Nations of the world

Nations of the world

we will make a brief history of every country we can


In this page we will talk about every country we can and see it's origins and it's history and the best country to start with is egypt so this is
A brief history of egypt
1-The unification of egypt
Egypt is one of the oldest countries in the world if not the oldest, people have been living in Egypt for thousands of years but a real kingdom was only created in 3200
Probably, there is a debate about when was the kingdom created, but forth grade history book in egypt says it's 3200, Anyway there were 2 main regions, upper egypt and lower egypt untill a strong leader that you probably know United the and built Memphis as a capital and he was known as narmer or mena this is probably his nickname anyway let's go for the first era which is

2-Egypt first kingdom aka(builders of the pyramids)
Because ancient Egyptians were very faithful they used to bury their dead so they will come again in the other life,at first tombs was just a small one floor building then an architect called imhotep built the first pyramid for his pharaoh djoser the pyramid is also know as the step pyramid being one of the oldest buildings ever if not the oldest, after that came another pharaoh whose tomb was not like any other he was called khufu and his tomb was the great pyramid of giza the only standing ancient wonder the pyramid was built by Hemiunu in 2580-b.c
And he was followed by khafre and menkaure making the famous 3 pyramids of giza and also the sphinx which was built also by khafre. this era was very successful for Egyptians they had a lot of food and they were without any doubts the strongest kingdom in this era

3- Egypt middle kingdom aka (era of economic prosperity) or (the period of reunification)
This era was full of events but let's talk about the best Pharoahs of this era firstly there was Mentuhotep II he ended the chaos that ended the first kingdom and unified it and started the middle kingdom, another successful pharoah was senosert lll he built a strong army and he also built
sesostris canal which connected the nile river with the red sea and it was very useful to the economy, but sadly after all this prosperity and happiness this era ended sadly by the invasion of the hyksos, they were some tribes who came from western asia and just invade egypt very easily with a brand new technology which was the war chariot and it was very powerful, after the invasion the hyksos made the city auaris their capital and it was a great story how the egyptian took back thier country i can make another post just for the story if you want tell me in the comments,anyways egyptian manage rto kick the hyksos away and ahmus became the Pharoah and that take us to

4-Egypt new kingdom aka (the Egyptian empire) this era started by ahmus the one we just talked about,there was many great pharaohs in this era like amenhotep lll also know as the magnificent king he was one of the best Pharoahs ever he was a great military leader and also very smart economically, his son who's also very famous and controversial amenhotep llll changed his name to akhenaten and made a new religion worshipping only one god called aten or aton in arabic and changed the capital to akhetaten or akhetaton in arabic he made a lot of trouble to other priests because he only worshiped one god years after that his son tutankhamun the very famous pharaoh returned the old religion and worshiped amun, many Pharoahs came after them like Hatshepsut and ramesses ll and many other but these were the most known and after all these years came the persian invasion in 525 and ended ancient egypt
we will talk about all the stuff that happened after the persian invasion in part 2 plz like and share and buy this egyptian tshirt from my shop on teespring here