Reese Media

Reese Media

Boutique advertising agency specializing in Facebook ™ + Instagram ™ ads Our unique approach alleviates the stress and confusion of digital marketing.

Reese Media maximizes done-for-you funnels, Facebook ™ + Instagram ™ ads that transform so you can focus on expanding your business. You focus on your zone of genius, and we'll take care of the rest! Our experienced team assists coaches, specialists, personality-based entrepreneurs, and small business proprietors expand exponentially online. Using data-driven, tailored funnels, we produce unique ads, as well as messaging with customized copywriting that gets your business maximum revenue growth!


Avoid these common Facebook Ads targeting pitfalls when creating Facebook audiences!

✨ Audience size: Is your target audience is too limited, you may not have enough potential customers. Conversely, if your target audience is too broad, you could be reaching too many people who are not interested in your product.

✨ Exclusions: When creating an ad campaign, It is important to consider who you want to exclude from your target audience. For example, you may want to exclude people who have already engaged with your Facebook and Instagram page if you want your ads to reach a completely new audience.

✨ Combining or grouping interests: Don't group too many or you won't be able to tell which ones are getting you results. Pay attention to this especially, if you're targeting a large demographic or a broad audience. Narrow down your targeting interests to the ones that are actually working.

✨ Multiple layers: If you targeting too many specific interests on Facebook, your audience will be too small and you will see increased ad costs and decreased results.

Any additional questions or Ad strategy needs, reach out to the team at Reese Media:


Happy Tuesday to the Reese Media FB Family! Come follow us on IG:


The process of asking for a referral from a client is easy, granted you have provided excellent service. Most people are willing to give you a referral when asked under such favorable conditions. However, by not being proactive and asking your client to provide a review/ referral, you will miss out on this opportunity. You have to constantly and consistently advocate for your business! Take the risk and reap the rewards!


Tired of wasting your time on Facebook/IG posts that no one sees?🤦🏻‍♀️

Facebook is a platform we use to connect with friends, but let’s face it- at the end of the day, Facebook is a business.
💰💰 They’re trying to make money, and one way they do that is through paid advertising. If you're posting on your business page and only getting a few likes, that could mean two things: either your content isn't great or Facebook isn't giving your post a lot of attention.
They want you to promote your business through paid advertising. Once you start using paid FB ads, you'll see a variety of opportunities to reach your audience! 💫 ✨
It's time to start paying for advertising. 💫 ✨
Reese Media can help you create effective ads that will reach your target audience and get results. Contact us today to learn more!


People GROSSLY underestimate the importance of regularly posting to your page. People get discouraged and think that no one is noticing nor engaging.
But you know who does notice? Facebook. Yup. In fact, my team have done some recent experiments and noticed that running ads from pages that are posting/active at least once per day and have LOTS of engagement see their ads costs reduced by as much as 88%. 88%!!!!!
So simply do not underestimate just HOW important it is to post to your page daily.
What do you post? Post 14 inspirational/engaging posts like memes or entertainment, 4 information posts and 1 direct call to action. The 10X4X1 rule 😊 Watch the magic happen!


The main problem with “ads” these days?
Take, take, take…
They just want an opt-in of some sort AND there’s rarely follow-up “look at my shiny stuff!” (that you don’t really care about).
We all know what it feels like to be on the receiving end of that:
But if you’ve watched any number of trainings for marketing, it can be confusing because that’s the GOLDEN rule, right?!
✅ Give the lead magnet/freebie!
✅ Get the email!
Make 💰💰💰
This WORKS they say! (Maybe in 2016? When ads were cheap and you could advertise anything and make a win?).
But here’s what REALLY wrong with the whole Facebook™ ads marketing approach taught in 99% of courses…
It’s all about take, take, take.
The vast majority of email marketing campaigns TAKE from their potential customers and don’t give back.
The REAL problem with ads campaigns these days is they all WANT something (AKA “look at my stuff!”).
(This is aside from the obvious problem of the fantastical story-telling of how this person made x number of $$$ in x number of days while walking on a beach—you KNOW why those don’t work).
Nobody cares about your stuff.
What MATTERS is:
The relationship you build with people.
How OFTEN you show up for them.
How much you CARE about responding to then and interacting with them (and if you’re too busy, hire a VA to help you do that!).
The problem with ad campaigns is they’re not designed with the customer journey in mind.
They are aggressive and try to push you through a funnel you may not care about.
They’re not designed to BUILD relationships.
They’re designed to make a quick sale.
The good news?
The Facebook™ advertising platform makes it REALLY easy to run “Ads that don’t FEEL like ads"
To run ads that provide VALUE and build relationships without asking for anything in return until your customer comes to you (and then it’s THEIR idea).
If there’s ONE shift you’ll make this year, make it more human ad campaigns (AKA relationship-building campaigns).
Make a lot of videos. Write a lot of posts. Let people into your life. (Then make those retargeting "ads").
Trust that THIS will be far more effective at helping with sales than anything else.


Don’t shy away from the camera 🙈 🎥


People who make their dreams a reality and those who don’t often have one thing in common: how much they talk about their dreams. Many people know somebody – a friend, family member, or coworker – who talks about what they’re going to do every year, but they never seem to get any further.

When we share our ideas, we open ourselves up to a barrage of unsolicited criticism. But don’t let that stop you – you don’t need other people’s opinions to validate your own ideas. Carry on confidently with what you believe in.


Many people don’t realize that Facebook advertising is a bit of a long game, but an extremely lucrative one. It’s not uncommon to get a 5x, 10x or 20x ROI on your ad spend (if you know what you’re doing)...which is why it’s worth doing.
When you start advertising on Facebook, you need anywhere from one to THREE months for your ads to really season out. (Yes, I’m sorry, it’s true.) So don’t get overly discouraged if your ad nets aren’t bringing in the mountains of fish you had envisioned right away. As long as you have an ads manager who knows what they’re doing, they will be working to optimize your ads during that time so they’ll really take off when they’re ready.


Here's a sad tale...people often hop on a call with me after they're spent ten of thousands of dollars on coaches, trainings and marketing programs. What most of these "programs" lack is the personal touch - the customized advice OR they are coaching businesses being run by coaches who haven't yet achieved success (so they are just feeding you theories really!). 😔

And most of these programs or coaches will get you to waste far too much time on things like website, logos, printing business cards, writing personal letters from the perspective of your ideal customer avatar, etc and spend far too little time on the MONEY MAKING tasks of your business! (AKA just put yourself out there!) ✨
So many people have said to me: If ONLY I had spent some advertising at the beginning. Advertising (even a little a day!) is a great way to find out 1) who likes what you're speaking about! 2) What kind of offerings might they like!✨

So here's the truth: start advertising way before you think. Start recording FB lives on various topics and promote them! ✨

All those courses and programs that you think will be the ticket to your success are NOT. They are, my friend, just another fancy distraction from just putting yourself out there!


More sales, but HOW?
If there’s one thing you could do to increase your sales this year it would be to embrace live video. And not only “embrace” it but do it as if the success of your business depends on it. I used to say it was a “bonus” if you could get comfortable on live video but now I ensure that all my clients are open to doing live video on a consistent basis. (in fact, I hand all my new clients a checklist of the exact videos we need). ✨
Why? Because without video it’s nearly impossible to compete as an online coach, consultant or personality-based business. ✨
Hands-down, video is the best way (next to meeting someone in person) to building rapport and trust with customers. It also means that if you can create an online video presence on Facebook and Instagram your chances of success are suddenly vastly improve. ✨
So do everything you can to get comfortable on live video, start sharing live video and start researching ways to really command the screen and speak from the heart. Even better? Challenge yourself to 30 days of live video and watch the magic happen. Oh and don’t forget to put real, hard CASH behind your videos (yes, promote them!), after you’ve recorded them. ✨


Says prospective client: "I'll invest in ads when I KNOW there will be an ROI."
To be blunt? Few things frustrate me as much as hearing this.
And I hear it far more often than I wish to admit.
Most people are not afraid to invest if they KNOW THEY WILL GET A RETURN.
Sounds game right? LIke you're being a smart entrepreneur?
That's like saying, "I'd be happy to get married if I could be guaranteed divorce, sickness or death won't happen."
Good luck with that.
I won't insult your intelligence by saying there are no guarantees in life, but it always strikes me how many people think this is a valid approach and mindset to advertising....
"I'll invest so long as I know there will be an ROI."
That's like saying, "I'll buy a lotto ticket if I know it's a winner."
And I get that it's not entirely their fault.
Many well-meaning entrepreneurs have been led to believe that in order to invest in advertising, we've got to know there's going to be a clear ROI (return on investment).
We see SO MANY people flaunting how they make $10 for every $1 they invest in ads, so it's no surprise we have these totally unrealistic expectations about what's "normal" online.
So can I tell you a secret from someone who's spent a LOT with Facebook(TM) ads behind the curtains of many businesses (who have made hundreds of thousands of $$$).
A guaranteed ROI doesn't exist.
This is never possible.
The people who reap the reward are those brave enough to take the risk.
Do we want it to be a calculated risk? Most definitely!!
Do we want to make sure we have the best people on our teams? No brainer!!
But can any product or service be "guaranteed" to succeed? Sadly no.
(Otherwise pictured "Colgate Entrees" wouldn't have happened).
While I can commend you for being business savvy, even the most seasoned of entrepreneurs know that testing a new offers takes time, effort, investment and time to make tweaks.
Every truly honest business owner will admit that only ever 9 out of 10 business ideas actually take off.
And even if you've got a great idea, it can take a few months or more to crack the funnel and made the needed modifications to optimize (and this is always evolving).
If there were such thing as a "guarantee" than the business world be so much simpler and far more people would be in business.
The person who gets the biggest reward is the one brave enough to take the risk.
I can promise you the people with the MOST successful online products did extensive advertising testing, tweaking to their offers, putting in blood, sweat and tears, having faith it would work out and the courage to persist and fund their dreams maybe when it didn't even seem possible.
Above all, they have the mindset that advertising is an investment and even if it doesn't have the results you dreamed of, it's gonna give you a tonne of data about what you could be doing better.


Here’s what irks me in the online business space:
How many people are flaunting a misleading “build-a-business-from-the-beach” solution which is simply too easy to be true.
They also hint that it can be done without moola! In 3.5 minutes a day (seriously!! I recently saw this exact CLAIM in an ad) or with a small audience and no list. (Even do it while you’re on vacation they say!).
So I tease…but it’s really not a far exaggeration of MANY advertisements for the courses I see online.
But don’t buy it for ONE second.
When you’re an entrepreneur it’s HARD.
It takes time (lots of time).
It takes hustle (more than you ever realized you even had).
More tenacity and persistence than seems humanly possible.
You’re gonna get to bed late many days, rise ridiculously early others, have a business meeting to put out a fire while on vacation, despite your best attempts otherwise.
The laptop lifestyle being sold online is nothing more than a tempting deception being sold to line other people’s pockets (plus I never got that whole “work from the beach” anyway…there’s no reliable wifi at the beach…is there?!).
I digress.
So let’s face it, friends:
There are no easy solutions.
✅ You need money.
✅ Dedication.
✅ Time.
✅ Energy.
✅ Focus.
✅ Vision.
✅ Enthusiasm.
✅ And an incredible imagination for what COULD BE:
More freedom, more independence, more creativity, more helping, more fulfilment and on and on and on…
Because IT IS possible. (I’m LIVING PROOF.).
But I can promise you it’ll be harder than you ever imagined.
But I believe in you. You can do it.
Because when you’re really, there really are good people willing to help get to your dream life as quickly as possible (and will NOT sell you an elaborate fabrication for a quick buck).

Timeline photos 20/03/2022

Videos (show all)

Don’t shy away from the camera 🙈 🎥
Says prospective client: "I'll invest in ads when I KNOW there will be an ROI."To be blunt? Few things frustrate me as m...
