

Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.

Photos from Vsroplus's post 22/03/2022

Hello my friends, here we are again providing one of our best changelogs with every thing you have requested in the past couple of months and more.

You can review the changelog on our website: https://vsroplus.com/article/19
From now on changelogs, guides and articles will be posted on our blog/news page where you can reach them anytime.

For those who still are gonna keep using the old version and want to manage the database/players through the panel, you can use the following subdomain however you can only restart modules through the main domain.

Have a good day,


Photos from Vsroplus's post 01/01/2022

Change-log v3.6.0

• Fixed and improved all reported issues.
• Added IP limit for jobbing.
• Added option to monsters page to allow only hammer attacks.
• Added option to monsters page to allow only normal attacks.
• Added option to monsters page to disable growth pet attacks.
• Applied all combat restrictions to fellow pets as well.
• Added option to Chat Advanced page to show job name in globals when under job.
• Added option to Plus notification to prevent advanced elixir fusing from poping up.
• Added option to Client Patches page to disable action auto select feature.
• Added extra check for Jobbing extra security to use the feature either for safezones only or safezone and regions around.
• Added skills whitelisting per world/region feature. Region Skills page, top right corner button.
• Added , , parameters to _Trigger_OnSpawn procedure.
• Added option to uniques page to disable normal attacks over uniques.
• Chatbox notifications will be shown in bots chat log now.
• Added option to regions page to disable items equip/unequip.
• ToTown command will reset the character's position even if offline.
• Chest Claim all button is now acting faster than before.
• Add gold command now supports bigint.
• Update name color command is now acting instantly.
• Added full logs for instant commands action, it will report on success or error with the reason.
• Removed the old Action Performer system as announced before.
• Fixed reverse return scroll stuck after moving to party member.
• Added job restriction regions for const town.
• Added new option to Pets page to prevent fellow pets speed bug with dagger speed.
• Added IP/PC limit check on gateway to prevent login when the limit is reached.
• Added IP/PC block check on gateway to prevent login when ip is blocked.
• Added Job IP/PC limit check on character selection screen to prevent character select when the limit is reached.
• Added HWID and IP Address punishment for all chat.
• Added HWID and IP Address punishment for global chatting.
• Improved Event timers, you can only execute the event timer command once when the event starts and whenever a players enter the area will see the time left.
• Added movement block command with world id and region id to allow/disallow movement live. _Command_MovementRestriction
• Added attack block command with world id and region id to allow/disallow attacks live. _Command_AttackRestriction
• Added option to lucky global event to disable characters with team tag [] to win the event.
• Added option to trivia event to disable characters with team tag [] to win the event.
• Added option to Plus Notification to disable for normal items.
• Removed old commands system "Action Performer" and instant tables, everything is in _InstantCommands table now.
• Updated the panel character's commands to fit with the new commands system.
• Totown command now can be used to unstuck character's while they are offline.
• Added a badge next to character's name on the panel to tell if the job suit is equipped or not.
• Added option to restrict alchemy immortal restriction on rare items only.
• Added option to restrict alchemy immortal restriction on items that exists in _RefAlchemyForceImmortalItems table only.
• Added option in Client Patches page to enable minimize button on window mode.
• Added option in Client Patches page to add more padding to buffs locations like ISRO buffs.
• Added option in CLient Patches page to enable the Old Mainpopup.
• Added settings into Reverse Return Scroll page to allow custom World IDs usage with the reverse new functions.
• Added option to Trivia page to set a cooldown on winnings.
• Reworked the Party Matching UI to show icons instead of the long texts.
• Added Hint 2 option to Search and Destroy Event.
• Search and Destroy event now support multiple rounds per event.
• Added option to Hide and Seek to prevent multiple rounds per event.
• Added logs for chat commands, you can find it in table _ChatCommandLogs
• Added option to Unique History to show all uniques as alive on startup.
• Added new column in vPlus.._Char table that sets a static hwan color StaticHwanColor. Please understand that this column will disable any kind of custom colors on the character if set.
• Added new system that triggers customized created buttons/icons in Action Window. Check Action Window page or _RefActionWndCommands table.
• Improved Unique History UI with more size, coloring and detailed information.


Change-log v3.5.3

• Added Top Kills Score winners for Madness event.
• Added Top Kills Score winners for War of Leagues event.
• Added participation procedure for Last Man Standing event. _EventLMS_Participation
• Added participation procedure for Madness event. _EventMadness_Participation
• Added participation procedure for War of Leagues event. _EventWOL_Participation
• Added new trigger on life state changed. Happens after the character dies or gets alive on same spot. _OnLifeStateChanged


Change-log v3.5.0

• Fixed the "" chat message crash.
• _Logger_UniqueDeath procedure timeout is now 30 minutes.
• _OnEventSchedule procedure timeout is now 3 hours.
• Fixed trivia event message starting with "???:"
• Fixed devils MP info in item link.
• Added option to enable/disable chat spam restriction. Chat Advanced page.
• Added option to adjust the spam restriction duration in seconds. Chat Advanced page.
• Added option to disable character freeze while equipping job suits. Jobbing page.
• Optimized game notifier, there should not be any kind of delay now when spamming notifications.
• Added new notification type: 8. It will send a notice type message to the chat box only.
• Fixed a bug with custom title purchase process.
• Fixed Ctrl + 1 command to select yourself.
• Added new instant command to refresh silk data for the character/account after updating it db side. _Account_RefreshSilkData, _Char_RefreshSilkData
• Fixed Job counter and top 5 counters staying hidden after toggling the interface with F12.
• Added support for pet filter until 16 degree.
• Fixed Attribute Assimilation Probability % value.
• Fixed not working chat block.
• Added expire date functionality for PC punishments.
• Added expire date functionality for IP punishments.
• Added option to Hide & Seek event to setup announcement with time before event starts.
• Added option to Search & Destroy event to setup announcement with time before event starts.
• Added end event message to Hide & Seek event.
• Search & Destroy event can end with no winners now with a given duration, the monster will be completely removed from the game.
• Added new column to Skills page to prevent mounting growth pet while having the specified skill on.
• Added option to CTF page to prevent inviting opponent team to party.
• Added option to BA page to prevent inviting opponent team to party.
• Added option to CTF page to disable interaction with flags and invisible mode together.
• Added option to BA page to disable interaction with flags and invisible mode together.


Change-log v3.4.6

• Added new command procedure to add item to everyone chest. _AddItemToChestAllCharacters
• All failed instant commands will be inserted to _InstantCommandFailed table.
• Added abuse filter table _RefCustomTitleAbuseFilter for custom title texts with the default values.
• Modified some procedure to be dynamic in-case you have different database names.
• Added new option to Event Registers to keep the events shown in the register UI.
• Fixed a bug with attribute stone info not showing up.
• Added option in jobbing page to disable trace for traders when having trade pets on.
• Added option in jobbing page to disable trace for thieves when having trade pets on.
• Fixed some commands that executes on online players from panel.
• Survival Arena - Free For All event can now support multi-regions area.
• Survival Arena - Free For All event regisration through Event Registers is now available.
• Survival Arena - Free For All event players can enter the event from Event Registers while it's running with cooldown.
• Survival Arena - Free For All event, added new option in panel to load all the needed coordinates by character name.
• Survival Arena - Free For All event, self kills are now showen on re-enter.
• Last Man Standing event can now support multi-regions area.
• Madness Solo event regisration through Event Registers is now available.
• Madness Solo event players can enter the event from Event Registers while it's running with cooldown.
• Madness Solo event, added new option in panel to load all the needed coordinates by character name.
• Madness Solo event, added option to control max kills per character.
• Madness Solo event, added option to disallow counting row kills over same character.
• Madness Solo event, added option to enable/disable counter.
• Madness Solo event, added kill trigger procedure. _EventMadness_AddKill
• War of Leagues event regisration through Event Registers is now available.
• War of Leagues event players can enter the event from Event Registers while it's running with cooldown.
• War of Leagues event, added new option in panel to load all the needed coordinates by character name.
• War of Leagues event, added option to control max kills per character.
• War of Leagues event, added option to disallow counting row kills over same character.
• War of Leagues event, added option to enable/disable counter.
• War of Leagues event, added kill trigger procedure. _EventWOL_AddKill
• Fixed parry rate wrong value.
• Fixed Last Man Standing buff time bug.
• Re-designed unique damage counter UI.
• Unique Damage Counter now supports self rank and damage.
• Added option to show Unique Damage Counter to all server for any given duration in seconds.
• Added option to Regions page to disable exit/restart requests.
• Fixed Debug Assertion error when silkload.dat is not in the client folder.
• Added internal chat command ?online that gets the current online players in the server.
• Added fast login (Double click) feature to character select.
• Globals should be showen in bots chat log now.


Change-log v3.4.3

• Added new option to Regions page to disable zerk under job in specific region.
• Fixed a text issue with schedules UI.
• Fixed Achievement Tag Name not showing issue.
• Added handler for Instant commands parsing errors.


Change-log v3.4.2

• Pet Filter - Stucked items will be reset every 30 seconds only if there is no more items to pick. (This is a default sro bug fixed only by the pet filter)
• Fixed a bug with hidden title name.
• Achievement title & character icons will be shown to yourself in hidden names area.
• Improved flag pick anti-cheat system.
• Interfaces font is now being loaded from Media so you can change your font anytime.
• All interfaces texts are now loaded from textuisystem to support different/multi languages client.
• All interfaces does now support unicode strings to support different languages symbols and characters.
• Added max level option to Media/vplus/type.txt to patch the client before loading for 110+ servers.
• Titles page static color is now fully working. Please understand if a title has a static color, it will never load dynamic colors.
• Pet Filter - Fixed universal pills picking issue.
• Added Character-Bound text to expendables and pets too.
• Added option to prevent normal characters from murdering job characters.
• Added option to prevent job characters from murdering normal characters.
• Added option to show achievement tag name under job in Jobbing page.
• Added option in Region Items for combat restriction.
• Added option in Items page to disable the item usage. You can use that with the Live Patch feature to disable item usage temporary.
• Added option in Items page to set required level for the item.
• Added option in Regions page to Disable PK in selected areas.
• Added EU only restriction for character creation for EU only servers.
• Added option to Last Man Standing, preparation time: it prevents the characters from attacking each others for the given seconds.
• Added option in Skill Mastery page to modify EU mastery max level.
• Added option in Jobbing page to control thieves sell rate percentage.

Note: Required Media Patch files: textuisystem.txt, vplus/type.txt, vplus/vfont.ttf


Change-log v3.4.0

• Added new command to add silks live by JID. _Account_AddSilkLive
• Added check on fortress war return action for disabled skills if exists.
• Added notification support for PM type messages. (Type = 6)
• Added notification support for Academy type messages. (Type = 7)
• Added new command to remove titles LIVE from the character. _Char_RemoveHwan
• Added new command to remove titles LIVE from all the characters. _Global_RemoveHwan
• Added new command to instantly change items in character inventory to another for model switcher and gender switcher. _Char_MutateItemAt
• Most of the SQL commands are being re-written to a common table handle _InstantCommands, new procedures with proper naming are being created.
You can view all the instant commands in this page https://vsroplus.com/helpcenter/features/commands
Note: Old procedures are now deprecated and will be completely removed within a couple of months.

• Added description to most of the procedures about the parameters and usage example.
• Added Live Patch button to most of the panel pages in order to update their settings LIVE at runtime.
• Updated the menu design and added several backgrounds that depends on the enabled buttons count.
• Updated the all the icons designs for better styles.
• Added option in Chat Advanced page to keep the chat item linking only for globals.
• Added option in Chat Advanced page to specify chat item linking to certain globals only by ID.
• Chest remaining inventory slots function is now working properly.
• Added new "Claim All" button to chest.
• Pet Filter - Added prioritization for rare items.
• Pet Filter now supports until degree 14.
• Pet Filter - Added new option in Pets page to set the maximum degree for Pet Filter.
• Reverse return scroll new types does now support blocked regions restriction.
• Added a restriction in regions page to disable bots to enter the specified areas.
• Added new option in jobbing page to disallow traders from creating parties.
• Added max kills per character option for Fortress War - Kill Counter in Fortress War page.
• Added option to disable in-row kills for Fortress War - Kill Counter in Fortress War page.
• Added SMC (Game Master) logs page to the panel, can be found under Game Logs section.
• Un-tradeable items will now show character-bound red text in their tooltip.


• Fortress War - Kill Counter is now automatically reset on FW start.
• Pet Filter now picks nearest items to it first.
• Fixed party form removal issue.
• Silk per Hour gives silks LIVE now.
• Client start-up and efficiency is a lot better now.
• Fixed a crash bug on character selection that happens cuz of plus notifications.
• Ranking queries should be re-loaded with every refresh now.
• Ranking, if a query failed it will not affect the rest of the ranks anymore.
• Hidden names are now handled server-side to avoid any client-side hacks.
• War of Leagues unique will be automatically removed when event ends with no winners.
• Madness Solo unique will be automatically removed when event ends with no winners.
• Pet disability functions are now handled by the gameserver. (Pets are automatically spawned once teleported out of the area.)
• Instances World ID is now loaded properly, please adjust your regions settings for CTF/BA using the appropriate World IDs.
• Fixed a little bug with helper bots version check on login.
• Dances toolbar position adjusting is now permanent and saved to settings folder.
• Fixed globals log that contains linked item to send the log message with the item name instead of the id.
• Added log handlers for all ref tables loading therefore if any error occurred, you will see it in your errors page.

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