Read And Feed

Read And Feed

A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . . . The man who never reads lives only one.”



Financial management is the process of effectively managing your money to achieve financial goals, maximize resources, and secure your financial future. Here's an overview to help educate you on financial management:

1. **Budgeting:** Creating a budget is the foundation of financial management. It involves tracking your income, expenses, and savings goals. A budget helps you plan where your money goes and ensures you live within your means.

2. **Savings:** Saving money is a key component of financial management. It provides a financial safety net for unexpected expenses and helps you achieve long-term goals. Common savings vehicles include savings accounts, certificates of deposit (CDs), and retirement accounts.

3. **Investing:** Investing involves putting your money to work to generate returns over time. Common investment options include stocks, bonds, real estate, and mutual funds. Understanding risk and diversification is important in the investment process.

4. **Debt Management:** Managing debt is critical to financial health. This includes understanding interest rates, making timely payments, and reducing high-interest debt whenever possible.

5. **Emergency Fund:** Maintaining an emergency fund ensures you have money available for unexpected expenses, such as medical bills or car repairs. Financial advisors often recommend having three to six months' worth of living expenses in your emergency fund.

6. **Retirement Planning:** Preparing for retirement is a major aspect of financial management. Consider contributing to retirement accounts like 401(k)s or IRAs, and make investment choices that align with your retirement goals.

7. **Insurance:** Having the right insurance coverage, such as health, auto, home, and life insurance, is part of protecting your financial well-being. It provides a safety net in case of unforeseen events.

8. **Tax Management:** Understanding tax laws and taking advantage of deductions and credits can help minimize your tax liability, leaving more money for saving and investing.

9. **Financial Goals:** Set clear financial goals, both short-term and long-term. These could include buying a home, paying for education, or saving for a vacation. Having specific goals helps you stay motivated and focused.

10. **Continuous Learning:** The world of finance and investment is always evolving. Staying informed and seeking financial education is essential to make informed decisions.

11. **Seek Professional Advice:** If your financial situation is complex or you have specific goals, consider consulting a financial advisor or planner who can provide personalized guidance.

Financial management is about making informed choices with your money to achieve financial stability, grow your wealth, and ultimately enjoy a secure and comfortable future. It's a skill that, when mastered, can lead to financial independence and peace of mind

Emmanuel jmk Ezendu



The Ngwa people represent one of the largest Igbo tribes in terms of landmass and population, yet the mysteries of their origin remain shrouded in the absence of written records. Ngwa history is largely oral, passed down through generations, often embellished and exaggerated.

To unravel the origins of the Ngwa, one must sift through cultural and religious clues. They are a unique clan, born from the fusion of two distinct ethnic groups, which is a common thread among Southern Igbo communities.

The Southern Igbo homeland can be traced to the region between the Ukwuani/Oru clans, Ogba, Egbema, and Ohaji, where their ancestors began their eastward expansion into Agbaja and Isu areas.

While some suggest that the Ngwa people migrated from the western banks of the Imo River, others propose a southerly route that crossed the river to populate Mbaise. Regardless, the Ngwa history is intricately connected with that of Mbaise, with scholars referring to them as Ngwa-Ohuhu, where Ohuhu represents those who remained on the western bank of the Imo.

Speculation about their origin varies; some claim they came from Umunoha, but this theory is met with skepticism due to the size of Umunoha and the lack of cultural and linguistic similarities with the Isu people nearby.

One prevailing oral tradition speaks of Ngwa Ukwu, a tribal leader, and his brothers Avosi and Nwoha. The tale includes a yam roasting incident, where one group crossed the Imo River quickly, earning them the name "Ngwa," meaning "quickly." The others who stayed behind became the "Ohuhu" or "roasters."

This story, however, raises questions about the Imo River's nature and tides, making it more of a metaphorical narrative than a literal account.

Despite the uncertainties surrounding their origin, the Ngwa people have cultural and linguistic ties with neighboring regions like Ohaji, Egbema, Ikwerre, Etche, and more. They share similarities in speech patterns, vocabulary, and a warrior spirit.

In Ngwa cosmology, the land holds paramount significance, with Ala as the primary deity. The establishment of the Okpuala Ngwa shrine marked the heart of Ngwa land. The deity Ekwesu, a popular war deity, also accompanied them.

Ngwa's expansion across the Imo River was rapid, leading to interactions with the Annang people. Initially welcomed, the Ngwa eventually assimilated the Annang, who inhabited areas like Aba and Ugwunagbo.

It's important to note that Ngwa migrations across the river occurred in independent waves, resulting in diverse village groups within Ngwa, some of which do not intermarry. Ngwa Ukwu holds a special place as the eldest Ngwa clan.

Like other Southern Igbo groups, Ngwa has unique characteristics such as eight market days, a preference for Okazi, and a lack of institutionalized title-taking positions. Their governance is organized around clans led by warlords, and village-level governments maintain law and order.

Intriguingly, the Ngwa have a unique institution of concubinage known as "iko." The Ngwa culture is rich with traditions, including dances like "anyantolukwu," "ekereavu," and "abigbo."


Udara as the name sounds simply mean,
If it falls you lick .
Udara is a female deity of fertility and protection.
Udara is believed to be the mother of Akwari Omumu udara mutara Akwari Omumu.
Udara is a very powerful tree and an abode of the spirit of Dead ancestors and that of the unborn children.
It is forbidden in some igbo communities to pluck the Udara seeds.
Udara tree wade off untimely death and spirit of barrenness any where it grows,
Udara is not planted by anyone and it is an abomination to cut down this tree of fertility, the giver of children without proper consultation and appeasement,
It is an abomination to defeacate under an Udara tree, udara is feared in most part of igboland because it is believed to be the home of the spirits.
People rarely visit udara at night.
In some community in igbo land udara is not owned by any one and no one harvest the seed for sale for it is regarded as selling children in the market.
Udara tree can live upto 1000 years the bark and leaves of the udara tree is used to cure fever and some minor sicknesses




A Woman Walks Into A Butchery Just Before Closing and Asks, "Do You Still Have Chicken?"

The Butcher Opens His Deep Freezer, Takes Out The Only Chicken Left and Puts It On The Scale, And It Weighed 1.5 kg.

The Woman Looks At The Chicken and At The Scale And Asked, "Do You Have One That's a Bit Bigger Than This One?"

The Butcher Puts His Only Chicken Back Into The Freezer, and Then Takes It Out Again, But This Time When He Puts It On The Scale; He Craftily Keeps His Thumb on The Scale Pan And The Scale Now Showed 2 kg

"That's Wonderful," Said The Woman. "I'll Take Both Chickens, Please!"

In a Situation Like This, You Realize That Your Integrity and Your Reputation are on The Line. Your Wisdom Becomes Foolishness and Your Cunning ways Become Stupidity.

As I Write This, The Butcher's Head is still Inside The Big Deep Feezer Looking For The First Chicken 🐓

Always Tell The Truth and You Will Be Free !!!

A Good Name Is Better Than Riches.

Live To Express Yourself Truthfully and Not To Impress Others.

Emmanuel J Ezendu


Bob Marley was once asked if there was a perfect woman. He replies:

Who cares about perfection?
Even the moon is not perfect, it is full of craters.
The sea is incredibly beautiful, but salty and dark in the depths.
The sky is always infinite, but often cloudy.
So, everything that is beautiful isn't perfect, it's special.
Therefore, every woman can be special to someone.
Stop being "perfect", but try to be free and live, doing what you love, not wanting to impress.

Have a wonderful dreams ❤️



I choose to live by choice not chance
To be motivated, not manipulated
To be useful, not used
To make changes, not excuses
To Excel, not compete

I choose self esteem, not self pity
I choose to listen to my inner voice,
Not to the random opinion of others.

Emmanuel jachimike Ezendu
(pristine writer)
©opyright reserved


🔘The Drunk Basket🔘

•Bars in 1960s Turkey used to hire workers to carry "too drunk" people back home

•These people were called küfeci and
To be so drunk you couldn’t walk was called küfe.

•Many bars in Turkey would often employ basket men whose sole purpose was to take patrons home when they were too drunk to stand up.

•Most of these men would work as porters during the day and then would work as basket men at night to earn some extra money.⁣

👉Follow Emmanuel J Ezendu



Why do sinners judge sinners for sinning differently?

Why do hypocrite stone hypocrites?
Seeing the flaw in another while ignoring the obvious I'll in their lives.

Sometimes judging by skin colour, denomination, race and believe.

Judging by past deeds and Appearance.

Same people who still forget to cross their T and dot their I.

Am not a saint Neither are you.

Maybe you could try take a walk in my shoes or think the thought I do.

Now I see what Asa saw in Jailer

Beware amateur critics of humanity for there is only one who evaluates every stain and smudge.

Emmanuel j Ezendu
(pristine writer)


Igbos, origin, coexistence and Biafra

The Igbos are a people of West African origin, primarily found in Nigeria. They are one of the largest and most culturally diverse ethnic groups in Africa, with a population estimated to be around 70 million people. The Igbo people are known for their rich cultural heritage, innovative mindset, and perseverance in the face of adversity.

The origin of the Igbos is shrouded in myth and legend. According to Igbo mythology, the people originated from a divine source and were led to their present-day location in southeastern Nigeria by Eri, their ancestral leader. Theories exist suggesting that the Igbos migrated from the Middle East, primarily Syria, thousands of years ago. Others suggest that they originated from the Nile region and made their way southward.

From early on, Igbos have maintained a reputation as a fiercely independent and proud people. They have been successful in trade and commerce, and their entrepreneurial spirit is unrivaled. History has shown that the Igbo people were among the first West Africans to adopt Christianity and western education. This early embrace of western ideals helped to shape the Igbos into an educated and highly literate people.

Throughout history, the Igbos have been known to coexist with diverse ethnic groups. However, the past has also seen times of tension between the Igbo people and other majority groups such as the Hausa and Yoruba. The most notable period of tension came in 1966 when a coup led by unidentified number of soldiers toppled the Nigerian Government. The coup was followed by a wave of retaliation from the Northern Hausas that led to over 30 thousand Igbo deaths. The attack on the Igbos culminated in the Biafran War.

The Biafran War was a conflict fought between Nigeria and secessionist groups led by the Igbo. The war lasted from 1967 to 1970 and claimed the lives of millions, mainly Igbo people. The primary cause of the war was the Igbos' desire for independence from Nigeria due to increasing tensions and atrocities in the aftermath of the coup led by Igbo soldiers.

As a result of the conflict, the Biafran secession efforts were eventually defeated, and the Igbos forced to reintegrate back into the Nigerian Federation. The Igbos returned to Nigeria, but the aftermath of the war has shaped their social-political identity and remains a politically sensitive topic to date. The war and its aftermath testifies to the resilience, determination, and innovative nature of the Igbo people.

Despite the challenges that have come with post-coup and post-war Nigeria, the Igbos remain committed to their quest for economic, cultural, and political development. In the years following the Biafran War, the Igbo people focused on rebuilding their communities and seek political representation in Nigeria. Several Igbos have held political positions in various democratic governments in the country.

In 1999, Dr. Alex Ekwueme, an Igbo, ran for the Nigerian presidency to become Nigeria's first Igbo president. Although he was unsuccessful, this highlighted the Igbos' commitment to securing political representation in the Nigerian federation. In recent years, several top positions in government have been held by Igbos, including the Senate Presidency.

Despite the continued coexistence with other ethnic groups in Nigeria, some Igbos continue to question the place of the Igbos in Nigeria's political configuration. The question of a separate state continues to loom in the minds of some. The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) is a group that has emerged demanding an independent and sovereign state of Biafra. Although the Nigerian government has refused to recognize the IPOB, several Igbos continue to agitate for an independent Igbo state.

Nigeria's current federal system designates states based on geographic location and not ethnic affiliation. Despite this, there are specific political arrangements that give Igbos and other minority groups some political representation. The 1999 Nigerian Constitution designated a North-East Development Commission and a Niger Delta Development Commission to cater to the development of these regions.

The Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) was created to address the ecological and environmental challenges and the development of the Niger Delta region. Several Igbo leaders have made a case for the creation of a similar commission to address the challenges of the South-Eastern region.

The Igbos' cultural heritage is rich and diverse. They are known for their vibrant festivals, which include the Igbo New Yam Festival, Ikeji Festival, and the Mmanwu Festival. The latter's festival is the masquerade festival that features different masquerades, each with a unique meaning and significance to the Igbo culture.

The Igbo people are also known for their cuisine, including dishes such as the famous jollof rice, egusi soup, and pounded yam. The dishes reflect Igbos' innovative nature, as much of the food's preparation involves vegetables, and meat is secondary.

In conclusion, the Igbo people are a resilient, innovative, and proud people of Nigeria's southeastern region. Their contribution to the development of Nigeria cannot be overstated, and their history and culture remain vital aspects of the country's shared cultural heritage. The desire for political representation and independence remains an issue in the political discourse of Nigeria. The Igbo people's quest to build a prosperous and independent state serves as a reminder of their determination and resilience in the face of adversity.


This painting of a young woman breastfeeding an older man in prison was sold for Euros 30 million. The image may look perverse, but the story behind it is from historical records.

The poor man was sentenced to "death by starvation" for stealing a loaf of bread during the reign of Louis XIV in France. The woman was his only daughter and the only visitor to his cell. She was allowed to visit him daily but was frisked thoroughly such that no food was taken in.

After 4 months, the man still survived with no weight loss; the authorities were perplexed and started spying on her in the cell and, to their utter astonishment, found her breastfeeding her father to the most total sharing her baby's milk. The judges then realized the woman's compassion and love for her father, pardoned the father, and set him free.

This piece of history highlights how deep a woman's compassion is in our daily lives, which men often tend to overlook


"According to Psychologists, there are four types of Intelligence:

1) Intelligence Quotient (IQ)
2) Emotional Quotient (EQ)
3) Social Quotient (SQ)
4) Adversity Quotient (AQ)

1. Intelligence Quotient (IQ): this is the measure of your level of comprehension. You need IQ to solve maths, memorize things, and recall lessons.

2. Emotional Quotient (EQ): this is the measure of your ability to maintain peace with others, keep to time, be responsible, be honest, respect boundaries, be humble, genuine and considerate.

3. Social Quotient (SQ): this is the measure of your ability to build a network of friends and maintain it over a long period of time.

People that have higher EQ and SQ tend to go further in life than those with a high IQ but low EQ and SQ. Most schools capitalize on improving IQ levels while EQ and SQ are played down.

A man of high IQ can end up being employed by a man of high EQ and SQ even though he has an average IQ.

Your EQ represents your Character, while your SQ represents your Charisma. Give in to habits that will improve these three Qs, especially your EQ and SQ.

Now there is a 4th one, a new paradigm:

4. The Adversity Quotient (AQ): The measure of your ability to go through a rough patch in life, and come out of it without losing your mind.

When faced with troubles, AQ determines who will give up, who will abandon their family, and who will consider su***de.

Parents please expose your children to other areas of life than just Academics. They should adore manual labour (never use work as a form of punishment), Sports and Arts.

Develop their IQ, as well as their EQ, SQ and AQ. They should become multifaceted human beings able to do things independently of their parents.

Finally, do not prepare the road for your children. Prepare your children for the road."

Thanks for reading.

©️ Google


These are African Chinese, known as the Jomon people, and it is assumed that the original inhabitants of China were black. They arrived 100,000 years ago and were still living in the country during the Qing Dynasty. Rocking their natural hair way back in the early 20th century!

At about 35,000 B.C. some of these people took this route and entered Japan, they became the first Humans to inhabit the Japanese Islands. Later, another group, known to us as the Ainu, followed.Today, their genes can still be found in 40% of modern Japanese, as well as Mongolians and Tibetans- Past and Present Kings & Queens.



Once upon a time a beautiful girl got tired of her marriage life and wanted to murder her spouse.

One morning she ran to her mother and say to her " mother, I am tired of my husband I can no longer support his nonsense. I want to kill him but I am afraid Law of the land will hold me responsible, can you please help me mother?"

The mother answered:

- Yes my daughter I can help you, but, there is a little task attached.

The daughter asked "what task? I am willing and ready to assume any task attached in order to get him out"

OK, said the mother,

1..You will have to make peace with him, so that no one will suspect you when he is dead.

2.. You will have to beautify yourself in order to look young and attractive to him

3.. You have to take good care of him and be very nice and appreciative to him

4.. You have to be patient, loving and less jealous, have more listening ears, be more respectful and obedient

5. Spend your money for him and don’t get angry even when he rto give you money for whatever

6. Don’t raise your voice against but encourage Peace and love so that you will never be suspected when he must have died.

Can you do all of that?
Asked the mother.
Yes i can. She replied
OK, said the mother.

Take this powder and pour a bit in his every day meal, it will slowly kill him.

After 30 days the lady came back to her mother and said.

Mother, I have no intention of killing my husband again. As of now I have grown to love him because he has completely changed, he is now a very sweet husband than I ever imagined.

What can i do to stop the poison from killing him?

Please help me mother.

She pleaded in a sorrowful tone.

The mother answered;
Do not worry my daughter. What I gave you the other day was just Tumeric Powder. It will never kill him.

In reality, you were the poison that was slowly killing your husband with tension and dispassion.

It was when you started loving, honouring and cherishing him that you saw him change to a nice and sweet husband.

Men are not really wicked, but our way of relating with them determines their responses and feelings towards us.

Women if you can only show respect, dedication, love, care and commitment to your husband he will 100% be there for you. ❤️