Erica Blades

Erica Blades

Health and Wellness Coach specializing in healthy eating, gut health and stress management for women

Photos from Erica Blades's post 22/06/2024

Today I turned 40. 🤯⁣

Wow, where did the time go??? I remember when I was little thinking 40 seemed so old…and here I am “over the hill” 😜⁣

I’ve learned A LOT over the last ten years…and so much of it around health and wellness. ⁣

And thank goodness for that because I feel better turning 40 than I did turning 30…how cool is that??!!⁣

So if anyone is out there feeling like crap, know that you don’t deserve that, and turning 50 CAN feel better than turning 40, 40 better than 30, next week better than today, etc. ⁣

There is hope, and every single one of you can get there. 😘😘😘⁣



There aren’t enough thank you’s for the sacrifices our Veterans have made. May God bless them and their families. ❤️🇺🇸


Kansas City area peeps! Come see me and check out this fun event at Stone Pillar Winery in Olathe. Wellness vendors, live music, and wine! See ya there!


I became a nurse to help people...driven mostly by the experiences I had with doctors and nurses while being treated for autoimmune disease as a teenager.⁣

The sad reality is that our current healthcare model isn’t set up to help you PREVENT illness, it’s only bandaid treatments and loads of pharmaceuticals once you’ve been diagnosed with something.⁣

It is estimated that anywhere from 24-50 million Americans have an autoimmune disease...and as much as 80% of those are women.⁣

✨We need education and support finding a non-processed, reasonably priced, healthy diet that works for us as individuals. In a world where there are so many “diets”: keto, paleo, vegan, carnivore, low-carb, high-carb...the list goes on and on...not every one works for every person.⁣

✨We need ACCESS to the above, meaning we need regulations in place to ban harmful additives, artificial colors, pesticides, and other ingredients as other countries have...⁣

✨We need support in managing the everyday stress of this crazy world, and a society that focuses on the positive, not fear...⁣

✨We need a medical system that cares about preventing illness, and wants you healthy and thriving...⁣

✨We need doctors that truly LISTEN to us and don’t dismiss our symptoms, and that are willing to dive deeper and find out the actual cause. ⁣

Don’t get me wrong, standard medical treatment is great when we need it, I’ve benefited from acute treatments that helped me at that time get through a tough health issue... medical treatment can be life-saving.⁣

But it’s not serving us for lasting health and’s time we educate and empower ourselves to live our best lives and become our own advocates... ⁣

…because we don’t have to live with the symptoms of autoimmune disease and we definitely deserve more than just another prescription...⁣

If you are living with autoimmune disease and ready to be listened to, supported, and empowered by someone who has been where you are, DM me the words “break free”. I would love to help you on your journey. ❤️⁣

Photos from Erica Blades's post 20/05/2024

1. Gratitude journaling has a huge impact on our mindset. When we set an intention to focus on the positive & show gratitude for even the smallest things, it teaches our brain to notice MORE of the positive. ⁣

One study on gratitude showed that at the end of a 10 week period, those who wrote down things they were grateful for each day reported feeling more optimistic & better about their lives than those who wrote about what irritated them each day. Those who wrote statements of gratitude also exercised more & had less doctor’s visits!⁣

Each morning write down three things you are grateful for…it can be something as simple as the warm bed you slept in or the pen you are writing with! As you do it more & more, you will see your thought patterns change & you will notice more of the positive things around you. Give it a try! ⁣

2. Meditation is another area where research has shown huge impacts on our mental AND physical health. ⁣

Studies have shown benefits for numerous conditions such as pain relief, fibromyalgia, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and depression, irritable bowel syndrome, and more. ⁣

In fact, benefits have been shown in as little as ten minutes per day! ⁣

There are tons of free resources for meditation online, one of my favorites is the free app Insight Timer. ⁣

3. Self-Care is not selfish…and self-care doesn’t have to cost anything. In fact, the first two tips are a form of self-care! ⁣

Other examples include: a relaxing bath, reading something you enjoy, taking a walk, blasting your favorite playlist while you dance around the kitchen… ⁣

Self-care can also include things like massages, vacations, a new outfit…but don’t let cost keep you from taking care of yourself. ⁣

I know it can be hard to stop and do for yourself before others, but I promise you it will be better for those around you if you do. ⁣

Start small, by just taking 15-20 minutes per day to do the first two items on this list. As you feel the benefits in SO many areas, it will become easier to put yourself first. It’s a new week, start TODAY!⁣

Photos from Erica Blades's post 15/05/2024

Unfortunately, these are all things I have been told during my 25+ years of living with autoimmune disease. Let’s squash these right here, right now: ⁣

Myth #1: Your body is attacking itself. 😖⁣

First of all, can we just acknowledge how incredibly NEGATIVE this comment is??? I have been told this or read this so many times I have lost count. ⁣

Ladies, your body is not attacking itself. ⁣

She is communicating to you that something is not right and that she needs help. ⁣

There is something causing inflammation, and that inflammation can be reduced and eliminated to allow your body to heal. End of story. ⁣

Myth #2: Diet and stress don’t affect autoimmune disease and its symptoms. 🤦🏼‍♀️⁣

Absolutely they do. It’s no secret that a poor diet high in processed foods contributes to inflammation. ⁣

And there is tons of research supporting the gut-brain connection, and its effect on inflammation. I have experienced it firsthand. ⁣

Myth #3: Having autoimmune disease means your symptoms are “normal”. 🙄⁣

Being dismissed for our symptoms is something that must stop. ⁣

If your practitioner is doing this, find a new one. ⁣

Symptoms are your body’s way of telling you something is amiss. And our body wants to heal. ⁣

Another bandaid prescription is not acceptable for ANY symptom at ANY time, but we especially need to stop saying that a symptom tied to a particular diagnosis is just “the way it is”. ⁣

Have you encountered these myths in your autoimmune journey? If so, let me know in the comments!⁣

And if you are looking for support on your journey from someone who has been where you are, DM me, I would love to hear about your journey and the goals you have for your health!⁣


New week, new chance to make your life what YOU want! ❤️❤️❤️ ⁣

Photos from Erica Blades's post 10/04/2024

If you are suffering from various symptoms of autoimmune disease, addressing your nutrition is a great place to start. ⁣

Processed foods with hidden crappy ingredients dominate the shelves of the grocery store, and this contributes to inflammation. ⁣

By switching to whole foods, like fresh fruits and veggies, you can see inflammation go down and finally feel relief! ⁣

But, changing your diet can be overwhelming.⁣

There is SO much information out there about what to eat, how much to eat, and when. It makes my⁣
head spin! 😵‍💫⁣

If you are ready to address your diet and improve your symptoms, but changing everything completely seems very stressful, try this approach:⁣

✨For three days, write down everything you eat and drink, including amounts. ⁣

👀 Next, review what you wrote down. ⁣

Take a look at areas where you can make changes, such as: ⁣

☕️🥤Caffeine consumption ⁣

🍭 sugar intake ⁣

🥜 use of oils such as vegetable, canola, or peanut ⁣

🥫store-bought sauces, dressings, and spice mixes⁣
vs making them yourself ⁣

💦 lack of hydrating beverages. ⁣

Write down goals for these areas where you found room for improvement. Here are some suggestions:⁣

-decrease amount of coffee or soda you drink each day⁣
-add in an extra glass or two of water⁣
-switch to healthier oils such as avocado or olive⁣
-make your own dressings and spice mixes like taco seasoning, you’d be surprised how many preservatives are in spice packets!⁣

Then, implement one new goal every week, or whatever you feel comfortable with. ⁣

Remember, small goals give you easy wins that will build upon each other and motivate you to make bigger goals! 💪⁣

It’s about progress, not perfection. You are taking a huge step by taking a look at your diet and noting where to improve. ⁣

Be proud of yourself for that! 😁⁣






The great Louise Hay!! 🤩⁣

If you haven’t read her book, You Can Heal Your Life, it is a MUST read! ⁣

It is a great introduction into the ways a negative mindset can contribute to or even cause disease. ⁣

Bottom line is: we MUST talk positively about ourselves. ⁣

The mind-body connection is so strong, and our health is directly influenced by our thoughts and emotions. ⁣

Saying positive affirmations to yourself in the mirror may sound silly, but it’s a surefire way to improve your mindset and health. ⁣

Give it a try, you’ve got nothing to lose but the negativity! ☺️⁣


Why are we always the hardest on ourselves? ⁣

Negative self-talk is out, positive vibes are in! 🙌🙌🙌⁣

The next time you catch yourself saying something negative about yourself or to yourself, change to a feeling of ✨gratitude.✨⁣

Think of something about yourself that you are grateful for. This is the simplest way to start changing those thoughts and attracting more positive ones! ⁣

You are amazing, you are special, and you are loved, do not tell yourself otherwise! 🫶⁣


What if???? Are you ready to put yourself first?


Oof. This one is blunt. ⁣

But sometimes we need bluntness to get the point across. ⁣

☹️ Do you feel like everything goes wrong for you in a day’s time? ⁣

🤔 Do you feel like you will never have relief from your symptoms? ⁣

😤 Are you tired of being told “this is just the way you are”, or do you even think that yourself? ⁣

😖 Do you feel trapped in a negative mindset? ⁣

If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, you are in need of a mindset shift. ⁣

If you are working on other areas of your health but not addressing stress and a negative mindset, you are only going to get so far. ⁣

If you are suffering but don’t know where to start, you also need to address your mindset. ⁣

Without doing so, the negativity will always pull you back or stall your progress. ⁣

And it’s not your fault! ⁣

The world is a crazy, stressful place and society gives the impression that overworking, doing more with less, and putting yourself last is brave, selfless, and means you’re a badass. ⁣

But I promise it doesn’t. ⁣

It just means you feel like crap and keep on going. ⁣

🛑 It’s time to stop. ⁣

Change your mind, change your life. ⁣

I am here to support you in your journey, you deserve it! ⁣


is a spiritual leader and motiviational speaker, as well as author and podcast host! ⁣

She teaches people how to shift their mindset and manifest their dreams! Her recent manifesting challenge was SO good!!! ⁣

is an author and motivational speaker known for her amazing books and podcast. I love following her because her content is uplifting, helpful, fun, and most of all REAL! ⁣

She will also tell you the tough love stuff too, but in a way that motivates you to change your life! ⁣

is a high performance coach and author whose content will help motivate and excite you both personally and professionally! ⁣

Check these out and let me know what you think! ⁣

Photos from Erica Blades's post 20/02/2024

Having autoimmune disease is frustrating. I know first hand. ⁣

I suffered for years being told either of two things: “You are in a flare so here are some high-powered medications”, or “You aren’t having a flare so here is another medication to help with the other symptoms you are having.” ⁣

There was nothing in between. No talk about diet, stress, or sleep. 😳 It’s quite crazy to think about after knowing what I know now. ⁣

Are you suffering from symptoms such as joint pain, fatigue, digestive issues, brain fog, anxiety, heavy periods, or headaches??? ⁣
These three tips can help you get to feeling better fast…and they don’t involve another medication with lengthy side effects!!! ⁣

🥗1. Ditch those processed foods and focus on whole foods. What we put in our bodies each day is SO important and our diet is a HUGE contributor to inflammation (the hallmark of autoimmune disease). ⁣

💦Along with that, hydration is very important. Aim to drink (in oz) at least half your body weight in pounds. ⁣

🛌 2. Get plenty of sleep. This isn’t negotiable. Sleep is our bodies time to rest and digest, and time for our brain to detox as well. Lack of sleep can be tied to so many chronic conditions! ⁣

Establish an evening routine, shut those devices down two hours before you go to bed, and aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night. ⁣

⭐️Bonus‼️Changing your diet to a whole-foods approach will help this as well! ⁣

🧠 3. Reduce stress and focus on your mindset. I know I sound like a broken record, but if you do #1 and 2, you will only get so far with improving your quality of life if you are not addressing your stress. ⁣

I learned this the hard way, spending YEARS focusing on my nutrition but not addressing my mindset. Once I put them together, BOOM! Amazing results! ⁣

It also allowed me to create dreams & goals for my future that I am now achieving! 🤩⁣

Meditation is the first thing I recommend because the science behind it is so incredible (thank you Dr Dispenza!). ⁣

I know this can be overwhelming, but breaking it down in to smaller goals can help make it more achievable. If you work on these tips, I have no DOUBT you will notice a difference in your health! ⁣


This is one of my favorite quotes! ⁣

If you aren’t familiar with Dr Joe’s work, check out his books. They are life-changing. ⁣

After healing himself from a terrible spine injury, he set out to teach others how to heal themselves using the power of the mind. ⁣

Sounds crazy, right? He’s actually got the science to back it up! He explains it all in his books, it will blow your mind! (In the best way possible!) ⁣

Changing how we think is truly the key to improving our health. ⁣

I say it all the time, you can take all the supplements, eat all the healthy foods, but if you don’t have your mindset right, none of it will matter. ⁣

I know this because I’ve been there. ⁣

Focusing on a positive energy and picturing how you want your future to be, while living as if it’s ALREADY happening, is the key to getting your brain and body on board. ⁣

Do this, and watch your health improve drastically! ⁣

A simple example is reframing how you tell yourself things. Don’t say “I will get better”, because that gives your brain no frame of reference as to when it will happen. ⁣

Instead say “I AM getting better”, even if you don’t feel it’s entirely true. This allows your brain to know 𝘦𝘹𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘭𝘺 what to do and start forming the pathways to make it true. ⁣

If you would like more info, or to hear how Dr Joe Dispenza’s work has helped me drastically improve my health and life both personally and professionally, send me a message! I’d love to chat!⁣

And by the way…I didn’t get to this place on my own, I had a health coach who listened and supported me on my journey of healing from autoimmune disease. If you are looking for support from someone who has been where you are and understands how difficult the journey of living with autoimmune disease is, please reach out. I’d love to help you! 😘⁣


Sometimes we get too focused on these big, hard-to-attain goals that set us up for failure. ⁣

The key is to set small, easily achievable goals that make you feel good. Then when you accomplish them, it motivates you to keep going, instead of feeling discouraged when you don’t. ⁣

Here’s an example:⁣

If you told yourself “I’m want to start working out, so I’m going to go to the gym and do an hour long cardio workout every day”…that sounds like a pretty big goal right? 🤔⁣

If that sounds terrible to you, you’re likely not going to do it. ⁣

🌟Instead, tell yourself you’re going to go to the gym and walk on the treadmill for 15 minutes. ⁣

That’s it. ⁣

You’re going to put on your favorite gym clothes, make an awesome playlist, and walk on the treadmill for 15 minutes. Sounds pretty fun doesn’t it? 🏃‍♀️🎧⁣

Then when you get there and accomplish that goal, you’re going to feel so good that it motivates you to expand on that! 🤩⁣

Give it a try!⁣


Alright local friends, check out this awesome new place! I took a class with them last week, can’t wait to do more! Self-care and community is SO important! ❤️

Check out this AMAZING weekly class lineup with the absolute best instructors!!!
$16 “All You Can Yoga Pass” monthly!!!
135 Oak Street, Bonner Springs, KS 🇺🇸

Photos from Erica Blades's post 24/01/2024

I think we sometimes underestimate the importance of mindset in our health journey. ⁣

I know I did. ⁣

I made much bigger strides in my health and wellness when I worked on stress and mindset in addition to the other changes I had made. ⁣

There are 3 simple ways to improve mindset and get you on your way to feeling your best: ⁣

1. Gratitude-Having a gratitude practice is such a simple way to set a positive tone for your day. And the more you are grateful, the more positive things you notice and attract. ⁣

2. Meditation-There are numerous studies showing the benefits of meditation. My favorite ones are those by atDrJoeDispenza! I’ve noticed AMAZING changes in my life after diving into his work, I encourage you to check it out! ⁣

3. Self-Care-This is for sure a neglected area. Self-care isn’t selfish…we must take care of ourselves so we can take care of others! ⁣

You deserve to put yourself first and that is the only way to accomplish your health goals! ⁣

And if you are needing support in that area, I would love to be your person! DM me the word “mindset” if you’d like to explore how I can help you reach your health goals and ditch symptoms like anxiety, gut issues, joint pain and more!⁣

Meet Erica Blades of The Hart of Wellness - VoyageKC Magazine 24/01/2024

I had the honor of being featured in VoyageKC Magazine!!! Check it out!

Meet Erica Blades of The Hart of Wellness - VoyageKC Magazine Today we’d like to introduce you to Erica Blades. Erica Blades Hi Erica, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, let’s briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today. When I was fourteen, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune condit...


There are many reasons to hire a health coach. ⁣

Trusting someone to help you with your health and wellness goals is a big step. ⁣

Here are a few reasons why a health coach is a game-changer: ⁣

😣 Have you ever been looking forward to an appointment with your practitioner to finally get some answers, only to be rushed out 15 minutes later with a prescription in your hand? ⁣

As a health coach, I take the time to get to know you, really hear your concerns and then help you find a path forward. No 15 minute-see-ya-in-six-months style appointments here. ⁣

👭Together, we come up with a personalized approach designed to meet you where you are in your life, no cookie-cutter plans with me. ⁣

🙌 I give you accountability and support with multiple monthly meetings, encouragement and even some tough love if you need it! ⁣

I have suffered from anxiety, digestive issues, migraines, heavy cycles, joint pain, and more. ⁣

I hear you. ⁣

It’s not in your head and you can heal. I know because I have been there too. ⁣

🚫This isn’t a quick, band-aid fix. I am here to give you the education and tools you need so that you can achieve your health goals, and keep achieving long after we are done working together. ⁣

This is about life-long healthy habits, for yourself 𝘢𝘯𝘥 your family! ⁣

If you are ready to improve your health but not sure where to start, I’d love to chat on a free call about the ways I can support you. ⁣

It’s time for you to be heard. ⁣

Link in bio. ❤️⁣

Photos from Erica Blades's post 10/01/2024

Have you been suffering from poor sleep, constipation, muscle cramps, or even menstrual migraines??? 😖⁣

There’s an important mineral that could help...and as many as 50% of the population is estimated to be suffering from a deficiency in this...⁣

It’s magnesium!⁣

Magnesium is one of our essential minerals, and it plays a role in over 300 enzyme reactions in the body!! 🤯 Who knew?!⁣

The benefits of adequate magnesium are plentiful, but a few are:⁣
-Improve sleep⁣
-Lessen muscle cramps⁣
-Relieve constipation⁣
-Anti-inflammatory effects⁣
-Blood pressure regulation⁣
-May improve menstrual migraines or headaches⁣

The sad truth is, most of us aren’t getting enough magnesium in our diets. ⁣

The recommended daily allowance for women varies according to age, but in the range of 310mg-360mg.⁣

Magnesium can be found in many healthy foods, such as:⁣

✨Almonds and cashews⁣
🍚Brown Rice⁣

If choosing to supplement with magnesium, be aware that there are numerous types. See above for a few options, and as always, check with your doctor and make sure you are choosing a quality brand for supplements!⁣


Have you ever heard the phrase “you can’t be mad and grateful at the same time”? ⁣

I’ve heard it many different times throughout my journey to a more positive mindset. ⁣

And it’s true…and this quote reminds us that we attract what we think and feel…if we are negative, more negative things seem to come our way. ⁣

But if we are positive and grateful, then we will notice more of the same. Try it! ⁣

When a negative thought comes along, acknowledge it-don’t just skip over it. By acknowledging the thought, you take away its power over you. Tell yourself “I hear you, but this thought is just a thought, it doesn’t define me”. ⁣

Then immediately turn the thought into something positive, or find a way to associate it with something you are grateful for. ⁣

For example: “Ugh, I just don’t want to go to work today. It’s going to be terrible.” Let the thought pass by, then tell yourself “Today is a great day. I am so grateful that I have a job so I can support myself and my family.” ⁣

When I was first told about this exercise, my negative mind thought it would never work and thought it was silly. But the more I practiced it, the easier it became. ⁣

And it really did help change both the way I perceived certain situations, and it caused me to attract more positive things in my life. ⁣

So try it yourself, and you’ll see, you can’t be angry and grateful at the same time! ⁣


What’s IN for you in 2024 and what are you saying sayonara to from 2023??? ⁣


These are three accounts that I am loving right now: ⁣

✨ is an amazing entrepreneur, speaker, and author. If you haven’t read her book “Be Seen”, you have GOT to check it out! It is filled with incredible tips for putting yourself out there in your life and business. ⁣

She gives you easy, actionable tips that you can implement now! ⁣

So grab a stack of post-its and get to reading! ⁣

✨ .talks.detox is loaded with education around one of our bodies’ most important functions: detox. ⁣

If we are not draining properly, all of the toxins that accumulate in our body just get recirculated, yuck! ⁣

Check out her page for all of the information you need, including helpful tutorials, so you can open your drainage pathways and improve your health! ⁣

✨I have really been diving into work. After reading his amazing book Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, I began to truly understand the power of our body to heal itself. ⁣

Dr Joe breaks it all down for you, so you can understand the science behind what our body can do, it is truly incredible! ⁣

And his meditations teach you how to truly tap into the power of your mind so you can improve your life. I am loving his Morning and Evening Meditation right now! ⁣

What other accounts are you loving right now??? ⁣


Happy New Year!!! May 2024 be your healthiest, most vibrant year yet! ⁣



These are some of my 2024 goals! ⁣

What are yours? Let me know in the comments! ⁣

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