The Independent Okie

The Independent Okie

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

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Jesus is coming soon. Don’t let politics or anything else distract you from Jesus and eternal life.

God created the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th day. The Bible says one day is like a thousand years to God. So he revealed his game plan to us way back in Genesis. Man gets 6,000 years. In the 7th year Sabbath it’s Jesus time = Millennial Kingdom.

From Adam and Eve’s sin and getting kicked out of the Garden of Eden to Abraham is about 2,000 years. Another 2,000 from Abraham to the crucifixion of Jesus. Nearly all Biblical scholars believe Jesus was crucified sometime between 30 AD and 33 AD. That means the Millennial Kingdom will start at latest 2033 and end in late 3033 for the Eternal Kingdom to start.

Most Biblical scholars agree the Tribulation is 7 years divided into two parts, the first part (3.5 years) and Great Tribulation - 2nd 3.5 years. So back up 7 years from 2033 that puts tribulation starting in the FALL of 2026 at the latest but as early as FALL 2024! YES THIS YEAR!

Myself and other watchmen strongly believe it’s THIS year. The rapture could happen at any time. The Book of Ruth is very prophetic and describes a wedding happening in late summer when the last of the wheat harvest meets the grape/new wine harvest. This wedding could very well foreshadow the Marriage Supper of the Lamb where the church marries our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. While all hell breaks loose on earth, believers will be enjoying Heaven with Jesus.

When the rapture happens, believers will disappear. Clothes and jewelry will be left. Planes, trains, ships, and cars will crash. It’ll be complete chaos. Statistically a little over 1/3 of the world population identifies as “Christian.” In the USA over 2/3 identify as Christian. So in America 50% (or more) will disappear. Plus there will be a ton of collateral damage (deaths) from the chaos caused by the rapture. The USA has a population of around 333 million so you’re looking at the population decreasing down to 100-150 million almost instantly.

First up are the Seal Judgements. Revelation says this is God’s WRATH. Believers aren’t appointed to wrath. Revelation also shows 24 elders with crowns watching the seals get opened. Those 24 represent the CHURCH. The church is raptured before the seals get opened.

I believe those 7 seals get opened in the gap period before the Tribulation actually happens. These 7 seals are no picnic. The Antichrist is released, wars are gonna break out, there will be EXTREME inflation (a day’s wages will only pay for a day worth of food), Death and Hades are given authority to kill 1/4 of humanity by war, wild animals, disease etc. That brings America’s population down to 75-100 million. There’s also a massive earthquake, meteors falling from the sky and landing on earth burning stuff up, sun turns black, moon turns red.

The single “good” thing that happens during the seals is the 144,000 get “sealed” from God. This group will evangelize to the Jews and the world to come to Jesus.

After the seals, the Tribulation will begin with the Antichrist strengthening a 7 year covenant. This will allow Israel to build a 3rd temple and start animal sacrifices.

When the tribulation officially starts, then the 2 Witnesses will show up. Likely these two will be Elijah and Moses from the Old Testament. They will prophecy for the first 3.5 years of the tribulation. This is the only good thing that happens.

Around the time the 2 witnesses show up, the trumpet judgements start. You can read all about these in revelation but there are many terrible things that happen. All green grass is burned, oceans, rivers, seas, springs etc 1/3 turns to blood. There are firey things being thrown down from Heaven on a regular basis. Lots more people die.

The last 3 trumpets are really terrible and are called the 3 woes. Apollyon (a demon currently locked up in the bottomless pit) is released along with a bunch of stinging locust/scorpion things. They can’t kill unbelievers, but they can cause them great pain. The 2nd trumpet releases 4 angels currently chained under the river Euphrates will be loosed and they will lead a 200 million man (or demon) army, the final 7th trumpet just signals that the bowl judgements will start soon.

Apollyon kills the 2 witnesses and their bodies lay in the street for 3.5 days. Then they are resurrected and called back to Heaven, they go up in a cloud for ALL to see.

About this point is the mid-point of the tribulation getting ready for the Great Tribulation - last 3.5 years. Satan will break the 7 year covenant that the antichrist made with Israel. Israel will be forced to evacuate their country and go into hiding, likely in Petra.

At this point, Satan (Dragon), Antichrist, and the False Prophet will be forcing the Mark of the Beast on the right hand or forehead. DONT TAKE THIS MARK! If you take the mark, your soul is doomed to eternal suffering in the Lake of Fire. The one world government, currency, and religion will be in full force. You will either take the mark of the beast and doom your soul, or refuse the mark a accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and likely get be-headed and martyred for your beliefs, but at least you will live eternally with Christ!

Once the Great Tribulation begins, the 7 Bowls of Wrath will be poured out into the earth. Read about it in Rev. They are similar to the trumpet judgment but just worse. ALL oceans, seas, rivers etc turn to blood. The sun scorches people to death, literally burns them up. None of it is good.

Finally, at Armageddon and the end of the 7 year tribulation JESUS WINS! And everyone who is a believer wins too just for being on Jesus side!

Anyone left on Earth (population will be drastically reduced by this point) will be in the sheep and goat judgement. Sheep = believers and goats = non believers. Sheep get to stay for the millennial kingdom, they get better bodies (not immortal but able to live 1,000 years) and live under the righteous rule of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ hallelujah!

Goats go to the Lake of Fire and will suffer the eternal wrath of God.

Choose wisely.


Christian watchmen are starting to call Trump out for what he is. Hint: He’s NOT a savior.

Photos from The Independent Okie's post 13/07/2024

I’ve always thought of New Jerusalem as a cube, however recently Craig B**g pointed out it could be a pyramid. Fascinating!

Satan and the demons are always mocking God. Did they make the pyramids on earth to mock God?

The temple of God is described at a mountain, and mountains look more like pyramids than cubes.

A pyramid is a 3-D equilateral triangle. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all equal parts forming the triangle (Godhead).

Regardless of the shape, it’s going to be AMAZING!


So good

THE JUBILEE, or “year of redemption,” foreshadows the Rapture, when believers are liberated from the bonds of death:

• Paul speaks of the “redemption” of our bodies at the Lord’s appearing (Rom. 8:19–23).

• Jesus says when we see the signs of His coming, our “redemption” is drawing near (Luke 21:28).

• Christians are sealed by the Holy Spirit, until the day of “redemption” (Eph. 4:30).

While the timing of the ultimate Jubilee is somewhat a mystery, at least nine factors suggest that it could be 2024:


The Jubilee, or 50th year, comes after a seventh Sabbatical year (Lev. 25:8–10).

According to an 1856 chronology published by Benedict Zuckermann, the most recent Sabbatical year is 2021–22. However, a later and more comprehensive study published by Ben Zion Wacholder in 1973 proposes that Zuckermann was off by one year in his reckoning, and that the latest Sabbatical is actually 2022–23.

Not only is Wacholder’s chronology favored by scholars, some personal coincidences suggest that he was Divinely appointed to calibrate the cycle:

• Wacholder was born one week before Tishrei 1 (Sept. 21, 1924), and died one week before Nisan 1 (March 29, 2011). Thus, the scholar known for his chronology of Sabbatical weeks was born and died exactly one week before the dates from which said weeks are counted.

• Wacholder published his chronology in Sabbatical year 1973–74, at the age of 49—making him exactly seven Sabbatical weeks old when he published his Sabbatical chronology. What’s more, since 1973–74 was, per our reckoning, a Sabbatical preceding a Jubilee, it seems Wacholder was appointed to calibrate the Jubilee cycle as well—fifty years ahead of the current Jubilee.


According to the Jewish reckoning, the latest Sabbatical 2022–23 (5782) is divisible by 49, making the following year a Jubilee. This is remarkable because the Jewish year count is known to be off by some 200 years, as it is based on the corrupted timeline in the Seder Olam. Yet, either by coincidence or Divine aegis, the numbering indicates that 2023–24 (5783) is a Jubilee.

3. 70th JUBILEE

As of 2024, there have been exactly 70 Jubilee periods since the Israelites entered the Promised Land and began counting the 49-year cycle:

1408–07 BC + 70 Jubilees (3,430 years) = 2023–24

That 2024 marks the 70th jubilee is significant because 70 denotes a release from bo***ge, and the culmination of God’s redemptive plan, as in the Jubilee (Jer. 29:10; Dan. 9:24).


The only Jubilee period mentioned in Scripture is found in Daniel’s 70 Weeks Prophecy:

“From the time the word goes out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the prince comes, there will be seven sevens” [one Jubilee period] (Dan. 9:25).

According to Daniel, the messianic Jubilee period begins after the Jews start rebuilding Jerusalem. Since the Jews began rebuilding Jerusalem in 1967–70, the count begins at the first Sabbatical week after that, which is 1974:

1974–75 + 49 years = 2022–23 + 1 (50th) = 2023–24 Jubilee


The total solar eclipse of 2024—said to be “the most viewed astronomical event in history”—had a distinct Jubilee theme:

• It occurred above the US, the nation founded on the Jubilee principle of Liberty. From the country’s founding charters, to its iconic symbols and currency, to the 50 individual states, everything about America shouts “Liberty,” or “Jubilee.”

• It occurred above the nation that is home to half the world’s Jews, the people to whom the Jubilee statute was given.

• It occurred in the constellation Pisces, on the Band that binds the fish, signifying a severing of the Band, or a release from bo***ge, as in the Jubilee (Lev. 25:10). (Image:

• The path of totality was 120 miles wide, the number of Jubilees in God’s 6,000-year plan.

• The path of totality was 50 (Jubilee) miles wider than the path of the previous American eclipse of 2017, which was 70 miles wide.

• The path of totality intersected the 2017 path at “Little Egypt,” south of I-70 and US 50 in Southern Illinois. “Egypt,” “70,” and “50” denote a release from bo***ge, as in the Jubilee. (Images:

• It occurred 70 days ahead of Pentecost, the 50th day, which is called the “little Jubilee.”


Per our Jubilee reckoning, 2023–24 is America’s fifth Jubilee. (The nation’s first Jubilee was 1778, following the Sabbatical year 1777).

Since the US is the “Jubilee nation,” and the number five denotes a period of grace, it would seem fitting for the “Age of Grace,” or Church Age, to end at America’s fifth Jubilee.


Days before our calculated Jubilee began in September 2023, a pair of minor planets entered the constellation Virgo, the virgin, or bride.

The first planetoid is named “50 Virginia.” Since 50 denotes the Jubilee, and the name Virginia means virgin, or bride, the name 50 Virginia may be read, “Jubilee bride.”

The second planetoid is named 652 Jubilatrix. Strong’s #652 in the Greek New Testament, apostolos, means “messenger,” or “one who is sent.” The Latin name Jubilatrix means “Jubilee.” The name 652 Jubilatrix could thus be read, “Jubilee messenger” or “one who is sent at the Jubilee.”

Adding to the Jubilee theme, Jubilatrix was discovered in 1907—50 years after Virginia was discovered in 1857. Thus, we have two Jubilee-themed planetoids, discovered 50 years apart, appearing in Virgo, the bride, during a calculated Jubilee.

But there is more. After lingering in Virgo several months, both Jubilee planetoids enter Libra, whose “balance scales” denote the price of redemption paid by Jesus. After several months in Libra, the Jubilee pair re-enter Virgo, and the pattern repeats, resulting in the following sequence in 2023–24:


With the constellation meanings in view—Virgo symbolizing the bride, and Libra symbolizing redemption—the pattern could be read:


Seeing as how the Jubilee foreshadows the redemption of the Bride, it is striking that the Bride/Redemption pattern occurs in a calculated Jubilee. Moreover, 2023–24 is the only year between 2000 and 2050 that this pattern occurs.


On the same day that Jubilatrix entered Virgo last fall, a minor planet named “6000 United Nations” exited the belly of the woman, denoting a birth or new beginning.

The birth of 6000 United Nations is significant because:

• The number 6000 denotes the Day of the Lord—the 6,000th year, or turn of the Millenium—at the final Jubilee.

• The United Nations Organization was established to maintain international “peace and security”—the phrase that signals the onset of the Day of the Lord (1 Thess. 5:1–3).

The name 6000 United Nations thus denotes the Day of the Lord and final Jubilee.

Given the “antichrist” role of the nations during the Tribulation week, it is noteworthy that 6000 United Nations exits the belly of Virgo two other times during the current Sabbatical week—in the middle of the week and at the end (October 2027 and October 2031). According to the popular understanding of Daniel’s Weeks Prophecy, the middle and end of the week are pivotal times for the Antichrist (9:27).


Since the second major theme of Jubilee is possessing one’s land (Lev. 25:13), it is significant that during Sabbatical year 1973, on the day that the Jubilee is declared (Day of Atonement), Israel was attacked by an Arab coalition aiming to possess the Land. Thus began the Yom Kippur War.

But there is more to this Jubilee coincidence. Exactly 50 years later, Israel was again attacked by an enemy aiming to possess the Land. Thus began the current Israel–Hamas War.

It defies coincidence that the two pivotal wars began 50 years apart, and corresponding to the Jubilee cycle.

They are indeed “Jubilee wars.”


The Jubilee foreshadows the redemption of believers at the Rapture.

When Jesus descends from heaven with a shout and the trumpet of God, the dead and living in Christ will receive new imperishable bodies and meet Him in the clouds (1 Thess. 4:16, 17).

While the timing of said Jubilee is somewhat a mystery, at least nine factors point to 2024:

• The Sabbatical cycle.

• The Jewish year count.

• The count of Jubilees from the entry into the Promised Land.

• The count of Jubilees from the modern rebuilding of Jerusalem.

• The count of Jubilees from the founding of the US.

• The Jubilee-themed eclipse.

• The Jubilee-themed planetoids 50 Virginia (Jubilee bride) and 652 Jubilatrix (Jubilee messenger).

• The Jubilee-themed planetoid 6000 United Nations.

• The Jubilee wars.

Could 2024 be the ultimate year of redemption? It is a real and awesome possibility to consider.
. .


1. More on Wacholder:

Summary of Sabbatical reckoning (scroll to “The Sequence of Sabbatical Years”):

Table of Sabbatical years:

Published works on the Sabbatical cycle:

The Calendar of Sabbatical Cycles During the Second Temple and the Early Rabbinic Period (1973)

The Timing of Messianic Movements and the Calendar of Sabbatical Cycles (1975)

The Calendar of Sabbath Years During the Second Temple Era: A Response (1983)

2. While Zuckermann’s chronology reckons 2023–24 to be year 5784 from Creation, Wacholder’s chronology reckons it 5783.

3. More on the American–Jubilee eclipse of 2024:

4. Numbers are assigned to planetoids based on the order of discovery. According to the International Astronomical Union (IAU), there are presently about 700,000 numbered minor planets.

5. Regarding the name “50 Virginia,” it is fascinating to note that the Hebrew word translated “virgin,” bethulah, occurs 50 times in the Old Testament:

6. The name Jubilatrix was assigned to the planetoid to honor the Diamond Jubilee of Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph in 1907. No reason is given as to why the name Virginia was assigned to the 50th planetoid to be discovered in 1857.

7. The “balance scales” of Libra denote the price of redemption, as in the Jubilee:

8. Specifics of the Bride/Redemption pattern in 2023–24: Planetoids 50 Virginia and Jubilatrix enter Virgo in September 2023, Libra in January 2024, Virgo in April 2024, and finally Libra in August 2024.

9. According to Stellarium, 2023–24 is the only year between 2000 and 2050 that the Jubilee-themed planetoids pay a double visit to Virgo and Libra. There are two instances in which 50 Virginia alone visits Virgo and Libra twice, in 2036–37 and 2049–50, but neither year is a post-Sabbatical, or potential Jubilee.
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*Visit the author’s website:

IMPORTANT MESSAGE: No one knows the day or hour of Jesus’ return (Matt. 24:36). However, a convergence of biblical signs and timelines suggests that it is near. To escape the judgment reserved for a God-rejecting world, one must know Jesus as Lord and Savior. If you have not yet done so, call on His name and believe that He is the Son of God who died for your sins and was raised from the dead, and you will be saved (Rom. 10:13).


Daily prayer without daily Bible study is like trying to put together a complicated toy for your child but you threw the directions away and are trying to just “wing it.”

Directions = Bible = Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth

It’s equally important to BOTH pray daily and read the Bible daily. (Even just a few verses!)

They're Lying About The Statue of Liberty 11/07/2024

Fascinating video!

They're Lying About The Statue of Liberty We have been lied to about the Statue of Liberty. Who is she really? What is her light? What significance does her design reveal? Get ready, because we're go...


When a bunch of people all over the world disappear in the near future, be aware that it is NOT an alien abduction, it’s NOT the result of a man made weapon, it’s NOT magic.

It’s the rapture of the church, plain and simple.

Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior today!

Photos from The Independent Okie's post 08/07/2024

GOD uses “signs” to mark important dates:

“Then God said, ‘Let there be lights in the vault of the sky … and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times’” (Gen. 1:14).

With this key principle in view, it is fascinating to consider an astronomical alignment that occurred on the Church’s first Pentecost—June 17, 31 AD.

On this day:

• The Moon, a symbol of the Church, exited the belly of the constellation Virgo, denoting a birth.

• The Sun, a symbol of Jesus as the Bridegroom, was in Gemini, the wedding sign.

• A minor planet named “5057 Weeks” was near the Urn of Aquarius, the water bearer that depicts the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. This is significant because “Weeks” is the Old-Testament designation for Pentecost (Ex. 34:22).

• A minor planet named “50 Virginia” was next to “Weeks” in Aquarius. This is significant because the number 50 denotes Pentecost, and the name Virginia means “maid or virgin.” Thus, the name “50 Virginia” could be translated “Pentecost bride.”

See the full alignment here:

With the above alignments in view, we have on June 17, 31 AD, a picture of a “birth,” a “betrothal,” and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit—themes associated with the Church’s first Pentecost.

Significantly, 31 AD is the only year between 28–32 AD that these alignments occur, as Weeks and 50 Virginia do not appear in Aquarius; nor does the Moon exit Virgo’s belly on a calculated Day of Pentecost.

Seeing how the stars validate the June 17 Pentecost date in 31 AD, let’s jump forward to 2024 and consider an alignment on this year’s Pentecost—June 16, 2024.

On this day:

• The Moon (Church) occults the brightest star in Virgo named Spica, or “ear of wheat,” which is associated with the wheat harvest at Pentecost.

• The Sun is in the horns of Ta**us, the bull that depicts Jesus coming quickly at the Day of the Lord.

• Minor planet Weeks (Pentecost) is in Ta**us (Day of the Lord).

• Minor planet 50 Virginia (Pentecost bride) is outside the belly of Virgo, denoting a completed birth, or delivery.

See the full alignment here:

With the above alignments in view, we have on June 16, 2024, a picture of a “Church-harvest,” a “Pentecost bride delivered,” and the arrival of the Day of the Lord—themes associated with the end of the Church Age.

Significantly, 2024 is the only year between 2022–2026 that these alignments occur, as Weeks and 50 Virginia do not appear in Ta**us and Virgo; nor does the Moon occult Spica on a calculated Day of Pentecost.


God uses signs to mark important dates.

The first day of the Church Age is described as a “birth,” a “betrothal,” and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. This is what we see in the stars on the calculated Day of Pentecost in 31 AD.

The final day of the Church Age is described as a “harvest,” a “deliverance,” and the arrival of the Day of the Lord. This is what we see in the stars on the calculated Day of Pentecost in 2024.

That the above alignments are 1,993 years apart corresponds to the biblical view that Jesus will return after 2,000 years, but that the Church Age will conclude seven years earlier, via the Rapture.

31 AD (First Coming) + 2,000 years = 2031 (Second Coming) – 7 years = 2024 (Rapture)

Viewing Pentecost 2024 as a potential end date for the Church, the question is begged: why did nothing occur on this day?

There are two possible explanations:

1. Our reading of the signs is incorrect.

2. The Church Age—though associated with Pentecost—is not slated to end on the Day of Pentecost. This is why Jesus warns His followers, those well-versed in the festivals:

“You do not know on what day your Lord will come” (Matt. 24:42).

“The Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him” (v.44).

“About times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night” (1 Thess. 5:1, 2).

Scripture says the heavens speak to us (Ps. 19:1, 2). If we are hearing correctly, this year’s Pentecost may have been a final milepost ahead of the “exit” we call the Rapture.
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1. Passover dates 26–34 AD:

2. Pentecost dates 28–32 AD:

28 AD: Counting seven weeks from the Sabbath that follows Passover, Pentecost was June 20.

29 AD: Counting seven weeks from the Sabbath that follows Passover, Pentecost was June 13.

30 AD: Counting seven weeks from the Sabbath that follows Passover, Pentecost was May 28.

31 AD: Counting seven weeks from the Sabbath that follows Passover, Pentecost was June 17.

32 AD: Counting seven weeks from the Sabbath that follows Passover, Pentecost was June 8.

3. The Sun is symbolic of Jesus, the Bridegroom: “The sun … is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber …. It rises at one end of the heavens and makes its circuit to the other” (Ps. 19, 5, 6).

4. Since the Sun symbolizes the Bridegroom, the Moon, its heavenly counterpart, is symbolic of the Bride, or Church.

5. According to the International Astronomical Union (IAU), a minor planet is an astronomical object in direct orbit around the Sun that is classified as neither a major planet nor a comet. As of June 2024, there are 699,991 numbered minor planets. Numbers are assigned based on the order of discovery.

6. Significantly, minor planet 50 Virginia (Pentecost bride) was discovered in Pisces, the constellation that depicts God’s people as fish, on the Feast of Tabernacles (October 4) in 1857.

7. More on 50 Virginia and its role in recent heavenly signs:

8. Minor planet 5057 Weeks was discovered by physicist Eric R. Weeks in 1987. Eric is a biblical name that means “king ruler” or “eternal ruler.” Strong’s Hebrew #5057 is the word nagid, translated Ruler, or Prince, in Daniel’s “Weeks” Prophecy (Dan. 9:24–27).

9. The English word Pentecost is a transliteration of the Greek pentekostos, which means “50.” While the term Pentecost is associated with Christianity, it actually comes from the Greek-speaking Jews who used it to refer to the biblical holiday observed on the 50th day, the Feast of “Weeks.”

10. Pentecost 2024 calculation: Passover was April 23. Counting seven weeks from the Sabbath after Passover (April 28), Pentecost is June 16.

11. More support for the June 16 Pentecost date:

12. While lunar occultations of Spica are not particularly rare—there are six in 2024—the June 16 occultation is the first one of the year and coincides with the calculated Day of Pentecost:

13. In addition to the Sun being in Ta**us (Day of the Lord) on Pentecost 2024, so are the other two heavenly bodies associated with Jesus’ return—Venus and Jupiter.

14. The pretribulational Rapture is likened to a birth in Isiah: “Your dead will live, Lord; their bodies will rise …. the earth will give *birth* to her dead. Go, my people, enter your rooms and shut the doors behind you; hide yourselves for a little while until his wrath has passed by (Isa. 26:19–20).
. .

*Visit the author’s website:

IMPORTANT MESSAGE: No one knows the day or hour of Jesus’ return (Matt. 24:36). However, a convergence of biblical signs and timelines suggests that it is near. To escape the judgment reserved for a God-rejecting world, one must know Jesus as Lord and Savior. If you have not yet done so, call on His name and believe that He is the Son of God who died for your sins and was raised from the dead, and you will be saved (Rom. 10:13).


A two state solution will never happen.


Forget about politics and get saved.


I’ve been watching old Billy Graham sermons and Chuck Missler Bible teachings on Youtube. How blessed we all are to have so many free or cheap resources to study the Bible.

I couldn’t remember when either of them died. Turns out both died in 2018.

Many people believe the Rev 12 sign appeared in the Heavens on Sept 23, 2017. Then, in 2018, these two great men of God die. It is certainly an interesting coincidence.


If you think requiring Bible teaching in the classroom is a good idea…it’s not. Love, a Believer.


Wow, interesting parallels.

IN a previous study, I speculated that the Pentecost-convergence on June 16 could be “a sign or marker, pointing to a near but still undisclosed time.”

While only the Lord knows the time, here are 12 reasons it could be June 23:

1. Jesus said it will be like the “days of Noah” when He returns (Matt. 24:37). Since God gave Noah a seven-day notice ahead of the Flood (Gen. 7:4), it is conceivable that the Pentecost-convergence on June 16 was a seven-day notice ahead of June 23.

2. With the June 16–23 date range in view—and also the fact that Hebrew numeric ranges are written right-to-left—it is striking that:

• Exodus ‘23:16’ tells us to observe Pentecost: “Celebrate the Festival of Harvest with the firstfruits of the crops you sow in your field.”

• Leviticus ‘23:16’ tells us how to calculate Pentecost: “Count off fifty days up to the day after the seventh Sabbath.”

3. The Eastern Orthodox Church, geographically descended from the churches founded by the apostles in the first century, reckons Pentecost June 22–23 this year.

4. With the June 22–23 date in view, it is significant that Leviticus ‘23:22’ mentions the reaping of the harvest at Pentecost: “When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field.”

5. In the Book of Jubilees, Pentecost is observed at the full moon of Sivan. The full moon of Sivan lands on June 22 this year.

6. In Proverbs, the full moon (June 22) is when the “husband,” or “goodman,” a type of Jesus, is expected to return: “My husband is not at home; he has gone on a long journey. He took with him a bag of money and will not return until the moon is full” (Prov. 7:19, 20).

7. Since the moon is symbolic of the Church, or Bride, the full moon (June 22) is a picture of the Bride in a state of fullness, or readiness for the wedding (Rom. 11:25).

8. The full moon of Sivan corresponds to the 15th day of the month. Since Hebrew dates are written right-to-left, the date Sivan 15 would appear as “15/3.” This is significant because 153 is the number of fish who are “caught up” and brought to the Lord—a picture of the Rapture (John 21).

9. With the 3/15 Pentecost date in view, it is significant that in Ruth ‘3:15,’ Boaz gives Ruth six measures of barley, as a token to seal the marriage contract. Boaz then takes Ruth to be his wife that same day (Ruth 4).

10. With the 6/23 date in view, it is interesting that the final verse of the most quoted psalm in the Bible—Psalm ‘23:6’—states, “I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.”

11. An average pregnancy term is 280 days. Counting 280 days from the “birth” sign in Virgo at last year’s Feast of Trumpets, we arrive at June 22–23.

12. A June 22–23 Pentecost is reconcilable with Leviticus 23, where we are told to keep the spring festivals as follows:

• Observe Passover (vv. 4, 5).

• Observe the week of Unleavened Bread (vv. 6–8).

• Offer up the “firstfruits,” and begin counting the seven weeks from the day after the Sabbath (9–15).

Based on a plain chronological reading of the above, one could argue that the count of seven weeks begins at the Sunday after the week of Unleavened Bread.

This way of reckoning finds support elsewhere in Scripture. When Jesus presented himself to the Father as the “firstfruits” of the resurrection, He was acting as the ultimate High Priest (Heb. 9; 1 Cor. 15:20–23). According to biblical law, the high priest was forbidden to come into contact with anything ceremonially unclean, e.g., a dead body, burial clothes, etc., as this would disqualify him from entering into God’s presence (Num. 19:12). This is why there is a seven-day consecration period for priests (Ex. 29). It is also why, during the seven days prior to entering the Holy of Holies (God’s inner sanctuary) on the Day of Atonement, the high priest was sequestered to a special chamber in the Temple, to avoid becoming unclean.

With the seven days of consecration or separation in view, it is significant that after Jesus’ first appearance to the disciples on resurrection Sunday, He was not seen or touched again until a week later (John 20:26). It is thus conceivable that, while the Lord was resurrected after three days, He did not present Himself as the “firstfruits” until the seven days of consecration were complete the following Sunday.

Counting the seven weeks from this same Sunday—the one after the week of Unleavened Bread—Pentecost lands on June 22–23 this year.


For the reasons noted above, it is conceivable that true Pentecost is June 22–23.

This date marks:

• Pentecost as observed by the Eastern Church.

• Pentecost as per the Book of Jubilees.

•The full moon that denotes the Bride in a state of fullness or readiness.

•The conclusion of a pregnancy term of 280 days since the “birth” sign on the Feast of Trumpets.

Most importantly, a June 22–23 Pentecost is reconcilable with Leviticus 23, the seven-day consecration period of the high priest, and Jesus’ absence during the week after His resurrection.

If June 22–23 is God’s true Pentecost, it means that the Pentecost-convergence on June 16 was a seven-day notice, or sign, ahead of the festival.
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1. June 16 Pentecost-convergence:

Pentecost and the Church Age:

Pentecost and the Rapture

The Resurrection Shroud and Pentecost

Pentecost: Calculations and Correlations

2. Non-biblical coincidences:

• It is interesting that the 1960 classic “The Story of Ruth” has the Gentile maid visiting the Jewish redeemer, Boaz, on the threshing floor at the full moon. Boaz then takes Ruth to be his wife on the same day (Ruth 4:9, 10). Watch the scene here, starting at the 1:55:20 mark:

• In view of the June 23 Pentecost date, it is interesting that the American slang phrase “23 skidoo” refers to leaving quickly, being compelled to leave quickly by someone, or taking advantage of a propitious opportunity to leave. Popularized during the early 20th century, the exact origin of the phrase is uncertain.

• Donald ‘Trump,’ who is expected to be reelected US President for the final time in 2024, was born on the biblical date Sivan 15: Pentecost in the Book of Jubilees.
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IMPORTANT MESSAGE: No one knows the day or hour of Jesus’ return (Matt. 24:36). However, a convergence of biblical signs and timelines suggests that it is near. To escape the judgment reserved for a God-rejecting world, one must know Jesus as Lord and Savior. If you have not yet done so, call on His name and believe that He is the Son of God who died for your sins and was raised from the dead, and you will be saved (Rom. 10:13).

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