauval and Graham Hancock

Keeper of Genesis [PDF] Keeper of Genesis - Free PDF Download - Hancock Graham - 331 pages - year: 2011


Stargate Conspiracy: Revealing the truth behind extraterrestrial contact, military intelligence and the mysteries of ancient Egypt. by Lynn Picknett , Clive Prince : Recent exciting discoveries by independent researchers have dramatically challenged our understanding of ancient Egypt, raising profound questions about our past. STARGATE CONSPIRACY exposes the most insidious & dangerous plan of our times. It involves intelligence agencies, politicians, bestselling writers, scientists & industrialists. The authors believe that this conspiracy, centred upon the eternal mysteries of ancient Egypt, targets & threatens us all. Tracing the identity of the groups involved, Lynn Picknett & Clive Prince argue that at the heart of this strange plan is the belief that the ancient Egyptian gods were-and are-real extraterrestrials, about to return through the 'stargate' between our world & theirs. They suggest that the US-funded excavations on the Giza plateau - officially denied, but for which the authors produce documented evidence - now appear to be the result of directives allegedly received through communication with beings of higher intelligence, who are instructing the conspirators to lay the foundations for great global changes. Provocative & stimulating, STARGATE CONSPIRACY is a book of and for the new millennium

Egiptologia w XXI wieku. Pogoń za mitem czy nowoczesna nauka? - rozmowa z dr. Wojciechem Ejsmondem 02/12/2021

Egiptologia w XXI wieku. Pogoń za mitem czy nowoczesna nauka? - rozmowa z dr. Wojciechem Ejsmondem

Egiptologia w XXI wieku. Pogoń za mitem czy nowoczesna nauka? - rozmowa z dr. Wojciechem Ejsmondem Rozmowa z dr. Wojciechem Ejsmondem (Instytut Kultur Śródziemnomorskich i Orientalnych PAN, kierownik misji badawczej w Gebelein) na temat miejsca współczesne...
